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Impact cushioning and deformation of flexible open-cell polyester polyurethane (PU) foams were studied as a function of specimen geometry, including the incorporation of controlled voids. It was shown that cushioning behavior is dependent on sample geometry, which was in trun due to a complex balance of air compression and air flow, which changes with surface area-to-volume ratio of the impact specimen. Deformation studies show that impact compression proceeded initially by crushing the surface layers with little or no deformation of the center layers. As bulk compression was increased, deformation progressively propagated for the collapsed layers tending to a more uniform strain distribution at high bulk compression strains. Local asymmetric strain patterns were exaggerated using square cushions, because of cornr effects which complicated air flow paths. It was concluded that cushion curve determination of open-cell foams would be more accurately performed using circular samples and deflecting air pressure form the top surface of the cushion to more closely simulate practical conditions. When designing at or near the margin, the number of cushions should be kept to a minimum and open surface area to volume ratios minimized by adopting square rather than strip cushions. 相似文献
A series of four TDI–polypropylene oxide (PO) water-blown flexible polyurethane foams was produced in which the water content was varied from 2 to 5 pph at a constant isocyanate index of 110. A portion of each foam was thermally compression molded into a plaque. The morphology of both the foams and plaques was investigated using dynamic mechanical spectroscopy (DMS), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), swelling, wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS), and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). A high degree of microphase separation occurs in these foams, and its degree is nearly independent of water (hard segment) content. In the foam with the lowest water content the morphology possesses many similarities to that of typical linear segmented urethane elastomers. Small hard segment domains are present with a correlation distance of about 7.0 nm. When the water content is increased a binodal distribution of hard segment material appears. There are the small hard segment domains typical of segmented urethane elastomers as well as larger “hard aggregates” greater than 100 nm in size. The larger domains are thought to be aggregates of rich polyurea that develop by precipitation during the foaming reaction. WAXS patterns of the foams suggest urea and possibly hard segment ordering that may be of a paracrystalline nature but certainly lacking in true 3-dimensional crystallinity. 相似文献
Microcrazing in the struts of flexible polyurethane foams was discovered during compressive deformation and observed directly in the scanning electron microscope. Attributed to this phenomena was the decrease in stress at maximum compression and the intensity of acoustic emission during compressive cycling. The higher content of styrene–acrylonitrile (SAN) copolymer in these foams resulted in higher modulus, more severe microcrazing, an increase in acoustic emission activity, and a decrease in the stress at maximum compression as cycling progressed. 相似文献
Dimitrios V. Dounis J. Cal Moreland Garth L. Wilkes Dave A. Dillard Robert B. Turner 《应用聚合物科学杂志》1993,50(2):293-301
Samples of flexible water-blown slabstock polyurethane foams were compressed under constant load to study the effects of cycling moisture content on creep behavior and compare this behavior with the creep response where either a constant high or low moisture environment existed at the same temperature. Three sets of foams were tested: (1) 4 pph water content slabstock foam; (2) 5 pph water content slabstock foam; and (3) 2 pph water content molded foam. As the moisture conditions were cycled from low to high humidity while maintaining constant temperature in an environmental chamber, the compressive strain increased in subsequent steps with larger increases observed during the desorption portion of the humidity cycling. All three sets of foams showed similar behavior at a given temperature. At a temperature of 40°C, the strain levels under cyclic moisture conditions surpassed those levels observed at the highest constant relative humidity. During the first absorption step, the creep level increased. During any subsequent absorption step, the creep level either increased very little or none at all. Finally, during any desorption step, the creep level increased. This overall phenomenon of enhanced creep under cyclic moisture levels is attributed to water interacting with the hydrogen bonded structure within the foam. These hydrophillic interactions, principally promoted within the hard segment regions due to high hydrogen bonding, are disrupted causing slippage and increased in strain. As the foam is rapidly dired, regions of free volume are induced by the loss of water thus causing further increases in strain Prior to the reestablishment of well ordered hydrogen bonding. Further support to this proposition was given by the results obtained at a temperature of 90° C where it is well known that hydrogen bonds are much more mobile. Here, the strain levels under cyclic moisture conditions were nearly the same as those under constant high relative humidity. Weakening of the hydrogen bonds by means such as increased temperature resulted in similar strain levels to those under cyclic moisture levels. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 相似文献
The ambient temperature structure–property orientation behavior in two different polyureaurethane polymers (one cross-linked and one linear) was measured by using infrared dichroism along with mechanical response. Thin films (plaques) thermally compression-molded from TDI-polypropylene (PO) flexible water-blown polyurea-urethane foams and solution-cast TDI–PO polyurea–urethane elastomers were studied. Segmental orientation was measured as a function of elongation and relaxation, as well as of hysteresis behavior. The level of strain was 50–70% for the plaques and up to 240% for the elastomer. The soft segments for both materials exhibited a low state of orientation with elongation. Small changes in orientation with time and upon cyclic straining were also observed for the soft segments. Significant transverse orientation upon stretching was observed in the hard segments of the plaques and up to elongations of 100% for the elastomer. The transverse behavior of the hard segments in the plaques pressed from the foams was attributed to both the smaller hard domains as well as to the polyurea aggregates that have been reported to be present in flexible foams. This transverse behavior also suggested that the smaller hard domains and the polyurea aggregates possess a lamellarlike structure. At low strain levels (up to 50%), only small amounts of orientation hysteresis as well as mechanical hysteresis were observed for the hard segments of the plaques as well as for the elastomer. No significant relaxation in orientation was detected for the hard segments of both materials at a 30% strain level. 相似文献
用双酚 A型环氧树脂与乙酸反应,合成了具有刚性骨架的环氧树脂加成多元醇 (EAP),并用 FTIR与 1H- NMR对其进行了表征。研究结果表明,工业聚醚多元醇中添加 EAP后制备的全水发泡软质聚氨酯( PU)泡沫塑料的压入硬度显著提高,但回弹性不变。进一步研究了不同水用量对所制备 PU软质泡沫塑料力学性能的影响,并用 FTIR和光学显微镜考察了 PU软质泡沫塑料中脲基的氢键行为和泡孔结构。结果表明,在 PU软质泡沫塑料中引入 EAP刚性链对 PU泡沫塑料的结构及性能有很大影响。 相似文献
Polyurethane (PU) flexible foams were synthesized by substituting a portion of base polyether polyol with soybean oil-derived polyol (SBOP) as well as well-known substituent: crosslinker polyol and styrene acrylonitrile (SAN) copolymer-filled polyol. Increases in compression modulus were observed in all substituted foams and the most substantial increase was found in the 30% SBOP-substituted sample. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to examine cellular structure, in particular cell size. Polymer phase morphology, i.e., interdomain spacing and microphase separation, was studied using small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Hydrogen bonding was investigated via Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Thermal and mechanical behaviors of foams were examined using dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Compression properties were tested and compared via a 65% indentation force deflection (IFD) test. It was found that substituting SAN-filled polyol slightly reduced foam cell size and had no effect on polymer phase morphology. Crosslinker and SBOP polyols, on the other hand, had appreciable influence on polymer phase morphology. Crosslinker polyol disrupted hydrogen bonding between hard segments and was mixed with hard domains. SBOP polyol reduced hard domain size and soft domain fraction, and showed a broad distribution of interdomain spacings. Compression modulus increases in foams correlated well with shear modulus by DMA and could be associated with the polymer phase morphology changes. 相似文献
W. D. Woolley 《Polymer International》1972,4(1):27-43
The thermal decomposition of a polyester and a polyether flexible foam in a nitrogen atmosphere has been studied by gas chromatography, mass spec-trometry and elemental ultramicroanalysis. It is shown that the decomposition behaviours of the two foams are similar. At low temperatures (200 to 300 °C) there is a rapid and complete loss of the tolylene diisocyanate unit of each foam as a volatile yellow smoke leaving a polyol residue. The smoke has been isolated as a yellow solid (common to both foams) which contains virtually all of the nitrogen of the original foams and, under the conditions of test, is stable at temperatures up to 750 °C. Nitrogen-containing products of low molecular weight (mainly hydrogen cyanide, acetonitrile, acrylonitrile, pyridine and benzonitrile) observed during the high temperature decomposition (over 800 °C) of the foams are shown to be derived from the yellow smokes. At 1000 °C, approximately 70% of the available nitrogen has been recovered as hydrogen cyanide. 相似文献
软质聚氨酯泡沫(FPUF)是聚氨酯材料的主要产品之一,由于其较低的密度和热传导率而易燃,在燃烧过程中会放出大量烟雾和有毒气体,对FPUF进行阻燃处理尤为重要。卤系阻燃剂由于存在潜在的毒性和环境问题而受到限制,因此FPUF的无卤阻燃技术是今后主要的研究方向。本文综述了近年有关软质聚氨酯泡沫无卤阻燃技术的研究进展,包括添加型无卤阻燃剂法、反应型无卤阻燃剂法、层层组装涂层法。指出开发高相对分子质量、含多种阻燃元素的有机添加型阻燃剂和膨胀型阻燃剂以及复配型阻燃剂,解决层层组装涂层法的组装慢等问题将是FPUF无卤阻燃技术的发展趋势。 相似文献
The mechanisms behind the load building capabilities of a hyperbranched polymer (HBP) in polyurethane (PU) foams have been investigated, using microscopy techniques and mechanical analyses. By broadening the traditional uniaxial compression characterization of PU foams to include combined shear deformations and compression behavior, an apparent Poisson ratio of the foam could be obtained in situ. The Poisson ratio as function of uniaxial compression ratio of the foam was thus studied for foams filled with Styrene Acrylonitrile (SAN) and foams containing HBP. Generally a window of deformation ratios could be defined in which the Poisson ratio was negative. The width of this window varied systematically with the SAN loading, where an increase in SAN particle loading resulted in a broadening of the negative Poisson ratio window. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2009 相似文献
Oxidation and ignition of flexible polyurethane foams have been investigated by observing the effects of internal and external heating. External temperatures of some 190°C are required to induce combustion. Internal temperatures of 250 ?350°C initiate a self-propagating internal reaction which results in foam ignition when the reaction reaches the foam surface. The stability of a polyurethane foam to such heating increases with the age of the foam. 相似文献
J. C. Moreland G. L. Wilkes C. G. Moreland S. S. Sankar E. O. Stejskal R. B. Turner 《应用聚合物科学杂志》1994,52(9):1175-1180
High-resolution solid-state 13C-NMR has been used to study the phase separation and molecular motion in two series of polyurethane foams. These two series differ by one possessing the additive of lithium chloride, LiCl. NMR relaxation times can map the motion throughout the polymer molecule and detect changes in that motion arising from either microseparation or phase mixing between the different segments. There are only slight changes in the soft segment T1p(13C) values as well as an increase in the hard segment T1p(1H) values with increase in the hard segment content for the foams studied. The T1p(1H) and T1p(13C) values do indicate that the phase separation of the hard and soft segments is similar for all foams. A decrease in the T1p(1H) and T1p(13C) values with increasing LiCl content indicates that the motion of the soft segments is restricted more by the hard segments. This is explained by more phase mixing in the foams containing the LiCl additive. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 相似文献
Of concern to regulators and fire safety engineers is how flexible polyurethane foam drips and flows during burning. Specifically, flexible polyurethane foam forms a burning ‘pool’ of liquid as the foam decomposes, which can lead to accelerated flashover events. To fully study this phenomenon where the ‘pool fire’ accelerates heat release, large‐scale tests like the furniture calorimeter (American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) E1537) are used, and no small‐scale technique exists. In this paper, we present our work in developing a new sample holder that works with a bench‐scale heat release test, the cone calorimeter (ASTM E1354). The holder was built upon designs developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, which placed the foam in a cage in a vertical orientation during cone calorimeter testing. In this paper, we show the schematics for this test apparatus, as well as results obtained with this apparatus on four different flexible foams (shape memory and high‐density foam, flame retarded and non‐flame retarded). We compare the results from the vertical testing with that obtained via traditional horizontal ASTM E1354 testing. The advantages and disadvantages of this new apparatus are discussed in this paper. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Novel polyisobutylene-based flexible polyurethane foams (PIB–PUF) have been prepared manually by the prepolymer method using three-arm star hydroxyl-terminated polyisobutylenes (PIB–triols) and toluene diisocyanate (TDI). Solvent extraction and IR spectroscopy of PIB–PUFs indicated essentially complete crosslinking. Conventional polyether-based polyrethane foams (PE–PUFs) and polybutadiene-based polyurethane foams (PBD–PUFs) have also been prepared by the same method and select physical-mechanical properties of all these urethane foams, such as tensile strength, elongation, resilience, water permeability, hot air stability, and hydrolytic stability, have been examined and compared. Although the density of PIB–PUF is lower than that of PE–PUF, its tensile strength is superior to the latter. Elongation of PIB–PUF is almost the same as those of the other foams. The PIB–PUF exhibits low resilience which indicates good damping properties. Due to the hydrophobicity of the soft segment, PIB–PUF exhibits very low water permeability. The hydrolytic and hot air stability of PIB–PUFs are outstanding. Attempts have been made to determine gas permeabilities; however, due to the open-cell nature of the foams, these studies could not be completed. The new PIB-based urethane foams combine excellent thermal, environmental, barrier, and mechanical properties, unmatched by conventional PUFs. 相似文献
In this article, the two-dimensional distributions of cells from the cross section of some flexible polyurethane foams were cleared, and the three-dimensional distributions of cells based on Saltykov's theory were estimated further. As a result, it was found that a mean of the two-dimensional distributions of cells was a good linear relation with a mean of the three-dimensional distributions of cells, and it was confirmed that cell structure of the foams which should have been analyzed in the three-dimensional distributions was evaluated by analysis of the two-dimensional distributions fully. It was also found that not only cell number but also cell distribution was necessary in the evaluation of flexible polyurethane foams, and cell diameter was closely related to the sound absorption coefficient in polyester-based flexible polyurethane foams. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 65: 1395–1402, 1997 相似文献
In this study the microphase separation and structural organization of the hard segment domains were studied as a function of diethanolamine (DEOA) content for two series of model foams based on toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and glycerol initiated ethylene-oxide-capped propylene-oxide or glycerol initiated propylene-oxide. It was found that as the DEOA content was increased, the more disordered the hard segment domains became. Extractions in dimethyl formamide (DMF) showed that increasing the DEOA content increased the gel fraction, confirming that DEOA further crosslinked the system. More importantly, it was also found that the hard segment domains were also influenced by the DEOA content where the foams lacking DEOA had a much higher level of short range ordering. This was first confirmed by wide-angle x-ray scattering (WAXS) patterns where the amorphous character was much more pronounced as the DEOA content was increased. In addition, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) data from the carbonyl region showed that the level of bidentate urea or strong hydrogen bonding also decreased as the DEOA content was increased, confirming that the short range ordering does decrease with increased DEOA content. This observation is believed to help explain the greater ease of “plasticization” by temperature and moisture observed of foams that included DEOA in their formulation. This was exemplified by comparing the load relaxation behavior at a low temperature (35°C) and a high temperature (100°C) between two foams varying in DEOA content. At ambient conditions (40°C, 35%RH), the foam with DEOA exhibited slightly higher loads at any given loading time, while at elevated conditions (100°C, 98%RH), there was very little difference between the two foams. Although the observed load relaxation behavior was mostly a result of the increased crosslinking, the increased closed cell content induced by the greater crosslinking also contributed to the load values. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polm Sci 65:525–537, 1997 相似文献
The first part of this study focuses on the effect of cone calorimeter test variables on polyurethane flexible foam properties such as ignitability, heat release rate, effective heat of combustion and mass loss. Three of the main commercial foam types were used, i.e. conventional slabstock foams, high-resilience slabstock foams and all-MDI (methylene diphenyldiisocyanate) moulded foams. A decrease in heat flux (down to 40%) with increasing distance from the conical heater was measured. As a consequence, results were found to depend to a large extent on the thickness and the melting behaviour of the foam samples. To achieve a sufficiently constant and uniform heat flux exposure, sample thickness had to be limited to 25 mm. In addition, repeatability was found to be good under various conditions, with percentage standard deviations for effective heat of combustion, peak rate of heat release and mass loss below 10%. Levels of radiant flux above 25 kW m?2 were found to be very severe to test flexible polyurethane foams. Under such conditions, foams that show large differences in combustion performance in small-scale flammability tests performed almost identically in the cone calorimeter. In the second part of this study the effects of foam variables, such as foam type, density and melamine content, are defined. These effects were clearly pronounced at radiant flux levels of 15–25 kWm?2. Density was found to be the key variable in controlling ignition resistance. In addition, high-resilience slabstock foams and all-MDI moulded foams performed better than conventional slabstock foams of the same density. Melamine addition resulted in a delay of ignition for all three foam types and an incomplete combustion, decreased heat release and effective heat of combustion in HR-slabstock and all MDI moulded foams. However, melamine is not effective as a heat sink in conventional slabstock foams. The different performance of the foam types under study can be explained by a different melting behaviour. 相似文献
Both rigid and flexible water-blown polyurethane foams were made by replacing 0–50% of Voranol® 490 for rigid foams and Voranol® 4701 for flexible foams in the B-side of foam formulation by epoxidized soybean oil. For rigid water-blown polyurethane foams, density, compressive strength, and thermal conductivity were measured. Although there were no significant changes in density, compressive strength decreased and thermal conductivity decreased first and then increased with increasing epoxidized soybean oil. For flexible water-blown polyurethane foams, density, 50% compression force deflection, 50% constant force deflection, and resilience of foams were measured. Density decreased first and then increased, no changes in 50% compression force deflection first and then increased, increasing 50% constant force deflection, and decreasing resilience with increase in epoxidized soybean oil. It appears that up to 20% of Voranol® 490 could be replaced by epoxidized soybean oil in rigid polyurethane foams. When replacing up to 20% of Voranol® 4701 by epoxidized soybean oil in flexible polyurethane foams, density and 50% compression deflection properties were similar or better than control, but resilience and 50% constant deflection compression properties were inferior. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2008 相似文献
In this article, we report the use of a variety of analytical methods, in particular, solid‐state 1H‐NMR and 13C‐NMR to characterize the relationship between the condensed‐phase chemistry and burning behavior as determined by a series of combustion tests for two commercially derived flexible polyurethane foams, one combustion‐modified. The combustion tests showed that the foams met several regulatory requirements in terms of their fire performance, whether or not they were combustion‐modified. Both foams passed the MV SS 302 and CAL 117 small‐flame tests. The nonmodified foam failed the Crib 5 test, but this test had a much larger ignition source. The particular problem with the nonmodified foam was melt drip into the flame zone. This led to a steady maintenance of the fuel feed and a rapid escalation of the fire. In contrast, the combustion‐modified foam showed little melt drip and self‐extinguished. Thermal analysis data for the two foams showed that melamine acted in part as an endothermic heat sink. This alone did not account for the much reduced melt flow and drip of the combustion‐modified foam, but the solid‐state 1H‐NMR data clearly showed that the molecular mobility of the combustion char from combustion‐modified foam was lower than the unmodified foam char, which indicated that the flame‐retardant formulation in the combustion‐modified foam acted by a condensed‐phase mechanism. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 100: 3024–3033, 2006 相似文献
Optimizing the lignin based synthesis of flexible polyurethane foams employing reactive liquefying agents

Jacopo Bernardini Irene Anguillesi Maria‐Beatrice Coltelli Patrizia Cinelli Andrea Lazzeri 《Polymer International》2015,64(9):1235-1244
The present work is focused on the optimization of a green process based on the employment of by‐products obtained from wood treatments as raw materials for producing flexible polyurethane foams. More specifically, lignin was employed in flexible polyurethane foams in order to partially replace the usual fossil polyols; therefore glycerol (GLY) and glycerin polyglycidyl ether (EJ 300) were used as the polyol fraction for lignin liquefaction. Polypropylene glycol triol was used as a chain extender in different ratios with liquefaction solvents, and polymeric diphenylmethane diisocyanate as an isocyanate fraction. Liquefaction of lignin was performed by microwave irradiation, thus reducing the processing time and energy required compared to present industrial production processes. All the foams were produced in controlled expansion through the adoption of a ‘one‐shot’ approach, using water as a blowing agent and with an isocyanate index (NCO/OH) of less than 100 to improve the flexibility of the foam. This approach allowed for the substitution of up to 12% of common petro derived polyol with commercial soda lignin. Finally, the foams were characterized, presenting properties that could be modulated as a function of lignin content, GLY/EJ 300 ratio and isocyanate index. The qualities of the foams were compatible with existing materials used for furniture and for the interiors of car seats and couches. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献