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The force distribution of multiple tooth-supported and implant-supported prostheses is completely different. A direct correlation exists between the degree of flexion at the site of loading and the amount of force distribution to other members of the prosthesis. Micromovement produced by the periodontal fibers facilitates force distribution to all the root surfaces of the natural tooth abutments. The rigidity of the implant/abutment/prosthesis configuration concentrates the force at the crestal bone at the site of loading with limited distribution to the remaining implants. Differential mobility concentrates the force distribution to the bone support of the most rigid members of splinted natural teeth or to the implants when they are united with natural teeth in a combined prosthesis. Implants always support the natural teeth and never the other way around. Therefore a nonrigid attachment is recommended between a tooth-supported prosthesis and an implant-supported prosthesis when they are combined. However, when implants are interspersed with natural teeth in the same prosthesis, the restoration will be implant borne. This requires special force distribution analysis to prevent implant overload.  相似文献   

The implant tooth-supported fixed partial denture presents a biomechanical design problem, because the implant is rigidly fixed within the alveolus, and the tooth is surrounded by a periodontal ligament that allows movement. Nonrigid fixed partial denture designs are advocated by some dentists as a method of compensating for this differential movement. Rigid fixed partial denture designs, however, are advocated by many clinicians. Studies have failed to show the advantage of one design over the other. This study developed an in vitro method for testing such prosthesis designs and measured movement of a natural tooth abutment during simulated function. The movement of the natural tooth abutment was not found to change substantially with the fixed partial denture designs tested.  相似文献   

The Sirosmelt submerged combustion smelting process utilizes top injection lances to deliver fuel and air into a metallurgical melt. Helical vanes are used within the annular lance to impart swirl to the flowing air and enhance heat transfer from the lance wall to the air. To improve the understanding of transport phenomena within the lance, a detailed study of the fluid-flow and heat-transfer characteristics of decaying swirling flow in a heated annulus has been performed. Swirl strength and type were varied, the outer wall of the test section was heated uniformly, and Reynolds numbers ranged from 85,000 to 175,000. The swirl decay characteristics, heat-transfer coefficient, pressure losses, and heat transfer per unit pumping power were determined, and heat-transfer mechanisms were identified. It was found that the entrance pressure losses associated with the helical vane swirlers contributed up to 80 pct of the total pressure loss, indicating that improved swirler entrance design could significantly reduce operation costs. Recommendations are made for optimizing the shape of the swirler by using variable pitch/variable span swirlers and optimizing swirler position by aligning the entrance of the swirlers with the local flow angle. These changes will significantly improve the heat transfer per unit pumping power within a Sirosmelt lance.  相似文献   

While the original Br?nemark implant protocol has continued to evolve, the avoidance of implant loading during osseointegration remains a prerequisite with all implant systems. Immediately loaded transitional implants have recently been developed to support the fabrication of a fixed provisional prosthesis that provides implant patients with improved aesthetics and function during the osseointegration period. In this manner, osseointegration can occur free from prosthetic and transmucosal loads. This article describes the use of transitional implants and presents a classification of three different case types.  相似文献   

The conventional and swing-lock (S/L) obturator prostheses can be highly effective in restoring maxillary defects when careful attention is paid to the principles of framework design. Although the S/L modality has been available since the mid 1960s, its use in maxillofacial prosthetics has been limited, and little information is available in the literature to guide the practitioner. This modality offers a conservative design option that lies somewhere between the conventionally designed obturator prosthesis and the prosthesis designed to use extensive fixed reconstruction or endosseous implants. When the S/L obturator is considered, single, double, or dual labial bar designs are possible and may be required by the length and complexities of the arc of closure. Such designs provide a flexible labial bar that transmits less stress to abutment teeth. This article reviewed conventional obturator framework designs and compared them with S/L designs for similar patient categories.  相似文献   

Two independently selected groups of 20 patients who were edentulous in te mandible, were followed up on a regular basis over a 5-year period following restoration with a lower implant stabilised prosthesis and conventional upper denture. Significantly more treatment was required by those who received complete mandibular overdentures than those provided with complete fixed mandibular prostheses. In addition to adjustment for the relief of denture trauma to the mucosa, more mechanical problems arose with overdenture implant prostheses.  相似文献   

This investigation was initiated to develop a method to provide patients with a fixed provisional prosthesis placed at the time of implant placement. Sixty-three standard 3.75-mm Nobel Biocare implants of varying lengths were placed into mandibular sites in 10 patients and followed for up to 10 years. Twenty-eight implants were immediately loaded at implant placement, providing support for fixed provisional prostheses, while 35 adjacent implants were allowed to heal submerged and stress-free. Following a 3-month healing period, the submerged implants were exposed and definitive reconstruction was accomplished. All 10 prostheses supported by 28 implants placed into immediate function at the time of implant placement were successful during the 3-month healing period. Of these 28 implants placed into immediate function, 4 ultimately failed. Of the 35 submerged implants, all are osseointegrated and in function to date. Life-table analysis demonstrates an overall 10-year survival rate of 93.4% for all implants. The 10-year life-table analysis of survival is 84.7% for immediately loaded implants and 100% for submerged implants. Statistical analysis of the submerged versus immediately loaded implants demonstrates failure rates for immediately loaded implants to be significantly higher (P = .022 by the log rank test). These data demonstrate that although mandibular implants can be successfully placed into immediate function in the short term to support fixed provisional prostheses, long-term prognosis is guarded for those implants placed into immediate function distal to the incisor region.  相似文献   

We reviewed the results of 212 total hip arthroplasties performed without cement in 203 unselected, consecutive patients who were sixty-five years of age or older. The outcome was known for 196 hips, thirty-seven of which had been followed until the death of the patient and 159 of which had been followed for a minimum of five years. A reoperation was done in 4 percent (seven) of the 196 hips. These reoperations included one revision because of loosening of the stem and five revisions of the cup. Three of the acetabular revisions were done because of fracture due to polyethylene wear; one, because of recurrent dislocation; and one, because of polyethylene wear and a fracture due to lysis. In the seventh reoperation, a cup and stem were exchanged because of infection. The probability that a hip prosthesis would survive twelve years without a reoperation was 0.92 (95 percent confidence interval, 0.85 to 0.99). We evaluated the clinical results for 152 patients who had not had a reoperation and had been followed for at least five years (mean, 8.5 years; range, five to fourteen years). Of these patients, thirteen (9 percent) had pain that limited activity: five (3 percent) had pain in the thigh (four patients) or groin (one patient), and eight (5 percent) had trochanteric pain and tenderness. One hundred and forty-four (95 percent) of the patients noted an improvement in overall function, and 149 (98 percent) reported satisfaction with the outcome. One hundred and thirty-five hips that were not revised were followed radiographically for at least five years (mean, 8.2 years; range, five to fourteen years). In this group, osteolysis was observed in three hips (2 percent); loosening of the cup, in three (2 percent); and loosening of the stem, in one (1 percent). Stress-shielding was seen on the two-year postoperative radiographs of forty-five (26 percent) of the 174 hips that were followed for at least that duration. The prevalence of osteolysis, loosening of a component, and reoperations was no greater in this subgroup than in the overall group. These results indicate that total hip arthroplasty without cement can be successful in older patients. This study also provides a reference for comparison with the results of total hip arthroplasty performed with cement and those of so-called hybrid total hip arthroplasty (an acetabular component fixed without cement and a femoral component fixed with cement) in patients who are sixty-five years of age or older.  相似文献   

Review on general aspects of oxygen probes with solid reference materials for long-term measurements in steel melts. Discussion of polarization effects influencing the EMF at extended measuring intervals. Largely limited application of tubular solid electrolyte sensors in continuous oxygen monitoring. Development of improved plug-type sensors with optimized cell geometry, modified ceramic sleeves and reliable reference contact leads. Desciption of the test performance of these sensors under long-term operation up to two hours.  相似文献   

The 5' untranslated region of the chloroplast psbA mRNA, encoding the D1 protein, is processed in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Processing occurs just upstream of a consensus Shine-Dalgarno sequence and results in the removal of 54 nucleotides from the 5' terminus, including a stem-loop element identified previously as an important structure for D1 expression. Examination of this processing event in C. reinhardtii strains containing mutations within the chloroplast or nuclear genomes that block psbA translation reveals a correlation between processing and ribosome association. Mutations within the 5' untranslated region of the psbA mRNA that disrupt the Shine-Dalgarno sequence, acting as a ribosome binding site, preclude translation and prevent mRNA processing. Similarly, nuclear mutations that specifically affect synthesis of the D1 protein specifically affect processing of the psbA mRNA. In vitro, loss of the stem-loop element does not prohibit the binding of a message-specific protein complex required for translational activation of psbA upon illumination. These results are consistent with a hierarchical maturation pathway for chloroplast messages, mediated by nuclear-encoded factors, that integrates mRNA processing, message stability, ribosome association, and translation.  相似文献   

Nuclear medicine remains a vibrant and dynamic medical specialty because it so adeptly marries advances in basic science research, technology, and medical practice in attempting to solve patients' problems. As a physicist, it is my responsibility to identify or design new instrumentation and techniques, and to implement, validate, and help apply these new approaches in the practice of nuclear medicine. At Johns Hopkins, we are currently in the process of purchasing both a single-photon/coincidence tomographic imaging system and a dedicated positron emission tomography (PET) scanner. Given the exciting advances that have been made, but the conflicting opinions of manufacturers and colleagues alike regarding "best" choices, it seemed useful to review what is new now, and what is on the horizon, to help identify all of the important considerations in the design and selection of an imaging system. It is important to note that many of the "advances" described here are in an early stage of development, and may never make it to routine clinical practice. Further, not all of the advances are of equal importance, or have the same degree of general clinical applicability. Please also note that the references contained herein are for illustrative purposes and are not all-inclusive; no implication that those chosen are "better" than others not mentioned is intended.  相似文献   

Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder caused by expansion of a CAG trinucleotide repeat which codes for glutamine in the protein ataxin-1. We have investigated the effect of this expansion on ataxin-1 by immunoblot analysis. The wild-type protein is detected in both normal and affected individuals; however, a mutant protein which varies in its migration properties according to the size of the CAG repeat is detected in cultured cells and tissues from SCA1 individuals. The protein has a nuclear localization in all normal and SCA1 brain regions examined but a cytoplasmic localization of ataxin-1 was also observed in cerebellar Purkinje cells. Our data show that in SCA1, the expanded alleles are faithfully translated into proteins of apparently normal stability and distribution.  相似文献   

The Fag articulator is an anatomical and semi-adaptable one, light and with a supple, stable and rigid mechanism of manipulation and an easy access to the models. These characteristics make it more sensitive in all situations of occlusal rehabilitation. The articular system permits the exactness mechanical reproduction of the fundamental movements of the mandible, with the possibility to reproduce the characteristics of the lateral movements (angle Benett adjustable), protrusion and variable inclinations of the condylar slope. The employment of this articulator in the dentistry practice allowed us to obtain a functional occlusal rehabilitation in all types of edentulous and we avoided the premature occlusal contacts.  相似文献   

Rapid development of community health information networks raises the issue of semantic interoperability between distributed and heterogeneous systems. Indeed, operational health information systems originate from heterogeneous teams of independent developers and have to cooperate in order to exchange data and services. A good cooperation is based on a good understanding of the messages exchanged between the systems. The main issue of semantic interoperability is to ensure that the exchange is not only possible but also meaningful. The main objective of this paper is to analyze semantic interoperability from a software engineering point of view. It describes the principles for the design of a semantic mediator (SM) in the framework of a distributed object manager (DOM). The mediator is itself a component that should allow the exchange of messages independently of languages and platforms. The functional architecture of such a SM is detailed. These principles have been partly applied in the context of the HELIOS object-oriented software engineering environment. The resulting service components are presented with their current state of achievement.  相似文献   

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