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Existing energy policy proposals are approached from a demand-side perspective to solve the immediate problem of meeting existing demands defined by existing technologies. However, a constructive forward-looking policy requires a supply-side perspective. The purview of energy policy is ultimately the efficient allocation of our scarce supply of available energy for ‘exergy’. The authors outline a proposal for efficient exergy management. This supply-side orientation is based upon basic thermodynamic principles, thus offering a foundation for formation of consistent criteria for policy-oriented decision making.  相似文献   

Successfully developing and manufacturing industrial products requires considering the economic- and environmental-factors that span multiple spatial- and temporal-scales. Here, we propose an integrated approach combining an energy-economic model with a life-cycle assessment to analyze the impacts of energy policies on the dynamic changes in the various environmental impacts of a product system. We employ the Market Allocation (MARKAL) framework to foresee the changes in several economic- and technological-parameters over specific periods for different energy policies. Furthermore, we create a dynamic life-cycle inventory database to assess the changes in the future life-cycle environmental impact of a current product/process system. Our proposed method may guide industry to proactively prepare for the possible effects of different energy policies on their current product/process system's environmental profile so that they can make strategic decisions on modifications to, and investments in their production processes thereby to enhance their environmental- and economic-performance while meeting the various emission-abatement targets.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes China's policy approach to renewable energies and assesses how effectively China has met the ideal of appropriate interactions between renewable energy policy and renewable energy industrial policy. First we briefly discuss the interactions between these two policies. Then we outline China's key renewable energy and renewable industrial policies and find that China's government has well recognized the need for this policy interaction. After that, we study the achievements and problems in China's wind and solar PV sector during 2005–2012 and argue that China's policy approach to renewable energies has placed priority first on developing a renewable energy manufacturing industry and only second on renewable energy itself, and it has not effectively met the ideal of appropriate interactions between renewable energy policy and renewable energy industrial policy. Lastly, we make an in-depth analysis of the three ideas underlying this policy approach, that is, the green development idea, the low-carbon leadership idea and indigenous innovation idea. We conclude that Chinas' policy approach to renewable energies needs to enhance the interactions between renewable energy policy and renewable energy industrial policy. The paper contributes to a deeper understanding of China's policy strategy toward renewable energies.  相似文献   

《Energy Economics》1987,9(1):55-63
Input demand and substitution elasticities for five manufacturing sector industries in Thailand are estimated using a three-factor (capital, labour and energy) translog cost function covering the first oil-shock period 1974–1977. In all cases the demand is elastic for energy, close to unity for labour, and inelastic for capital. Capital and energy are always substitutes as are capital and labour. The labour-intensive and comparative- advantage-based industries showed greater responsiveness to energy price changes relative to the capital-intensive and protected industries in the sense that the former two can substitute capital and labour for energy whereas the latter two can substitute only capital.  相似文献   

The process of climate change is already under way and is a serious threat facing the planet. Our response to this threat will irrevocably transform the energy sector and the priorities within it. The trend in emissions over the next decade will largely determine whether the process of climate change can be kept at a moderate level. This literature-based study focuses on Finland as an example case. Oil price fluctuations, economic development and changes in consumer values and attitudes are key forces that will drive change in the energy sector. A greater diversity of energy sources is vital if we are to avoid a catastrophic warming of the climate. The use of renewable energy sources must be increased, and the efficiency of producing, transmitting and distributing energy must be improved. The energy sector must also exploit the potential of nuclear energy, wind, solar and hydro power, afforestation measures, biomass resources, carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology and the nano-bio sector. National policies and measures must be set out in detail and global cooperation enhanced. The presence and impact of factors that impede the work to curb climate change must also be taken into account in energy strategies if these strategies are to be successful.  相似文献   

Energy demand in rural areas is generally met by local energy resources. These areas are normally overlooked in the energy-planning process due mainly to the lack of data and proper analytical tools. In this paper, we apply a suitable multiobjective programming method for rural energy analysis. Multiobjective programming methods provide decision makers with an opportunity to negotiate and explore different energy options. As an illustration of the proposed method, we have analysed the energy situation of a rural area and examined the tradeoff between energy supply, investment for energy programs, and employment generation.  相似文献   

This study examined the renewable energies and their impact on the economies of the Group of Seven (G7) countries. Results showed that the electricity produced from wind energy in the United States and then Germany is more than any other member countries. Due to its voluminous volcanoes, Italy has had favorable conditions for the development of geothermal energy, which has led it to be used as an efficient energy source in Italy. Results also showed that the installed capacity of geothermal systems is the lowest and hydropower systems are the highest in all G7 countries. It also concluded that, despite the high share of hydropower energy from total renewable energy capacity, the use of wind and solar energies is rapidly rising. As a result, it found that the development of solar energy occurs faster than the other renewable energies.  相似文献   

Sally Down 《Energy》1983,8(11):821-833
The results of a field survey on domestic energy consumption in West Sumatra are discussed within the context of Indonesian energy policy, particularly with regard to the problem of domestic kerosene subsidisation. Many energy planners believe that the heavy subsidies on kerosene are necessary to prevent deforestation and protect the poor. Inequalities in fuel consumption for different sectors of the population may vary for different uses. In formulating policies aimed at reducing inequalities it is helpful to consider the end uses of the fuels separately. Energy use in cooking and lighting and the villagers' attitudes towards different fuels are investigated to see what effect a removal of the kerosene subsidies would have. In the case of lighting, a removal or reduction in the subsidies would primarily affect the lowest income sector of the population, unless a system of loans or subsidies is established for the initial installation charges of electricity. For cooking the higher income group would primarily be affected, and reducing the subsidies would not cause considerable hardship to the villagers or adverse environmental effects as there are considerable underutilized forest resources in the region. However, unless suitable alternatives to kerosene are made available at reasonable prices, the villagers now using kerosene would consider it a retrogressive step in their standard of living to return to the use of smoky and inconvenient open wood fires.  相似文献   

Asia has experienced spectacular economic growth over the past two decades. However, this economic progress has come at a high cost. It has led to unprecedented environmental consequences. So this region needs to shift the conventional pattern of “develop first and then treat the pollution” to a trajectory of sustainable development. To that end, this paper examines a variety of policy responses, at national, regional and international levels, to deal with growing concerns about the environmental challenges in Asia. In the context of national responses, special attention is paid to the following issues: coordination between the central and local governments, market-based environmental instruments and industrial policies, tougher emissions standards for mobile and stationary sources and fuel quality, policies to promote energy efficiency and the use of clean energy and biofuels, the integration of environmental policies with economic and sectoral policies, and engagement of the private sector through e.g., ecolabelling, green government procurement, corporate ratings and disclosure programs, and drawing the support of financial institutions to promote improved corporate environmental performance. The paper concludes that having the right policy mix, coupled with strengthened cooperation at national, local and regional levels, will ensure continuing economic growth in the region without compromising its limited ecological-carrying capacity and environmental quality.  相似文献   

A method for forecasting national energy output and emissions by detailed energy sector is developed by linking the INFORUM Model, the ESNS Network, and pollution coefficients. Consistency between the assumptions behind the parameters of the Network and those behind the INFORUM input—output coefficients are maintained through the adjustment of the latter coefficients. Pollution coefficients are linked to forecasts of national energy sector output to give emissions by sector; energy output and the resulting emissions forecasts change as the parameters of the network change. By use of the model, changes in energy policy, prices, or investments can be examined for their effects on economic, energy and environmental variables. Two applications are presented. The first attempts to show the impact of alternative input price forecasts on fuel substitution in electricity production and the resulting effects on the economy and the environment. The second examines the potential impacts of offshore oil discovery in the Middle Atlantic.  相似文献   

Public opposition to the siting of renewable energy (RE) facilities and public reluctance to invest in RE remain key obstacles to the expansion of the renewables sector in the UK and a number of other European countries. Although there is a growing body of qualitative research on factors that inform public attitudes towards RE, the majority of studies have tended to be quantitative and to view ‘the public’ and ‘public opinion’ as homogeneous wholes. This study uses a cultural theory framework and focus groups conducted in the South West UK to develop deeper understandings of how individuals’ worldviews can inform opinions and behaviour in relation to RE. These findings are used to explore ways in which government policies on RE might be tailored to engender greater public support and participation. Issues discussed include the provision of economic incentives, information on climate change and RE, linking renewables to overall energy behaviour, and landscape aesthetics.  相似文献   

We develop an analytical framework to examine the extent to which farmers' risk and time preferences, availability of credit to cover establishment cost, and subsidized crop insurance for conventional crops influence the decision to allocate land to a perennial energy crop and affect the costs of meeting a biofuel mandate using this crop as feedstock and its implications for the effectiveness of two alternative policies to supplement the mandate: an establishment cost subsidy and subsidized energy crop insurance. We examine the design of these policies to minimize the total (public and private) costs for meeting a one-billion-gallon biofuel mandate by using miscanthus as feedstock. We find that a high degree of risk aversion, high discount rate, credit constraint, and availability of crop insurance for conventional crops can increase the cost of producing enough biomass for a one-billion-gallon biofuel mandate by up to 43% and increase the land required by 16% as compared to otherwise; removal of subsidized crop insurance and credit constraints could lower these costs by 50%. We find that in most cases the cost-effective energy crop insurance subsidy rate is 0% whereas the cost-effective establishment cost subsidy rate is 100%. Relative to the case with no policy intervention for energy crops, energy crop insurance can reduce the total costs (net of government expenditures on subsidies) of meeting the 1 billion gallon mandate by 1.3% whereas establishment cost subsidy can reduce these costs by 34%.  相似文献   

OTEC converts the solar energy, collected and stored in tropical waters, into electricity. The electricity may be either cabled to shore or used in situ for the manufacture of energyintensive products. Two countries, U.S.A. and Japan, are seriously pursuing OTEC. The development programs in both countries are similar. Presently, the emphasis is on the closed Rankine cycle with ammonia as the working fluid. The power plants are to be housed on floating platforms. If the electricity is to be cabled to shore, the platforms will be moored to the ocean floor. If the plants are to produce chemical products, they will graze from one location to another on the open sea to capture the largest available thermal resource.Technical feasibility of OTEC appears certain. In the near term, OTEC can be economical for U.S. islands, which depend on imported oil for power generation. OTEC can enter the U.S. mainland market in the Southeast if projected capital cost for large plants is realized and high voltage, underwater d.c. transmission is developed beyond current state of the art. The islands market amounts to 8 GW and the U.S. market is estimated to be much larger. Penetration of the island market can begin in the early 1990s and of the mainland market after the year 2000.A potential impediment to OTEC's accelerated deployment is capital. Although there are numerous important environmental and institutional questions, they are secondary to the economic and cost issues.This paper addresses the economic, social and environmental issues pertinent to the commercialization of OTEC. The a priori assumptions are that technical problems can be solved and that in certain locations. OTEC can be competitive with conventional base-load power systems.  相似文献   

Many governments, firms, institutions and individuals have become increasingly cognizant of their impact on the environment, most notably with respect to global climate change. Coupled with the possibility of future regulations aimed at curbing greenhouse gas emissions, firms and institutions have begun to critically evaluate their own carbon footprint. This paper examines the preferences of stakeholders within a large academic institution for attributes of alternative greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction strategies. The attributes considered by constituents include: the fuel portfolio mix, effort for conserving energy use, carbon emissions reduction, timeframe for emissions reduction to be achieved and cost. We use a choice experiment technique that enables the examination of greenhouse gas reduction program attribute preferences across three constituent groups. The results show that each of the constituent groups have a positive WTP for carbon emissions reductions and prefer investments in reductions in the shorter- rather than longer-term. The results also suggest differences between the constituent groups in their WTP for types of fuels in the fuel portfolio. Finally, we use the results to examine the welfare implications of different combinations of the policy attributes that coincide with alternative GHG program strategies.  相似文献   

010 30 1 沸腾太阳能集热器中两相流空隙率和流速的确定SolarEnergy ,Vol.6 9,No .4Oct.2 0 0 0  315 - 319提出了通过热虹吸循环的沸腾太阳能集热器中 ,两相流的空隙率和流速可根据易得到的实验数据来确定。0 10 30 2 多层光学结构的精确解及光伏模块上的应用SolarEnergy ,Vol.6 9,No .5Nov .2 0 0 0  35 7- 36 2描述了一个用以计算吸收光和辐射光 (如太阳辐射 )透过一多层光学结构的总的分析程序 ,总结了该分析程序在太阳电池和光伏模块上的应用。0 10 30 3 单级热变换器用于太阳池增温的试验…  相似文献   

Informationofenergyandenvironmentalprotection(foreignpart)010 5 0 1 一种太阳能集热器日本太阳能技术株式会社 .-日本专利JP2 0 0 0 343 ,6 0 1;1999- 0 6 - 0 8,2 0 0 0 - 12 - 12 (日文 )有 15根外径为 10mm聚丁烯管 ,这些聚丁烯管按2 0mm间隔同一根主总管相连。主总管的一端插入一根金属短管 ,金属短管端部用热塑性树脂板熔接起来。0 10 5 0 2 有光亮剂的窗用薄膜美国FilmTechnologiesInternational.-美国专利US6 ,16 6 ,85 2 ;19…  相似文献   

010 30 1 李新国 ,胡 ,赵军 ,等 .地源热泵—供暖空调节能环保技术 [J].节能与环保 ,2 0 0 1,(2 ) :19- 2 1.讲述地源热泵的原理及特点 ,介绍地源热泵的应用方式 ,分析地源热泵的经济性。0 10 30 2 赵国利 ,张卫杰 ,庞兰辉 .旧楼屋面保温隔热层的改进与效果 [J].节能与环保 ,2 0 0 1,(2 ) :33 - 35 .针对居民住宅特别是早期民用建筑屋面保温、隔热效果较差的特点 ,结合近年来屋面保温的一些新技术 ,提出了一种经济、简单、实用效果好 ,应用前景比较广泛的改进方法 ,并对改进的效果进行了定性的分析。0 10 30 3 许彦雷 ,赵善兴 ,荣现…  相似文献   

010 6 0 1 太阳能电池的制造日本京陶公司 . 日本专利JP2 0 0 0 332 ,2 72 ;1999 0 5 2 4,2 0 0 0 11 30 (日文 )在基体相互相对的两个主表面上形成逆导电型区 ;在一个主表面上形成含汇流条的正面电极并形成数字电极 ;另一个主表面上形成背面电极 ;焊接电极 ,焊接时正面电极上覆电阻膜。0 10 6 0 2 太阳能电池及其制造方法日本松下电器株式会社 . 日本专利JP2 0 0 0 332 ,2 73;1999 0 5 2 5 ,2 0 0 0 11 30 (日文 )这种太阳能电池依次包括背面电极、第一族IB ⅢA ⅥA化合物制成的半导体层 (第一层 )、第二族IB ⅢA ⅥA化…  相似文献   

This paper describes a method for developing optimal bidding strategy based on a bilevel optimization, considering suppliers’ emission of pollutants. The proposed methodology employs supply function equilibrium (SFE) model to represent the strategic behavior of each supplier. Locational marginal pricing mechanism is also assumed for settling the market and calculating the supplier profit. It is modeled as a bilevel optimization problem in which the upper-level subproblem maximizes individual supplier payoff and the lower-level subproblem solves the Independent System Operator’s market clearing problem. In this paper, the multiobjective optimal power flow is used to solve market clearing mechanism with supplier emission of pollutants, as extra objectives, subject to the transmission limits and supplier physical constraints. To illustrate the proposed approach under different conditions an IEEE 30-bus test system together with a number of case studies are used.  相似文献   

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