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Effect of microwave power on moisture content, moisture ratio, drying rate, drying time and effective moisture diffusivity (Deff) of bamboo shoot was investigated using microwave drying. To study the effect of microwave power on drying, bamboo shoot samples (250 g) were dried at different power levels ranging from 140 to 350 W. To determine the kinetic parameters, drying data were fitted to various models based on the ratios of differences between initial and final moisture contents and equilibrium moisture content. Among the models proposed, Wang and Singh model gave a better fit for all drying conditions used. By increasing microwave output power, the Deff values increased from 4.153 × 10?10 to 22.835 × 10?10 m2 s?1. A third‐order polynomial relationship was found to correlate the Deff with moisture content. Further scope of this research work would include the effect of certain factors (shrinkage, case hardening, distortion of product and shape of bamboo shoot samples as an infinite slab) of practical significance to improve the model.  相似文献   

采用真空-红外联合干燥,研究不同干燥条件下猕猴桃片干燥特性,并建立干燥数学模型。实验结果表明:猕猴桃片的真空-红外联合干燥全过程分为加速、恒速干燥和降速干燥3个阶段,而物料失水过程主要发生在恒速阶段,其水分有效扩散系数值在3.91×10-97.79×10-9m2/s之间,并随着红外功率、装载量和真空度的增大而增大。通过R2、χ2和RMSE等拟合优度评价指标对各种干燥模型进行评价发现,Page模型最适于描述和预测其干燥过程,该研究为开发新型猕猴桃干制品等提供技术依据。   相似文献   

Drying of carrot slices using infrared radiation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Carrot slices were dried from initial moisture content of 8.52 kg water kg−1 dry matter to 0.11 kg water kg−1 dry matter by infrared dryer. Experiments were conducted using three levels of infrared power (300, 400 and 500 W) and at air velocities (1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 m s−1). The effects of process variables on the drying kinetics of carrot, drying time, specific energy consumption and quality parameters of dried carrot (shrinkage, rehydration ratio and colour) were investigated. The drying time at infrared power of 300, 400 and 500 W was 252 and 277 min, 205 and 236 min, and 145 and 155 min at air velocities of 1.0 and 2.0 m s−1, respectively. The drying rate increased with increasing infrared power. The specific energy consumption values varied between 12.22 and 14.58 MJ kg−1-evaporated water for all the drying conditions. Shrinkage, rehydration ratio and colour parameters were found to be affected by process variables.  相似文献   

在本研究中,为了探讨热风温度和切片厚度对山楂热风干制动力学的影响,将厚度为2 mm和4 mm的山楂切片置于5090℃的热风干燥箱内进行干制处理,并采用5种常见食品薄层干燥模型对实验数据进行非线性拟合,通过比较评价决定系数(R2)、卡方(χ2)和均方根误差(RMSE)等统计数据确定山楂切片薄层热风干燥过程的最优模型。结果表明:山楂切片薄层热风干燥是内部水分扩散控制的降速干燥过程。Page模型是描述山楂切片薄层热风干燥过程的最优模型。不同干燥条件下有效水分扩散系数Deff和活化能Ea的求解结果表明,有效水分扩散系数Deff随热风温度和切片厚度的增加而增加,在干制温度范围内有效扩散系数的值在2.69×10-1116.12×10-11m2/s之间变化。对于切片厚度为2 mm和4 mm的山楂切片,活化能Ea分别为20.43、26.25 k J/mol。   相似文献   

为了提高猕猴桃切片制干品质、缩短干燥时间,采用流化床干燥技术对其进行干燥,研究温度(55,65,75,85℃)、风速(1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5m/s)和厚度(5,10,15mm)对猕猴桃切片热风干燥曲线、水分有效扩散系数以及干燥活化能的影响.结果表明:猕猴桃切片的整个干燥过程属于降速干燥,水分有效扩散系数为1.2...  相似文献   

The experiments were conducted on pear slices with thickness of 5 mm at temperatures of 50, 57, 64 and 71 °C with an air velocity of 2.0 m s?1. Prior to drying, pear slices were pretreated with citric acid solution (0.5% w/w, 1 min, 20 °C) or blanched in hot water (1 min, 85 °C). Also, the untreated samples were dried as control. The shortest drying time of pear slices was obtained with pretreatment with citric acid solution. It was observed that whole drying process of pear slices took place in a falling rate period. Four mathematical models were tested to fit drying data of pear slices. According to the statistical criteria (R2, χ2 and RMSE), the Midilli et al. model was found to be the best model to describe the drying behaviour of pear slices. The effective diffusivity of moisture transfer during drying process varied between 8.56 × 10?11 and 2.25 × 10?10 m2 s?1, while the activation energy of moisture diffusion in pear slices was found to be 34.95–41.00 kJ mol?1.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Inputs for ANN (multihidden-layer feed-forward artificial neural network) models were drying time ( t i + 1), initial temperature ( T 0), moisture content ( MC 0), microwave power, and vacuum pressure. The outputs were temperature ( T i + 1) and moisture content ( MC i + 1) at a given t i + 1. After training the ANN models with experimental data using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, a two-hidden-layer model (25-25) was determined to be the most appropriate model. The mean relative error (MRE) and mean absolute error (MAE) of this model for T i + 1 were 1.53% and 0.77 °C, respectively. In the case of MC i + 1, the MRE and MAE were 11.48% and 0.04 kgwater/kgdry, respectively. Using temperature ( T i ) and moisture content ( MC i ) values at t i in the input layer significantly reduced the computation errors such that MRE and MAE for T i + 1 were 0.35% and 0.18 °C, respectively. In contrast, these error values for MC i + 1 were 1.78% (MRE) and 0.01 kgwater/kgdry (MAE). These results indicate that ANN models were able to recognize relationships between process parameters and product conditions. The model may provide information regarding microwave power and vacuum pressure to prevent thermal damage and improve drying efficiencies.  相似文献   

以苹果为原料,研究不同红外辐射距离和热风温度下苹果片的干燥特性,并对苹果脆片的干燥时间、色泽、硬度、脆度和复水性进行分析。结果表明,在苹果片红外-热风联合干燥过程中,热风温度对干燥时间和脆片品质影响显著;干燥过程为降速干燥,水分有效扩散系数范围在2.92×10-88.85×10-8m2/s内,且随热风温度升高而增大;苹果片干燥活化能为75.67 k J/mol。苹果片在红外辐射距离50 mm,辐射功率1500 W,热风温度80℃,风速0.8 m/s的条件下,干燥时间仅162 min,并具有良好的色泽(L*值75.01,a*值8.92、b*值32.97)和质构(硬度1063.66 g,脆度0.531 s)。先红外后热风的联合干燥方式能有效抑制酶活和提高干燥速率,以及改善产品品质。   相似文献   

The effect of microwave drying technique on moisture ratio, drying time and effective moisture diffusivity of white and green parts of leek ( Allium porrum ) were investigated. By increasing the sample amount (100–300 g) at constant microwave output power of 180 W, the drying time increased from 52 to 130 min and increased from 55 to 135 min for white and green parts of leek, respectively. Effective moisture diffusivity values for white and green parts of leek ranged from 0.618 × 10−10 to 2.128 × 10−10 m2.s−1 and 0.256 × 10−10 to 0.611 × 10−10 m2 s−1, respectively. Among the models proposed, Midilli et al. model gave a better fit for all drying conditions applied. The activation energy for microwave drying of white and green parts of leek was calculated using an exponential expression based on Arrhenius equation; found as 0.9530 and 1.2045 W g−1, respectively. The dependence of drying rate constant on effective moisture diffusivity gave a linear relationship.  相似文献   

为了探讨热风温度对百合热风干制动力学的影响,分别将百合鳞片和百合切丝置于65~85℃的热风干燥箱内进行干制处理,并采用5种常见食品薄层干燥模型对实验数据进行非线性拟合,通过比较评价决定系数(R2)、卡方(χ2)和均方根误差(RMSE)等统计数据确定百合薄层热风干燥过程的最优模型。结果表明:百合薄层热风干燥是内部水分扩散控制的降速干燥过程。Page模型是描述百合薄层热风干燥过程的最优模型。不同干燥条件下有效水分扩散系数Deff和活化能Ea的求解结果表明,有效水分扩散系数Deff随热风温度升高而增加,在干制温度范围内,百合切丝有效扩散系数的值在7.73~14.12×10-9m2/s之间变化,而百合鳞片有效扩散系数的值在4.12~9.49×10-9m2/s之间变化。对于百合切丝和百合鳞片,活化能Ea分别为30.37和42.42 k J/mol。百合切丝干制能缩短干制时间,减少能量消耗。   相似文献   

稻谷籽粒内部水分扩散的快慢决定了干燥速率。本文基于Logarithmic方程,建立稻谷水分传递动力学模型,并分析热风温度(40、50、60、70℃)和风速(0.3、0.4、0.5 m/s)对稻谷(湿基水分含量23.4%)有效水分扩散系数和扩散活化能的影响。结果表明:随着干燥温度和风速的上升,稻谷干燥速率提高,同时对应的有效水分扩散系数越大,分别为5.123×10-122.141×10-11m2/s;扩散活化能从32.94 k J/mol增加至36.30 k J/mol;对比常用的5种谷物干燥模型发现,Logarithmic模型对稻谷薄层干燥的拟合度较好,R2>0.997,RMSE<2.810×10-3,同时该模型模拟得出的有效水分扩散系数与实际差值均低于3.8×10-13m2/s,扩散活化能均低于2.53 k J/mol,与实际值基本吻合。   相似文献   

为了研究苹果片在热风薄层干燥过程中的颜色变化规律,分别在60、70、80、90、100℃下对苹果片进行热风薄层干燥处理,以亮度值(L*)、红绿值(a*)、黄蓝值(b*)、总色差(ΔE)、饱和度、褐变指数(BI)等为指标描述苹果片的颜色变化,并分别应用零级和一级反应动力学方程进行数学模型的拟合分析。结果表明,热风薄层干燥过程中,苹果片的L*值随着干燥时间的延长而逐渐降低,而a*值、b*值、ΔE、饱和度、BI值则逐渐升高,且反应速率常数k随着干燥温度的升高而呈现出一定的规律性变化。根据拟合决定系数R2的比较结果,零级反应动力学模型能更好的描述和预测苹果片在热风薄层干燥过程中的L*、a*、b*、ΔE值变化,而饱和度和BI值的变化则更符合一级反应动力学模型。该模型可以对苹果片在热风薄层干燥中的颜色变化进行预测,为优化干燥工艺提供参考。   相似文献   

鲍鱼热风干燥动力学及干燥过程数学模拟   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
研究了鲍鱼在不同热风干燥温度下的干燥动力学特点,并构建了干燥过程的数学模型。热风干燥温度选取60、65、70、75、80℃;风速恒定为1m/s。干燥方法采取间歇干燥,分两个阶段进行。利用理论模型—扩散模型,和常见经验模型—Newton模型、Henderson and Pabis模型、Logaritmic模型、Two-terms模型、Page模型及Modified Page模型,对鲍鱼干燥过程的两个阶段分别进行描述。实验结果表明:鲍鱼热风干燥只经历降速阶段,水分扩散在鲍鱼干燥的过程中起主导作用。通过对实验数据进行统计分析,得到适合鲍鱼热风干燥的模型为Page模型(第一阶段干燥)和Two-terms模型(第二阶段干燥),模型的预测值与实际值比较吻合(Page模型r2>0.999,s<1%;Two-terms模型r2>0.997,s<2%),可以用来描述鲍鱼的热风干燥过程。  相似文献   

为探索出不同真空微波条件对大蒜片干燥速率的影响,选取微波功率Q、负载量m、真空度Pw等因素,范围分别在50~150W、80~140 g、0.07~0.09MPa,以干燥速率为指标在切片厚度3 mm条件下进行试验.试验结果表明:大蒜片的真空微波干燥符合薄层干燥模型,可用Page模型描述本试验干燥过程,通过SPSS分析得出Page模型参数k、n值与微波功率Q、负载量m、真空度Pw之间的回归方程:k=-0.03+3.4× 10-4Q-3.205×10-4m+0.6Pw、n=1.467-1.61×10-3Q+3.63×10-3m-7.2Pw,得出Page模型表达式.  相似文献   

This paper describes an experimental investigation of the drying behaviour and conditions of pumpkin slices via a convective cyclone‐type dryer. Drying experiments were conducted at air inlet temperatures of 60, 70 and 80 °C and air velocities of 1 and 1.5 m s?1. Samples of 200 g of cylindrical pumpkin slices (thickness 5 mm × diameter 35 mm) were arranged in a single layer on each of two trays. The least squares method was applied to derive the drying curve equation of samples. During the experiments the following parameters were measured: weight loss, temperature, relative moisture and velocity. From these parameters, dimensionless mass loss, moisture content, mass shrinkage and drying rate of samples were calculated and are discussed in detail. Additionally, the transport of water during dehydration was described by the diffusion mechanism, and Fick's equation was used for evaluation of the experimental data. The linear sections of drying curves were analysed by linear regression to obtain the moisture diffusivities. It was found that pumpkin slices would dry perfectly within 340–720 min under these drying conditions. The convective cyclone dryer could also be used to dry other products. Thus it is expected that this new dryer will help farmers and producers to reduce the cost of drying. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

目的 研究南美白对虾中短波红外干燥(medium-short-wave infrared drying, MSWID)特性及其干燥模型拟合。方法 在不同温度下(50、60、70℃)对南美白对虾进行干燥试验,并以热风干燥(hot air drying, HAD)为对比。采用8种常用干燥模型对试验数据进行非线性回归拟合,确定最佳干燥模型,并对干燥模型进行验证。并进一步分析不同温度下南美白对虾有效水分扩散系数和干燥活化能。结果 南美白对虾MSWID过程中,干燥温度对干燥过程影响显著,提高干燥温度可提高干燥速率,加快干燥进程。比较模型评价指标发现,Two-term exponential模型可以很好的拟合南美白对虾干燥数据,模型预测值和试验值误差仅为2.09%,可较准确的预测干燥过程中南美白对虾的水分变化规律。二阶多项式回归方程可预测水分比随干燥温度和时间的变化。随着干燥温度的升高,MSWID和热风干燥的有效水分扩散系数分别从2.3721×10-9 m2/s、2.3027×10-9 m2/s升高到3.402...  相似文献   

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