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湍球塔烟气脱硫的化学动力学模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在试验的基础上,对湍球塔的传质反应过程进行适宜的假设,用双膜理论加经验方法处理气 液两侧的传质,建立了湍球塔烟气脱硫的化学动力学模型,并用试验数据对模型进行验证,得到了比较好的效果,为进一步的大规模试验及工业放大创造了条件。  相似文献   

生化法烟气脱硫装置中湍球塔的设计与计算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
生化法烟气脱硫,要求吸收反应塔湍动程度高,气液接触好,反应速度快。本文对其中的主要脱硫装置-湍球塔进行了详细的设计与计算,结合室内实验验证其准确性。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了湍球塔的基本构造和工作流程并对湍球塔的流体动力学特性进行了理论分析,结合室内实验条件和要求确定了湍球塔的结构参数和流体动力学参数,完成了室内实验条件下的湍球塔的设计计算。通过试验测试可知,在本文设计参数下运行的湍球塔系统流态化性能稳定,脱硫效果好,可为实现工业规模的设计应用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

介绍了湍球塔的基本构造和工作过程,对湍球塔进行设计计算并对湍球塔的流体动力学特性进行了理论分析,对流化速度、静止床层高度、膨胀床层高度和压力降等流体动力学参数进行了关联试验。通过试验测试结果确立操作参数,可为工业规模的设计应用提供参考数据。  相似文献   

钠-钙双碱法烟气脱硫工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国能源以煤炭为主,煤炭燃烧产生的烟气中含有大量的SO2,对大气环境造成严重污染,并在我国局部地区形成酸雨,严重危害生态环境及人民健康。文章通过对常用湿式脱硫工艺的研究比较,肯定了钠-钙双碱法烟气脱硫工艺的优越性。详细介绍了钠-钙双碱法烟气脱硫系统的脱硫原理、工艺特点以及与传统湿法脱硫工艺相比的优点。同时指出了双碱法脱硫工艺需解决的问题。  相似文献   

孔令亮  李丹  周凯 《硫酸工业》2021,(6):32-33,36
介绍了钠碱法脱硫技术的特点,分析了上海某石化公司钠碱法脱硫装置存在的问题,并提出了解决措施.通过对原脱硫塔进行技术改造,增设2层屋脊式折流板除雾段、1层疏松纤维除雾段、1层阻水层折流板除雾段,提高了脱硫塔脱硫除尘和除酸雾的效率.脱硫装置改造后烟囱出口烟气ρ(SO2)由原来的150 mg/m3降低到28 mg/m3,硫酸...  相似文献   

烟气制酸尾气钠碱法脱硫技术研究及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了金川集团股份有限公司化工厂钠碱法制酸尾气脱硫系统工艺流程和技术特点。硫酸一,二系统采用一转一吸工艺流程,制酸尾气ρ(SO2)在2.0~2.8 g/m3,采用钠碱法脱硫后,外排气体ρ(SO2)控制在350mg/m3以下,可以全时段达到GB 26132—2010《硫酸工业污染物排放标准》要求。该脱硫工艺具有适应性强、脱硫效果好、吸收废液可综合处理等优点,副产物可利用净化工序循环稀酸中和处理生成硫酸钠,与现有硫酸装置酸性废水一并处理。  相似文献   

刘志禹  齐慧敏 《当代化工》2013,(4):456-458,473
综合介绍了钠-钙双碱法烟气脱硫工艺技术的进展,简要介绍了双碱法烟气脱硫工艺的工艺原理,并比较详尽的介绍了双碱法烟气脱硫工艺的发展历程和主要工艺方法,最后对双碱法烟气脱硫工艺技术的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

填料塔中钠碱溶液脱除烟气中SO_2研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在内径为400 mm的填料塔内,以Na2SO3为吸收剂进行了烟气脱硫模拟实验研究,重点考察了吸收液pH值、液气比(VL/Vg)、空塔气速、烟气中SO2初始浓度、吸收液温度及吸收剂初始浓度等对脱硫率的影响,确定出各影响因素与脱硫率间的关系及实验室规模下本工艺适宜的操作条件。结果表明,在吸收液pH=6—7、液气比1—2 L/m3、空塔气速1—1.5 m/s、吸收液温度50℃以下、吸收剂Na2SO3初始浓度0.3—0.5 mol/L、进口SO2质量浓度约为4 300 mg/m3时,脱硫率均可大于80%。实验结果可为实际脱硫装置设计及运行提供必要的基础数据。  相似文献   

双碱法烟气脱硫效率影响因素研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过试验,研究了钠钙双碱法脱硫工艺中不同Na 浓度和吸收液pH值对脱硫效率的影响,结果表明,在气相流量为76 m3/h,SO2浓度为800mg/L,液气比为3 L/m3,气温为22℃的条件下,吸收剂的最佳Na 浓度为0.06mol/L,吸收剂pH值的最佳范围为7~8左右.  相似文献   

In this study, a detailed model was proposed to simulate the process characteristic of flue gas desulfurization with multi-level humidifying in the underfeed circulating spouted bed (UCSB). The model conducted a steady state one-dimensional model by means of infinitesimal analysis, incorporating with the models of droplet evaporation, shrinking core and sulfur absorption. The trends of moisture, temperature, and sulfur concentration along the axial direction are calculated. The predictions were also compared with the experimental results, and they are in very good agreement. The results indicate: The inlet temperature and jet water flow rate are found to be very important factors to the sulfur removal efficiency. Applying multi-level humidifying, the outlet temperature decreases. As a result, the droplet evaporation gets slower and the sulfur removal efficiency increases. Degressive distribution of jet water is also found beneficial to acquiring higher desulfurization efficiency.  相似文献   

为提高烟气脱硫效率,在分析循环流化床脱硫工艺的基础上,根据煤质分析,选取了系统的烟气设计参数和脱硫剂参数并对脱硫效率进行分析。结果表明,循环流化床烟气脱硫技术与炉内喷钙法相结合可以达到90%的脱硫效率,SO2的排放浓度小于200 mg/m3,可以满足《锅炉大气污染物排放标准》的相关要求。与湿法脱硫技术相比,循环流化床烟气脱硫技术具有设备紧凑,投资少,占地小,特别适用于现有机组的改造工程,脱硫剂利用效率高,脱硫产物为干灰,不会产生二次污染等优点。但循环流化床烟气脱硫技术也存在着脱硫效率较湿法脱硫技术偏低,对锅炉负荷的变化适应性差,运行控制要求较高等不足。  相似文献   

将氨法脱硫废液用于烟气脱硫系统进行工业化试验。结果表明,新工艺可以增加电厂脱硫溢流液的碱性,提高烟气中SO2的脱除效率,取得较好的应用效果,并且为焦化厂氨法脱硫废液的处理提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

液柱脱硫塔压力特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验研究了液柱脱硫塔的压力特性,得出了径向压力分布、轴向压力分布及轴向压力梯度分布规律,提出液柱脱硫塔可以分为3个区域,其中气液碰撞湍流混合区是吸收的关键部分;回归了液柱脱硫塔的阻力损失公式,并将阻力损失公式计算值和实测值进行了对比,数据吻合较好;分析了液柱喷射高度的影响因素,得出了液柱喷射高度的计算公式。研究结果为液柱塔的设计提供了试验依据。  相似文献   

研究了一种新型的半干法脱硫开孔导流管喷动床。在相同静床层高度下,研究了其最小喷动速度、最大喷动压降、喷动高度;在相同钙硫摩尔比、入口SO2质量浓度、进气温度、绝热饱和温差条件下,以消石灰为脱硫剂,研究了其脱硫性能。实验结果表明,与传统柱锥型喷动床相比,开孔导流管喷动床具有更好的流体力学性能和脱硫效率。实验条件下最适宜的操作条件为:钙硫摩尔比为0.9—2.5,进气温度为120—130℃,绝热饱和温差为10℃。  相似文献   

新型半干法流化床烟气脱硫技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种新型的半干法流化床烟气脱硫技术。研究了钙硫比、饱和接近度与脱硫剂活性等因素对脱硫效率的影响,并进行了机理分析。结果表明,钙硫比、饱和接近度与脱硫剂的活性对脱硫效率影响非常明显;石灰石的脱硫效率虽然不及消石灰,但由于脱硫剂停留时间长,气、液、固三相接触好的特点,以及可以对石灰石进行研磨与活化,因此,利用石灰石作脱硫剂的半干法流化床烟气脱硫工艺完全可以达到理想的脱硫效率,同时也可以保持较好的经济性。  相似文献   

A spouted bed of binary particle mixture was applied to a low temperature desulfurization process in order to develop a new type of semidry flue gas desulfurization (FGD) technology. We investigated the effects of operating parameters, such as type of SO2 sorbent, diameter of SO2 sorbent particles, apparent residence time of gas in the bed, approach to saturation temperature and Ca/S molar ratio, on SO2 removal in a bench-scale powder-particle spouted bed. We also investigated the utilization rate of SO2 sorbent and ways to enhance the efficiency of SO2 removal and SO2 sorbent utilization. The experimental results showed that SO2 removal is significantly affected by the approach to saturation temperature and Ca/S molar ratio, and that a high SO2 removal efficiency and effective sorbent utilization can be obtained under appropriate operating conditions. Thus, this new simple process of flue gas desulfurization is highly efficient and has little impact on the environment.  相似文献   

Particulates in pilot-scale flue gas desulfurization (FGD) scrubber water were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy, and size analysis based on Stokes’ Law after settling in an equalization basin of a pilot-scale constructed wetland treatment system. Three sources were interpreted for specific particle types identified in samples analyzed: FGD wet scrubbing processes, coal combustion byproducts, and uncombusted material from coal. Gypsum (CaSO4 · 2H2O) from the FGD scrubbing process comprises ∼95% of the particulates. Iron oxide particles and cenospheres in the particulate samples are interpreted as coal combustion products. Particles interpreted as originating from unburned coal contain carbon and metals including Zn and Fe. The most abundant elements in the particulates analyzed are O, C, Ca, S, Fe, and Si, with maximum mean content of individual elements ranging from 13% to 70% among particle types. Less abundant elements include Al, K, Mg, Ti, and Mo, with maximum mean content from 0.1% to 3.8%.  相似文献   

A sodium–zinc sorbent based flue gas desulfurization technology (Na–Zn-FGD) was proposed based on the experiments and analyses of the thermal decomposition characteristics of CaSO3 and ZnSO3·2.5H2O, the waste products of calcium-based semi-dry and zinc-based flue gas desulfurization (Ca–SD-FGD and Zn–SD-FGD) tech-nologies, respectively. It was found that ZnSO3·2.5H2O first lost crystal H2O at 100 °C and then decomposed into SO2 and solid ZnO at 260 °C in the air, while CaSO3 is oxidized at 450 °C before it decomposed in the air. The ex-perimental results confirm that Zn–SD-FGD technology is good for SO2 removal and recycling, but with problem in clogging and high operational cost. The proposed Na–Zn-FGD is clogging proof, and more cost-effective. In the new process, Na2CO3 is used to generate Na2SO3 for SO2 absorption, and the intermediate product NaHSO3 reacts with ZnO powders, producing ZnSO3·2.5H2O precipitate and Na2SO3 solution. The Na2SO3 solution is clogging proof, which is re-used for SO2 absorption. By thermal decomposition of ZnSO3·2.5H2O, ZnO is re-generated and SO2 with high purity is co-produced as well. The cycle consumes some amount of raw material Na2CO3 and a small amount of ZnO only. The newly proposed FGD technology could be a substitute of the traditional semi-dry FGD technologies.  相似文献   

石灰石-石膏脱硫喷淋塔吸收区高度计算模型   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
祝杰  叶世超  吴振元  白洁  郑毅骏 《化工学报》2014,65(8):2896-2901
从液滴受力分析入手,建立了喷淋塔的比表面积和传质速率方程,将吸收区划分为变速段与恒速段,推导了吸收区高度的计算模型,引用工业脱硫塔实际的工艺数据验证了模型的正确性,讨论了操作参数对吸收区高度的影响。结果表明,增加喷淋密度、提高吸收液pH值、减小液滴直径,均可降低吸收区高度;提高操作气速、增大烟气入口SO2浓度,吸收区高度增加;脱硫率随塔高而增加,但当脱硫率超过90%以后,增加塔高对脱硫率的影响不大。  相似文献   

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