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从5月11-12日在深圳召开的中国有色金属工业协会金银分会二届三次理事会上获悉,江西万年县正在规划建设万年县鑫银产业园,产业园设在江西万年工业园特色产业区内,长期规划3平方公里,首期征地600亩,共分四个产业规划功能区:再生资源回收中心、金银铜精加工区、银冶炼加工区、铜冶炼加工区,引进有色金属加工项目30个以上,年产值100个亿以上。  相似文献   

铋是一种“绿色”稀有金属,在地壳中的丰度和银相当。铋一般作为钨、铅、铝、铜、锡冶炼过程中的副产品回收,如铅阳极泥、锡阳极泥、铅钙镁渣、锡钨镁渣、铜转炉烟尘等,其含铋量波动在1%~5%之间,常采用先富集再火法冶炼的工艺予以处理。  相似文献   

介绍了冶炼过程中铜在钢中的危害,阐述了冶炼过程中脱铜的必要性。对国内外各种铜的去除方法进行了详细的介绍,并分析其反应机理。通过对各种方法脱铜过程中控制环节(脱铜剂的量、反应温度等)进行有效分析,希望进一步提高脱铜水平,使冶炼水平得到更好的发展。  相似文献   

本刊上一期《特别策划》栏目中重点策划了“关注铜冶炼扩张”的选题,集国内铜产量排名前四位的大型铜冶炼企业的领导、行业专家及本刊记者的一组文章,针对当前铜冶炼扩张及国家可能对铜冶炼调控等问题进行了大篇幅的深度报道.文章刊登后,在行业内引起了不小的反响和争鸣,多家企业对铜,台炼的高速发展持有不同观点在随后的采访中,记者走访了一些铜冶炼企业,听到了一些不同的声音。  相似文献   

随着铜价的持续攀高,国内正在掀起新的一轮铜冶炼产能扩张浪潮,现有的铜冶炼企业纷纷提出并实施产能扩张计划,甚至一些从来没有做过铜冶炼的企业也不断涉足其中。盲目的无序扩张,使国内铜冶炼行业形势发生了新的变化,不断聚积着巨大的行业风险;  相似文献   

铜冶炼过程产生的烟尘和污酸等危险废物的无害化处理及有价金属的综合高效回收是铜冶炼行业亟待解决的重大环保问题.本研究采用"以废制废"的研究思路,利用污酸中的游离酸实现铜冶炼烟尘中有价金属的高效浸出.开展了铜冶炼烟尘与污酸协同浸出实验,深入研究关键宏观技术参数对铜、砷浸出率以及复杂砷物相的溶解及沉淀过程矿相转变行为的影响规...  相似文献   

铜价攀升、加工费的急速上涨导致了中国铜冶炼产量的巨幅增长,同时也引发了国内投资新的冶炼厂的巨大兴趣。2004年国内掀起了新一轮的产能扩张浪潮。目前正在建设和准备上马的铜冶炼项目产能高达300万吨以上,是现有产能的1.5倍。今年头四个月中国精铜产量几乎上升了21%。国内主要国有冶炼企业纷纷准备扩大现有产能。一些原来没有做过铜冶炼的企业也准备涉足铜冶炼行业。前两年电解铝行业盲目投资热似乎正在铜冶炼领域重演。  相似文献   

在高铜价的刺激下,国内正在掀起新一轮的铜冶炼产能扩张浪潮。除行业龙头企业外,一些从来没有做过铜的企业也纷纷涉足其中,前两年电解铝行业盲目投资热似乎又在铜冶炼领域显现。一些业内人士对此不无忧虑,他们担心如果任其发展,过不了多久我国铜冶炼也将重蹈电解铝行业整体亏损的覆辙。  相似文献   

今年6月30日国家发改委发布了40号公告——《铜冶炼行业准入条件》,非常及时。它是促进铜工业和谐发展的重要措施,加快了产业结构的调整,促进了铜工业持续、协调、健康的发展,规范了铜冶炼行业,为中国铜工业发展指明了方向,意义重大。笔者认为在实施中应该注意以下三点:  相似文献   

随着全球铜库存处于低水平,铜市场的持续旺盛需求,中国铜市场在经历加工费长期低迷的阴霾后,迎来了久违的灿烂春天。加工费升高,铜价连攀历史新高,一度达到37000元/吨的国内最高价。与此同时,在高价铜利诱的驱使下,国内掀起了新一轮的铜冶炼产能扩张热潮。据报道,除传统的铜冶炼企业有计划的改造扩产外,各地一些有资金实力的行业外企业,在地方政府的支持下,纷纷涉足其中,全国目前正在投资建设和准备上马的铜冶炼项目产能高达200多万吨,  相似文献   

电场作用下铜渣中金属铜滴迁移行为的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了电场作用下铜渣中铜滴的电毛细活动迁移行为。实验结果表明:正极区几乎没有金属铜滴的存在,大量金属铜向阴极区富集迁移,最高富集率达到80%以上。方差分析显示:在富集率的影响因素中,渣料中铜含量的影响最为显著(置信概率为0.95),其次为外加电压和通电时间(置信概率为0.75),而温度影响的显著性最低。并通过模式识别找出了样本聚类的分布规律和提高富集率的优化方向,还进行了相应的实验验证。  相似文献   

某含银高硫铜矿含铜0.76%、硫24.35%及银34.92 g/t,有价矿物种类多、矿石性质复杂,采用抑硫优先浮选铜-活化浮选硫的原则工艺流程进行试验,配合石灰作为硫化铁矿物抑制剂以及筛选出丁基黄药+酯-105作为硫化铜矿物的组合捕收剂,强化了银在铜精矿中的富集。在选定工艺条件下,可获得铜品位21.60%、银品位602.84 g/t的铜精矿(铜和银回收率分别为89.30%和54.39%),硫品位45.60%、银21.55 g/t的硫精矿(硫和银回收率分别为89.79%和29.59%),实现了铜、硫和银的综合回收利用。  相似文献   

热型连铸准单晶铜杆的工艺及性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用现有的水平连铸设备,改冷铸型为加热铸型,并在此基础上对电解铜(纯度99.95%)进行了水平连铸试验。在纯铜热型连铸过程中,当铸型出口温度为1135℃、拉铸速度为74mm/s、冷却距离为20mm时,能够拉铸出准单晶铜棒材。试验后对准单晶铜的电阻率和力学性能进行了测试分析,结果表明:与国家标准纯铜线T2M相比,准单晶铜的电阻率与国家标准相当;准单晶铜的抗拉强度与国家标准相比降低了26.6%,伸长率最大增加了76%。因此,准单晶铜具有较优异的塑性加工性能和较低电阻率,并且生产率较高。  相似文献   

Copper coatings containing well-distributed Nb particles were obtained by co-electrodeposition in an acidic sulfate bath. Nb particle concentration in the bath was the most significant factor for the incorporation of Nb particles in copper, followed by stirring rate, whereas current density presented low significance. High Nb particle concentration and low stirring rate led to a higher incorporated Nb particle content. The microhardness of the composite layers was higher than that of pure copper deposits obtained under the same conditions due to copper matrix grain refinement and increased with the increase of both current density and incorporated Nb particle volume fraction. The corrosion resistance of Cu-Nb composites in 0.5 wt.% H2SO4 solution at room temperature was higher than that of pure copper and increased with the increase of the Nb content.  相似文献   

通过对比正交设计法介绍了均匀设计法的优点,引入铜及铜合金手工自蔓延焊接快速评价方法,并采用均匀设计法优化已有铜基燃烧型焊条配方.选择高热剂Al+CuO、造渣剂B2O3、合金剂Ni、合金剂Zn 含量为影响因素,以燃速、热量、飞溅、黏度、脱渣、流动、铺展、气孔、夹杂、强度这十项性能作为主要考察指标,按照均匀设计法流程,经计...  相似文献   

提高SCR生产线铜杆过线成功率的措施   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
通过对SCR铜杆连铸连轧法多年来的生产实践经验,提高了SCR铜杆过线成功率,解决了生产的"瓶颈"问题.根据系统中铜杆轧制过线困难的诸多影响因素,对设备主要技术性能参数如功率,扭矩、轧制速度、间隙等进行优化匹配,严格控制铜杆过线工艺如轧制温度、流量、速度、最佳溶液配比,控制过线前铜液含氧量、确认无酸清洗管内无残留铜杆等都是提高过线成功率的重要影响因素.  相似文献   

Partly oxidized copper films were annealed in a controlled vacuum of 10–7 Pa at a temperature of 450° C. The changes discussed below were observed in situ with a specially designed high-resolution transmission electron microscope. The thin, (100)-oriented, single-crystal films of copper had been oxidized immediately prior to the annealing studies at the same temperature and at an oxygen partial pressure of 7×10 –1 Pa, until the desired fraction of the copper film was converted to oxide. It was observed that the oxide disappeared during annealing as long as some copper was left unoxidized. The disappearance of the oxide is explained as being due to dissociation of the oxide at the oxide-metal interface followed by diffusion of oxygen into the metal and desorption of oxygen from the surface of the unoxidized copper. The rate of disappearance of the oxide was found to be proportional to the surface area of unoxidized copper, i.e., the desorption was found to be the rate — limiting step. In the case of heavily oxidized films (>50%), holes were observed to develop in the oxide near the oxide-metal interface after an annealing period of 2–3 hr. Upon resumption of the oxidation, these holes first disappeared, and the normal oxidation behavior was then resumed. The formation of holes may be explained by vacancy clustering. When completely oxidized films were annealed, recrystallization of the oxide was observed.This work was performed at the Ames Research Center and funded by NASA Grants Nos. NCA2-OP390-403 and NSG-2025.  相似文献   

江伟  王丽凤 《焊接学报》2017,38(3):112-116
文中利用有限元模拟软件ANSYS对三维立体封装芯片发热过程中整体应力及局部铜柱的应力情况进行了分析,并对三维封装的结构进行了优化设计.结果表明,最大应力分布在铜柱层,铜柱的应力最大点出现在铜柱外侧拐角与底部接触位置.以铜柱处最大应力作为响应,进行了结构参数优化,采用三因素三水平正交试验方法,分别使用铜柱直径、铜柱高度、铜柱间距三个影响因素作为变化的结构参数.结果表明,铜柱直径的变化对等效应力影响最大,铜柱间距次之,铜柱高度影响最小.且发现随着铜柱高度、铜柱间距、铜柱直径的不断增大其铜柱外侧拐角与底部接触位置的最大等效应力不断减小.  相似文献   

Preliminary study on concentration and separation of tin (Sn) from copper alloy dross by selective dissolution method was conducted. The tin in the copper alloy dross did not dissolve in an aqueous nitric acid solution which could allow separation of tin from the copper alloy dross. The tin as H2SnO3 (metastannic acid) phase was precipitated in the solution with centrifuging process and transformed to tin dioxide (SnO2) after drying process. The dried sample was heat-treated at low temperature and its phase characteristics, surface morphology and chemical composition were investigated.  相似文献   

The deposition of copper by cold gas dynamic spraying has attracted much interest in recent years due to the capability to deposit low-porosity oxide-free coatings. However, it is generally found that as-deposited copper has a signicantly greater hardness, and potentially lower ductility, than bulk material. In this article, copper was deposited by cold spraying using helium as the driving gas at both 298 and 523 K. Evidence is presented indicating that the material sprayed at the lower temperature exhibits a lower dislocation density throughout the grain structure than the material sprayed at the higher temperature. The low stacking fault energy of copper restricts recovery during annealing, and thus microstructural changes during annealing only proceed once recrystallization begins. The material sprayed at low temperature (with the low dislocation density) exhibited recrystallization at annealing temperatures as low as 373 K with a corresponding reduction in hardness. However, the copper sprayed with helium at 523 K was resistant to annealing at temperatures up to 473 K where the dislocations in the structure prevented recrystallization. However, at higher temperatures, recrystallization did proceed (with corresponding reductions in hardness). The fracture behavior of the copper that was cold sprayed with helium at 523 K, both in the as-sprayed condition and following annealing, was measured and explained in terms of the annealing mechanisms proposed. The original version of this paper was published in the CD ROM Thermal Spray Connects: Explore Its Surfacing Potential, International Thermal Spray Conference, sponsored by DVS, ASM International, and HW International Institute of Welding, Basel, Switzerland, May 2–4, 2005, DVS-Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany.  相似文献   

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