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In a patient with a goblet cell carcinoid tumor of the appendix, light and electron microscopical studies demonstrated mucinous material and enterochromaffin granules within the same cell. Transitions between cells containing primarily mucin and cells containing numerous argentaffin granules were observed. Fluorescence studies demonstrated that the tumor cells contain biogenic amines.  相似文献   

Continuous human leukemia-lymphoma cell lines have become invaluable tools for hematological research as they provide an unlimited amount of cellular material. The first human lymphoma cell line Raji was established in 1963; since then several hundred leukemia-lymphoma cell lines spanning almost the whole spectrum of hematopoietic cell lineages (except for dendritric cells) have been described. The cardinal features of leukemia-lymphoma cell lines are their monoclonal origin, arrest of differentiation, and (growth factor-independent or -dependent) unlimited proliferation. Categorization of cell lines usually follows the physiological stages of hematopoietic differentiation in the various cell lineages. For an adequate classification, a detailed characterization of both primary and cultured cells in absolutely necessary. New cell lines, in particular, must be adequately, characterized; while cell culture data and immunological and cytogenetic features are essential, cell lines should be described in as much detail as possible. In addition to this recommended multiparameter characterization and the obligatory immortality of the culture, authentication of the true origin of the cells, novelty, scientific significance and availability of the cell line for other investigators are of utmost importance. It is still extremely difficult to establish new leukemia-lymphoma cell lines (except for some subtypes), and most attempts fail. Paramount to the lack of our understanding as to why certain cells start to proliferate in culture and others do not (thus implying a random process), is probably the difficulty of mimicking in vitro the physiological in vivo microenvironment. Attempts to improve the efficiency of cell line establishment should focus on examining the appropriateness of the in vitro culture conditions; these conditions should emulate as closely as possible the in vivo situation. In summary, leukemia-lymphoma cell lines have the potential to greatly facilitate diverse studies of normal and malignant hematopoiesis; to that end, these cell lines must be extensively characterized and adequately described.  相似文献   

In the dasyurid marsupial, Sminthopsis crassicaudata, as the oocytes/embryos travel down the female reproductive tract two extracellular coats, the mucoid and shell membrane, come to surround them. Embryos recovered from the oviduct have a mucoid coat but no shell membrane which is only found surrounding uterine embryos. Initially, the shell membrane has a compact granular consistency but it later thins and becomes fibrous in texture with fibres oriented mainly in the plane of the membrane. Immunogold labelling with polyclonal antibodies raised against the extracellular coats was employed to determine the location and ultrastructural appearance of the secretory granules which contain mucoid and shell membrane precursors. Secretory granules in the luminal epithelium of the ampulla of the oviduct are of irregular electron density, while those in the isthmus are electron-dense and homogeneous. Both types give rise to the mucoid coat. Secretory granules in the epithelia of the utero-tubal junction and some endometrial glands are electron-lucent and contain some flocculent material which, after exocytosis, gives rise to the shell membrane.  相似文献   

Striatal neurons from E15 rat embryos were dissociated, plated at low cell density on polyornithine or on astrocyte monolayers derived from the striatum (homotopic) or mesencephalon (heterotopic), and cultured in a chemically defined medium. Dendrites developing in homotopic co-cultures could reach a state of maturation allowing the establishment of synapses with axons from mesencephalic explants. This culture system thus partially reproduces the in vivo conditions in which striatal neurons developing in an homotopic glial environment can serve as synaptic targets for afferent mesencephalic axons.  相似文献   

The tracheobronchial tree of rats was fixed by fixative vapor "from the front", thus preserving the mucous blanket for morphologic study. Electron microscopic examination of bronchi revealed the existence of osmiophilic myelin-figured lamellae in the lower zone of the mucous blanket. The meaning of this finding is discussed in terms of a 2-layer model of the mucous blanket.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Our specific aim in the 16 year prospective NHANES I epidemiologic follow-up study (NHEFS) was to assess the important roles of modifiable dietary and behavioral factors in causation and prevention of deaths and hospitalizations for coronary heart disease (CHD). METHODS: Using NHEFS 16 year follow-up data (1971 to 1987), we studied 5811 subjects, 1958 with and 3853 without CHD events, using logistic regression. RESULTS: In age groups 40 to 49, 50 to 59, 60 to 69, and 70 to 74 years (at study entry in 1971-4), the numbers of men and women were respectively 597 and 1019, 570 and 619, 932 and 1042, and 486 and 546. The following factors were independently positively associated (p < .05) with CHD: age, serum cholesterol, body mass index, cigarette use, and region (Midwest, Northeast). The following factors were independently negatively associated (p < .05) with CHD: gender (female), race (black), fish intake, alcohol, high school education, moderate exercise, and moderate and heavy habitual physical activity. Subjects with serum cholesterol > 249 mg/dl benefitted less (p = .04) from fish intake than those with 209 to 249 or < 209, and benefitted less (p = .03) from alcohol intake (CHD incidence [%]): [see text] CONCLUSIONS: These associations emphasize the important role of modifiable dietary and behavioral factors in the causation and prevention of CHD.  相似文献   

We analyzed large periarticular calcifications of the hips and pubis in a woman with diffuse primary chondrocalcinosis, symptomatic in the knees. Serial articular and periarticular biopsies were obtained during surgery for osteoporotic hip fracture. Histologic examination showed diffuse nonbirefringent clumps in red alizarin stained cartilage, capsula and tendon. Scanning electron microscopy with microanalysis indicated a calcium/phosphorus atomic ratio of about 1. Transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction and Raman spectroscopy assessed calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD) in cartilage, synovia, capsula, tendon and muscle. The cause of these hard to observe, bulky CPPD periarticular deposits, which resembled basic calcium phosphate on radiography, is still unclear.  相似文献   

The appearance of "giant perichromatin granules" to date has been considered pathognomonic of nasopharyngeal angiofibroma. We present the finding of giant intranuclear granules in human megakaryocytes. The patient was a 34-year-old woman with a diagnosis of Sebastian platelet syndrome. The bone marrow aspirate showed an increased number of megakaryocytes. Ultrastructural study revealed giant perichromatin-like granules in the nuclei of 80% megakaryocytes. These granules were round or oval and size ranged 230 to 540 nm. Further studies are needed in our patient to determine the significance of these granules.  相似文献   

The parathyroid glands of rats given 150 ppm fluoride in the drinking water for 10 weeks are evaluated ultrastructurally and compared to the parathyroid glands of untreated rats. As a result of fluoride ingestion, the majority of the parathyroid cells are dark chief cells, indicating that these cells are in the active stages of the secretory cycle. More significantly, in the fluoride-treated rats, the cytoplasmic organelles of the dark chief cells are even more developed that those seen in the dark chief cells of untreated rats. The dark cells contain an electron-dense cytoplasm with abundant lamellar arrays of rough endoplasmic reticulum, spiral aggregations of free ribosomes, multiple dilated Golgi complexes, and increased numbers of secretory granules. The cells are at a minimum dimension with maximum tortuosity of the plasma membranes; and, as a result, large intercellular spaces are often seen between contiguous cells. Based on these observations, it is suggested that, in the fluoride-treated rat, a type of secondary hyperparathyroidism develops resulting in an increase in the organelles involved in protein synthesis and secretion.  相似文献   

Two cases of melanotic neuro-ectodermal tumour of infancy (MNTI)--a rare neoplasm arising in the first year of life--are reported, with the results of immunohistochemical and ultrastructural examination. The tumours consisted of a biphasic cell population in a fibrous stroma. The small, darkly staining cells comprising the first population stained positively for synaptophysin, showing them to be neuroblasts, and the large epithelioid cells comprising the second cell population stained positively with the antibodies HMB-45 and NKI-Beteb, showing them to be melanocytes. Ultrastructural examination of the second case confirmed the biphasic nature of the tumour cells, with secretory granules and neurofilaments in the neuroblastic population, and melanosomes in the epithelioid population. These results add to the evidence supporting the neural crest origin of MNTI and confirm its formation from two distinct cell lines. Both cases have responded to local excision, with no recurrence more than a year after initial treatment.  相似文献   

The bone marrow contains branching vascular sinuses lying in a fibroblastic stroma which supports hematopoiesis. This paper describes the stroma and vascular sinuses by scanning and transmission electron microscopy and in freeze-fracture etch replicas in normal fat femoral marrow and in rats made eosinophilic by larvae of trichinella spiralis. The stroma consists primarily of reticular cells which ensheath sinuses as adventitial cells and branch into the surrounding hematopoietic space. They form a spongework on which hematopoietic cells are arranged. Erythroblasts, clustered into islets, and megakaryocytes lie just outside sinuses. Granulocytes, until the metamyelocyte stage, lie in the midst of the hematopoietic cords. Lymphocytes, monocytes and likely stem cells, are clustered about arterial vessels. Macrophages occur throughout the marrow. Fat cells occur adventitial to vascular sinuses and appear to be reticular cells which accumulate fat. Processes of reticular cells closely envelope hematopoietic cells or protrude into them. Reticular cells contain rough ER and are likely fibroblastic. The argyrophilic reticular fibers of the marrow are, however, slender and scanty. Reticular cells are rich in filaments and they may contain many microtubules. They are not phagocytic and possess few lysosomes. The reticular cell cover of a vascular sinus is lifted away as maturing hematopoietic cells approach the sinus, preparatory to crossing the endothelium and entering the circulation. Maturing granulocytes often show microvilli on reaching the basal endothelial surface. The level of eosinophils in the marrow may increase from approximately four to more than 20% after injection of trichinella larvae. Close distinctive association of reticular cells and eosinophils are marked. Reticular cells provide a physical spongwork on which hematopoietic cells are supported. But I postulate that they also trap and induce differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells, and sort the differentiating hematopoietic cells into characteristic locations in their spongework.  相似文献   

A quantitative study regarding the age-related changes occurring in the nucleus and the somatic organelles of neurosecretory magnocellular neurons of the hypothalamo neurohypophyseal system (HNS) was carried out in the hamster at six age-points during animal life. The magnocellular cells of both parts of the supraoptic nucleus (SON) and the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of male Syrian hamsters between 3 and 30 months of age were examined ultrastructurally. Cells of all age groups present the same morphological ultrastructure. Standard manual morphometric techniques are used to calculate the following parameters related directly or indirectly with cellular activity: nuclear area, nucleolar area, nuclear invagination index and volumetric fractions of some intracellular structures (Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum and lipofuscin). With respect to the cell nucleus, the parameters are not modified during aging. No significant differences in the volume density of subcellular components, except lipofuscin, were detected at the age groups studies. However, there is a positive linear trend among all parameters and age except for the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Our results suggest maintenance of the synthetic activity of the magnocellular neurons in the hamster during aging but in no case an increase in their metabolic activity.  相似文献   

Onset and offset of calcium current in response to short, depolarizing voltage pulses were studied in giant synaptic terminals of goldfish bipolar neurons. Tail-current decays were extremely rapid (80 micros at -70 mV), and exponentially slowed at more positive repolarization potentials. The amplitude of tail current following voltage pulses varied with the pulse amplitude, according to a Bolzmann distribution with a V1/2 of -27.6 mV and a slope factor of 13.8 mV. When interpreted with a Hodgkin-Huxley model, calcium-current onset was best described by m2 kinetics and a time constant (tau(m)) of 0.62 ms at -10 mV. The kinetics of calcium-current onset and offset are at least two- to threefold faster than those described in other native cells. Combined with other recent data, the results suggest that the rapid kinetics may participate in a fast signaling mode in the goldfish ON-center pathway.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE AND BACKGROUND: Orthotopic liver transplantation is both a difficult and a demanding surgical procedure. It is not unexpected that cardiovascular dysfunction is present in some individuals being evaluated for liver transplantation. Thus, all potential liver transplant recipients seen at this center undergo a full cardiac evaluation prior to being accepted for transplantation. The goal of this report was to review the components of the cardiovascular evaluation utilized at the Oklahoma Transplantation Institute and to determine their overall usefulness as well as the ability of the process to identify individuals at high risk for a cardiac misadventure during liver transplantation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between June 25, 1993 and June 30, 1995, a total of 154 consecutive patients with chronic liver disease were evaluated. The primary liver disease of each was established utilizing specific serologic and biochemical tests, ultrasonographic and abdominal tomographic findings, as well as hepatic histology results and hepatic iron and copper level determinations. Each liver transplant candidate underwent a full cardiac evaluation consisting of the following: nuclear ventriculography to estimate the left ventricular ejection fraction (at rest and during exercise), right ventricular ejection fraction, cardiac output, stroke volume and cardiac index; uptake images using thallium and adenosine to identify foci of cardiac ischemic or fixed defects; echocardiography to define the dimensions of the various cardiac chambers, wall thicknesses, cardiac contractility and morphology of the cardiac valves. Finally, coronary arteriography was performed in 26 patients (16.9%) who were suspected of having clinically important coronary artery disease. It should be noted that all of the cardiac evaluations were performed by a single cardiologist. RESULTS: Eight of the 154 potential liver transplant candidates (5.2%) were determined as not being eligible for liver transplantation because of an inadequate cardiac status based upon an initial history and physical examination. Forty-one of the remaining 146 patients (28.1%) underwent liver transplantation. The remaining 105 subjects have not been transplanted for reasons not related to the cardiac status. Eight of the 41 (19.5%) transplanted patients had a clinically advanced cardiac problem recognized prior to liver transplantation. Four of these eight required a specific cardiac intervention prior to liver transplantation consisting of coronary bypass surgery (n = 1), coronary artery balloon dilation (n = 2) or pericardiectomy (n = 1). The remaining four patients required no pretransplant cardiac intervention and were transplanted. None of these experienced any cardiac complications during, or in the 3 months following, the liver transplant procedure. Only one patient experienced a specific postoperative cardiac complication, consisting of an episode of high grave A-V block requiring transplant placement of a cardiac pacing device. This patient had hemochromatosis. CONCLUSIONS: Based upon this experience, it can be concluded that coronary artery disease per se is not an absolute contraindication for liver transplantation. With appropriate treatment, liver transplantation can be performed safely in individuals with confounding cardiac disease. Nuclear ventriculography and echocardiography are essential procedures in evaluating potential liver transplant recipients in an effort to exclude those with occult cardiomyopathy. Coronary arteriography is indicated only in selected cases with evidence of cardiac ischemia or infarction.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pachydermoperiostosis (PDP) is a rare genetically determined disease belonging to the group of hypertrophic osteoarthropathies. Its aetiopathogenesis remains unclear. Most hypotheses favour an exogenous stimulation of fibroblasts. METHODS: A clinically typical patient with PDP was studied by electron microscopy with particular reference to the dermis and its cellular constituents. Fibroblasts from involved skin were cultured and studied in comparison with control cells. RESULTS: Remarkable modifications of the structure of the dermis were observed, encompassing irregular caliber of collagen fibres, extracellular deposits of microfibrils and of amorphous granular substance corresponding to the Alcian blue positive deposits seen by conventional histochemistry. The in vitro growth of fibroblasts was normal. CONCLUSION: Authors reviewed aetiopathogenic hypotheses. Our data suggest a genetically determined alteration of extracellular matrix production by fibroblasts as a possible explanation for the development of PDP.  相似文献   

The present work deals with the structural analysis of Schistosoma mansoni granuloma and the visualization of cellular interaction at an ultrastuctural level in the acute (8 weeks) and chronic (20 weeks) stages of infection, for more detailed understanding of pathophysiology of the disease. Although, S. mansoni granuloma is mediated by T-lymphocytes, yet in this work the macrophage cells and not the lymphocytes represented the main cell type in cellular and fibrocellular granulomas. The cellular and fibrocellular granulomas detected in the acute stage of infection elicited no difference in cellular constituent to those of the chronic stage respectively. Macrophage cells and fibrocytes were the only cell type detected in fibrotic granuloma. The monocytes may be considered the first cell reaching the site of the trapped egg as they formed the first row of cells around the egg. The cellular infiltrate forming the granuloma: monocytes, macrophages, lymphocytes, eosinophils, fibroblasts and plasma cells revealed direct contact or adherence between them and even between the individual cell type, through extending protrusion from the cell membrane of adjacent cells. They constituted an integrated network which encircled the egg. Similar adhesion between inflammatory cells in the blood vessels and between the inflammatory cells and the endothelial cells were displayed. These points of intercellular adhesion appeared as if, not only used for functional communication between the cells, but also for cellular deplacement either in the extracellular matrix or in the blood stream until extravasation. In conclusion, S. mansoni granuloma is a highly organized cellular lesion, in which cell to cell communication occurs through direct cell contact.  相似文献   

The invasion of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites and bradyzoites was followed in bovine kidney cells via electron microscopy. The process of invasion differed between bradyzoites and tachyzoites. In the early stages of entry there was evidence of localised formation of membrane projections in the host cell adjacent to the parasite. Parasite reorientation and rhoptry release appeared to be necessary for invasion; however, the tight junction could not be clearly discerned and there was no evidence of constriction or of any membrane shedding from the parasite. The resulting parasitophorous vacuole was smaller than the tachyzoite vacuole and parasites were frequently found to lie immediately under the host cell membrane. The vacuole was rapidly adapted by the release and formation of an intra-phagosomal membrane network, while the parasitophorous vacuole formed a relationship with host-cell endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Morbidly obese individuals are unlikely to reach and maintain normative weights. Thus, interventions aimed at alleviating corollary problems, independent of attempts at weight loss, are appropriate. A cognitive group treatment program (CT) was developed which incorporated a nondieting approach, regular exercise, and use of alternative coping skills. Weight loss per se was not a focus of the intervention. The purpose of the current work was to evaluate this program in a controlled, comparative treatment outcome study. METHOD: Sixty-two obese women with a history of treatment failures were randomly assigned to the CT program, a behavior therapy weight loss program (BT), or a wait-list control group. RESULTS: For CT participants, depression, anxiety, and eating-related psychopathology decreased significantly over the course of treatment while perceptions of self-control increased; BT and control subjects showed no significant changes in these variables. Women in both active treatment groups lost significant amounts of weight, while members of the control group showed a nonsignificant increase in weight. At 6-month follow-up, treatment benefits were maintained. DISCUSSION: Findings suggest that interventions not directly aimed at weight loss can enhance psychological well-being and thus may be appropriate for some obese women.  相似文献   

Human external auditory canal skin, with a special emphasis on the secretory system, was studied by light, transmission electron and scanning electron microscopy. Two types of secretory glands were observed: modified apocrine (ceruminous) and sebaceous. The sebaceous secretory cellere homogeneous; on the other hand, modified apocrine secretory cells contained heterogeneous secretory granules. They were ither dark granules or light granules. Evidence to support both the apocrine as well as the eccrine mode of secretion was noted in the modified apocrine gland. This finding is partly in agreement with early reports based on light microscopy with suggested only an apocrine mode and data based on transmission electron microscopy which showed only the eccrine mode. Significance of the secretion by the external ear canal and its role in a local immune defense system is discussed.  相似文献   

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