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昔日样板厂今朝谱新章———江苏连云港化肥厂建厂三十周年暨江苏德邦化学工业集团有限公司成立纪念郭庆嘉(江苏德邦化学工业集团有限公司连云港222023)三十年沧桑,三十年奋斗,三十年追求,江苏连云港化肥厂走过了创业、发展、奋进的三十个春秋,迎来了建厂三十...  相似文献   

三十醇是一种在天然界广泛存在的物质。在幼蚕体表白色粉末中,92%是游离三十醇。土壤中也含有游离三十醇。甘蔗茎部表层蜡质物中含3.5%的三十醇。在葡萄干表层脂质中,其40%的游离醇中三十醇占3.3%。在其它不少植物的根、茎、藤、叶、花、果、种子的表层,在一些昆虫的体表和分泌物中,都发现有三十醇及其同系物的存在。人们常常接触和食用含有三十醇的动植物。含有游离三十醇约80ppm的蜂蜡自古以来被用作药物,中外药典均收载。治疗皮肤皱裂的尿素软膏处方中就含蜂蜡4%。  相似文献   

索阳 《中国涂料》2009,(2):I0008-I0008
2009年1月5日晚,福建经济界、企业界2009开春盛典——“改革开放三十周年海西骄傲”颁奖典礼在福州凤凰剧院隆重举行,揭晓了三十个“福建改革开放三十年最具影响力、贡献力品牌”,其中三棵树涂料股份有限公司榜上有名,公司董事长、总裁洪杰出席了颁奖典礼。获奖的三十个“最具影响力、贡献力品牌”集中反映了福建改革开放三十年以来经济发展成果和品牌企业成长历程。  相似文献   

三十烷醇—1促进蔬菜生长的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 一、三十烷醇研究简史 早在1933年Chibnall等首次从苜蓿中分离出三十烷醇,他还通过试验证明了有关直链脂肪醇的生物活性。到了本世纪四十年代,Zweig等总结了蜂蜡的检验方法,提出其中三十烷醇含量颇高。1972年,Kolattukudy和Walton报道,三十烷醇少量存在  相似文献   

植物生长调节剂正三十烷醇,对农作物的增产具有显著效果,因此正三十烷醇的生产越来越受到人们重视,与生产相适应的分析方法的研究,就显得甚为迫切。就目前所见资料来看,国内测定正三十烷醇均采用气相色谱归一化法,但由于制取正三十烷醇的方法和纯制措施各异,所要分析试样的纯度及共存组分亦不相同,且归一化法的应用需要有一定的先决条件,而某些三十烷醇产品不能满足归一法的先决条件,若仍用归一法测定,必然引起很大偏差。本文提出使用内标法以更广泛地适用于各种三十烷醇试样的直接测定。对内标物的选择进行了探讨,结果认为以邻苯二甲酸二正辛酯或癸二酸二异辛酯作为内标法测定正三十烷醇的内标物最适宜。  相似文献   

一、前言三十烷醇(Triacontanol)是一种新型的植物生长调节剂,对植物的生长和发育具有特殊的调节和控制作用。用于粮食、棉花、油料、果树、蔬菜均有明显的增产效果。三十烷醇由于活性高、用量少、毒性低、使用安全,受到国内外重视。目前,我国使用的三十烷醇绝大部分是由蜂蜡经皂化、分离、结晶精制而得。由于三十烷醇和其他高碳醇(如二十八烷醇、三十二烷醇)分离困难,而二十八烷醇又对三十烷醇的生理活性具有抑制作用,因此必须用溶剂多次重结晶,操作十分烦琐。用合成法制备三十  相似文献   

中国石化迎来成立三十周年7月,中国石化将迎来成立三十周年华诞。为此,中国石化第一任总经理,全国政协原副主席陈锦华最近发表了专门的文章《中国石化三十年》。该文目前正在国内石油、石化行业中广为学习、阅读。  相似文献   

三十烷醇是含有三十碳原子的饱和直链伯醇,分子式C_(30)H_(61)OH,它的分子中除碳、氢、氧外,没有其它成份,对人畜无毒。几年来国内外关于三十烷醇对植物生理效应的研究报道有数十篇,现将所看到的资料进行概述,目的是为三十烷醇在生产上的推广应用和深入探讨其作用机理,提供参考。  相似文献   

近来,人们对三十烷醇-1作为一种有效的植物生长调节剂应用的可能性已产生颇大的兴趣。当仅仅加入4毫克/英亩三十烷醇-1(I)时,可使食用植物(如番茄、胡萝卜和玉米)的生长和产量增加10~40%。三十烷醇-1也是蓖麻蚕[Samia cynthia ricini(Jones)]幼虫表皮的主要组成成分。由天然资源(如紫苜蓿叶)中提取三十烷醇-1是非常昂贵的;由化学合成制备三十烷醇-1虽有报道,但是,一般说来,合成步骤较多、且昂贵。  相似文献   

三十烷醇对多种农作物的生长有促进作用,自1977年从苜蓿中分离出三十烷醇以来,引起了国内外的广泛重视。由于其用量小,见效快,而且应用简便,无毒,剂量低,高效,无公害,我国也有许多单位进行三十烷醇的研制工作。天然的三十烷醇与高级脂肪酸结合,存在于蜡质中,常用原料有米糠蜡,蜂蜡等。邯  相似文献   

The rate of hydrolysis of the abundant foliar protein, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBPC), in enzymatically active gut fluid ofManduca sexta larvae is very rapid and is unaffected by the presence of tannic acid, even when tannic acid is present in the incubation mixture in amounts in excess of the amount of RuBPC. When this protein is dissolved in the denatured gut fluids ofM. sexta larvae orSchistocerca gregaria nymphs, large amounts of tannic acid must be added to bring about the precipitation of significant quantities of protein. The ability of insect gut fluid to prevent the formation of insoluble tannin-protein complexes is due to the presence of surfactants. On the basis of our results and a review of the findings of other investigators, we argue that there is no evidence that tannins reduce the nutritional value of an insect's food by inhibiting digestive enzymes or by reducing the digestibility of ingested proteins and, further, that the failure of tannins to interfere with digestion is readily explained on the basis of well-documented characteristics of the digestive systems of herbivorous insects. In challenging the currently popular notion that tannins are digestibility-reducing substances, we do not challenge the general utility of either the apparency theory or resource availability theory of plant defense. In debating the merits of these two analyses of plant-herbivore interactions, however, the demise of tannins as all-purpose, dose-dependent, digestibility-reducing defensive substances must be taken into account.  相似文献   

为了探究不同岩性、不同级配机制砂对混凝土性能的影响,对三种不同岩性机制砂混凝土及天然河砂混凝土的工作性和抗压强度进行研究。此外,对比分析了四种混凝土在干湿循环制度下的抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能。结果表明,天然河砂混凝土的工作性优于机制砂混凝土,钙质机制砂混凝土的工作性略好于硅质机制砂混凝土。机制砂混凝土的抗压强度优于天然河砂混凝土,在硫酸盐侵蚀循环作用下的力学性能变化趋势与天然河砂混凝土基本一致。在相同级配条件下,机制砂混凝土的抗蚀系数高于天然河砂混凝土;机制砂岩性并不会对混凝土抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能带来负面影响。级配良好的机制砂可以增强混凝土抗压强度和抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能。  相似文献   

The measurement of functionality of protein food ingredients has developed somewhat haphazardly, probably due to the wide range of proteins used as ingredients and the diversity of foods. Studies of the physiochemical properties of proteins should enable prediction of a proteins response to process environments and prove more fruitful than many of the empirical measurements of functionality. The effects of pH, salt type and concentration on the phase behaviour of the oilseed globulin and arachin, demonstrates the complexity of protein solubility and the inadequacies of simple tests that have arisen. Studies of the effects of salts and conditioning on meat fibres, coupled with measurement of the location of water in pellets from water holding tests enable the latter to be applied with increased confidence. Comparison of the endothermic transitions observed on heating with the development of storage and loss moduli allow the contributions of domains of skeletal muscle myosin to gel structure to be investigated.  相似文献   

Six electrophysiologically active aromatic compounds, viz., anisole, benzaldehyde, veratrole, guaiacol, phenylacetonitrile, and phenol, were identified in the volatiles of older-adult male desert locust. Young adults and females of all age groups produced none or only trace quantities of these compounds. Comparison of the aggregation responses of young and older adults to the crude, older-adult, volatile extract and different synthetic blends of the six compounds showed that the aggregation pheromone system of the adult gregarious locust consists of phenylacetonitrile, guaiacol, phenol, and benzaldehyde. Like the crude volatile extract of older males, neither the synthetic blend of the six compounds nor the adult pheromone blend evoked any significant aggregation responses from nymphs. These results confirm our previous report of sexual differentiation in the production of adult aggregation pheromone in the desert locust and of the evidence of two distinct aggregation pheromone systems in the two stages of the insect.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanics modelling is used to calculate the energies of interaction, hence the molecular level energy of adhesion at the interface with crystalline cellulose I of three different photopolymerizable primers and of a polyester varnish at the interface with the primer/cellulose assembly. The energy of interactions for just one of the primers with the statistically most common conformation of amorphous cellulose has also been obtained for comparison. Experimental results of adhesion by a standard peel test and by thermomechanical analysis, in which the effect of viscoelastic energy dissipation by crack tip propagation has been respectively minimized or is not present, hence in which the energy of interfacial interaction is nothing else but the work of adhesion, correlated well with the energies of interaction calculated by molecular mechanics. An equation correlating the energy of interaction at each finish/cellulose interface with the deflection derived by thermomechanical analysis, and with the number of internal bond rotational degrees of freedom as well as the degree of networking of the finish, has been derived and is presented. A relationship between the intrinsic fracture energy Go and the molecular mechanics-derived energy of interaction at the interface equating this to the square of the work of adhesion is obtained and is presented.  相似文献   

Isoprenoids and phenolics, major metabolites of important browse species, are reviewed in regard to concentrations, distribution within tissues, and between species. Seasonal variation of specific substances and changes with age of the plant are also considered. The distribution of substances may affect food selection and feeding behavior of animals. Wild mammalian herbivores tend to avoid plant parts rich in these substances, in spite of high nutritional content of the plant tissue. Possible mechanisms for defense by plants against depredation by mammalian herbivores are discussed within the framework of the plants' biochemistry.  相似文献   

使用共沉淀法制备负载Cu催化剂。通过添加碱土金属Sr,对Cu催化剂进行了改性,以提高Cu催化剂在果糖加氢制备甘露醇过程中的活性和选择性。采用ICP-MS、TEM、XRD、H2-TPR、XPS和CO2-TPD等对所制备的催化剂进行了系统表征。结果表明:Sr的添加能增大催化剂的比表面积,促进活性组分Cu的分散,从而提高了催化剂的活性,并且增加了催化剂的碱性,使果糖优先形成β-呋喃糖中间体,从而提高了甘露醇的选择性。在果糖浓度为1.1 mol·L-1、催化剂用量为反应物质量的6%、反应温度为373 K、反应氢压为4.0 MPa、Cu/Sr原子比为7∶1的反应条件下,果糖转化率为99%,甘露醇的选择性为79%。催化剂循环使用了20次,其催化稳定性基本保持不变。  相似文献   

密封界面的泄漏机理是机械密封研究与应用的焦点问题之一,涉及泄漏通道表征、粗糙表面的接触力学模型、界面微观形貌变化以及介质流体在泄漏通道中的流动阻力等问题。回顾了近几十年国内外接触式机械密封泄漏通道模型的研究,深入分析了G-W模型、M-B模型和Persson模型3种粗糙表面接触力学模型的贡献和存在的问题,提出了一种基于逾渗理论的泄漏通道新模型;探讨了密封界面的分形参数、泄漏通道的流动阻力以及密封界面的有限尺寸效应对泄漏特性的影响,指出孔隙连通贯穿界面和流体流经贯穿通道的流动阻力小是密封界面产生泄漏的成因,以及泄漏通道的形成和泄漏通道内的流体流动特性是泄漏机理研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

Experimental trials of the water hydrolysis of bagasse to produce xylose, arabinose and glucose were conducted using a temperature-controlled microwave digester. The experimental variables were temperature, ratio of water mass to bagasse mass, type of bagasse material and reaction time. The pH of the liquid and concentration of dissolved xylose, arabinose and glucose were measured at the completion of each trial. Kinetic modelling of the global rates of formation of monosaccharide products was performed using schemes based on earlier researchers’ models of acid hydrolysis using mineral acids. For the most plentiful product, xylose, the most accurate kinetic model of the global reactions was determined to be two parallel pathways for hydrolysis of xylan to xylose followed by a single pathway for xylose decomposition. The calculated activation energies of the reactions were within the range reported by other researchers for the hydrolysis of a range of lignocellulosic materials using mineral acids.  相似文献   

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