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Bence Jones proteins (BJPs) are the major pathogenic factor causing cast nephropathy ("myeloma kidney") by coaggregation with Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein (THP). Understanding the interaction between these proteins is therefore important in developing treatment strategies to prevent renal failure from cast formation in multiple myeloma. We developed an enzyme-linked immunoassay to examine this phenomenon. Five different human BJPs (four kappa and one lambda immunoglobulin light chains) were used in this assay that demonstrated these proteins bound THP with different affinity. BJPs competed among themselves for binding to THP. The binding site was a peptide portion of THP since these proteins also bound deglycosylated THP. Also, one monoclonal antibody directed against a peptide segment of human THP prevented binding of THP to BJPs. By altering the conformation of THP, reducing agents decreased binding between these two proteins in concentration-dependent fashion. In turbidity studies, the monoclonal antibody that prevented binding and a reducing agent, dithiothreitol, decreased coaggregation. Deglycosylated THP did not coaggregate with BJPs. We concluded that ionic interaction between BJPs and a specific peptide binding site on THP promoted heterotypic coaggregation. The carbohydrate moiety of THP was also essential for coaggregation, perhaps by facilitating homotypic aggregation of THP.  相似文献   

The effects of the new nephroprotective drug N-benzoyl-beta-alanine (BA) on the disposition and renal excretion of the bronchodilator enprofylline, which is actively secreted in urine, were investigated in rats. Enprofylline was administered intravenously at a dosage of 2.5 mg kg-1 under three different steady-state plasma BA concentrations (100, 200 and 400 micrograms mL-1) which were achieved by constant infusion rates. Pharmacokinetic parameters for both total and unbound enprofylline were estimated by model-independent methods. The presence of BA (400 micrograms mL-1) increased the systemic clearance by 25% and the volume of distribution at steady-state by 90%. A significant increase in the dissociation constant, which is the protein binding parameter of enprofylline was observed in the presence of BA (400 micrograms mL-1), indicating that BA competitively inhibits the protein binding of enprofylline. However, BA significantly decreased the systemic clearance and volume of distribution for unbound enprofylline. These results suggest that BA, the organic anion transport inhibitor, inhibits renal excretion of enprofylline with a high affinity for renal tubular secretion, although the unbound concentration of enprofylline increases with administration of BA. We conclude that BA decreases the renal tubular secretion of enprofylline probably by reducing the affinity of the tubular transport system, and that these changes have marked effects on the pharmacokinetic behaviour of enprofylline.  相似文献   

1. Flupirtine is an analgesic agent which exhibits neuronal cytoprotective activity and may have value in the treatment of conditions involving cell injury and apoptosis. Since flupirtine has no action on known receptor sites we have investigated the effect of this drug on mitochondrial membrane potential, and the changes in intramitochondrial calcium concentration in particular. 2. The findings show that flupirtine increases Ca2+ uptake in mitochondria in vitro. At clinically relevant flupirtine concentrations, corresponding to flupirtine levels in vitro of 0.2 to 10 nmol mg(-1) mitochondrial protein, there was a 2 to 3 fold increase in mitochondrial calcium levels (P<0.01). At supra-physiological flupirtine concentrations of 20 nmol mg(-1) mitochondrial protein and above, the mitochondrial calcium concentrations were indistinguishable from those in untreated mitochondria. 3. Mitochondrial membrane potential closely paralleled the changes in mitochondrial calcium levels showing a 20% (P<0.01) increase when the flupirtine concentration was raised from 0.2 nmol to 10 nmol mg(-1) mitochondrial protein and a return to control values at 20 nmol mg(-1) protein. 4. The increase in mitochondrial calcium uptake and membrane potential were accompanied by an increase in mitochondrial ATP synthesis (30%; P<0.05) and a similar percentage reduction in mitochondrial volume. 5. Calcium at 80 and 160 nmol mg(-1) mitochondrial protein decreased ATP synthesis by 20-25% (P<0.001). This decrease was prevented or diminished if flupirtine at 10 nmol mg(-1) protein was added before the addition of calcium. 6. Since intracellular levels of flupirtine in intact cells never exceeded 10 nmol mg(-1) mitochondrial protein, these findings are supportive evidence for an in vivo cytoprotective action of flupirtine at the mitochondrial level.  相似文献   

Twenty-four crossbred primiparous sows were used to investigate the influence of insulin administration after weaning on the intrafollicular insulin-like growth factor i (IGF-I) system. Sows received 0.4 i.u. insulin kg-1 bodyweight or an equivalent volume of saline for 3 days (n = 5 insulin; n = 4 saline) or 5 days (n = 5 insulin; n = 6 saline) after weaning or served as untreated controls on day 1 (n = 4). The number and diameters of ovarian follicles were recorded, and fluid was aspirated from the 20 largest follicles for determination of oestradiol and IGF-I by radioimmunoassay and of insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins (IGFBPs) by western ligand blotting. The walls of the follicles were collected for mRNA analysis by RNase protection assay or granulosa cells were collected for estimation of apoptosis by flow cytometry. Insulin treatment resulted in smaller diameters of all follicles (P < 0.05) and tended (P < 0.07) to increase the number of follicles available on day 5 compared with saline-treated animals (19.8 versus 17.8). The concentration of oestradiol in follicular fluid from large (7-10 mm) follicles on days 3 and 5 was reduced (treatment by size class interaction; P < 0.05) by insulin treatment. Insulin also reduced intrafollicular concentrations of IGF-I at days 3 and 5 after weaning (treatment by day interaction; P < 0.02) while the amounts of IGFBP-3 and IGFBPs of molecular mass 30 and 22 kDa decreased from day 3 to day 5 in saline-treated animals only (treatment by day interaction; P < 0.05). Gene expression for IGF-I increased in saline-treated animals but decreased fourfold in insulin-treated sows from day 3 to day 5 (treatment by day interaction; P < 0.002). Gene expression for IGFBP-d decreased (P < 0.04) from day 3 to day 5, while expression of IGFBP-2 was unaffected by treatment or day. Overall, insulin influenced the IGF-I system in a manner consistent with slowing follicular growth and possibly allowed more follicles to become available for ovulation.  相似文献   

Previous experiments showed that the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis during stress was associated with behavioral lateralization used as a marker of population heterogeneity in mice. Furthermore, brain asymmetries have been demonstrated in neurotransmitter metabolism and neuroendocrine modulation. As the hippocampus modulates the activity of the HPA axis in stress and basal conditions, we postulated that hippocampal corticoid receptors may be asymmetrically distributed and that asymmetry may differ according to behavioral lateralization of animals. In order to answer these questions, binding capacity of mineralocorticoid (MR) and glucocorticoid (GR) receptors was determined in right and left hippocampi of mice previously selected for paw preference. The results show that regardless of behavioral lateralization, there was a tendency for a right dominance in MR binding capacity in the hippocampus but interestingly, the percentage of right/ total MR binding capacity was inversely correlated with individual paw preference scores. The affinity of MRs did not depend on behavioral lateralization. GR binding capacity was similar in each hemisphere and no relationship was found between GR binding capacity and paw preference scores. These results suggest that hippocampal receptors for corticoids may play an important role in the asymmetrical brain control of immune reactivity.  相似文献   

After hepatectomy, purine and pyrimidine metabolism is a key process in the synthesis of DNA and RNA and maintaining cellular energy metabolism. The purpose of this study is to evaluate changes in blood purine and pyrimidine levels after partial hepatectomy and the effect of purine and pyrimidine nucleoside solution injection on hepatic regeneration under the hypothesis that the rat after partial hepatectomy requires substrates for salvage nucleotide synthesis and changes blood nucleoside and nucleobase levels. Blood levels of nucleotides, nucleosides, and nucleobase by high-performance liquid chromatography method and liver ATP level by enzymatic analysis, and the effect of preoperative injection of nucleoside solution (OG-VI) on hepatic regeneration ratio and hepatocytes DNA synthesis, were assessed in rats after 70% partial hepatectomy. Decreased liver adenosine triphosphate and increased plasma xanthine and hypoxanthine after partial hepatectomy indicated an increase in catabolism of purine nucleotides in regenerating liver. Plasma thymidine and cytidine levels increased, then returned to the prevalue, suggesting that the thymidine and cytidine pool was enlarged. OG-VI increased labeling indices of hepatocytes at postoperative d 1 (POD) and hepatic regeneration ratio at POD 14. Blood purine nucleobase and pyrimidine nucleoside levels change after partial hepatectomy and preoperative supply of nucleoside solution is effective for increasing hepatocytes DNA synthesis and hepatic regeneration after partial hepatectomy.  相似文献   

A seven months old infant suffered from convulsions due to leucine-sensitive hypoglycaemia. The convulsions could not be stopped by a diet lacking in leucine, but ceased after additional application of diazoxide; hypoglycaemia was no longer observed the mental development of the child is hoped to be normal.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of age and hepatic branch vagotomy on the night/day distribution of food intake in male rats. Food intake of young (age: 2 months) and aged (age: 13.5 months) hepatic branch vagotomized (HBV) and sham-vagotomized (SV) rats was measured at intervals of 6 h during the 12 h dark and the 12 h light phase. The results show that in rats the night/day ratio of food intake decreases with age and is not affected by hepatic branch vagotomy. However, the time-course of spontaneous diurnal food intake was influenced by hepatic branch vagotomy. The change in the night/day distribution of food intake might be due to age-related changes in the nucleus suprachiasmaticus of the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) was evaluated, using the measurement of p-aminohippurate clearance (CLPAH) and quantitative renal scintigraphy (QRS) with 99mTc-mercaptoacetyltriglycine (99mTc-MAG3). The CLPAH and QRS determinations were made in 6 dogs: 2 determinations for each dog before, and 1 determination after induction of renal failure by administration of amphotericin B. Least-squares regression analysis was used to derive an equation to estimate ERPF from QRS data. The results indicated that QRS, using 99mTc-MAG3, correlated reasonably well (r = 0.82, P < 0.001) with ERPF determined from the CLPAH value. The right kidney contributed 53.3% of global ERPF (P = 0.002). Hepatobiliary excretion of 99mTc-MAG3 was variable within each dog. There was not a consistent pattern with respect to time or renal function. All dogs had nausea or emesis, or both, after IV administration of 99mTc-MAG3. The QRS method with 99mTc-MAG3 provides an adequate means to estimate ERPF in healthy dogs and dogs with renal failure.  相似文献   

Young rats were force-fed a complete or threonine-devoid diet for 3 days. On the fourth morning, rats of each group were injected intraperitoneally with cycloheximide (150 mug/100 g body weight) or saline with [6-14C]orotic acid 30 minutes later, 2 hours before killing. Incorporation of [6-14C]orotic acid into hepatic RNA fractions (whole homogenate, postmitochondrial supernatant, microsomes, ribosomes, nuclei and soluble) revealed elevated levels (cpm/mg RNA) in rats force-fed the threoninedevoid diet in comparison to those of rats force-fed the complete diet. However, treatment with cycloheximide decreased the incroporation of [6-14C]orotic acid into the hepatic RNA fractions of the rats force-fed the threonine-devoid diet to levels that were similar to those in rats force-fed the complete diet with or without cycloheximide treatment. Studies dealing with nucleoli isolated by sucrose gradients from livers of control and experimental rats revealed heavier nucleoli and more radioactive labeled RNA in nucleoli ([6-14C]orotic acid administered 30 minutes before killing) of rats force-fed the threonine-devoid diet than in those force-fed the complete diet for 3 days. Treatment with cycloheximide decreased the elevated incorporation in the experimental rats. Also, electron microscopic studies revealed that after cycloheximide treatment, the enlarged hepatic nucleoli of the experimental rats became smaller and returned to a more normal pattern, as found in the control rats. The studies suggest that active hepatic protein synthesis is involved in the increased hepatic RNA synthesis in rats force-fed the threonine-devoid diet and that following inhibition of protein synthesis, as induced by cycloheximide, there is a rapid inhibition of the accelerated hepatic RNA synthesis observed in rats force-fed the threonine-devoid diet with a rapid reversal toward a normal level, i.e. toward that found in control rats.  相似文献   

The characteristic whole-body and pinhole scintigraphic manifestations of osteo-enthesopathy and arthropathy in Reiter's syndrome (RS) are described, with an emphasis on early diagnosis. We analysed 59 sets of whole-body and pinhole bone scintigrams of 59 patients with RS. The population comprised 47 men and 12 women with an age range from 15 to 53 years (mean=29.4). Bone scintigraphy was carried out 2-2.5 h after intravenous injection of technetium-99m hydroxydiphosphonate using a single-head gamma camera (Siemens Orbiter Model 6601) with a low-energy high-resolution and a 4-mm pinhole collimator for whole-body and pinhole scintigraphy, respectively. In total 262 lesions of osteo-enthesopathy and arthritis were detected on 59 whole-body scintigrams, an incidence of 4.4 lesions per patient. As anticipated, the lesional distribution was asymmetrical: 68% were in the lower limb skeleton and 32% in the axial and upper limb skeleton. Pinhole bone scintigraphy, applied selectively to one region of interest in each case, enabled us to accurately diagnose arthritis and osteo-enthesopathy. It was noteworthy that osteo-enthesopathy, alone or in combination with arthritis, occurred in 78.9%, and had a strong predilection for the foot bones, especially the calcaneus (25. 6%). Pinhole scintigraphy detected enthesopathy in the absence of radiographic alteration in 14.1% of cases and portrayed characteristic signs of RS in 6.9%. Whole-body bone scintigraphy augmented with pinhole scintigraphy was found to be useful in order to panoramically display the systemic involvement pattern, to assess the characteristic bone and articular alterations and to detect early signs of RS.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of repeated low-flow sevoflurane anesthesia for 6 hours. Five beagle dogs received 1.3 MAC (3%) sevoflurane anesthesia. Anesthesia of 6 hours was repeated on at the 7th day after the first anesthesia. Compound A gas samples were collected from the inspiratory limb during anesthesia. Concentrations of serum and renal fluoride, hepatic and renal function parameters were measured during and up to 7 days after the first and second anesthesia. The peak concentration of compound A was 23.7 +/- 3.6 ppm at 2 hours and the same level remained during the anesthesia. Plasma fluoride level exceeded 50 mmol.l-1 during anesthesia and rapidly decreased to the preanesthesia level thereafter. Serum GOT increased slightly only on the first postanesthesia day. No significant changes in other blood chemistry studies were observed. The excretion of renal tubular enzymes did not increase during and after anesthesia. Repeated low flow sevoflurane anesthesia in beagles did not affect hepatic and renal function significantly.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Anesthetics can alter the biodistribution profile of drugs and, consequently, the regional pharmacokinetics of antineoplastic drugs at the tumor site. The effect of coadministered anesthetics on the biodistribution profile of carboplatin was studied in rats. METHODS: Female Wistar rats were used to compare the effects of ketamine/xylazine, thiopental and pentobarbital on the biodistribution of 30 mg/kg radiolabelled 195mPt-carboplatin administered intravenously, with conscious rats as the control group. Blood and urine samples were collected between 5 and 120 min. RESULTS: The percentage values of the injected dose of platinum per ml (%ID/ml) in plasma at the final time-point were respectively, 0.557%, 0.156%, 0.115% and 0.086%, in pentobarbital-, ketamine/xylazine- and thiopental-injected rats, and in conscious animals. Following the same sequence of groups, the %ID/ml values of platinum in the cumulative urine were 0.001%, 0.619%, 0.184% and 0.118%, respectively. Urine output varied from very little in the pentobarbital group, to several milliliters in the other groups. CONCLUSIONS: There was an increase of almost 100-fold in total platinum uptake in the kidneys, cerebrum and cerebellum of rats receiving pentobarbital over the uptake in the control rats, whereas the biodistribution profile of the thiopental group had the least variance. These results demonstrate the importance of anesthetic selection in animal pharmacokinetic studies, as it influences the biodistribution and pharmacokinetic profile of the drug being studied.  相似文献   

The zinc distribution was determined in adult rats 15 d after the beginning of thyroxin (T4) treatment. The zinc was investigated in RBC, plasma, brain, heart, muscle, liver, kidney, spleen, thymus, and bone. The results confirm that T4 modified zinc in RBC and tissues. Zinc was significantly decreased in RBC (45%) but no significant difference was found in plasma zinc between experimental and control groups. Zinc was decreased 33% in muscle and 14% in liver, but was increased 10% in kidney. Brain, heart, spleen, thymus were the least affected tissues. Bone zinc was decreased but no statistically significant difference was found between the two groups.  相似文献   

The accumulation and distribution of proteolipid proteins in rat brain and selected brain regions (cerebellum, cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, and hippocampus) were studied during early postnatal development. In whole brain an eightfold increase of proteolipid was observed between ten and 33 days after birth. This was reflected in the separate regions examined where the proteolipid protein content increased six- to ten-fold during the same period. The basal ganglia and cerebral cortex contributed the greatest amount to the total proteolipid present. However, at 28-33 days the greatest concentration (mg/g tissue) was observed in the basal ganglia and hippocampus. When the proteolipid protein preparations were examined by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, distinctive, heterogeneous patterns for each brain region were obtained. Proteolipid from basal ganglia (the region richest in white matter) consisted primarily of two major protein bands with apparent molecular weights of approximately 21,500 and 26,000. Both of these bands dramatically increased in quantity during myelination, and the larger protein coelectrophoresed with isolated myelin proteolipid protein. Both bands were also found present in proteolipid preparations from the other brain regions but in varying amounts relative to the total. The data suggest that the increase in proteolipid observed during this developmental period was due in large measure to the accumulation of myelin-specific proteolipids, but also that a significant proportion of the increase was due to the accumulation of nonmyelin components.  相似文献   

Endocrine modulation of DMN carcinogenesis was studied in NZR/Gd rats preconditioned by starving 48 hr and then injected i.p. once with 20 mg DMN/kg. Intact rats developed kidney tumors (44% TBA), most of tubular epithelial type resembling human tumors rather than mesenchymal. Thyroidectomy (Tx) 45 days before DMN significantly enhanced DMN carcinogenesis, renal carcinoma incidence increasing to 69%. Renal carcinomas showed more signs of malignancy in Tx rats. Other neoplastic responses useful for further studies including tumors in nasal epithelium (13%), liver (18%, increased to 59% in Tx rats), and lung (40%): these tumors were rare or not previously reported in single-dose experiments in other rat strains. A sex difference in lung tumor incidence (male 70%, female 16%) was statistically significant and thyroidectomy reduced the sex-differential (to 54% and 39% respectively). The increased incidence of kidney and liver tumors could be due to altered metabolism of DMN in tissues of Tx rats.  相似文献   

Epiphysectomy in adult pubescent Wistar rats causes polyuria and Na uresis at the expense of the increased rate of the glomerular filtration and sodium filtration charge. Melatonin in a dose of 4.31 mkM/100 g of the body weight increased the glomerular filtration of both sodium and water and stimulated the sodium tubular transport in rats with intact epiphysis and did not normalize changes of the nephron excretory activity after epiphysectomy.  相似文献   

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