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研究了真六量子比特纠缠态在双向量子受控远程态制备中的一个新应用。在协议中,远程的两方在遥远的第三方控制下,能够同时地、确定地交换他们的量子态。如果没有控制者的允许,这种交换是不能成功的,而作为原始的非局域量子资源的一个真六量子比特纠缠态是预先被三方共享的。  相似文献   

We propose two deterministic remote state preparation (DRSP) schemes by using the Brown state as the entangled channel. Firstly, the remote preparation of an arbitrary two-qubit state is considered. It is worth mentioning that the construction of measurement bases plays a key role in our scheme. Then, the remote preparation of an arbitrary three-qubit state is investigated. The proposed schemes can be extended to controlled remote state preparation (CRSP) with unit success probabilities. At variance with the existing CRSP schemes via the Brown state, the derived schemes have no restriction on the coefficients, while the success probabilities can reach 100%. It means the success probabilities are greatly improved. Moreover, we pay attention to the DRSP in noisy environments under two important decoherence models, the amplitude-damping noise and phase-damping noise.  相似文献   

We propose an efficient scheme for remotely preparing an arbitrary n-qubit equatorial state via n two-qubit maximally entangled states. Compared to the former scheme (Wei et al. in Quantum Inf Process 16:260, 2017) that has the 50% successful probability when the amplitude factors of prepared states are \(2^{-n{/}2}\), the probability would be increased to 100% by using of our modified proposal. The feasibility of our scheme for remote preparation arbitrary multi-qubit equatorial states is explicitly demonstrated by theoretical studies and concrete examples.  相似文献   

Quantum Information Processing - We propose a deterministic remote state preparation (RSP) scheme for preparing an arbitrary (including pure and mixed) qubit, where a partially entangled state and...  相似文献   

In this paper, a joint remote state preparation protocol, which is applicable to six-qubit cluster states, is presented. The scheme is performed with the help of three quantum channels constituted by eight qubits. A new index of efficiency for JRSP protocols is defined. A comparison is made with the existing similar schemes from which it is concluded that the present scheme utilizes its resources more efficiently. The work is a part of the line of research on transfer and remote preparation of entanglement.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel scheme for asymmetric bidirectional controlled remote state preparation (ABCRSP) via a ten-qubit entangled state as the quantum channel. In this scheme, two distant parties, Alice and Bob are not only senders but also receivers, and Alice wants to remotely prepare a single-qubit state at Bob’s site; at the same time, Bob wishes to help Alice remotely prepare an arbitrary four-qubit cluster-type entangled state. It is shown that only if the two senders and the controller collaborate with each other, the ABCRSP can be completed successfully. We demonstrate that the total success probability of the ABCRSP in this scheme can reach 1, that is, the scheme is deterministic.  相似文献   

Chen  Xiu-Bo  Sun  Yi-Ru  Xu  Gang  Jia  Heng-Yue  Qu  Zhiguo  Yang  Yi-Xian 《Quantum Information Processing》2017,16(10):1-20
Quantum Information Processing - Quantum identity authentication with single photons is proposed in the paper. It can verify a user’s identity without exposing to an authentication key...  相似文献   

We present several schemes for joint remote preparation of arbitrary two- and three-qubit entangled states with complex coefficients via two and three GHZ states as the quantum channel, respectively. In these schemes, two senders (or N senders) share the original state which they wish to help the receiver to remotely prepare. To complete the JRSP schemes, some novel sets of mutually orthogonal basis vectors are introduced. It is shown that, only if two senders (or N senders) collaborate with each other, and perform projective measurements under suitable measuring basis on their own qubits, respectively, the receiver can reconstruct the original state by means of some appropriate unitary operations. The advantage of the present schemes is that the success probability in all the considered JRSP can reach 1.  相似文献   

We propose a new scheme for efficient remote preparation of an arbitrary two-qubit state, introducing two auxiliary qubits and using two Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen (EPR) states as the quantum channel in a non-recursive way. At variance with all existing schemes, our scheme accomplishes deterministic remote state preparation (RSP) with only one sender and the simplest entangled resource (say, EPR pairs). We construct the corresponding quantum logic circuit using a unitary matrix decomposition procedure and analytically obtain the average fidelity of the deterministic RSP process for dissipative environments. Our studies show that, while the average fidelity gradually decreases to a stable value without any revival in the Markovian regime, it decreases to the same stable value with a dampened revival amplitude in the non-Markovian regime. We also find that the average fidelity’s approximate maximal value can be preserved for a long time if the non-Markovian and the detuning conditions are satisfied simultaneously.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a scheme for Hierarchically controlled remote preparation of an arbitrary single-qubit state via a four-qubit \(|\chi \rangle \) state as the quantum channel. In this scheme, a sender wishes to help three agents to remotely prepare a quantum state, respectively. The three agents are divided into two grades, that is, an agent is in the upper grade and other two agents are in the lower grade. It is shown that the agent of the upper grade only needs the assistance of any one of the other two agents for recovering the sender’s original state, while an agent of the lower grade needs the collaboration of all the other two agents. In other words, the agents of two grades have different authorities to recover sender’s original state.  相似文献   

As one of important research branches of quantum communication, deterministic remote state preparation (DRSP) plays a significant role in quantum network. Quantum noises are prevalent in quantum communication, and it can seriously affect the safety and reliability of quantum communication system. In this paper, we study the effect of quantum noise on deterministic remote state preparation of an arbitrary two-particle state via different quantum channels including the \(\chi \) state, Brown state and GHZ state. Firstly, the output states and fidelities of three DRSP algorithms via different quantum entangled channels in four noisy environments, including amplitude-damping, phase-damping, bit-flip and depolarizing noise, are presented, respectively. And then, the effects of noises on three kinds of preparation algorithms in the same noisy environment are discussed. In final, the theoretical analysis proves that the effect of noise in the process of quantum state preparation is only related to the noise type and the size of noise factor and independent of the different entangled quantum channels. Furthermore, another important conclusion is given that the effect of noise is also independent of how to distribute intermediate particles for implementing DRSP through quantum measurement during the concrete preparation process. These conclusions will be very helpful for improving the efficiency and safety of quantum communication in a noisy environment.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an efficient scheme for remote state preparation of arbitrary n-qubit states with real coefficients. Quantum channel is composed of n maximally two-qubit entangled states, and several appropriate mutually orthogonal bases including the real parameters of prepared states are delicately constructed without the introduction of auxiliary particles. It is noted that the successful probability is 100% by using our proposal under the condition that the parameters of prepared states are all real. Compared to general states, the probability of our protocol is improved at the cost of the information reduction in the transmitted state.  相似文献   

In this paper, we proposed two controlled remote state preparation of an arbitrary single-qubit state schemes one for deterministic controlled remote state preparation the other for probabilistic controlled-joint remote state preparation with 2/3 probability. Both of them used the Affleck–Kennedy–Lieb–Tasaki (AKLT) state which consisted of bulk spin-1’s and two spin-1 \(/\) 2’s at the ends. Up to now, no RSP protocols using AKLT gapped ground states as a shared quantum resource had been presented thus far and Fan et al. showed the other AKLT property was that if we performed a Bell measurement on bulk, then a maximally entangled state would be shared by two ends. We utilized these properties to develop our controlled protocols.  相似文献   

We propose a novel scheme for remote preparation of an arbitrary n-qubit state with the aid of an appropriate local \(2^n\times 2^n\) unitary operation and n maximally entangled two-qubit states. The analytical expression of local unitary operation, which is constructed in the form of iterative process, is presented for the preparation of n-qubit state in detail. We obtain the total successful probabilities of the scheme in the general and special cases, respectively. The feasibility of our scheme in preparing remotely multi-qubit states is explicitly demonstrated by theoretical studies and concrete examples, and our results show that the novel proposal could enlarge the applied range of remote state preparation.  相似文献   

An efficient protocol for remotely preparing an arbitrary three-qubit state is devised with a four-qubit cluster state and an Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen state as the shared quantum resource. Using an appropriate set of eight-qubit mutually orthogonal measurement basis, the remote three-qubit preparation is successfully completed with the probability of ${\frac{1}{8}}$ in general case. Then to achieve our concerns of improving the probability of this protocol, some special ensembles of three-qubit states are minutely investigated. As a result, it is shown that the total probability of the RSP protocol, in these particular cases, can be improved to ${\frac{1}{4}}$ and ${\frac{1}{2}}$ , respectively, or even that the RSP protocol can be realized with unit success probability.  相似文献   

Quantum Information Processing - Quantum secure communication brings a new direction for information security. As an important component of quantum secure communication, deterministic joint remote...  相似文献   

The protocols for joint remote preparation of an arbitrary two-particle pure state from a spatially separated multi-sender to one receiver are presented in this paper. We first consider the situation of two sender and demonstrate a flexible deterministic joint remote state preparation compared with previous probabilistic schemes. And then generalize the protocol to multi-sender and show that by only adding some classical communication the success probability of preparation can be increased to four times. Finally, using a proper positive operator-valued measure instead of usual projective measurement, we present a new scheme via two non-maximally entangled states. It is shown that our schemes are generalizations of the usual standard joint remote state preparation scheme and more suitable for real experiments with requirements of only Pauli operations.  相似文献   

In this work, we present a novel and efficient information-processing way, multiparty-controlled joint remote state preparation (MCJRSP), to transmit quantum information from many senders to one distant receiver via the control of many agents in a network. We firstly put forward a scheme regarding MCJRSP for an arbitrary single-particle state via Greenberg–Horne–Zeilinger entangled states, and then extend to generalize an arbitrary two-particle state scenario. Notably, different from conventional joint remote state preparation, the desired states cannot be recovered but all of agents collaborate together. Besides, both successful probability and classical information cost are worked out, the relations between success probability and the employed entanglement are revealed, the case of many-particle states is generalized briefly, and the experimental feasibility of our schemes is analysed via an all-optical framework at last. And we argue that our proposal might be of importance to long-distance communication in prospective quantum networks.  相似文献   

彭家寅 《计算机应用研究》2020,37(9):2802-2805,2814
为了解决多方量子通信问题,首先提出一种构造十粒子纠缠态的方法,并籍此构造出一个3◢n◣+1粒子纠缠态。其次,以十粒子纠缠态为量子信道,提出一个三方受控循环远程制备协议。该协议在监察者David的控制下,Alice能为Bob远程制备一个任意单粒子态,Bob能够在Charlie处远程制备一个任意单粒子态,Charlie也能为Alice远程制备任意单粒子态。进一步,借助3◢n◣+1粒子纠缠态,将此循环协议推广到任意◢n◣方受控循环远程态制备情形。在远程态制备过程中,每个发送者充分利用各自掌握的信息和前馈策略来构造恰当的测量基,通过经典通信和局域操作,就能成功实现任意单粒子态的远程制备。  相似文献   

In this paper, several new protocols for the controlled remote state preparation (CRSP) by using the Brown state as the quantum channel are proposed. Firstly, we propose a CRSP protocol of an arbitrary two qubit state. Then, the CRSP protocol of an arbitrary three qubit state, which has rarely been considered by the previous papers, is investigated. The coefficients of the prepared states can be not only real, but also complex. To design these protocols, some useful and general measurement bases are constructed, which can greatly reduce the restrictions for the coefficients of the prepared states. The security analysis is provided in detail. Moreover, receiver??s all recovery operations are summarized into a concise formula.  相似文献   

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