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The gene networks that comprise the circadian clock modulate biological function across a range of scales, from gene expression to performance and adaptive behaviour. The clock functions by generating endogenous rhythms that can be entrained to the external 24-h day–night cycle, enabling organisms to optimally time biochemical processes relative to dawn and dusk. In recent years, computational models based on differential equations have become useful tools for dissecting and quantifying the complex regulatory relationships underlying the clock''s oscillatory dynamics. However, optimizing the large parameter sets characteristic of these models places intense demands on both computational and experimental resources, limiting the scope of in silico studies. Here, we develop an approach based on Boolean logic that dramatically reduces the parametrization, making the state and parameter spaces finite and tractable. We introduce efficient methods for fitting Boolean models to molecular data, successfully demonstrating their application to synthetic time courses generated by a number of established clock models, as well as experimental expression levels measured using luciferase imaging. Our results indicate that despite their relative simplicity, logic models can (i) simulate circadian oscillations with the correct, experimentally observed phase relationships among genes and (ii) flexibly entrain to light stimuli, reproducing the complex responses to variations in daylength generated by more detailed differential equation formulations. Our work also demonstrates that logic models have sufficient predictive power to identify optimal regulatory structures from experimental data. By presenting the first Boolean models of circadian circuits together with general techniques for their optimization, we hope to establish a new framework for the systematic modelling of more complex clocks, as well as other circuits with different qualitative dynamics. In particular, we anticipate that the ability of logic models to provide a computationally efficient representation of system behaviour could greatly facilitate the reverse-engineering of large-scale biochemical networks.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans vulval development is a paradigm system for understanding cell differentiation in the process of organogenesis. Through temporal and spatial controls, the fate pattern of six cells is determined by the competition of the LET-23 and the Notch signalling pathways. Modelling cell fate determination in vulval development using state-based models, coupled with formal analysis techniques, has been established as a powerful approach in predicting the outcome of combinations of mutations. However, computing the outcomes of complex and highly concurrent models can become prohibitive. Here, we show how logic programs derived from state machines describing the differentiation of C. elegans vulval precursor cells can increase the speed of prediction by four orders of magnitude relative to previous approaches. Moreover, this increase in speed allows us to infer, or ‘retrodict’, compatible genomes from cell fate patterns. We exploit this technique to predict highly variable cell fate patterns resulting from dig-1 reduced-function mutations and let-23 mosaics. In addition to the new insights offered, we propose our technique as a platform for aiding the design and analysis of experimental data.  相似文献   

The increasing interest in the investigation of social behaviours of a group of animals has heightened the need for developing tools that provide robust quantitative data. Drosophila melanogaster has emerged as an attractive model for behavioural analysis; however, there are still limited ways to monitor fly behaviour in a quantitative manner. To study social behaviour of a group of flies, acquiring the position of each individual over time is crucial. There are several studies that have tried to solve this problem and make this data acquisition automated. However, none of these studies has addressed the problem of keeping track of flies for a long period of time in three-dimensional space. Recently, we have developed an approach that enables us to detect and keep track of multiple flies in a three-dimensional arena for a long period of time, using multiple synchronized and calibrated cameras. After detecting flies in each view, correspondence between views is established using a novel approach we call the ‘sequential Hungarian algorithm’. Subsequently, the three-dimensional positions of flies in space are reconstructed. We use the Hungarian algorithm and Kalman filter together for data association and tracking. We evaluated rigorously the system''s performance for tracking and behaviour detection in multiple experiments, using from one to seven flies. Overall, this system presents a powerful new method for studying complex social interactions in a three-dimensional environment.  相似文献   

Developmental processes in multicellular organisms occur in fluctuating environments and are prone to noise, yet they produce complex patterns with astonishing reproducibility. We measure the left–right and inter-individual precision of bilaterally symmetric fly wings across the natural range of genetic and environmental conditions and find that wing vein patterns are specified with identical spatial precision and are reproducible to within a single-cell width. The early fly embryo operates at a similar degree of reproducibility, suggesting that the overall spatial precision of morphogenesis in Drosophila performs at the single-cell level. Could development be operating at the physical limit of what a biological system can achieve?  相似文献   

The multi-model inverse method for nonlinear inverse problems is established based on the multi-model control theory. First the model switching variable is chosen and several typical operating balance points in the workspace of the balance variable are selected. Then for each operating balance point the linear local model is established, and the local controller is designed for each linear local model. Finally, according to the instantaneous matching degree between the actual model and the local models, the inversion results of each local controller are weighted and synthesized to obtain the final inversion result. Numerical tests are implemented to solve the one-dimensional nonlinear inverse heat conduction problem by the multi-model inverse method associated with the dynamic matrix control (DMC) and DMC filter, respectively. Numerical results by the multi-model inverse method based on DMC demonstrate that the multi-model inverse method is a highly computationally efficient and accurate algorithm for inverse problems with complicated direct problems. Numerical results by the multi-model inverse method based on DMC filter show that the presented method can extend the applied field of the complicated linear inverse algorithms such as digital filter to the nonlinear inverse problems and it can obtain satisfactory inversion results.  相似文献   

Many epidemiological models for plant disease include host demography to describe changes in the availability of susceptible tissue for infection. We compare the effects of using two commonly used formulations for host growth, one linear and the other nonlinear, upon the outcomes for invasion, persistence and control of pathogens in a widely used, generic model for botanical epidemics. The criterion for invasion, reflected in the basic reproductive number, R0, is unaffected by host demography: R0 is simply a function of epidemiological parameters alone. When, however, host growth is intrinsically nonlinear, unexpected results arise for persistence and the control of disease. The endemic level of infection (I) also depends upon R0. We show, however, that the sensitivity of I to changes in R0 > 1 depends upon which underlying epidemiological parameter is changed. Increasing R0 by shortening the infectious period results in a monotonic increase in I. If, however, an increase in R0 is driven by increases in transmission rates or by decreases in the decay of free-living inoculum, I first increases (R0 < 2), but then decreases (R0 > 2). This counterintuitive result means that increasing the intensity of control can result in more endemic infection.  相似文献   

Properties of biological fitness landscapes are of interest to a wide sector of the life sciences, from ecology to genetics to synthetic biology. For biomolecular fitness landscapes, the information we currently possess comes primarily from two sources: sparse samples obtained from directed evolution experiments; and more fine-grained but less authentic information from ‘in silico’ models (such as NK-landscapes). Here we present the entire protein-binding profile of all variants of a nucleic acid oligomer 10 bases in length, which we have obtained experimentally by a series of highly parallel on-chip assays. The resulting complete landscape of sequence-binding pairs, comprising more than one million binding measurements in duplicate, has been analysed statistically using a number of metrics commonly applied to synthetic landscapes. These metrics show that the landscape is rugged, with many local optima, and that this arises from a combination of experimental variation and the natural structural properties of the oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

In a multitude of life''s processes, cilia and flagella are found indispensable. Recently, the biflagellated chlorophyte alga Chlamydomonas has become a model organism for the study of ciliary motility and synchronization. Here, we use high-speed, high-resolution imaging of single pipette-held cells to quantify the rich dynamics exhibited by their flagella. Underlying this variability in behaviour are biological dissimilarities between the two flagella—termed cis and trans, with respect to a unique eyespot. With emphasis on the wild-type, we derive limit cycles and phase parametrizations for self-sustained flagellar oscillations from digitally tracked flagellar waveforms. Characterizing interflagellar phase synchrony via a simple model of coupled oscillators with noise, we find that during the canonical swimming breaststroke the cis flagellum is consistently phase-lagged relative to, while remaining robustly phase-locked with, the trans flagellum. Transient loss of synchrony, or phase slippage, may be triggered stochastically, in which the trans flagellum transitions to a second mode of beating with attenuated beat envelope and increased frequency. Further, exploiting this alga''s ability for flagellar regeneration, we mechanically induced removal of one or the other flagellum of the same cell to reveal a striking disparity between the beatings of the cis and trans flagella, in isolation. These results are evaluated in the context of the dynamic coordination of Chlamydomonas flagella.  相似文献   

It is proven that the model of the p 53–mdm 2 protein synthesis loop is a differentially flat one and using a diffeomorphism (change of state variables) that is proposed by differential flatness theory it is shown that the protein synthesis model can be transformed into the canonical (Brunovsky) form. This enables the design of a feedback control law that maintains the concentration of the p 53 protein at the desirable levels. To estimate the non‐measurable elements of the state vector describing the p 53–mdm 2 system dynamics, the derivative‐free non‐linear Kalman filter is used. Moreover, to compensate for modelling uncertainties and external disturbances that affect the p 53–mdm 2 system, the derivative‐free non‐linear Kalman filter is re‐designed as a disturbance observer. The derivative‐free non‐linear Kalman filter consists of the Kalman filter recursion applied on the linearised equivalent of the protein synthesis model together with an inverse transformation based on differential flatness theory that enables to retrieve estimates for the state variables of the initial non‐linear model. The proposed non‐linear feedback control and perturbations compensation method for the p 53–mdm 2 system can result in more efficient chemotherapy schemes where the infusion of medication will be better administered.Inspec keywords: proteins, molecular biophysics, biochemistry, Kalman filters, inverse problems, perturbation theoryOther keywords: nonlinear feedback control, p53 protein‐mdm2 inhibitor system, derivative‐free nonlinear Kalman filter, differential flatness theory, protein synthesis loop, diffeomorphism, protein synthesis model, feedback control law, nonmeasurable elements, modelling uncertainties, inverse transformation, nonlinear model, perturbation compensation method, chemotherapy schemes, medication infusion  相似文献   

The chemotaxis pathway of the bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides shares many similarities with that of Escherichia coli. It exhibits robust adaptation and has several homologues of the latter''s chemotaxis proteins. Recent theoretical results have correctly predicted that the E. coli output behaviour is unchanged under scaling of its ligand input signal; this property is known as fold-change detection (FCD). In the light of recent experimental results suggesting that R. sphaeroides may also show FCD, we present theoretical assumptions on the R. sphaeroides chemosensory dynamics that can be shown to yield FCD behaviour. Furthermore, it is shown that these assumptions make FCD a property of this system that is robust to structural and parametric variations in the chemotaxis pathway, in agreement with experimental results. We construct and examine models of the full chemotaxis pathway that satisfy these assumptions and reproduce experimental time-series data from earlier studies. We then propose experiments in which models satisfying our theoretical assumptions predict robust FCD behaviour where earlier models do not. In this way, we illustrate how transient dynamic phenotypes such as FCD can be used for the purposes of discriminating between models that reproduce the same experimental time-series data.  相似文献   

Protein–protein interaction (PPI) networks are crucial for organisms. Many research efforts have thus been devoted to the study on the topological properties and models of PPI networks. However, existing studies did not always report consistent results on the topological properties of PPI networks. Although a number of PPI network models have been introduced, yet in the literature there is no convincing conclusion on which model is best for describing PPI networks. This situation is primarily caused by the incompleteness of current PPI datasets. To solve this problem, in this study, the authors propose to revisit the topological properties and models of PPI networks from the perspective of PPI dataset evolution. Concretely, they used 12 PPI datasets of Arabidopsis thaliana and 10 PPI datasets of Saccharomyces cerevisiae from different Biological General Repository for Interaction Datasets (BioGRID) database versions, and compared the topological properties of these datasets and the fitting capabilities of five typical PPI network models over these datasets.Inspec keywords: proteins, molecular biophysics, microorganisms, cellular biophysicsOther keywords: topological properties, protein‐protein interaction networks, PPI network models, PPI dataset evolution, Arabidopsis thaliana, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Biological General Repository‐for‐Interaction Datasets database, BioGRID database  相似文献   

Quantitative analyses of biological networks such as key biological parameter estimation necessarily call for the use of graphical models. While biological networks with feedback loops are common in reality, the development of graphical model methods and tools that are capable of dealing with feedback loops is still in its infancy. Particularly, inadequate attention has been paid to the parameter identifiability problem for biological networks with feedback loops such that unreliable or even misleading parameter estimates may be obtained. In this study, the structural identifiability analysis problem of time‐invariant linear structural equation models (SEMs) with feedback loops is addressed, resulting in a general and efficient solution. The key idea is to combine Mason''s gain with Wright''s path coefficient method to generate identifiability equations, from which identifiability matrices are then derived to examine the structural identifiability of every single unknown parameter. The proposed method does not involve symbolic or expensive numerical computations, and is applicable to a broad range of time‐invariant linear SEMs with or without explicit latent variables, presenting a remarkable breakthrough in terms of generality. Finally, a subnetwork structure of the C. elegans neural network is used to illustrate the application of the authors’ method in practice.Inspec keywords: matrix algebra, least squares approximations, statistical analysis, parameter estimation, biologyOther keywords: structural identifiability analysis problem, time‐invariant linear structural equation models, feedback loops, identifiability equations, time‐invariant linear SEMs, time‐invariant biological networks, graphical model methods, parameter identifiability problem, biological parameter estimation, subnetwork structure, C. elegans neural network  相似文献   

This study focuses on the inverse scattering of objects embedded in a homogeneous elastic background. The medium is probed by ultrasonic sources, and the scattered fields are observed along a receiver array. The goal is to retrieve the shape, location, and constitutive parameters of the objects through an inversion procedure. The problem is formulated using a vector integral equation. As is well-known, this inverse scattering problem is nonlinear and ill-posed. In a realistic configuration, this nonlinear inverse scattering problem involves a large number of unknowns, hence the application of full nonlinear inversion approaches such as Gauss-Newton or nonlinear gradient methods might not be feasible, even with present-day computer power. Hence, in this study we use the so-called diagonalized contrast source inversion (DCSI) method in which the nonlinear problem is approximately transformed into a number of linear problems. We will show that, by using a three-step procedure, the nonlinear inverse problem can be handled at the cost of solving three constrained linear inverse problems. The robustness and efficiency of this approach is illustrated using a number of synthetic examples.  相似文献   

The sustained transmission and spread of environmentally mediated infectious diseases is governed in part by the dispersal of parasites, disease vectors and intermediate hosts between sites of transmission. Functional geospatial models can be used to quantify and predict the degree to which environmental features facilitate or limit connectivity between target populations, yet typical models are limited in their geographical and analytical approach, providing simplistic, global measures of connectivity and lacking methods to assess the epidemiological implications of fine-scale heterogeneous landscapes. Here, functional spatial models are applied to problems of surveillance and control of the parasitic blood fluke Schistosoma japonicum and its intermediate snail host Oncomelania haupensis in western China. We advance functional connectivity methods by providing an analytical framework to (i) identify nodes of transmission where the degree of connectedness to other villages, and thus the potential for disease spread, is higher than is estimated using Euclidean distance alone and (ii) (re)organize transmission sites into disease surveillance units based on second-order relationships among nodes using non-Euclidean distance measures, termed effective geographical distance (EGD). Functional environmental models are parametrized using ecological information on the target organisms, and pair-wise distributions of inter-node EGD are estimated. A Monte Carlo rank product analysis is presented to identify nearby nodes under alternative distance models. Nodes are then iteratively embedded into EGD space and clustered using a k-means algorithm to group villages into ecologically meaningful surveillance groups. A consensus clustering approach is taken to derive the most stable cluster structure. The results indicate that novel relationships between nodes are revealed when non-Euclidean, ecologically determined distance measures are used to quantify connectivity in heterogeneous landscapes. These connections are not evident when analysing nodes in Euclidean space, and thus surveillance and control activities planned using Euclidean distance measures may be suboptimal. The methods developed here provide a quantitative framework for assessing the effectiveness of ecologically grounded surveillance systems and of control and prevention strategies for environmentally mediated diseases.  相似文献   

A research code has been written to solve an elliptic system of coupled nonlinear partial differential equations of conservation form on a rectangularly shaped three-dimensional domain. The code uses the method of collocation of Gauss points with tricubic Hermite piecewise continuous polynomial basis functions. The system of equations is solved by iteration. The system of nonlinear equations is linearized, and the system of linear equations is solved by iterative methods. When the matrix of the collocation equations is duly modified by using a scaled block-limited partial pivoting procedure of Gauss elimination, it is found that the rate of convergence of the iterative method is significantly improved and that a solution becomes possible. The code is used to solve Poisson’s equation for a model semiconductor problem. The electric potential distribution is calculated in a metal-oxide-semiconductor structure that is important to the fabrication of electron devices.  相似文献   

Effects of climate change on productivity of agricultural crops in relation to diseases that attack them are difficult to predict because they are complex and nonlinear. To investigate these crop–disease–climate interactions, UKCIP02 scenarios predicting UK temperature and rainfall under high- and low-CO2 emission scenarios for the 2020s and 2050s were combined with a crop-simulation model predicting yield of fungicide-treated winter oilseed rape and with a weather-based regression model predicting severity of phoma stem canker epidemics. The combination of climate scenarios and crop model predicted that climate change will increase yield of fungicide-treated oilseed rape crops in Scotland by up to 0.5 t ha−1 (15%). In contrast, in southern England the combination of climate scenarios, crop, disease and yield loss models predicted that climate change will increase yield losses from phoma stem canker epidemics to up to 50 per cent (1.5 t ha−1) and greatly decrease yield of untreated winter oilseed rape. The size of losses is predicted to be greater for winter oilseed rape cultivars that are susceptible than for those that are resistant to the phoma stem canker pathogen Leptosphaeria maculans. Such predictions illustrate the unexpected, contrasting impacts of aspects of climate change on crop–disease interactions in agricultural systems in different regions.  相似文献   

The housing tube material of the marine worm Chaetopterus sp. exhibits thermal stability up to 250°C, similar to other biological materials such as mulberry silkworm cocoons. Interestingly, however, dynamic mechanical thermal analysis conducted in both air and water elucidated the lack of a glass transition in the organic tube wall material. In fact, the viscoelastic properties of the anhydrous and undried tube were remarkably stable (i.e. constant and reversible) between –75°C and 200°C in air, and 5°C and 75°C in water, respectively. Moreover, it was found that hydration and associated-water plasticization were key to the rubber-like flexible properties of the tube; dehydration transformed the material behaviour to glass-like. The tube is made of bionanocomposite fibrils in highly oriented arrangement, which we argue favours the biomaterial to be highly crystalline or cross-linked, with extensive hydrogen and/or covalent bonds. Mechanical property characterization in the longitudinal and transverse directions ascertained that the tubes were not quasi-isotropic structures. In general, the higher stiffness and strength in the transverse direction implied that there were more nanofibrils orientated at ±45° and ±65° than at 0° to the tube axis. The order of the mechanical properties of the soft–tough tubes was similar to synthetic rubber-like elastomers and even some viscid silks. The complex structure–property relations observed indicated that the worm has evolved to produce a tubular housing structure which can (i) function stably over a broad range of temperatures, (ii) endure mechanical stresses from specific planes/axes, and (iii) facilitate rapid growth or repair.  相似文献   

We present a novel method for the unsupervised discovery of behavioural motifs in larval Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans. A motif is defined as a particular sequence of postures that recurs frequently. The animal''s changing posture is represented by an eigenshape time series, and we look for motifs in this time series. To find motifs, the eigenshape time series is segmented, and the segments clustered using spline regression. Unlike previous approaches, our method can classify sequences of unequal duration as the same motif. The behavioural motifs are used as the basis of a probabilistic behavioural annotator, the eigenshape annotator (ESA). Probabilistic annotation avoids rigid threshold values and allows classification uncertainty to be quantified. We apply eigenshape annotation to both larval Drosophila and C. elegans and produce a good match to hand annotation of behavioural states. However, we find many behavioural events cannot be unambiguously classified. By comparing the results with ESA of an artificial agent''s behaviour, we argue that the ambiguity is due to greater continuity between behavioural states than is generally assumed for these organisms.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a numerical algorithm based on the method of fundamental solutions for recovering a space-dependent heat source and the initial data simultaneously in an inverse heat conduction problem. The problem is transformed into a homogeneous backward-type inverse heat conduction problem and a Dirichlet boundary value problem for Poisson's equation. We use an improved method of fundamental solutions to solve the backward-type inverse heat conduction problem and apply the finite element method for solving the well-posed direct problem. The Tikhonov regularization method combined with the generalized cross validation rule for selecting a suitable regularization parameter is applied to obtain a stable regularized solution for the backward-type inverse heat conduction problem. Numerical experiments for four examples in one-dimensional and two-dimensional cases are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

We propose a new method for the recovery of the refractive-index profile of a single-mode or multimode optical guided structure. We solve the inverse problem using the Wigner distribution and reduce it to the solution of a linear system of equations.  相似文献   

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