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One of the characteristics of Colonial architecture was the use of modest construction materials such as unfinished lumber with different types of joint connections, wattle and daub (twigs and clay),thatch and mud, and later with brick etc.(Morrison, 1987; Walker, 1981) . Colonial house forms were distinguished by their high pitched slopes, high and massive chimneys. Roofs were decorated with hand cut wood shingles, thatch or slates. Owing to the diverse cultural and social backgrounds of early  相似文献   

TheEditor'sNoteTheyearof1996isthestartingpointoftheChineseNinthFive--YearPlanperiod,thatsymbolizesthecomingofthenewcentury.In...  相似文献   

DesignInc is an Australian-based practice of architects, interior designers and urban designers. It operates in all Australian states and has offices in Beijing, Dubai and Jakarta. Designlnc teams, comprising over 200 professional staff, have brought their vision and expertise to more than 20 countries across four continents. The Designlnc approach is to focus on creating quality environments that reconcile natural, social and economic elements. To the group, design is more than just the planning of spaces. It is part of a continuing story. It is a story of materials and textures, innovation, vitality and inspiration.  相似文献   

As an inseparable part of the reform ofthe economic system,the reform of real-es-tate system is already underway.Since 1985,in the forum of economic reform quite anumber of those who work on economicshave begun to explore and research on some  相似文献   

英国发生了两次重大的塔式起重机事故后,美国的纽约市、科罗拉多州和华盛顿州接连发生了数起起重机事故。在后一起事故中,起重机的坍塌造成一过路行人身亡。为此,华盛顿州州长采取了极其严厉的措施,要求所有起重机公司重新检查它们的安全措施。  相似文献   

正JamesPlumb是由Hannah Plumb和James Russell这两位艺术家组成的艺术团队。此团队擅长将人们日常生活中忽略和丢弃的老旧物件和废料重新利用,打造临时性艺术装置、照明设备和室内陈设。Hannah Plumb善于从人们遗忘的角落发现生命及潜能,而JamesRussell则喜欢从日常生活中揭示"隐藏着"的美丽,二人成功实现了实用性和雕塑艺术的专业视角并进。  相似文献   

<正>于今年1月开业的The Line酒店是由Sydell集团与Roy Choi、The Houston Brothers、Sean Knibb和Poketo联合打造的一家酒店。这栋上世纪中期的建筑由美国Daniel Mann JohnsonMendenhal(DMJM)建筑事务所于1964年设计而成,现经过全面翻修被重新打造成一个充满想象的酒店空间,客房由Sean Knibb担纲设计。此次设计不仅是对历史悠久的酒店建筑的翻新和改造,更多还有对该建筑特殊地理位置的感性认识。这家位于洛杉矶著名景点韩国城核心地段的奢华酒店,它的前身是一座建造于上世纪40年代的殖民复兴式建筑Wilshire Plaza Hotel,为新空间提供了最为原生态的奢华品位及独到设计,其距离市中心不到5公里,离比佛利山庄也仅有10公里,周围坐落着南加州地区密度最高的餐厅、酒吧以及24小时店铺,充满活力的城市能量被自然注入该酒店的气质当中。  相似文献   

I should like to express my sincere admiration for Arata lsozaki. One of the world's leading architects, he has unveiled a constant succession of ambitious works. Being also from Kyushu, I have always felt a sense of kinship with Isozaki. It might be mentioned that the educational philosophy of modern Japan originated in Kyushu. Likewise, Japan's most famous private universities are Waseda and Keio. Shigenobu Okuma, who came from what is now Saga Prefecture, founded the former, and the latter was established by Yukichi Fukuzawa, who hailed from what is today Oita Prefecture. As for architects  相似文献   

正鹿特丹的港口和码头一直以来是鹿特丹这座港口城市的重要历史符号,著名的威廉敏那码头(Wilhelminapier)成为其最受欢迎的地方之一。自2015年以来,发展合作伙伴BPD(Bouwfonds Property Developmen),Ontwikkeling B.V.和SYNCHROON Ontwikkelaars与鹿特丹市政府协商,始终致力于两个相互连接的住宅大楼"费城"与"哈瓦那"的开发。由它们组成的综合体塔楼"The Sax"建筑形状独特,共51层,总面积达82,000平方米,其中包括450间公寓,酒店,健康中心,停车场,会议中心和各种商业设施。  相似文献   

光影明灭的交替从来都使人着迷,从歌剧到电影,这种着迷的情感促使人们以光影来表达媒介。发展至今日,随着家庭影院设备的普及化,致使一些观众取家中舒适感觉而舍影院的感官震撼。然而,电影工作者们在电影中想要传递的讯息和精神,只能通过电影院内的特定氛围才能得以完全表达。位于尖沙咀The One商场的百老汇电影院,其设计应客户要求将电影的原点——歌剧的古典及豪华感觉融入现代化的电影院设计当中,从而使人在时代流动之中,回头重拾影院黑暗中的感动。  相似文献   

任天堂旗下的著名ACT作品“《塞尔达传说》系列”最新消息,随着美国举行的E3游戏展同时再度公开。系列一贯的游戏性,独特的故事舞台,加上焕然一新的人物设计。新的《塞尔达传说》正式诞生!  相似文献   

  赵冬青 《景观设计》2021,(1):96-103
该项目是一处架设在草地上的景观步道,旨在提醒人们小型植物的重要性(如小草等),关注身边容易被忽视的美好,唤起人们的环保意识。项目由8个弧形步道组成:每一个弧形步道宽1m,长度12m-15m不等。步道以高低起伏的方式组合在一起,占地面积达414m2设计师每年都会对其进行改造,使其与动植物一样,仿佛拥有了生命。  相似文献   

项目简介 The House位于北五环,东承奥林匹克森林公园,西接上地信息产业基地,南靠北五环快速路。由18栋5+1层的别墅式花园洋房组成,依道路和景观规划分为六大居住组团、九大特色主题景区。整体布局错落有致,真正实现了人车分流,并形成良好的景观效果。  相似文献   

<正>我们常常听到设计双人组、兄弟档、姐妹档或者是夫妻档,都是二人组合,这次介绍给大家的是以色列的三人设计师组合The Beam-Team。它由三名设计师Oded Sapir、Oz Ohayon和Maayan Edwy组成,近年来以独特的创意和新颖的设计吸引了广泛的注意,成为产品设计界最有影响力的黄金铁三角。说起相识的过程,也非常有趣。Oded Sapir和Oz Ohayon是念大学的时候认识的,两人在校园里一见如故,迅速成为了好朋友。在毕业之后,Oded Sapir偶  相似文献   

What defines the urban? And can the non-urban necessarily always be classified as rural? Neil Brenner , Director of the Urban Theory Lab at Harvard University Graduate School of Design, reflects on the lack of an overarching theory to describe these realms, and argues that what we call the countryside or the hinterland has become key to the process of capitalist urbanisation.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.Natural and Geographicalconditions of Nanjing and Its Re-sourcesThe City of Nanjing is situated in thesouthwest part of Jiangsu Province at the  相似文献   

这家意大利餐厅位于香港东涌,设计灵感主要来源于原有的建筑结构,以美国纽约的废弃工厂改造屋(“Loft”)作为创作蓝本。崭新的阁楼(“Loft”)设计巧妙地配合餐厅的经营理念,把旧有的空间营造成了”家”的用餐环境。风格独特,在宽敞和开放的太厅中散发轻松、温馨的居家氛围,既和谐又愉悦。  相似文献   

In the preface of his book The Sacred Five of China written in 1926, William Edgar Geil, the famous American traveler and member of Royal Geographical Society (UK), compares the "sacred five mountains of China" to the Islam Hajj Mecca and the Christian holy land Canterbury and suggests that they are "Mecca" and "Canterbury" to the Chinese. Undoubtedly, the Sacred Five Moutains has a position in the several thousand year history of China comparable to Mecca and Canterbury, but as sacred "mountains", they also have additional natural heritage values the other two do not have.  相似文献   

TheDevelopmentofAffordableHousingLuYoujieChina/surbanhousingreform,whichisoneofthemostimportantpartsofthenation/seconomicrefo?..  相似文献   

罗发礼 《城市建筑》2010,(6):100-102
<正>21世纪,我们的生活将会怎样?科技又将如何改造我们的生活?什么样的才能使生活更美好、让我们与世界亲密无间?设计怎样才能以前所未有的创新方法,将生活中重要的事物带到眼前?你可在科建国际设计的迪拜ThePad高层公寓项目中找到  相似文献   

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