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This study aims at proposing a reasonable roughness parameter that can reflect the peak shear strength(PSS) of rock joints. Firstly, the contribution of the asperities with different apparent dip angles to shear strength is studied. Then the shear strength of the entire joint asperities is derived. The results showed that the PSS of the entire joint asperities is proportional to a key parameter hs, which is related to the geometric character of the joint surface and the joint material properties. The parameter hsis taken as the new roughness parameter, and it is reasonable to associate the PSS with the geometric characteristics of the joint surface. Based on the new roughness parameter and shear test results of 20 sets of joint specimens, a new PSS model for rock joints is proposed. The new model is validated with the artificial joints in this paper and real rock joints in published studies. Results showed that it is suitable for different types of rock joints except for gneiss joints. The new model has the form of the Mohr-Coulomb model, which can directly reflect the relationship between the 3 D roughness parameters and the peak dilation angle.  相似文献   

利用最新提出的四维离散弹簧元法(4D-LSM)对岩石圆环的动态抗变形及耗能特性进行研究。首先对4D-LSM用于描述岩石圆环试样破坏的适用性进行了验证,发现4D-LSM可以较好地再现岩石试样的孔径比与破坏形态和强度间的影响规律。在此基础上,对孔隙率、非均质性、厚径比等因素与抗变形及耗能间的规律进行研究,得到了对应的数学公式。利用4D-LSM模拟大变形方面的优势,发现当岩石材料的变形抵抗能力较大时,岩石圆环将表现出与传统仅考虑小变形情况下实验和数值计算不同的破坏形态,岩石圆环的材料抗拉强度与抗变形能力也分别呈现非线性关系。通过建立圆环阵列模型,研究了由多个岩环构成的组合结构的抗变形和能量抵抗能力以及对应的破坏形态。结果表明,组合结构中的圆环单元与单圆环受力的破裂形态有所不同,但单圆环的抗变形及耗能规律仍适用于岩环阵列结构的分析。  相似文献   

In this paper, the cyclic constitutive equations were proposed to describe the constitutive behavior of cyclic loading and unloading. Firstly, a coupled damage variable was derived, which contains two parts,i.e., the compaction-induced damage and the cracking-induced damage. The compaction-induced damage variable was derived from a nonlinear stress–strain relation of the initial compaction stage, and the cracking-induced damage variable was established based on the statistical damage theory.Seco...  相似文献   

Response and energy dissipation of rock under stochastic stress waves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The response and energy dissipation of rock under stochastic stress waves were analyzed based on dynamic fracture criterion of brittle materials integrating with Fourier transform methods of spectral analysis. When the stochastic stress waves transmit through rocks, the frequency and energy ratio of harmonic components were calculated by analytical and discrete analysis methods. The stress waves in shale, malmstone and liparite were taken as examples to illustrate the proposed analysis methods. The results show the harder the rock, the less absorption of energy, the more the useless elastic waves transmitting through rock, and the narrower the cutoff frequency to fracture rock. When the whole stress energy doubles either by doubling the duration time or by increasing the amplitude of stress wave, ratio of the energy of elastic waves transmitting through rock to the whole stress energy (i.e. energy dissipation ratio) is decreased to 10%-15%. When doubling the duration time, the cutoff frequency to fracture rock remains constant. However, with the increase of the amplitude of stress wave, the cutoff frequency increases accordingly.  相似文献   

通过剪切试验和剪切蠕变试验,研究了灌注水泥浆的硬性节理面的剪切特性和剪切蠕变特性.首先,利用大理岩制作了张拉型节理面,灌注水泥浆液,形成灌浆节理面;然后,利用三轴室进行直剪破坏试验,得到了灌浆节理面的变形特性和剪切破坏特性;第三,进行了灌浆节理的剪切蠕变破坏试验,得到了灌浆节理面剪切蠕变破坏特性和蠕变变形特性;最后,对直剪试验和剪切蠕变破坏试验结果进行了分析.所得结果加深了对灌浆节理面剪切破坏及变形特性的认识,为进一步研究灌浆节理面的抗剪强度与蠕变模型,提供了前提基础.  相似文献   

To determine the ultimate bearing capacity of foundations on sloping ground surface in practice, energy dissipation method was used to formulate the bearing capacity as programming problem, and full-scale model experiments were investigated to analyze the performance of the soil slopes loaded by a strip footing in laboratory. The soil failure is governed by a linear Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion, and soil deformation follows an associated flow rule. Based on the energy dissipation method of plastic mechanics, a multi-wedge translational failure mechanism was employed to obtain the three bearing capacity factors related to cohesion, equivalent surcharge load and the unit gravity for various slope inclination angles. Numerical results were compared with those of the published solutions using finite element method and those of model experiments. The bearing capacity factors were presented in the form of design charts for practical use in engineering. The results show that limit analysis solutions approximate to those of model tests, and that the energy dissipation method is effective to estimate bearing capacity of soil slope.  相似文献   

非贯通节理岩体的力学特征与完整岩石相比有较大差异.为推导非贯通节理岩体在单轴压缩下的复合损伤本构模型,采用修正自洽方法考虑不同损伤变量之间的复合.从附加应变能增量和损伤应变能释放量相关联的思路出发,采用等效直线裂纹作为节理裂隙损伤演化轨迹,分别计算细观损伤、初始节理和节理裂隙损伤演化引起的附加应变能;基于Betti能量互易定理,引入自洽方法考虑节理裂隙之间的相互作用,并采用逐条添加节理的方法对传统自洽方法进行修正,得出岩体不同受力阶段细观、初始节理和节理裂隙损伤演化的复合损伤本构模型;将本构模型的理论计算结果与现有文献的室内试验结果进行对比分析,结果显示:本构模型的理论计算结果与室内试验结果规律一致,随着节理个数增加,初始弹性模量和荷载峰值均呈下降趋势,下降幅度较为一致;节理裂隙的损伤演化对岩体的力学特性有重要影响,考虑节理裂隙损伤演化的理论应力应变曲线和荷载峰值与室内试验结果更为吻合,有效验证了复合损伤本构模型的正确性与合理性.  相似文献   

砂土的力学特性十分复杂,与其所处的物理状态直接相关,表现为松砂的剪缩以及密砂的剪胀特性,受相对密度和有效围压的共同影响。为有效地描述饱和砂土在不同物理状态下的剪切特性,基于颗粒物质热动力学理论,考虑颗粒层次能量耗散机制,并结合引入状态参数的剪胀方程,发展一个饱和砂土的热力学本构模型。该模型形式较为简单,不涉及屈服准则、流动法则等概念,而是引入颗粒熵和颗粒温度的概念来描述砂土内部的不可逆变形,并通过迁移系数和能量密度函数将饱和砂土内部的能量耗散机制与宏观力学行为建立联系。模型可以反映饱和砂土在剪切过程中由于相对密度和有效围压的变化对土体强度和变形特性的影响。基于模拟计算结果与等向压缩、三轴不排水以及排水剪切试验结果的对比,验证了模型描述饱和砂土剪切特性的能力。  相似文献   

为研究混凝土材料在多轴循环荷载作用下的非线性特性,基于经典塑性力学理论和边界面模型理论,提出一个改进的边界面模型.模型中,屈服面为封闭、光滑曲面,在子午面内为梨形;边界面与屈服面的形状相似;选择应力的第一不变量和应变偏量作为屈服面函数中的自变量;相应的加卸载判据中的微分变量也是上述两种变量;根据屈服面和边界面形状的相似性,通过比例关系定义映射法则;对于处在屈服面上的任意一个当前应力点,根据此法则,都能够找到与之对应的处在边界面上的映射点,两个点对应的曲面法线方向相同;采用非相关流动法则描述塑性变形.对沿着偏平面上的压缩方向,对混凝土试块分别进行单调加载和循环加载时的试验结果,用本构模型进行模拟,模型计算结果与试验结果吻合.模型能够统一地描述应力-应变曲线的上升-下降段,能够描述剪胀现象.  相似文献   

岩体地下工程局部围岩失稳的能量耗散突变判据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩体地下工程的围岩稳定评判具有复杂的非线性特征,目前尚无确定性方法量化描述局部岩体系统的塑性失稳过程.在阐释开挖扰动与局部岩体系统失稳概念的基础上,借助突变理论,提出了岩体地下工程局部围岩系统开挖失稳的能量耗散突变判据.根据能量耗散原理及弹塑性有限元算法,定义了塑性耗散能密度(PDED)和表征耗散能(RPDE)的概念.通过表征耗散能突变特征值D判断系统失稳的状态,通过单元塑性耗散能密度的分布情况判断引起失稳的大致局部部位以及塑性破坏的可能程度.对锦屏一级水电站大型地下洞室群施工开挖过程进行了稳定分析,结果表明,该判据能够量化反映洞室局部围岩系统失稳的行为过程,与工程实践较为吻合,具有一定的工程参考价值.  相似文献   

The rock bridges sandwiched in incipiently jointed rock mass were considered as barriers that block the fluid seepage, and provide certain shear strength reservation. For better revealing the influence of hydraulic pressure on the failure behaviour of rock bridges, direct shear tests were carried out through a newly proposed method on rock samples that contain two parallel incipient joints. By developing the gypsum-silicone pad coupling samples, a conventional triaxial test system was qualified ...  相似文献   

土工合成材料界面应变软化特性的一种本构新模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在土工合成材料工程的数值研究中,根据土工合成材料界面的力学特性,构建合理有效的本构模型是提高数值计算可靠性的关键.针对部分土工合成材料界面存在的应变软化特性,提出了一种新的本构模型.以剪应力峰值为分界点,将剪应力剪切位移曲线前后两部分分别进行模拟.剪应力峰值前,采用Clough和Duncan双曲线模型进行模拟;剪应力峰值后的应变软化阶段,以剪应力峰值为原点,用另外一条倒置的双曲线进行模拟.通过系统的公式推导描述了模型的构建过程,给出了应变软化阶段界面剪切刚度计算表达式.通过对界面直剪试验结果的模拟初步验证了模型的拟合能力.  相似文献   

通过试验研究,将峡口表孔布置为大差动高低坎泄水方式,两侧边表孔采取高挑坎,中表孔采取低挑坎.在拱坝的向心作用下,边表孔的水舌与中表孔的水舌在空中相互交汇碰撞,可提高整体消能效果,明显减轻坝下冲刷.理论分析表明,上下水舌的交汇角越大,碰撞率消能率越高.改变中、边表孔的挑坎高程差和各自的挑角,可增大上下挑射水舌碰撞角度,提高空中消能率.峡口水电站的交汇角为37°,计算空中消能率为9%.  相似文献   

In this experiment, red sandstone specimens, having slenderness ratios of 0.5, 0.7, 0.9 and 1.1 respectively, were subjected to blow tests using a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) system at a pressure of 0.4 atmospheres. In this paper, we have analyzed the effect of slenderness ratio on the mechanical properties and energy dissipation characteristics of red sandstone under high strain rates. The processes of compaction, elastic deformation and stress softening deformation of specimens contract with an increase in slenderness ratio, whilst the nonlinear deformation process extends correspondingly. In addition, degrees of damage of specimens reduced gradually and the type of destruction showed a transformation trend from stretching failure towards shear failure when the slenderness ratio increased. A model of dynamic damage evolution in red sandstone was established and the parameters of the constitutive model at different ratios of length to diameter were determined. By comparison with the experimental curve, the accuracy of the model, which could reflect the stress–strain dynamic characteristics of red sandstone, was verified. From the view of energy dissipation, an increase in slenderness ratio of a specimen decreased the proportion of energy dissipation and caused a gradual fall in the capability of energy dissipation during the specimen failure process. To some extent, the study indicated the effects of slenderness ratios on the mechanical properties and energy dissipation characteristics of red sandstone under the high strain rate, which provides valuable references to related engineering designs and academic researches.  相似文献   

为了研究节理细观形态对其宏观力学性状的影响,据岩石节理分形特点,将节理面分解为不同层次细观结构面,节理破坏拟为粗糙度分层渐进破坏的过程,基于Plesha本构建立了岩石节理多层结构模型.模型将粗糙度定义为等效起伏角,力学响应发生在最底层(基本面),结构面受力性状由下层结构面平均化得到,基本面破坏后,其上层结构面转化为基本面.模型考虑了弹性变形、滑动变形、磨损、剪断、压碎、分离等作用机理,能模拟剪胀、应变软化等现象,能考虑单调及循环剪切效应.采用ABAQUS的用户子程序UEL进行了模型验证与参数分析.计算表明:峰值剪切应力随着结构层次的增加而增大;在结构层次不变时,等效峰值摩擦系数随法向应力的增大而减小;剪切应力终值由基本摩擦角控制;剪应力 位移曲线形态取决于粗糙度结构特性;模型中刚度系数对剪切性状影响很小.  相似文献   

耗能低剪力墙的非线性有限元全过程分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用ANSYS5.7结构分析软件,对一种新型耗能低剪力墙进行了三维有限元非线性分析,研究了该耗能低剪力墙的破坏形态、耗能能力、延性、承载力,并与普通钢筋混凝土低剪力墙进行了对比;计算结果与实验结果吻合较好,可以采用该模型进一步分析该耗能剪力墙的抗震性能,并建立抗震设计方法。  相似文献   

Using the Splitting Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) experimental system, investigations were made into the dynamic mechanical performances of underground soft rocks. The experiments proved that the measured stress–strain curves display the characteristics of plastic deformation. By making use of a revised overstress constitutive formula for the stress model and by taking into account that the strain rate and strain are a function of 1  E(t)/E0, a revised overstress constitutive formula for the stress model was simplified by applying dimensional analysis and consequently, a simplified overstress formula was obtained for the stress model. Then, by taking into consideration the effects of damage under a dynamic load on the dynamic loading strength of the rock, the continuous damage theory and the statistical strength theory were introduced into the development of the simplified overstress constitutive formula for the stress model. Hence, a damage-based constitutive formula for an overstress model, which can be appropriately applied to the analysis of full dynamic stress–strain curves, was developed. By using the simplified damage-based constitutive formula for an overstress model, the actually measured curves are fitted, indicating that the fitting curves and those actually measured are in good agreement.  相似文献   

龙开口水电站水库调节库容较小,具有日调节性能,采用坝顶开敞式溢流,下游采取挑流消能方式.坝址处河床狭窄,洪水期泄洪流量大且泄流频率高,是很典型的高坝、大单宽流量泄流枢纽.对于此类工程,消能防冲是需要解决的主要问题.以水工断面模型试验为手段,以堰面流态、水舌形态及冲坑尺寸作为判别标准,通过多个试验方案的分析比较,阐明宽尾墩挑流联合消能方式运用于此工程的优越性,并对宽尾墩的两种体型进行比较,对宽尾墩的具体尺寸进行了适当的优化,提出了消能防冲最优的宽尾墩型式和具体尺寸参数,为设计提供了有力的依据.  相似文献   

With the increase of mining depth, the effect of rock burst on coal mining is becoming more and more obvious and the rock burst mechanism becomes more and more complicated. Scholars from many countries had put forward different mechanisms, but no one gave a reasonable explanation to the mechanism of rock burst. In this paper, based on the energy theories, we studied the energy limit equilibrium (ELE) of coal mine rock burst. The coal seam with rock burst is divided into energy limit equilibrium zone (ELEZ) (A) and elastic zone (B); we also determined the position where the rock burst occurs, including the roof and floor of coal seams; in addition, we derived the limit width of ELEZ and the mathematic relationship between the limit width and occurrence mechanism of rock burst: the energy difference function (EDF), w(x) = wJ - wp because first-order derivative w'(x), is less than 0. So EDF is a monotonically decreasing function. The graph of the energy difference function was also determined,through which we analysed the occurrence mechanism of rock burst.  相似文献   

龙开口水电站的泄洪消能防冲试验   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
龙开口水电站泄洪流量大且坝址处主河床狭窄,泄水建筑物布置在主河床,电站置于右岸紧靠泄水建筑物.对于此类工程,消能防冲是主要问题.以水工模型试验为手段,通过多个试验方案,研究了溢流坝和泄洪中孔的消能效果、挑射水流消能后与下游河道水流衔接问题、下游河床及两岸的冲刷情况以及电站尾水出口水面波动情况.经对比分析并综合考虑消能防冲与发电相互影响因素,提出最优枢纽布置方案和泄水建筑物结构型式,另外也为岸坡防护提供了一定的依据.研究成果对大流量窄河床条件下的重力坝泄洪消能工程设计和同类型模型试验具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

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