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The authors introduce a two-port BiCMOS static random-access memory (SRAM) cell that combines ECL-level word-line voltage swings and emitter-follower bit-line coupling with a static CMOS latch for data storage. With this cell, referred to as a CMOS storage emitter access cell, it is possible to achieve access times comparable to those of high-speed bipolar SRAMs while preserving the high density and low power of CMOS memory arrays. The memory can be read and written simultaneously and is therefore well-suited to applications such as high-speed caches and video memories. A read access time of 3.8 ns at a power dissipation of 520 mW has been achieved in an experimental 4K×1-bit two-port memory integrated in a 1.5-μm 5-GHz BiCMOS technology. The access time in this prototype design is nearly temperature-insensitive, increasing to only 4 ns at a case temperature of 100°C  相似文献   

A 0.3-μm 4-Mb BiCMOS SRAM with a 6-ns access time at a minimum supply voltage of 1.5 V has been developed. Circuit technologies contributing to the low-voltage, high-speed operations include: (1) boost-BiNMOS gates for address decoding circuits; (2) an optimized word-boost technique for a highly-resistive-load memory cell; (3) a stepped-down CML cascoded bipolar sense amplifier; (4) optimum boost-voltage detection circuits with dummies for boost-voltage generators  相似文献   

A 2 K×8-b, ECL 100 K compatible BiCMOS SRAM with 3.8-ns (-4.5 V, 60°) address access time is described. The precisely controlled bit-line voltage swing (60 mV), a current sensing method, and optimized ECL decoding circuits permit a reliable and fast readout operation. The SRAM features an on-chip write pulse generator, latches for input and output bits, and a full six-transistor CMOS cell array. Power dissipation is approximately 2 W, and the chip size is 3.9×5.9 mm2. The SRAM was based on 1.2-μm BiCMOS, using double-metal, triple-polysilicon, and self-aligned bipolar transistors  相似文献   

A 1-Mb BiCMOS DRAM having a 23-ns access time is described. The DRAM uses a direct sensing technique and a nonaddress-multiplexing configuration. This technique combines the NMOS differential circuit on each pair of data lines with a common highly sensitive bipolar circuit. The resulting chip has been verified to have high-speed characteristics while maintaining a wide operating margin and a relatively small chip size of 62.2 mm2, in spite of a 1.3-μm lithography level  相似文献   

The feasibility of realizing an emitter-coupled-logic (ECL) interface 4-Mb dynamic RAM (DRAM) with an access time under 10 ns using 0.3-μm technology is explored, and a deep submicrometer BiCMOS VLSI using this technology is proposed. Five aspects of such a DRAM are covered. They are the internal power supply voltage scheme using on-chip voltage limiters, an ECL DRAM address buffer with a reset function and level converter, a current source for address buffers compensated for device parameter fluctuation, an overdrive rewrite amplifier for realizing a fast cycle time, and double-stage current sensing for the main amplifier and output buffer. Using these circuit techniques, an access time of 7.8 ns is expected with a supply current of 198 mA at a 16-ns cycle time  相似文献   

A 1-Mword×1-b ECL (emitter coupled logic) 10 K I/O (input/output) compatible SRAM (static random-access memory) with 5-ns typical address access time has been developed using double-level poly-Si, double-level metal, 0.8-μm BiCMOS technology. To achieve 5-ns address access time, high-speed X-address decoding circuits with wired-OR predecoders and ECL-to-CMOS voltage-level converters with partial address decoding function and sensing circuits with small differential signal voltage swing were developed. The die and memory cell sizes are 16.8 mm×6.7 mm and 8.5 μm×5.3 μm, respectively. The active power is 1 W at 100-MHz operation  相似文献   

A 0.3-μm sub-10-ns ECL 4-Mb BiCMOS DRAM design is described. The results obtained are: (1) a Vcc connection limiter with a BiCMOS output circuit is chosen due to ease of design, excellent device reliability and layout area; (2) a mostly CMOS periphery with a specific bipolar use provides better performances at high speed and low power; (3) the direct sensing scheme of a single-stage MOS preamplifier combined with a bipolar main amplifier offers high speed; and (4) the strict control of MOS transistor parameters has been proven to be more important in obtaining high speed DRAMs, based on the 4-Mb design  相似文献   

The authors report a 4 M word×1 b/1 M word×4 b BiCMOS SRAM that can be metal mask programmed as either a 6-ns access time for an ECL 100 K I/O interface to an 8-ns access time for a 3.3-V TTL I/O interface. Die size is 18.87 mm×8.77 mm. Memory cell size is 5.8 μm×3.2 μm. In order to achieve such high-speed address access times the following technologies were developed: (1) a BiCMOS level converter that directly connects the ECL signal level to the CMOS level; (2) a high-speed BiCMOS circuit with low threshold voltage nMOSFETs; (3) a design method for determining the optimum number of decoder gate stages and the optimum size of gate transistors; (4) high-speed bipolar sensing circuits used at 3.3-V supply voltage; and (5) 0.55-μm BiCMOS process technology with a triple-well structure  相似文献   

A 16-kbit BiCMOS ECL SRAM with a typical address access time of 3.5 ns and 500-mW power dissipation was developed. The RAM was fabricated using half-micrometer, triple-poly, and triple-metal BiCMOS technology. The fast access time with moderate power dissipation has been achieved using new circuit techniques: a grounded-gate, nonlatching-type level converter with a wired-OR predecoder and a direct column sensing scheme having a cascode differential amplifier. As a result of extensive use of high-speed bipolar ECL circuits with self-aligned bipolar transistors, the RAM attains high-speed performance without degrading the low-power BiCMOS RAM characteristics.<>  相似文献   

This paper describes a CMOS multiport static memory cell with which it is possible to use current-switching bipolar peripheral circuits to maintain small voltage swings throughout the read access path while retaining the high density of CMOS memory arrays. An experimental 32-word×32 bit three-port register file has been designed and implemented using this cell. The register file was fabricated in a 0.6-μm BiCMOS technology and operates from a single -3.3-V power supply with ECL-compatible I/O circuits. Under nominal operating conditions at 20°C, the measured pin-to-pin access time is 1.3 ns. The minimum write enable pulse width required is less than 1 ns, and the power dissipation, excluding the output buffers, is 650 mW at a clock rate of 100 MHz  相似文献   

An experimental 576 K BiCMOS emitter-coupled-logic (ECL)-compatible SRAM that achieves 3.5-ns access and cycle is discussed. The SRAM is fully self-testable using less than 1 K on-chip logic gates to assist characterization, wafer testing, and package testing. The I/O is also transistor-transistor-logic (TTL) programmable with the first-metal mask  相似文献   

Presents a new bit line architecture named T-shaped bit line architecture (TSBA), which is suitable for high speed, high density, and/or large bit-wide configuration SRAMs. TSBA, utilizing orthogonal complimentary bit lines in parallel with the word lines, is the solution to bit line pitch constraint for direct bipolar column sensing. This TSBA is applied to a 256-Kb SRAM with a typical access time of 5.8 ns. To achieve access times below 6 ns, this SRAM employs a bipolar Darlington column sense amplifier, a hierarchical column decoding scheme, a data bus shielding layout combined with TSBA, and a 0.8-μm BiCMOS technology  相似文献   

A class A/B BiCMOS power op-amp designed to drive the L/R load of a disk drive head actuator is presented. The amplifier uses totem pole NMOS outputs instead of bipolar devices to avoid the high collector resistance in the simplified process used. A unique floating buffer technique regulates the quiescent totem pole current of the output devices and provides control for deep triode NMOS operation. The amplifier is capable of driving a load in all four V-I quadrants without a deadband during transition, and achieves a 0.25 A drive capacity into a 7.5-Ω load using a 5-V supply  相似文献   

A 1.5-ns address access time, 256-kb BiCMOS SRAM has been developed. To attain this ultra-high-speed access time, an emitter-coupled logic (ECL) word driver is used to access 6-T CMOS memory cells, eliminating the ECL-MOS level-shifter time delay. The RAM uses a low-power active pull down ECL decoder. The chip contains 11-K, 60-ps ECL circuit gates. It provides variable RAM configurations and general logic functions. RAM power consumption is 18 W; chip power consumption is 35 W. The chip is fabricated by using a 0.5-μm BiCMOS process. The memory cell size is 58 μm2 and the chip size is 11×11 mm  相似文献   

A simple yet realistic gate sizing theory is presented to optimize delay of a cascaded gate buffer. The theory is based on the fact that CMOS/BiCMOS gate delay is linearly dependent on fan-out f, that is the delay can be expressed as Af+B, where A and B are coefficients. The optimum fan-out f/sub OPT/ is shown to be approximated as e+B/1.5A for a gate chain. The theory covers various BiCMOS/CMOS gate types such as NANDs and NORs in a unified framework. The existence of spurious capacitance is shown to increase the size of all transistors compared with the case without the spurious capacitance.<>  相似文献   

The design and performance of a high-speed 1 M*1-bit SRAM with ECL I/O are described. The 6.5*16.5-mm/sup 2/ chip was fabricated with a 0.8- mu m BiCMOS process technology. A modified double-word-line (MDWL) structure and a bit-line peripheral circuitry with normally-on bit-line equalization circuit are used to achieve high-speed read operation. The read speed is further enhanced by a novel ECL-to-CMOS-level converter with a double-latch configuration. The converter dissipates no DC current and contributes to low power consumption together with an automatic power-saving function, utilizing the address transition detection (ATD) technique. The access time is typically 8 ns, and the active power is 500 mW at 50 MHz.<>  相似文献   

A 17-ns nonaddress-multiplexed 4-Mb dynamic RAM (DRAM) fabricated with a pure CMOS process is described. The speed limitations of the conventional DRAM sensing technique are discussed, and the advantages of using the direct bit-line sensing technique are explained. A direct bit-line sensing technique with a two-stage amplifier is described. One readout amplifier is composed of a two-stage current-mirror amplifier and a selected readout amplifier is activated by a column decoder output before the selected word line rises. The amplifier then detects a small bit-line signal appearing on a bit-line pair immediately after the word-line rise. This two-stage amplification scheme is essential to improving access time, especially in the case of a CMOS process. The high sensitivity of the readout amplifier is discussed, and the electrical features and characteristics of the fabricated DRAM are reported  相似文献   

A 4-Mb SRAM with a 15-ns access time and a uniquely selectable (×4 or ×1) bit organization has been developed based on a 0.55-μm triple-polysilicon double-metal CMOS technology. An input-controlled PMOS-load (ICPL) sense amplifier, Y-controlled bit-line loads (YCLs), and a transfer word driver (TDW) are three key circuits which have been utilized in addition to the 0.55-μm CMOS technology to achieve the remarkable access time of 15 ns. Bit organization of either ×4 or ×1 can be selected purely electrically, and does not require any pin connection procedure  相似文献   

A 256 K×4 FIFO (first-in-first-out) CMOS memory with 20-ns access time and 30-ns cycle time is described. To accomplish full static and asynchronous operation, signal synchronizer and arbiter circuits have been developed and implemented into the device. A pair of 120-word×4-bit static memories are furnished to provide 20-ns data access from the very first read cycle. The average current measured at 30-ns read/write operation and the standby current are typically 23 and 1.2 mA, respectively  相似文献   

A 4-Mb mask ROM in a 256-Kb×16 organization is described. It is fabricated with a 1.0-μm CMOS process, using single polysilicon, two levels of metal, and 3.0×4.4 μm2 X-cells. Unlike conventional ROM's, it implements a DRAM type RAS/CAS control scheme. A RAS access time of 60 ns is measured. For a fast data access, the chip has a consecutive address read mode in which the system needs to supply only a first address and subsequent addresses are generated in the ROM chip at every CAS clock. A 30-ns cycle time is demonstrated in this mode. 16-b data pins are also used for RAS/CAS multiplexed address inputs. Because of this three way pin multiplexing, the 7.5×10.5 mm2 chip needs only 28 pins for its 400-mil SOJ package  相似文献   

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