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In this work, the effect of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWNT) contents on the rheological behaviors and mechanical interfacial properties of graphite nanoplate (GP)/epoxy nanocomposites was investigated. The results showed that the co-carbon fillers were homogeneously dispersed in the epoxy resins and MWNTs were intercalated into the GP layers. The storage modulus (G′) and loss modulus (G″) of the nanocomposites was increased with the addition of MWNTs. This result was accompanied by an increase in elastic properties of the nanocomposites, resulted from the higher aspect ratio of the MWNTs. And the mechanical properties of the nanocomposites were increased, as the MWNT content increased. It was noted that well dispersed MWNTs were strongly interacted with epoxy resins and worked as an effective reinforcement for the nanocomposites due to the flexible MWNTs compared with rigid GPs.  相似文献   

综述了聚丙烯(PP)基纳米复合材料的制备方法和力学性能的研究进展,介绍了目前国内外研究的以PP为基体与粘土层状物、无机、金属纳米粒子复合制备的复合材料的表面处理、制备方法与材料力学性能的关系。用传统的表面处理方法可改善纳米粒子的分散性与力学性能,少量纳米粒子可使PP同时获得增强增韧。  相似文献   

Polypropylene (PP) nanocomposites filled with the pristine multi‐wall carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and the purified CNTs were prepared by melt blending. The microstructure and linear viscoelastic properties wereinvestigated using rheological and morphological measurements. The results show that the purified CNTs disperse uniformly in the PP matrix. At low frequencies, frequency dependence of modulus weakens clearly with the addition of the CNTs, indicating that the long‐range motion of the polymer chains is restrained by the presence of the CNTs. Percolation networks form when the loading levels achieve up to 3 and 1.5 wt% for the composites with the pristine CNTs (PPCNTs) and the purified CNTs (PPcCNTs), respectively. The linear relaxation modulus increases with increasing loading level. And for composites with loading levels above percolation concentration, the modulus appears to reach a plateau at long time scales due to the formation of percolation network. Tensile strength and impact strength are simultaneously improved with the addition of the CNTs. The better the dispersion of the CNTs, the greater the improvement of the tensile strength and the impact strength. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 2012. © 2012 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   

Polypropylene (PP) nanocomposites were prepared by melt intercalation in an intermeshing corotating twin‐screw extruder. The effect of molecular weight of PP‐MA (maleic anhydride‐ modified polypropylene) on clay dispersion and mechanical properties of nanocomposites was investigated. After injection molding, the tensile properties and impact strength were measured. The best overall mechanical properties were found for composites containing PP‐MA having the highest molecular weight. The basal spacing of clay in the composites was measured by X‐ray diffraction (XRD). Nanoscale morphology of the samples was observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The crystallization kinetics was measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and optical microscopy at a fixed crystallization temperature. Increasing the clay content in PP‐ MA330k/clay, a well‐dispersed two‐component system, caused the impact strength to decrease while the crystallization kinetics and the spherulite size remained almost the same. On the other hand, PP/PP‐MA330k/clay, an intercalated three‐component system containing some dispersed clay as well as the clay tactoids, showed a much smaller size of spherulites and a slight increase in impact strength with increasing the clay content. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 85: 1562–1570, 2002  相似文献   

Two types of commercial multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), Baytubes® C70P and C150P were incorporated into polypropylene (PP) using melt blending technique that employs a twin screw extruder (TSE) to prepare the nanocomposites of two different concentrations (1 and 3 wt%). Subsequently, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard samples were prepared with an injection molding machine. The prepared nanocomposites were characterized by their rheological and electrical properties using a rheometer and a picoammeter/voltage source, respectively. The effect of different types of MWCNTs and loading percentage in rheological and electrical properties was investigated in detail. The rheological analysis demonstrated a considerable dependence of the melt rheological properties of the PP/MWCNTs nanocomposites on the MWCNTs loading. The storage modulus (G′), loss modulus (G″) and complex viscosity increased with increasing MWCNTs loading. In addition, type C70P exhibited superior rheological properties compared to C150P. In terms of electrical properties, the addition of MWCNTs in the PP matrix decreased the volume resistivity of the matrix in a manner, proportional to the MWCNTs loading. No significant difference in volume resistivity was observed between the MWCNTs types. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 54:1134–1143, 2014. © 2013 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   

The main focus of this study is to characterize the interfacial interactions between silica nanoparticles and polypropylene and to investigate how the surface properties and morphology of the silica nanoparticles affect the elastic response of the silica–polypropylene composites. The composites were prepared by melt compounding and injection molding. Both non‐functionalized and dimethyldichlorosilane‐functionalized silica nanoparticles were used. Three‐component composites were also prepared by including selected formulations of both poly(propylene‐g‐maleic anhydride) copolymer (PPgMA) and different types of silica. It was found that both silica types are nucleating agents for PP and significantly alter its crystallization behavior. A strong correlation between the glass transition temperature (Tg) and the tensile modulus in silica‐PP nanocomposites indicated the presence of a secondary reinforcing mechanism that is the pinning of the polymer chains on the silica surface. The presence of a complex constrained phase, represented by immobilized amorphous and transcrystalline phases, forming at the filler surface, was assessed by modulated differential scanning calorimetry and dynamic mechanical analysis. Finally, the interfacial interactions were correlated to the tensile and viscoelastic properties using the theoretical models proposed by Pukanszky and Sumita et al., respectively, and comparing the predictions of the models to experimental results. POLYM. COMPOS., 37:2018–2026, 2016. © 2015 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   

高抗冲共聚聚丙烯的结构与性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用核磁共振仪、差示扫描量热仪、扫描电子显微镜等表征了两种高抗冲共聚聚丙烯(HIPP)和汽车保险杠专用聚丙烯(PP)树脂SP179,研究了HIPP和SP179的动态流变行为.由于HIPP中橡胶相的含量较高,导致HIPP与SP179相比在低温下具有较高的悬臂梁缺口冲击强度和弹性.在-30℃时,两种HIPP的悬臂梁缺口冲击...  相似文献   

In this work, multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) were functionalized with phenol and characterized by using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Isotactic polypropylene (iPP)/MWCNT composites of both the unfunctionalized and functionalized MWCNT were prepared by melt blending in a miniextruder at different loadings of nanotubes (i.e., 0.1, 0.25, 1.0, and 5.0 wt%). The tensile properties of the composites were found to increase with increase in nanotube loading with a maximum in Young's modulus being achieved at 1.0 wt% loading of phenol functionalized MWCNT. The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) studies reveal the nucleating effect of MWCNT on the crystallization of iPP. Percentage crystallinity was found to increase on phenol functionalization of MWCNT. Results of X‐ray diffraction studies of the composites are in conformity with that of DSC studies. Dynamic mechanical studies reveal that the functionalized MWCNT causes many fold increase in the storage modulus, and the effect is pronounced in the case of functionalized MWCNT. POLYM. ENG. SCI. 2012. © 2011 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   

Design of experiments was used to elucidate the complex interactions that determine nanocomposite properties and enable predictive models for optimization. The thermal properties of nanocomposites containingpolypropylene, single‐walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), dodecyl‐functionalized SWNTs, and vapor‐grown carbon fibers were investigated as a function of extrusion temperature, screw speed, and time. The effects of extruder processing conditions on thermal properties was dependent on the fraction of polymer chains stabilized in the interphase, the extent of polymer degradation, and the type of nanomaterial incorporated. Melting and crystallization temperatures were primarily affected by nanomaterial type. However, thermal decomposition temperature was affected significantly by processing conditions and the response wasdependent on the type of nanomaterial incorporated. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 2011. © 2010 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   

The thermal and flammability properties of polypropylene/multi-walled carbon nanotube, (PP/MWNT) nanocomposites were measured with the MWNT content varied from 0.5 to 4% by mass. Dispersion of MWNTs in these nanocomposites was characterized by SEM and optical microscopy. Flammability properties were measured with a cone calorimeter in air and a gasification device in a nitrogen atmosphere. A significant reduction in the peak heat release rate was observed; the greatest reduction was obtained with a MWNT content of 1% by mass. Since the addition of carbon black powder to PP did not reduce the heat release rate as much as with the PP/MWNT nanocomposites, the size and shape of carbon particles appear to be important for effectively reducing the flammability of PP. The radiative ignition delay time of a nanocomposite having less than 2% by mass of MWNT was shorter than that of PP due to an increase in the radiation in-depth absorption coefficient by the addition of carbon nanotubes. The effects of residual iron particles and of defects in the MWNTs on the heat release rate of the nanocomposite were not significant. The flame retardant performance was achieved through the formation of a relatively uniform network-structured floccule layer covering the entire sample surface without any cracks or gaps. This layer re-emitted much of the incident radiation back into the gas phase from its hot surface and thus reduced the transmitted flux to the receding PP layers below it, slowing the PP pyrolysis rate. To gain insight into this phenomena, thermal conductivities of the nanocomposites were measured as a function of temperature while the thermal conductivity of the nanocomposite increases with an increase in MWNT content, the effect being particularly large above 160 °C, this increase is not as dramatic as the increase in electrical conductivity, however.  相似文献   

In this article, the ballistic behavior of the glass/epoxy/nanoclay hybrid nanocomposites is studied. The fiber glass used is a plain weave 200 g/m2, while the nanoclay is an organically modified montmorillonite nanoclay (Closite 30B). The epoxy resin system is made of Epon 828 as the epoxy prepolymer and Jeffamine D‐400 as the curing agent. 0, 3, 5, 7, and 10 wt% of nanoclay particles are dispersed in the epoxy resin. Ballistic tests are performed using flat‐ended projectiles in impact velocities 134 m/s and 169 m/s. The results show that the energy absorption capability and mechanical properties of the composite can be significantly enhanced by adding nanoparticles. When the impact velocity is 134 m/s, near than the ballistic limit, the most increase in the energy absorption capability is observed in 3 wt% nanoclay while with the impact velocity 169 m/s, beyond the ballistic limit, the highest increase is observed in 10 wt% nanoclay. POLYM. COMPOS., 37:1173–1179, 2016. © 2014 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   

We present a general internal state variable (ISV) elastic-viscoplastic constitutive model that was initially applied to amorphous polymers (Bouvard et al J Eng Mater Technol 131(4), 041206, 2013) but has been extended to apply to semi-crystalline polymers along with a fracture criterion. In this work, we experimentally calibrated and validated the mechanical behavior of two semi-crystalline polymers (a polypropylene (PP) and a copolymer polypropylene (co-PP)) under different stress states, temperatures, and nominal strain rates. The experiments included compression, tension, impact, and three point bending tests with the notion of capturing the time, temperature, stress state dependence, and failure mechanisms under large strains. The ISV model was integrated into a finite element (FE) code and the FE simulations agreed very well with the PP and co-PP mechanical behavior under compression, impact, and three point bending thus exercising the model under different nominal strain rates, temperatures, and stress states. Two failure criteria were determined from the numerical simulations to build failure criteria maps that distinguished brittle and ductile failure as validated by the experimental observations. This study illustrates the generality of the Bouvard et al. (J Eng Mater Technol 131(4), 041206, 2013), which was previously employed to analyze an amorphous polycarbonate polymer.  相似文献   

Isotactic polypropylene (PP) has been reactively blended with various grades of an ethylene–octene copolymer (EOC) in a twin‐screw extruder. Free radical polymerization of styrene and a multifunctional acrylate during melt extrusion has resulted in an enhancement of mechanical properties over the binary blend. The reactive blend exhibits a notched Izod impact strength over 12 times that of pure polypropylene and greater than double the performance of the binary blend. Electron microscopy shows that by grafting onto the polymers, elastomer particle size and interparticle distance decrease, while particle shape becomes less spherical. The acrylate is crucial to achieve superior performance, as infrared spectra correlate an increase in graft yield to improvements in stress–strain behavior and impact strength. In addition, melt flow index (MFI) and melt strength data indicate a reduction in unwanted side reactions of polypropylene and the presence of long‐chain branching. Dynamic‐mechanical analysis reveals that the reaction promotes miscibility between polypropylene and the EOC and reduces molecular mobility at their glass‐transition temperatures. Mechanical properties, graft yield, and MFI are shown to be highly dependent upon the elastomer's concentration, density, and molecular weight, initiator and monomer concentration, as well as processing temperature. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 2008. © 2008 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   

In this article, polypropylene (PP)/clay/carbon nanotube (CNT) composites were prepared via a solution blending method. Sound transmission loss (STL), determined with an impedance tube, was used to characterize their soundproofing properties. The STL for the PP/4.8 wt % clay/0.5 wt % CNT composite was about 15–21 dB higher than that for pure PP at high frequencies (3200–6400 Hz) and about 8–14 dB higher at low frequencies (580–620 Hz). X‐ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to study the crystallinity and the microstructure. A synergistic effect on the STL was established between the structure of the homogeneous dispersion and strong interfacial adhesion. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2013  相似文献   

Despite the great potential of graphene as the nanofiller, to achieve homogeneous dispersion remains the key challenge for effectively reinforcing the polymer. Here, we report an eco-friendly strategy for fabricating the polymer nanocomposites with well-dispersed graphene sheets in the polymer matrix via first coating graphene using polypropylene (PP) latex and then melt-blending the coated graphene with PP matrix. A ~75% increase in yield strength and a ~74% increase in the Young’s modulus of PP are achieved by addition of only 0.42 vol% of graphene due to the effective external load transfer. The glass transition temperature of PP is enhanced by ~2.5 °C by incorporating only 0.041 vol% graphene. The thermal oxidative stability of PP is also remarkably improved with the addition of graphene, for example, compared with neat PP, the initial degradation temperature is enhanced by 26 °C at only 0.42 vol% of graphene loading.  相似文献   

Multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)‐reinforced isotactic polypropylene (iPP) nanocomposites with low‐content of MWCNTs were fabricated using the melt‐cast techniques. The reinforced plastics were characterized by X‐ray diffraction (XRD) measurements, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, mechanical test, differential thermal analyses (DTA), and electrical tests. XRD studies exhibit the α‐crystal in the injection‐molded neat iPP with lamellar stacks having a long period of 150Å. Both the intensity of lamellar reflection and the thickness of long period increase with increasing the MWCNTs contents, indicating an enhancement of iPP crystallization by MWCNTs addition. This increase of lamellar thickness is analyzed to be consistent with that evaluated by DTA. SEM micrographs display larger MWCNTs aggregates with increasing amount of reinforcements and show a good adhesion between nanoparticles and iPP matrix. FTIR spectra reveal distinct chemical textures for the samples and confirm the existence of α‐crystal. Mechanical strengths, electrical conductivity, and dielectric constants are found to increase with increasing MWCNTs content, representing an improved performance of the nanocomposites. POLYM. COMPOS., 2012. © 2012 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   

It was established by instrumented impact testing on notched Charpy specimens (DIN 53453 standard, No. 2 bar) that PP homopolymers impact modified by EPDM sorts of different melt viscosities at a rate lower than 10% were subject to brittle fracture in a wide temperature range. The most efficient of the EPDM impact modifiers had melt viscosities similar to that of the starting PP under the conditions of mixing. The course of maximum load at rupture (Fmax) and notched impact strength as functions of temperature showed some analogies with one another as well as with the dynamic mechanical storage (E′) and with the mechanical loss factor (tan δ). Thus, linear regression analysis was applied to the following relations: Fmax vs. (E′; tan δ; impact strength), F2max vs. (tan δ, impact strength) and impact strength vs. tan δ. The optimum correlation coefficients were obtained for Fmax vs. E′ and impact strength vs. tan δ. The supposed linearity of the former relation suggested that notched small Charpy specimens behaved as linear elastic bodies at high-rate three-point bending while the latter function referred to the significant role of relaxation of the EPDM impact modifier in the dissipation of impact energy during brittle or semi-brittle fracture of the two-phase PP/EPDM blends. The above relations are rendered probable by the fact that frequency of impact load is 102 to 103 Hz while that of the dynamic mechanical measurements is about 101 Hz.  相似文献   

This research explores mechanical and high velocity impact response of hybrid long carbon/glass fiber-reinforced polypropylene thermoplastic composites (HLFT) with different fiber lengths. The work examines three hybrid long fiber thermoplastic composites, i.e., 5, 10 and 20 mm. The HLFTs were prepared by a combination of extrusion and pultrusion processes and using a cross-head die. Tensile and Izod impact tests were carried out to evaluate the mechanical performance of each HLFT compound. A gas gun with a spherical projectile was used to conduct high velocity impact tests at three velocities of 144, 205 and 240 m/s. The results showed that internal mixing operation caused extensive reduction in fiber length of all three LFT lengths. Tensile strength, modulus and Izod impact test results were the indications of higher values with increase in HLFT length. Comparison of these results for the HLFT with that of corresponding glass/PP LFTs, adopted from earlier work by Shayan Asenjan et al. (J Compos Mater 53:353–360, 2019), showed better performance of HLFT. The high velocity impact results showed a steady higher impact performance with the increase in HFLT fiber length for all impact velocities tested. Comparison of HLFT high velocity impact performance revealed better results for all impact velocities tested with that of the corresponding glass/PP LFT composite.  相似文献   

Nanocomposites of polypropylene with organically modified clays were compounded in a twin‐screw extruder by a two‐step melt compounding of three components, i.e., polypropylene, maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene (PPgMA), and organically modified clay. The effect of PPgMA compatibilizers, including PH‐200, Epolene‐43, Polybond‐3002, and Polybond‐3200, with a wide range of maleic anhydride (MA) content and molecular weight was examined. Nanocomposites' morphologies and mechanical properties such as stiffness, strength, and impact resistance were investigated. X‐ray diffraction patterns showed that the dispersion morphology of clay particles seemed to be determined in the first compounding step and the further exfoliation of clays didn't occur in the second compounding step. As the ratio of PPgMA to clay increased, the clay particles were dispersed more uniformly in the matrix resin. As the dispersibility of clays was enhanced, the reinforcement effect of the clays increased; however, impact resistance decreased. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 98: 427–433, 2005  相似文献   

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