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明清时期海上陶瓷之路的繁荣   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
詹嘉 《中国陶瓷》2002,38(6):35-39
文章论述了晴清两代政治经济,以及郑和下西,世界新航线与商业贸易对陶瓷行业的影响,特别是对陶瓷之路发展繁荣的推动作用,中国陶瓷尤其是景德镇陶瓷对世界文化的贡献,论证了陶瓷之路源在中国,流在世界。  相似文献   

何鸿 《佛山陶瓷》2002,12(5):36-38
“陶瓷之路”这一概念是由日本古陶瓷学家和历史学家三上次男20世纪60年代提出的[1]。在其所著《陶瓷之路》一书中,作者系统阐述了中国古陶瓷在各个国家发现、收藏、外销的基本情况,以亲身经历和对中国古陶瓷的精深研究,阐释了中国古陶瓷的世界意义。我们清楚地发现,在这条海上商贸之路———“陶瓷之路”沿岸发现的中国陶瓷,已深深影响了这个地区人们的文化生活,数量之大,灿若群星。我国著名的陶瓷学家叶文程先生指出:“浙江青瓷输往的国家和地区,在亚洲有:越南、朝鲜、日本、菲律宾、马来西亚、文莱、印度尼西亚、巴基斯坦、印…  相似文献   

于清华  王莹 《佛山陶瓷》2009,19(12):30-31
本文主要阐述了中国陶瓷产业的品牌化发展之路,概述了品牌策略对于陶瓷产业发展的重要作用。依托设计、强化品牌意识,走产品设计创新之路,是中国陶瓷产业发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

中国是陶瓷的故乡,陶瓷的烧制成功不仅影响中华文明的进程.对世界陶瓷制作也直接产生过巨大的影响。陶都宜兴,尤以紫砂陶闻名世界。  相似文献   

景德镇陶瓷之路和遗产廊道的保护与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
詹嘉  何炳钦  胡伟 《陶瓷学报》2009,30(4):570-575
景德镇陶瓷之路和遗产廊道是中国乃至世界陶瓷文明的典范,面临着整体环境有所改善和局部状况持续恶化的局面。根据遗产廊道的国际定义,通过调查分析陶瓷的文化遗存、生产遗址、生活遗物,论证了保护和利用的方法与形式,为现存或消逝的陶瓷文明提供独特见证,为陶瓷之路和遗产廊道研究提供新的文本、新的视角。  相似文献   

制造业是国民经济的主体,是立国之本、兴国之器、强国之基。与世界先进水平相比,中国制造业仍然大而不强。而陶瓷行业是中国传统先进制造业的代表,陶瓷产业是景德镇的立市之本,也是强市之路,本文试对景德镇龙头企业培育路径进行探究。  相似文献   

9月17日,河北省唐山市与法国利摩日市正式签约,加入“世界陶瓷之路”联盟,成为世界陶瓷专业组织的新成员。  相似文献   

创刊词中国是陶瓷的故乡,又是当今世界的陶瓷大国,其产量及贸易额均名列前茅,中国悠久、灿烂的陶瓷历史更:中华民族引以自豪。现在,一个完整的、具有一定规模的陶瓷工业体系已在中国建立,并与世界有着越来越门的联系,世界瞩目着中国陶瓷的发展。中国陶瓷工业协会是...  相似文献   

景德镇陶瓷文化在传统与现代变奏中选择和重构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李兴华  胡菁惠 《中国陶瓷》2003,39(5):46-50,59
景德镇的制瓷业在中国陶瓷史上和世界陶瓷史上占据着极为重要的位置,千年的陶瓷发展历史形成了极具特色的景德镇陶瓷文化。时代在变化,社会在前进,景德镇陶瓷文化也随着政治、经济、文化、科技的变化而发生变奏。伴随着中国加入WTO,全面地融入世界艺术潮流,与世界陶艺对话,将是景德镇加快发展的又一契机。立足当代、面向世界、继承传统、求变创新是景德镇陶瓷文化在当代选择和重构的重大课题,也是景德镇陶瓷重振辉煌的必由之路。  相似文献   

尊敬的各位领导,您好!今天非常荣幸有机会在这里发表我对佛山陶瓷产业升级之路的一些看法,希望能给在座的领导带来一定的参考意义,哪怕是侧面参考,就不要是反面的。我的大学专业是陶瓷,进入工作以后也是陶瓷,1980年来到广东,我的专业和知识伴随着佛山陶瓷的成长而成长,在这个过程当中,佛山陶瓷对我的影响也是非常大的,我也为此而骄傲,也觉得这是一个在外面国家与世界先进水平差距非常之短的产业,所以今天受市委党校和组织部的委托,谈一谈我对佛山陶瓷产业提升的一些看法。我初步打算是按照八个方面来讲。  相似文献   

铜器与陶瓷艺术之间的联系源远流长,清代时陶瓷艺术受到铜器艺术的影响更为显著。铜器在清代陶瓷艺术造型、纹饰、彩绘、釉色等各方面形成全面影响,极大地丰富和推动了清代陶艺术的发展。  相似文献   

造办处是清代宫廷独有的机构,专事宫廷工艺品制作。清宫造办处对景德镇御窑厂瓷艺的发展具有举足轻重的作用,其下属的许多部门对御窑厂瓷艺施加各种影响,从而使御窑厂瓷艺呈现出完全符合宫廷审美趣味的艺术特色。  相似文献   

中国陶瓷艺术源远流长,而黑釉瓷器在宋代发展到鼎盛时期,建窑烧制的建盏更把黑釉瓷推向了厉史的巅峰.而建盏的发展又离不开中国的茶文化,二者相互促进、相互依存.饮茶的习俗使建盏成为中国陶瓷史上的一朵奇葩,而建盏又把中国茶文化推向历史的潮流.本文从建盏的文化渊源、宋代茶文化的内涵、宋代建盏的“器”对“道”的文化承载这三方面探讨宋代建盏与茶文化的关系.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2020,46(5):6052-6059
SiBNC nanofibers were synthesized through the polymeric route by a one-pot synthesis approach. DMTA (dichloroboryl methyl trichlorosilyl amine) polymer was selected as pre-ceramic for SiBNC, which was shaped into nanofibers by electrospinning. Then, the nanofibers were cured in an inert atmosphere in order to obtain the final ceramic. By changing the curing atmosphere, the compound of final ceramic has been manipulated. In addition, the ceramic yield of DMTA as a preceramic was increased in the nitrogen atmosphere. The effects of applied voltage, solution concentration, and feeding rate on the morphology of final electrospun ceramic nanofibers were also investigated. Final ceramic remains amorphous up to elevated temperatures with outstanding mechanical and thermal properties.  相似文献   

婴戏纹是陶瓷装饰艺术中最为常见、也是最具有代表性的纹样之一,有着深刻的社会形态和历史文化背景。本文通过对明代婴戏纹载体的发展演变过程进行研究.分析了明代四个时期的婴戏纹载体的特点和区别,阐述其演变的原因。  相似文献   

Research on sintering of dense ceramic materials has been very active in the past decades and still keeps gaining in popularity. Although a number of new techniques have been developed, the sintering process is still performed at high temperatures. Very recently we established a novel protocol, the “Cold Sintering Process (CSP)”, to achieve dense ceramic solids at extraordinarily low temperatures of <300°C. A wide variety of chemistries and composites were successfully densified using this technique. In this article, a comprehensive CSP tutorial will be delivered by employing three classic ferroelectric materials (KH2PO4, NaNO2, and BaTiO3) as examples. Together with detailed experimental demonstrations, fundamental mechanisms, as well as the underlying physics from a thermodynamics perspective, are collaboratively outlined. Such an impactful technique opens up a new way for cost‐effective and energy‐saving ceramic processing. We hope that this article will provide a promising route to guide future studies on ultralow temperature ceramic sintering or ceramic materials related integration.  相似文献   

戴建平  许龙春 《中国陶瓷》2007,43(10):66-68
通过对英国数代陶瓷艺术家的艺术创作过程的分析与评判,揭示了英国的陶瓷艺术传统的形成和发展过程。尤其是对鲁帕特的艺术创作思想作了深刻的评析,本文最终得出结认:英国陶瓷艺术家的作品鲜明地反映了作者的个人主义思想个性。  相似文献   

The development of an adsorbent which can be easily transformed into stable ceramic waste forms through a simple route is necessary for the treatment of the radioactive wastewater. Herein, we report on the immobilization of uranium in cristobalite ceramic through adsorption on mesoporous SBA-15 and further sintering process. The mesoporous SBA-15 with short pore length was synthesized and employed to remove uranium from aqueous solution. Subsequently, the SBA-15 with adsorbed U (U/SBA-15) was solidified by sintering. The effects of sintering temperature and U content on the structure, densification and aqueous durability of the obtained cristobalite ceramic waste forms were investigated. The results indicate that the U/SBA-15 can be transformed into stable cristobalite ceramic after sintering at 1100–1400 °C for 6 h. Furthermore, all the obtained cristobalite ceramic waste forms exhibit good aqueous durability (∼10−4 g m-2 d-1). This work demonstrates a potential route and adsorbent to dispose the radioactive wastewater.  相似文献   

Non-Oxide Ceramics from Silicon-Organic Polymers The aim of this paper is to complement the subject of the recent chemical review articles of Auner [1] and Sartori & Habel [2] by aspects of material sciences. After a short introduction demonstrating the general advantages of a polymer route for preparing non-oxide ceramics, in chapter 2 we consider the different objectives of this route in dependence on the dimensionality of the aimed materials (nanoscaled powder particles, fibres, coatings, sintered ceramics and composites). In chapter 3 a short review about the most important polymers and ceramic systems, respectively, here considered is given. In chapter 4 the different steps of the transformation of silicon organic polymer to ceramic material (modifying of the polymers, curing, pyrolysis, formation of an inorganic amorphous network, crystallization) are illustrated, whereas examples of applications of such materials, especially our own results in the development of ceramic fibres are represented in chapter 5.  相似文献   

磷石膏陶瓷透水砖的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以磷石膏为主要原料,配以天然陶瓷原料,制备了陶瓷透水砖。研究了磷石膏用量、原料配比、成型压力、及烧成制度等工艺条件对陶瓷透水砖性能的影响。结果表明:以磷石膏为主要原料,采用压制成型法可制备出性能良好的陶瓷透水砖。研究成果为磷石膏的综合利用提供了一条新途径。  相似文献   

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