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Bilateral pallor of the optic disks was observed in a 52-year-old man after dissection of an internal carotid artery. Diffuse pallor of the ipsilateral optic disk reflected infarction of the ipsilateral optic nerve and "bow-tie" atrophy of the contralateral optic disk reflected infarction of the ipsilateral optic tract. The findings were due to an occlusion of the internal carotid artery proximal to the origin of the ophthalmic artery, resulting also in insufficiency in the area of supply of the anterior choroidal artery.  相似文献   

Eight patients with common carotid artery (CCA) occlusion underwent bypass with saphenous vein to either the carotid bifurcation (five), the internal carotid artery (two), or the external carotid artery (one). Indications included ipsilateral transient ischemic attack (two), recent nondisabling hemispheric stroke (two), and transient nonhemispheric cerebral symptoms (two). Two asymptomatic patients with CCA occlusion and contralateral internal carotid stenosis underwent prophylactic revascularization prior to planned aortic surgery. There were no perioperative strokes, occlusions, or deaths. Late ipsilateral stroke occurred in two patients, and one patient had a single transient ischemic attack after 2 years. The four patients with preoperative transient cerebral ischemia experienced relief of their symptoms. Duplex ultrasound is an accurate screening modality for distal patency. Collateral filling of the internal or external carotid artery can usually be demonstrated after aortic arch or retrograde brachial contrast injection. End-to-end distal anastomosis after endarterectomy eliminates the original occlusive plaque as a potential source of emboli. The subclavian artery is preferred for inflow on the left. The CCA origin is easily accessible for inflow on the right. Bypass of the occluded CCA is safe and may be effective in relieving transient cerebral ischemic symptoms, although long-term ipsilateral neurologic sequelae may still occur.  相似文献   

The bilateral occlusion of the renal arteries for 2h resulted in a marked decrease of serum complement activity after recirculation. The release of a proteinic factor with anticomplementary activity detectable in vitro in normal kidney supernate is considered a probable cause of the phenomenon. This factor is able to activate the alternative complement pathway in human serum.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to compare the cerebral hemodynamic changes brought about by common carotid artery (CCA) digital compression and angiographic internal carotid artery (ICA) balloon occlusion. METHODS: Bilateral transcranial Doppler ultrasonographic monitoring of the middle cerebral artery blood velocity (VMCA) was performed in 12 subjects with neck neoplasms or traumatic carotid-cavernous fistulas. The MCA pulsatility index (PIMCA) and hemodynamic tension (Uhem MCA) were calculated. RESULTS: Common carotid artery compression provoked the largest drop in ipsilateral VMCA, PIMCA, and Uhem MCA. Common carotid artery compression caused a steal of blood from the intra- to the extracranial circulation, with the discrepancy in hemodynamic findings between CCA and ICA test occlusions being dependent on the quantity of reversed ipsilateral ICA blood flow. CONCLUSION: If the carotid artery is to be sacrificed, permanent ICA closure is the procedure of choice with respect to the occurrence of cerebral ischemic lesions in patients with neck neoplasms and ICA flow reversal during CCA compression.  相似文献   

Spontaneous dissection of the internal carotid arteries usually presents with unilateral headache, neck pain, focal ipsilateral cerebral ischaemic symptoms and a Horner's syndrome. Lower cranial nerve palsies are only rarely observed. We report a case of carotid and vertebral dissections presenting as a unilateral palsy of the ninth to twelfth cranial nerves (Collet-Sicard syndrome).  相似文献   

Significant carotid stenosis in the presence of an occluded contralateral artery has a poor prognosis with medical therapy alone. Carotid cross clamping during surgical endarterectomy results in critical flow reductions in patients with inadequate collateral flow, and represents a significant risk for procedural strokes. Carotid stenting is being evaluated as an alternative to endarterectomy. We describe the immediate and late outcome of a series of 26 patients treated with carotid stenting in the presence of contralateral carotid occlusion. The mean age of the patients in this group was 65 +/- 9 years, 23 (89%) were men and 10 (39%) were symptomatic from the vessel treated. The procedural success of carotid stenting in this group of patients was 96%. The mean diameter stenosis was reduced from 76 +/- 15% to 2.8 +/- 5%. There was 1 (3.8%) minor stroke in a patient who developed air embolism during baseline angiography. At late follow-up there was no neurologic event in any patient at a mean of 16 +/- 9.5 months after the procedure. Thus, carotid stenting of lesions with contralateral occlusion can be performed successfully with a low incidence of procedural neurologic complications and late stroke.  相似文献   

The action of ethanol on compound action potential, refractory periods and chronaxia are analyzed in 28 isolated sciatic nerves of toads. 85 mM ethanol increases the compound action potential and decreases the refractory periods. 342 and 513 mM ehtanol decrease the compound action potential and increase the absolute and relative refractory periods. These biphasic effects are discussed in relation with changes in Na+ and K+ permeabilities and to the greater sensitivity of thin fibers to the chemicals.  相似文献   

One-day-old specific-pathogen-free White Leghorn chicks were inoculated orally with Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4 to study adhesion and invasion of the ceca by immunohistochemistry. Positive staining bacilli were associated with the epithelial surface and were present in the lumen of the cecal crypts. They were observed in the interstitial tissue and in the cytoplasm of macrophage-like cells in the lamina propria. A granulomatous nodule containing positive staining bacilli was present in the submucosa of the cecum of one bird at 14 d after inoculation.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the difference in infarction volume after occlusion of a long proximal segment of the middle cerebral artery between Wistar and Fischer-344 rats, is caused by differences in collateral blood flow rate through leptomeningeal anastomoses. In view of the retrograde direction of collateral blood flow into the middle cerebral artery territory, we developed parasagittal laser-Doppler flowmetry. Using this method two laser-Doppler probes are placed on the cerebral cortex: probe 1 is placed near the anastomoses between the middle- and anterior cerebral artery, probe 2 is placed 2 mm further away from these anastomoses than probe 1. We found in both rat strains a comparable relation between the areas under the curve of the signal measured by both laser-Doppler probes for 2 h after middle cerebral artery occlusion. This relation is considered to be a measurement of the collateral blood flow rate into the middle cerebral artery territory through leptomeningeal anastomoses after middle cerebral artery occlusion. We conclude that collateral blood flow for the two strains were essentially similar for the initial 2 h after MCA occlusion. Although these collateral blood flows could have been different at a later time, it is unlikely that the interstrain difference in cerebral infarction volume between Wistar and Fischer-344 rats after proximal middle cerebral artery occlusion is caused by an apparent interstrain difference in the magnitude of collateral blood flow rate through leptomeningeal anastomoses. The parasagittal laser-Doppler flowmetry technique we developed for these experiments is currently successfully used in our laboratory to evaluate the efficacy of hemodynamically active pharmacotherapeutical agents in raising the collateral blood flow rate into the middle cerebral artery territory after middle cerebral artery occlusion.  相似文献   

JH Garcia  KF Liu  ZR Ye  JA Gutierrez 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,28(11):2303-9; discussion 2310
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The clinical syndrome of transient ischemic attacks is accompanied in a significant percentage of patients by brain lesions or neuroimaging abnormalities whose structural counterparts have not been defined. The objective of this study was to analyze, in an experimental model of short-term (< 25 minutes) focal ischemia and long-term (< or = 28 days) reperfusion, the extent and nature of the structural abnormalities affecting neurons and glia located within the territory of the transiently occluded artery. METHODS: Adult Wistar rats (n = 121) had the origin of one middle cerebral artery (MCA) occluded with a nylon monofilament for periods of 10 to 25 minutes. Experiments of transient MCA occlusion were terminated at variable periods ranging from 1 day to 4 weeks. Control experiments consisted of (1) MCA occlusion without reperfusion (n = 7) lasting 7 to 14 days and (2) sham operations (n = 2) followed by 1- to 4-day survival. After in situ fixation, brain specimens were serially sectioned and subjected to detailed morphometric evaluations utilizing light and electron microscopes. The statistical method used to evaluate the results was based on ANOVA followed by Bonferroni's corrected t test and Student's t test comparisons. RESULTS: Brain lesions were not detectable in the sham-operated controls. All brains with permanent MCA occlusion (7 to 14 days) had large infarctions with abundant macrophage infiltration and early cavitation. Forty-five (37%) of the experiments involving transient MCA occlusion had no detectable brain lesions after 4 weeks. Selective neuronal necrosis was found in 76 of 121 rats (63%) with transient MCA occlusion. Neuronal necrosis always involved the striatum, and in 29% of the brains with ischemic injury, necrosis also included a short segment of the cortex. In the striatum, the length of the arterial occlusion was the main determinant of the number of necrotic neurons (20 minutes [22.6 +/- 19] is worse than 10 minutes [4.9 +/- 7]) (P < .0001). In the cortex, the length of reperfusion determined the number of necrotic neurons appearing in layer 3. Experiments with reperfusion of 4 to 7 days' duration yielded more necrotic neurons per microscopic field (2.02 +/- 3) than those lasting fewer days (0.04 +/- 0.1) (P < .05). The histological features of these lesions underwent continuous change until the end of the fourth week, at which time necrotic neurons were still visible both in the striatum and in the cortex. CONCLUSIONS: Arterial occlusions of short duration (< 25 minutes) produced, in 76 of 121 experiments (63%), brain lesions characterized by selective neuronal necrosis and various glial responses (or incomplete infarction). This lesion is entirely different from the pannecrosis/cavitation typical of an infarction that appears 3 to 4 days after a prolonged arterial occlusion. Delayed neuronal necrosis, secondary to a transient arterial occlusion or increasing numbers of necrotic neurons in experiments with variable periods of reperfusion, was a response observed only at a predictable segment of the frontoparietal cortex.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate efficacy and clinical benefit of early thrombolytic therapy in intracranial internal carotid artery occlusion. METHODS: Thirty-two patients (mean age, 56 years) with acute intracranial internal carotid artery occlusion were studied clinically and with CT and angiography before and after thrombolytic therapy with intravenous alteplase (n = 16), superselective intraarterial alteplase (n = 8), and superselective intraarterial urokinase (n = 8). RESULTS: Initial CT showed a large parenchymal hypodensity in 11 (34%) patients, a small hypodensity in 15 (47%) patients, and no hypodensity in 6 (19%) patients. Recanalization after thrombolytic therapy was observed in 4 patients (12.5% in each treatment group). Follow-up CT showed six hemorrhagic infarcts and four parenchymal hematomas unrelated to recanalization, alteplase, or urokinase administration, but commonly associated with intraarterial treatment. Clinical outcome was fatal in 53%, poor in 31%, and moderate or good in 16% of the patients. Outcome was equal in different treatment groups and closely linked to both the quality of leptomeningeal collaterals and the extent of parenchymal hypodensity on the first CT. CONCLUSION: Because intravenous or intraarterial treatment with alteplase or urokinase fails to recanalize the vascular obstruction, it does not improve the prognosis of intracranial internal carotid artery occlusion over that of the natural course. Improved results may be possible with novel recanalization techniques.  相似文献   

H Cai  H Yao  S Ibayashi  H Uchimura  M Fujishima 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,29(9):1982-6; discussion 1986-7
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: To analyze the effects of substrain and gender differences in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and distal middle cerebral artery (MCA) branching patterns on infarct size, we compared infarct volumes produced by photothrombotic distal MCA occlusion using SHR/Kyushu and SHR/Izumo (Izm). METHODS: Twenty-four male and 8 female SHR/Kyushu, 15 male and 5 female SHR/Izm, and 6 male Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY)/Izm (5 to 7 months old) were subjected to photothrombotic distal MCA occlusion, and infarct volumes were determined. RESULTS: Although blood pressure levels were essentially the same between the two substrains of hypertensive rats, infarct volumes were significantly larger in the SHR/Kyushu substrain than in SHR/Izm of either sex (P<0.001); infarct volumes in male and female SHR/Kyushu were 83.8+/-11.7 and 58.5+/-9.2 mm3, and those in male and female SHR/Izm were 61.5+/-10.7 and 34.8+/-7.9 mm3, respectively (values are mean+/-SD). Male SHR/Kyushu that had simple Y-shaped MCA showed smaller infarcts (75.8+/-14.6 mm3, n=11) than those with more branching (regular) MCA (93.2+/-19.1, n=13), the difference being significant (P=0.022). Male SHR/Izm with simple distal MCA also produced smaller infarctions than those with regular MCA (51.0+/-3.7 versus 68.9+/-8.7 mm3, P=0.0004). CONCLUSIONS: Photothrombotic occlusion of distal MCA in hypertensive rats provides a simple and reproducible model of focal ischemia. Most importantly, this study emphasizes the substantial variabilities in infarct sizes caused by the differences in substrains of SHR, gender, and distal MCA patterns.  相似文献   

Phenotypic and functional aspects of melanoma-hyaluronate interactions were investigated by studying the expression of CD44, cell migration, and transmembrane penetration of human melanoma cell lines on hyaluronate-coated substrates. Expression of CD44 was tested by flow cytometry on seven human melanoma cell lines. Strong reactivity with anti-CD44 monoclonal antibody was observed in four of seven of the cell lines. Migration studies of CD44(+) cell lines on hyaluronic acid- and chondroitin-6-sulfate-coated substrates, using time-lapse video-microscopy, showed a dramatic dose-dependent increase in migration rate on hyaluronate but not on chondroitin-6-sulfate. Moreover, CD44(-) cell lines showed no modification in migration rate on either substrate. Addition of soluble hyaluronate produced a dose-dependent inhibition of acceleration of CD44(+)cells on hyaluronate-coated substrates, whereas addition of chondroitin-6-sulfate had no effect. Migration inhibition experiments with soluble CD44 (CD44 receptor globulin) also showed specific blocking of the migration of CD44(+) cells on hyaluronate. Haptotactic invasion was increased in CD44(+) cell lines through hyaluronate-coated polycarbonate membranes, whereas no change was detected on chondroitin-6-sulfate-coated membranes. CD44(-) cell lines showed no response to either type of coating. In the melanoma cell lines tested, the expression of CD44 correlated with in vitro migration and invasiveness on hyaluronate substrates. Taken together, our data are consistent with the suggestion that CD44 may play a role in stimulating in vivo aggressiveness of tumors through hyaluronate-rich stroma.  相似文献   

DI Levy 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,42(1):186-91; discussion 191-3
OBJECTIVE AND IMPORTANCE: We describe two patients, with progressing neurological deficits, who showed improvement after revascularization of their carotid arteries using stents. CLINICAL PRESENTATION: One patient presented clinically with the symptoms of a middle cerebral artery territory stroke. Angiography demonstrated total occlusion of the right internal carotid artery (ICA), with evidence of clot from the origin of the ICA to the middle cerebral artery trifurcation. The second patient presented with bilateral ICA occlusions and evidence of a progressing left hemispheric deficit; she was receiving therapeutic levels of heparin at the time of deterioration of her condition. INTERVENTION: Thrombolysis and stenting successfully recanalized the occluded vessels, and the deficits of the first patient were reversed. With the second patient, a dissected carotid loop was encountered. Straightening of the loop with a wire and stenting of the carotid artery using two stents allowed revascularization of the left hemisphere and resolution of most of the deficits of this patient. CONCLUSION: This report demonstrates the technical feasibility of placing stents in high-risk patients with carotid artery occlusions from either dissection or atherosclerosis. Both patients sustained much smaller infarctions than would have been expected if the carotid artery territory had been infarcted. We report on the technical feasibility of reopening acutely closed ICAs by using endovascular methods.  相似文献   

A 49 year old female presented with subarachnoid hemorrhage due to a ruptured dissecting aneurysm on the left vertebral artery (VA). Following an occlusion test, we performed proximal occlusion of the left VA with detachable balloons. However, a dissecting aneurysm on the right VA developed three weeks later. After an occlusion test had showed no change in cerebral blood flow, auditory brain stem response, or neurological status, proximal occlusion of the right VA was performed. The patient has returned to normal life without neurological deficits. Bilateral dissecting aneurysms of the VA are quite common, but de novo VA dissecting aneurysms or enlargement of such aneurysms after occlusion of contralateral VA are rare. This case suggests that hemodynamics stress may be a causal factor in the development of VA dissecting aneurysms. Careful pre- and post-operative neuroradiological examination of the contralateral VA are required in patients undergoing VA occlusion for dissecting aneurysms.  相似文献   

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