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This paper presents comprehensive maximum acceptable weight of lift (psychophysical lifting capacity) database for male and female industrial workers for lifting symmetrical and asymmetrical loads symmetrically and asymmetrically for 8h work shifts. The experimental data collected in previous studies on experienced (industrial) and inexperienced (non-industrial) materials handlers (Mital 1984a, Mital and Fard 1986) and the patterns of responses between the two populations (Mital 1985, 1987) were used to generate this database. Since previous work (Mital 1985, 1987) showed that responses of both experienced and inexperienced materials handlers to task variables are similar and also provided multipliers relating the psychophysical lifting capacities of the two populations, it was possible: (1) to convert psychophysical capacity data for asymmetrical lifting of symmetrical and asymmetrical loads, collected on inexperienced workers to reflect psychophysical lifting capacity of experienced workers for asymmetrical lifting; and (2) to take psychophysical lifting capacity data of experienced industrial workers for symmetrical lifting of symmetrical loads and generate from it their psychophysical lifting capacity for symmetrical and asymmetrical lifting of symmetrical and asymmetrical loads by using the response patterns of inexperienced workers to lifting symmetrical and asymmetrical loads symmetrically and asymmetrically. Both approaches were used and, as expected, provided almost identical values for the psychophysical lifting capacity of industrial workers for symmetrical and asymmetrical lifting of symmetrical and asymmetrical loads. Therefore, the final database tables provided in this paper used combined values generated by the two methods. 相似文献
Eighteen adult males (mean age 22·6 years, weight 78·6kg and height 176·6cm) participated in a study designed to investigate the effects of symmetrical and asymmetrical lifting on the maximum acceptable weight of lift and the resulting physiological cost. Each subject performed sixty different lifting tasks involving two lifting heights, three lifting frequencies and five containers. For each lifting task, the load was lifted either symmetrically (sagittal lifting) or asymmetrically (turning 90° while continuing to lift). The heart rate and oxygen uptake of the individuals at the maximum acceptable weight of lift were measured. At the end of the experiment, subjects also verbally indicated their preference for symmetrical and asymmetrical lifting. When lifting asymmetrically, subjects accepted approximately 8·5% less weight. There was, however, no difference in the physiological costs when lifting symmetrically or asymmetrically. Lifting asymmetrical loads also resulted in lower maximum acceptable weights. No difference in either oxygen uptake or heart rate was observed when the centre of gravity of the load was offset by 10·16 or 20·32 cm from the mid-sagittal plane in the frontal plane towards the preferred hand. All subjects indicated, verbally, that asymmetrical lifting tasks were physically more difficult to perform. 相似文献
Psychophysically determined symmetric and asymmetric lifting capacity of Chinese males for one hour's work shifts 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
A laboratory experiment was conducted to determine the effects of asymmetric lifting on psychophysically determined maximum acceptable weight of lift (MAWL) and the resulting heart rate, oxygen uptake and rating of perceived exertion. Thirteen male college students were recruited as participants. Each participant performed 12 different lifting tasks involving three lifting frequencies (one-time maximum, 1 and 4 lifts/min) and four twisting angles (including the sagittal plane and three different angles of asymmetry, i.e., 0, 30, 60, and 90°) from the floor to a 76 cm high pallet for one hour's work shift using a free-style lifting technique. The results showed that: (1) The MAWLs were significantly lower for asymmetric lifting than for symmetric lifting in the sagittal plane. The MAWL decreased with an increase in the angle of asymmetry, however, the heart rate, oxygen uptake and RPE remained unchanged; (2) Lifting frequency had no significant effect on the percentage decrease in MAWL from the sagittal plane values. Correction factors of 4, 9, and 13% for MAWL at 0, 30, 60, and 90°of asymmetric lifting, respectively, are recommended; (3) Both the physiological costs (heart rate and oxygen uptake) and rating of perceived exertion increased with an increase in lifting frequency though maximum acceptable weight of lift decreased. The most stressed body parts were the lower back and the arm; and (4) The percentage decrease in MAWL with twisting angle for the Chinese participants was somewhat lower than those of the Occidental participants. In addition, even though there was a decrease in MAWL, heart rate and RPE increased with an increase in the angle of a symmetric lifting for the Occidental participants, it was different from that of the Chinese participants.
Relevance to industry
It is generally believed that asymmetric lifting involving torso twisting is more harmful to back spine than symmetric lifting. However, the previous studies were conducted in Europe and North America, and the data were obtained from the Caucasian populations. This work, therefore, aims to investigate the influence of asymmetric lifting on the lifting capacity of the Chinese participants, and to compare the differences with the Occidental populations. 相似文献
Static lifting strengths of nine men and nine women were measured at six heights from just above the floor to just above the head, at two horizontal reaches from the mid-ankles (equal to the elbow to grip and acromium to grip distances), in the sagittal plane and also at 45 degrees and 90 degrees to the right for two-handed exertions and at 45 degrees and 90 degrees to each side for one-handed exertions, making a total of 96 postures. A second and different group of 18 subjects (nine men and nine women) were studied in 20 two-handed and 40 one-handed postures intermediate to those of the first group. A third group of 16 subjects (eight men and eight women), with six drawn from the other groups, were used to determine maximum possible reach (at which lifting strength is zero) at the same heights and planes as those for the first group. When strength was expressed as a fraction of body weight and height and reach were expressed as fractions of stature, predictive equations of static lifting strength were obtained which were gender free. The predictive equations may be used to generate isodyne contours for an individual in any chosen planes. Individuals exist whose strengths are consistently greater or less than the prediction. The possibility of identifying such persons in a process of worker selection is discussed. 相似文献
Abstract This paper reports the development of maximum acceptable weight of lift databases for male and female industrial workers for 12-hour work periods. Using a psychophysical methodology, 37 males and 37 females, experienced in manual lifting, performed various lifting tasks involving four frequencies, three box sizes, and three height levels. The maximum acceptable weight of lift was significantly influenced by the frequency of lift, height of lift, and box size. Box size effects were, however, less profound than frequency, and height effects. The maximum weight, acceptable for 12 hours of lifting, elicited an average heart rate of 90 and 101 beats min ?1 for males and females, respectively. Males selected weights that, on average, resulted in metabolic energy expenditure rates of 23% of their aerobic capacity for 12 hours of lifting. Females required metabolic energy expenditure rates equivalent to 24% of their aerobic capacity for lifting acceptable levels of weight for 12 hours. 相似文献
Postural and therefore biomechanical standardization in strength testing has not been rigorously and consistently applied. To develop a quantitative relationship between strength and posture (body position, symmetry, and reach) 30 normal subjects (18 male and 12 females) were required to stoop and squat lift or exert in the relevant posture against a standardized instrumented handle. The isometric lifting efforts and isokinetic lifts were studied. The isokinetic lifts were done at a linear velocity of 50cm/s of the hand displacement from the floor to the knuckle heights of the respective subjects in stoop and squat postures. The isometric stoop lifting efforts were exerted in two standardized postures: (a) with 60 degrees hip flexion; and (b) with 90 degrees hip flexion. The isometric squat lifting efforts were also exerted in two standardized postures: (a) with 90 degrees knee flexion; and (b) with 135 degrees knee flexion. All isometric lifting efforts and isokinetic lifts were performed at half, three-quarters, and full horizontal reach in sagitally symmetrical, 30 degrees left lateral, and 60 degrees left lateral planes. Isometric stoop and squat lifting efforts were also measured in self-selected optimal postures. These 56 conditions were tested in random order. The analysis of variance revealed that the gender, the mode of lifting, the postural asymmetry and reach of lifting affected the strength significantly (p less than 0.0001). Most two-way and three-way interactions were significant (p less than 0.01). Of 108 prediction regression equations, 103 were significant with up to 90% of the variation explained by anthropometric variables and sagittal plane strength. The reach affected the strength most profoundly followed by postural asymmetry and the mode of lifting. 相似文献
Psychophysical determination of load carrying capacity for a 1-h work period by Chinese males. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This study used the psychophysical approach to examine the effects of container width, the presence or absence of container handles, and different load-carrying frequencies and distances on the maximum acceptable weight carried and the resulting response (heart rate and rating of perceived exertion) by well-conditioned males for a 1-h work period. After training, 12 male subjects performed a load-carrying task at knuckle height. Each subject performed 30 different carrying combinations. The conditions examined were container width, from 15.2 to 55.9 cm; carrying frequency, from 1 carry to 5 carries/min; and carrying distance from 1 to 6 m. The results were compared with prior studies and led to the following conclusions: (1) the use of container handles leads to the subjects carrying a significantly higher maximum acceptable weight than when containers do not have handles, which differs from the results of a previous study by Morrissey and Liou; (2) there were significant reductions in the maximum acceptable carrying weight with increases in container width, frequency and distance; (3) the presence or absence of container handles, different frequencies and load-carrying distances had significant effects on heart rate, although the effect of container width was not significant. In addition, the various frequencies and distances for load carrying had significant interaction effects on heart rate; (4) the effects of various frequencies and load-carrying distances on the rating of perceived exertion were statistically significant. The most stressed body parts were the wrists and arms. 相似文献
This study used the psychophysical approach to examine the effects of container width, the presence or absence of container handles, and different load-carrying frequencies and distances on the maximum acceptable weight carried and the resulting response (heart rate and rating of perceived exertion) by well-conditioned males for a 1-h work period. After training, 12 male subjects performed a load-carrying task at knuckle height. Each subject performed 30 different carrying combinations. The conditions examined were container width, from 15.2 to 55.9 cm; carrying frequency, from 1 carry to 5 carries/min; and carrying distance from 1 to 6 m. The results were compared with prior studies and led to the following conclusions: (1) the use of container handles leads to the subjects carrying a significantly higher maximum acceptable weight than when containers do not have handles, which differs from the results of a previous study by Morrissey and Liou (1988); (2) there were significant reductions in the maximum acceptable carrying weight with increases in container width, frequency and distance; (3) the presence or absence of container handles, different frequencies and load-carrying distances had significant effects on heart rate, although the effect of container width was not significant. In addition, the various frequencies and distances for load carrying had significant interaction effects on heart rate; (4) the effects of various frequencies and load-carrying distances on the rating of perceived exertion were statistically significant. The most stressed body parts were the wrists and arms. 相似文献
In a work physiology field study, the work flow and the electrocardiogram were recorded throughout whole shifts for six male refuse (garbage) collection workers who transported and emptied 1.1 m3 refuse containers. The work rate (WR), indicated by the number of 1.1 m3 containers emptied per unit of time, and the work pulse rate (WPR) were determined in the data evaluation. The work pulse rate increases with the work rate. The functional relationship can be approximated by a linear regression function (WPR = 20.9 + 35.8.WR). The work pulse rate reaches such high values that it must be assumed that the work cannot be performed continuously throughout the whole working day. Consequently, regular breaks should be provided. When determining the necessary duration of the breaks, it was assumed that an equilibrium between fatigue and recovery should be maintained during the working day. The recovery breaks should be at least long enough for the heart rate to return to the resting level. The necessary duration of the breaks was determined on the basis of the present field study and the laboratory investigations described in the literature. A minimum duration of 10 min per working hour results from the calculations. The breaks should be taken regularly at about hourly intervals. A transportation-capacity model is provided for the planning of the deployment of refuse workers. It permits calculation of the number of 1.1 m3 containers a three-man crew, comprising the refuse collection truck driver and two loaders, can empty during one shift. Both the logistical and ergonomic transportation capacities can be determined using the model. The logistical transportation capacity (TCL) indicates the number of containers which can be emptied per shift by a crew when only criteria such as the optimal utilization of the working time are considered. The ergonomic transportation capacity (TCE) is understood as the number of containers which can be emptied per shift taking into consideration the workers' strain and the recovery breaks they require. TCE amounts to between about 140 and 160 containers per shift depending on the type of city district. TCL is higher by between 20 and 30 containers per shift. In order to meet the demand of protecting workers' health, the number of containers to be emptied per shift by a three-man crew should not exceed the ergonomic transportation capacity. 相似文献
This paper presents a numerical model of the three-phase, cage induction motor. This model has been represented as a system of differential equations for flux linkages and angular velocity determination. The differential equations for the flux linkages of the stator windings have been expressed in phase coordinates, while the differential equations for the flux linkages of the rotor circuits have been expressed in orthogonal coordinates, which are fixed in respect with the stator of the motor. The skin effect in the rotor deep bars has been taken in account by representing the rotor as two parallel-connected resistive–inductive circuits. Using the developed model the starting, restarting, running-down modes and three-phase, line-to-line, line-to-ground short-circuits as well as the steady-state conditions can be analyzed. The modes of sudden three-phase short-circuit at the motor terminals, sudden single line-to-ground fault at the high-voltage side of the power supply system and the motor starting process followed by steady-state conditions have been computed. 相似文献
Abstract This paper presents comprehensive maximum acceptable weight of lift data for male and female industrial workers for 8-hour shifts. The experimental data collected in this study, for 8 hours, were compared with previous studies of Snook (1978) and Ayoub et al. (1978). Since data from all three studies compared favourably, they were integrated to develop comprehensive databases. 相似文献
The distribution of maximal physical work capacity (MPWC) can be used to establish an upper limit for energy expenditure during work (EEwork). If physically demanding work has wearing effects, there will be a negative relationship between MPWC and workload. This study was conducted to investigate the distribution of MPWC among Korean metal workers and to examine the relationship between workload and MPWC. MPWC was estimated with a bicycle ergometer using a submaximal test. Energy expenditure was estimated by measuring heart rates during work. The study subjects were 507 male employees from several metal industries in Korea. They had a lower absolute VO2max than the Caucasian populations described in previous studies. The older workers had a lower physical capacity and a greater overload at work. A negative relationship was found between MPWC and workload across all age groups. Upper limits for EEwork for all age groups and for older age groups are recommended based on the 5th percentile value of MPWC. 相似文献
The distribution of maximal physical work capacity (MPWC) can be used to establish an upper limit for energy expenditure during work (EEwork). If physically demanding work has wearing effects, there will be a negative relationship between MPWC and workload. This study was conducted to investigate the distribution of MPWC among Korean metal workers and to examine the relationship between workload and MPWC. MPWC was estimated with a bicycle ergometer using a submaximal test. Energy expenditure was estimated by measuring heart rates during work. The study subjects were 507 male employees from several metal industries in Korea. They had a lower absolute VO2max than the Caucasian populations described in previous studies. The older workers had a lower physical capacity and a greater overload at work. A negative relationship was found between MPWC and workload across all age groups. Upper limits for EEwork for all age groups and for older age groups are recommended based on the 5th percentile value of MPWC. 相似文献
Ciriello VM 《Applied ergonomics》2007,38(1):1-5
In the development of our present manual materials handling (MMH) guidelines (Snook, S.H., Ciriello, V.M., 1991. The design of manual tasks: revised tables of maximum acceptable weights and forces. Ergonomics 34, 1197-1213), the assumption was made that the effects of frequency on maximum acceptable weights (MAWs) of lifting with a large box (hand distance, 38 cm from chest) were similar to that of lifting with a small box (hand distance, 17 cm from chest). The first purpose of the present experiment was to investigate this assumption with female industrial workers. The second purpose was to study the effects of extended horizontal reach lifting (hand distance, 44.6 cm from chest) on MAWs as a confirmation of the results of a previous studies on this variable with males (Ciriello, V.M., Snook, S.H., Hughes, G.J., 1993. Further studies of psychophysically determined maximum acceptable weights and forces. Hum. Factors 35(1), 175-186; Ciriello, V.M., 2003. The effects of box size, frequency, and extended horizontal reach on maximum acceptable weights of lifting. Int. J. Ind. Ergon. 32, 115-120). Lastly, we studied the effects of high frequency (20 lifts/min) on MAWs of lifting. Ten female industrial workers performed 15 variations of lifting using our psychophysical methodology whereby the subjects were asked to select a workload they could sustain for 8h without "straining themselves or without becoming unusually tired weakened, overheated or out of breath". The results confirmed that MAWs of lifting with the large box was significantly effected by frequency. The frequency factor pattern in this study was similar to the frequency pattern from a previous study using the small box (Ciriello, V.M., Snook, S.H., 1983. A study of size distance height, and frequency effects on manual handling tasks. Hum. Factors 25(5), 473-483) for all fast frequencies down to one lift every 2 min with deviations of 7%, 15%, and 13% for the one lift every 5 and 30 min tasks and the one lift in 8h task, respectively. The effects of lifting with an extended horizontal reach decreased MAW 22% and 18% for the mid and center lift and the effects of the 20 lifts/min frequency resulted in a MAW that was 47% of a 1 lift/min MAW. Incorporating these results in future guidelines should improve the design of MMH tasks for female workers. 相似文献
Abstract An experiment was designed and conducted for the development, testing and comparison of models for prediction of weight lifting capacity of individuals incorporating static and dynamic strengths. The dependent variable was the maximum acceptable amount of lift and the independent variables were static strengths, and dynamic strengths of the individual in a simulated lifting position and task variables—height and frequency of lift. Data from nine male subjects were used for analysis. It was concluded that both the dynamic and static models developed in this study can predict the maximum acceptable amount of lift with a reasonable degree of accuracy. However, a comparison of the models revealed that the use of the dynamic model with one operator variable resulted in less absolute error between the actual and predicted load than the static model. This study, which is based on data from a limited number of subjects, indicates that the dynamic approach may be superior to the static approach. 相似文献
In the service industry, workers perform work shifts and are assigned to interruptible activities and uninterruptible tasks during their shifts. The work shifts of regular employees are often established several weeks in advance of the operations when the activity and task demands are still uncertain. Just a few days before the operations when these demands are unveiled with more certainty, the planned schedules can be slightly modified and on-call temporary employees can be scheduled to satisfy the demands as best as possible. As acceptable modifications, extending the planned shifts and moving workers’ meal breaks are considered. In this paper, we are interested in the scheduling problem encountered in this second step, which also involves assigning activities and tasks to the scheduled work shifts. To produce good-quality solutions in fast computational times for large-sized instances, we develop a two-phase heuristic. In the first phase, an approximate mixed-integer programming model is used to suggest temporary shifts and extensions to regular shifts and to schedule and assign tasks. In the second phase, a column-generation heuristic embedded in a rolling horizon procedure determines the final shifts and assigns activities to them. Computational results obtained on randomly generated instances are reported to evaluate the validity of the proposed solution method. 相似文献