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建筑能耗比例与建筑节能目标   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
龙惟定 《中国能源》2005,27(10):23-27
本文从建筑能耗在全国总能耗中的比例、建筑节能的目标值等两个方面,阐述了对我国建筑节能发展战略的观点。作者指出,建筑能耗在总能耗中的比例是经济发展的晴雨表;应该用我国未来能耗限额作为建筑节能的目标值。  相似文献   

我国建筑能耗数据现状和能耗统计问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谷立静  郁聪 《中国能源》2011,33(2):38-41
"十二五"节能工作的重点将进一步转向建筑领域,而深化建筑节能工作需要建筑能耗数据的有力支撑。通过调研我国建筑能耗数据现状,发现尚未有权威的能够满足建筑节能分析需要的能耗数据,现有的能源消费统计方法也制约了建筑能耗统计数据的科学获得。本文回顾了当前建筑能耗数据的主要获得方法,分析了建筑能耗统计中存在的主要问题,提出了完善建筑能耗统计的初步建议。  相似文献   

建筑节能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宣蕾 《江西能源》2006,(4):16-18
中国的建筑高能耗在建筑产业界、能源业界引发深层次的思考。本文力图从根本上论述建筑节能的重要性和节能方法。  相似文献   

广州地区建筑围护结构能耗分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
徐小强  冀兆良 《节能》2006,25(11):41-43
分析总结出广州地区建筑围护结构中不透明部分、半透明部分(玻璃窗)和朝向三个因素对建筑整体能耗的影响规律:围护结构中半透明部分比不透明部分的建筑整体能耗大,东西朝向比南北朝向的建筑能耗大。  相似文献   

罗莹 《江西能源》1998,(4):32-35
本文论述了国内外建筑节能的发展及现状,重点针对目前我国南方建筑普遍存在的忽视建筑节能,阐述了南方建筑节能的必要性和迫切性,提出必须从设计开始,将建筑节能作为一项重要的内容加以考虑。并对建筑节能的有效途径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

北京市住宅小区建筑全年能耗分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对北京市某住宅小区全年能耗,按不同能源种类进行分项统计分析,研究了住宅建筑全年的能耗构成,为全面掌握北京市住宅建筑全年能耗、探讨北京市住宅建筑的节能潜力与节能途径,提供参考和数据基础.  相似文献   

建筑能耗评估势在必行。建筑节能是我国可持续发展战略的重要组成部分。改革开放以来,各级政府和有识之士都重视此事,并有一系列标准、政策、法规出台,然而至今成效不大。目前全国城镇符合建筑节能标准的建筑不足3%,与发达国家比,我国同等条件下的建筑能耗要高出一倍。目前我国正处在城镇建设的鼎盛时期,据预测,到2015年城镇建筑的50%以上将  相似文献   

上海建筑节能现状与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上海建筑节能现状与对策上海市能源研究所倪德良,沈跃栋1上海的建筑能耗建筑能耗指住宅建筑和公共建筑的能耗,建筑施工能耗以及年新增建筑所耗的建材能耗。上海市1996年的建筑能耗列于表1。注:以上数据均是通过统计调查和模型推算相结合的方法估算而得的由表1可...  相似文献   

孙娅 《上海节能》2010,(5):28-31
随着科学技术的飞速发展,现在很多传统的实验都被计算机模拟即所谓的计算机仿真技术所代替,像建筑领域里面的Energyplus的能耗模拟、PKPM的节能计算,STARCD的CFD等等。随着提倡建设节约型社会和提高政府执政能力,相信这方面会不断有重大进展。现在许多设计院已经开始利用仿真模拟技术对建筑的能耗、室内舒适度进行了一系列的分析,对建筑节能提出了技术上的支持,绿色建筑的概念也应运而生。  相似文献   

This design is intended to revive and utilize fundamental principles of tall buildings into a modern design of an 80-story residential tower in Doha. The main goal in this design is to create an innovative and next generation sustainable tower design specifically for the Middle East by taking advantage of cutting-edge technologies while respecting the traditional way of living that reflects the cultural roots. The design utilizes a vertical exterior cable system which is used as a shading device and contributes significantly to the structural lateral load resistance.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, people׳s living standard in China has been greatly improved, accompanied by the rapid increasing building energy consumption. Rural building energy consumption has become one of the most important parts of the total energy consumption in China, which deserves to be paid much attention. It is of vital importance to promote building energy efficiency for the New Socialist Countryside and energy conservation and emission reduction. This paper provides an overview of building energy consumption in the countryside, which figures out the situation and challenges in energy-saving work. The government has worked for years on rural building code system aimed at narrowing the energy gap between urban areas, but it is in the beginning phase. This paper has analyzed the only special issues about rural building energy efficiency and the mandatory standards for urban buildings, which can facilitate the development of rural building energy efficiency. Based on the above analysis, some recommendations regarding the improvement of rural building energy efficiency are given.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the optimal choice of building energy efficiency (BEE) standard in the context of centralised urban district heating system in northern China. By employing a techno-economic analysis approach, we demonstrate that the current BEE standard implemented in the Chinese cities should be tightened further in order to achieve a socially optimal level. Without considering the externality costs associated with carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, current BEE standards need to be upgraded to the equivalent level of French RT2005 standard coupled with a properly designed district coal-fired Combined Heat and Power (CHP). In contrast, the equivalent efficiency standard of Swedish building code is preferably to be implemented in the case of explicit carbon emission restriction as long as the marginal cost of carbon emission (carbon price) is sufficiently high. The fuel-switching policy (from coal to natural gas) in the urban district heating system would result in significant increase in overall costs if the BEE upgrade is not taken into account simultaneously. It is also found that BEE improvements in northern Chinese cities are more cost-effective than investing in low-carbon technologies such as wind power or Carbon Capture and storage in the EU and US with regard to CO2 emissions mitigation.  相似文献   

The Chinese central government released a document to initiate a task of energy efficiency supervision system construction for government office buildings and large-scale public buildings in 2007, which marks the overall start of existing buildings energy efficiency management in China with the government office buildings and large-scale public buildings as a breakthrough. This paper focused on the implementing effect in the demonstration region all over China for less than one year, firstly introduced the target and path of energy efficiency supervision system, then described the achievements and problems during the implementing process in the first demonstration provinces and cities. A certain data from the energy efficiency public notice in some typical demonstration provinces and cities were analyzed statistically. It can be concluded that different functional buildings have different energy consumption and the average energy consumption of large-scale public buildings is too high in China compared with the common public buildings and residential buildings. The obstacles need to be overcome afterward were summarized and the prospects for the future work were also put forward in the end.  相似文献   

李松丽 《节能》2010,29(7):14-16
在计算机显示器能效标准和能效测试的基础上,通过分类统计的方法,分析了被测显示器的能效等级和能效指标的分布,讨论了计算机显示器的能效水平和制约因素,说明能效标识制度的实施促进了计算机显示器的节能进程,并对其节能技术创新具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between residential buildings׳ energy efficiency labels and household energy expenditure, complementing an existing literature comparing theoretical and actual energy use. Residential building energy performance certificates indicate a theoretical energy use based on standardised assumptions about occupancy and energy service demand and are a market signal about the energy performance of a property. This paper quantifies the empirical relationship between households’ expenditure on fuel and building energy performance using household expenditure survey data from the Republic of Ireland. The extent of this relationship, i.e. the size of the elasticity parameter, is of direct relevance to policy makers in the context of energy efficiency and climate policy targets. With building energy efficiency measured as a 15-point scale, we find that each rating decline along the scale is associated with a reduction in energy expenditure of 1.6%.  相似文献   

A scroll expander was applied to the Micro‐Compressed Air Energy Storage system, and its energy conversion efficiency was investigated. In order to study the variation mechanism of the volume, mass, pressure and temperature of the air in different chambers, the mathematical model of the expansion process was developed on the base of the geometric model, mass conservation equation, ideal gas equation and energy conservation equation. Then, the mathematical model was implemented in Matlab, and the simulated energy conversion efficiency defined as the ratio between the output shaft power of the scroll expander and the input compressed air power was obtained. Furthermore, a test system was built in order to validate the mathematical model and study the improvement of the energy conversion efficiency. The prototypes of the scroll expander with different cross‐sectional areas of the intake port or the discharge port were fabricated and tested in the experiments. Results show that the simulated torque and energy conversion efficiency agree well with the experimental results. Also, there is a small deviation between the expansion process and the ideal isentropic process due to the gas leakage, intake and discharge loss. In addition, the air supply pressure and the cross‐sectional area ratio of the discharge port to the intake port are two important parameters for the improvement of the energy conversion efficiency. The experiments show that the energy conversion efficiency varies from 23% to 36% at the air supply pressure of 0.35 to 0.65 MPa, indicating that it is proportional to the air supply pressure. It can also be concluded from the experiments that when the air pressure is higher than 0.45 MPa, the ideal ratio range can be determined as 0.6‐0.8. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects of electricity price changes and energy efficiency subsidy on household energy efficiency purchase and/or behavioural adjustment decisions. The analysis adds energy efficiency investment to a methodology that merges the physics of energy with microeconomic principles. The physical side informs the amount of electricity used to satisfy services that people desire, while the microeconomic side imposes a utility function that represents a household’s welfare. Several electricity pricing schemes and energy efficiency options are examined, with costs and benefits of each option explicitly modeled in the physical representation. Several insights are derived from performing an analysis for archetypical villas across Saudi Arabia. One, energy efficiency purchases lower the need for energy conservation. Households also lessen the extent to which they practice conservation as energy efficiency subsidies are raised. Additionally, as energy efficiency subsidies and electricity prices rise, the difference in household spending on other goods and services widens between the highest efficiency case and no added efficiency. This indirect rebound causes a situation where firms would increase their production, and thus energy use, to meet the additional demand by households for their goods.  相似文献   

Starting with analyzing the investigation results by Ministry of Housing and Urban–Rural Development of China in 2005, more than half of the 10,236 participants are willing to improve the residential building energy efficiency and accept an additional cost of less than 10% of the total cost, the authors illustrate that incenting actions are necessary to improve building energy efficiency and build a central government–local government–market model. As a result of the model analysis, to pursue good execution effects brought by the incentive policies, the executors are required to distinguish the differences of incentive objects’ economic activities and strongly respect the incenting on the energy conservation performance. A case study on the incentive policies of existing residential building energy efficiency improvement in heating zones in North China is given as well. Finally, it is strongly recommended to give the first priority to performance-based incentives so that to reduce the lazy behaviors of the incented objects and ensure the targets to be achieved.  相似文献   

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