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以创新型城市特征要素与评价方法为研究对象,在理论假设、专家参与和可获得性等综合分析基础上,形成以"创新基础、创新能力和创新环境"为基本框架的特征要素评价创新型城市的综合指数;对创新型城市的发展阶段进行划分,提出其"生发阶段"、"成长阶段"和"成熟阶段"3个不同阶段的指数区间假设;并分析了"杨浦国家创新型试点城区"的发展阶段。以期为客观判定我国城市的创新发展阶段提供参考,也为如何营造创新型城市(区)指出工作重点和努力方向。  相似文献   

一、规划研究1罗文博西山版纳景洪城市特色与城市规划城乡建设99(3)2王祥荣中心城生态园区建设规划研究城市发展研究99(2)3甄峰21世纪中国城市发展与城市规划城市发展研究99(2)4叶舜赞对于城市可持续发展研究实质与重点的认识城市发展研究99(2)...  相似文献   

由于城市规则在改造建筑环境方面的应用,以及其作为塑造社区的新工具的价值,它的重要性成为了最近的研究前沿。本研究以意大利历史名城为研究对象,通过研究皮埃尔·路易吉·切维拉蒂于1989年制定的巴勒莫(西西里岛首府)总体规划(包括对此规划图纸的绘制、发展和最终成图的分析),重点探讨了城市特征保护、历史建筑肌理的形态类型学方法以及设计在规划过程中的作用等关键性问题。  相似文献   

文章对目前城市综合交通枢纽相关研究成果从以下几方面进行综述(1)综合交通枢纽在城市与区域发展中的地位和作用.(2)枢纽建设与城市规划的关系;(3)综合交通枢纽地区的规划设计.主要包括城市形态、用地功能和空间结构等;(4)综合交通枢纽及其周边地区的交通流线组织以及设施布局.(5)枢纽建筑综合体设计。在此基础上,结合实践指出当前研究的不足和努力的方向。  相似文献   

从2002年开始,作为东京工业大学建筑学系角永博(Koji Yagi)实验室的助理教授,是永美树领导了一个研究小组调研澳门的城市结构,重点在于不同类型的开放空间,诸如"前地"(Largo),"广场"(Praca),"里"(Beco)和"围"(Patio)。由于长时间的殖民历史,其城市空间反映出西方文化和中国文化混合的影响。  相似文献   

夜景照明的规划与设计   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文简要地阐述了夜景照明的规划和设计。全文共分五个部分:(1)城市夜景照明的发展和研究;(2)城市夜景照明的对象、功能和总体规划;(3)夜景照明的基本要求和原则;(4)夜景照明的方法;(5)若干夜景照明的特征和设计概要。  相似文献   

液景照明的规划与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要地阐述了夜景照明的规划和设计。全文共分五个部分:(1)城市夜景照明的和研究;(2)城市夜景照明的对象、功能和总体规划;(3)夜景照明的基本要求和原则;(4)夜景照明的方法;(5)若干夜景照明的特征和设计概要。  相似文献   

资料1:《2001-2002中国城市发展报告》简介《(2001-2002)中国城市发展报告》是一本城市发展的综合性专著,同时也是一本系统研究、探讨有关城市发展、城市建设、城市管理、城市化战略、城市发展能力的年度报告。新中国成立以来,尚未有这样全面、系统论述和汇编有关城市发展的专门论著。《(2001-2002)中国城市发展报告》一书是第一本中国城市发展的报告。今后,根据城市发展的变化,将每年出版一本。《(2001-2002)中国城市发展报告》全书共四篇。第一篇是中国城市发展战略报告。这一篇主要论述中国城市化战略的实施环境,中国城市化…  相似文献   

山东省今年同时举办了中国园林花卉界两大盛会——继9月22日第七届中国(济南)国际园林花卉博览会开幕之后,第七届中国花卉博览会(山东展区)9月26日又在青州市隆重开幕。山东省省长姜大明在园博会开幕式上致辞:我们将充分利用举办这次园博会的机遇,把城市生态园林建设作为强省建设的一项重要工作,进一步强化措施,改善人居环境,加快宜居城市建设,努力实现城市的可持续发展。  相似文献   

不同城市的公共站点空间分布对城市的交通状况有着不同影响,对比不同城市公交站点的空间分布特征和空间可达性,总结得出利于公共交通的空间特征。以内蒙古中西部核心区经济圈的呼和浩特市、包头市、鄂尔多斯市为研究对象,通过知网统计年鉴、百度地图API开放平台等收集基础数据,采用平均最邻近、不平衡指数、核密度分析、标准差椭圆研究城市公共交通空间分布特征,使用公交站点覆盖率及空间可达性来分析城市公交站点的可达性。研究结果显示:(1)城市公交站点多为聚集分布,越靠近城市边缘密度越低;(2)城市公交站点的分布均匀度越好,空间可达性就越高;(3)城市公交站点空间分布的标准差椭圆形态与城市形态越契合,其空间可达性就越高。  相似文献   


Urban developments steered by major events have a long history. Already from the second half of the nineteenth century, World Expositions were mobilized as opportunities for urban upgrading. This article highlights the spatial effects of three Chinese major expositions on their host cities in the early twentieth century (1906–1929). It will in particular highlight the impact on urban development and planning, such as the construction of modern public complexes, the promotion of new urban districts, and the catalysis of structural urban transitions. Considering the significant historical, political, and social analogies, we argue in this article that expositions were adopted under the influence of foreign examples as a model of planning interventions to prompt the modernization of the host cities in China. However, while there was an important transfer of spatial concepts and models, we contend that Chinese authorities played a leading role in importing and exploiting these expositions as strategic instruments. They did so by actively and consciously mobilizing multiple urban actors such as social elites, but also civil society leaders and merchants. This article based on archival research on three expositions, provides novel insights into the urban history of the host cities during the exposition period.  相似文献   

夏铸九 《建筑师》2017,(4):55-74
百花齐放的都市史成就展现在出版上,包括了社会与文化取向的都市史、在通史写作之外对都市形式课题与对城市设计的历史研究、威尼斯学派的批判史学以及新马克思主义的历史地理学、社会学与史学等方面的杰出学术贡献。作者指出面对21世纪网络社会的挑战,工业社会崛起时的都市化方法论假设必须通过理论的检验才能面对1980年代后中国大陆都市现实中浮现的悖论性空间与社会。以马克思·韦伯为代表的两方现代城市的普同价值,不仅不易区分中国城市的政治性格与繁华市井的都市氛围,而且面对新的信息技术冲击,在研究分析上显得过时,在实践上难接地气。所以,值得由比较的角度重建亚洲的都市史写作,而规划史则是其中重要的现代专业者反思空间实践的历史环节。  相似文献   

This paper outlines the emergence of eco-cities in Japan from a much needed historical perspective. Since Japan's rapid industrialization in the late nineteenth century, there has been an emphasis on economic growth at all costs. Despite the introduction of the concept of the Garden City in Japan in the early twentieth century, industrialization continued unabated. After a disastrous World War II, the nation rebuilt and enjoyed rapid economic growth in the 1950s and 1960s. Japan is still coming to terms with the cost of that economic growth. The paper examines three cities: Minamata, Kitakyūshū, and Kawasaki. Minamata has transformed itself from being a polluted city to a green tourism destination. The city of Kitakyūshū embraced an eco-town strategy in 1997 to promote a structural shift away from heavy industries to green industries. That year, Kawasaki (close to the Tokyo Metropolitan area), too, was designated an eco-town and Minamata received the same title in 2001. This paper identifies key features of eco-cities/eco-towns in Japan, the importance of retrofitting, and examines the roles of citizens, the government, and the private sector. What is surprising is the international orientation of Japanese eco-cities. These cities represent not only Japan's future, but also its efforts to deal with its industrial past.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the life and work of the French planner Maurice Rotival through his practical and theoretical work as well as his teachings in cities and regions in Europe, Africa and the Americas. Rotival's plans and projects reflect the influence of major events and changes of the twentieth century - two world wars and the advances in technology and research they promoted, the advent of the automobile, the subsequent urban transformations and large-scale demolitions - and influenced the development of planning in the twentieth century. Through five major steps of Rotival's international career, this article analyses the development of Rotival's pragmatic organic planning doctrine and his regional approach from his experience and training in France at the eve of the First World War, to his subsequent regional and urban planning work in Caracas, New Haven, Europe, Reims and other French cities until the 1980s. By considering Rotival's career as a part of economic globalization at a time when the colonial context was dismantled, the present article highlights the planner's role in societal transformation in collaboration with the e´lite and demonstrates the growing international exchange of planning ideas in the twentieth century.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the life and work of the French planner Maurice Rotival through his practical and theoretical work as well as his teachings in cities and regions in Europe, Africa and the Americas. Rotival's plans and projects reflect the influence of major events and changes of the twentieth century - two world wars and the advances in technology and research they promoted, the advent of the automobile, the subsequent urban transformations and large-scale demolitions - and influenced the development of planning in the twentieth century. Through five major steps of Rotival's international career, this article analyses the development of Rotival's pragmatic organic planning doctrine and his regional approach from his experience and training in France at the eve of the First World War, to his subsequent regional and urban planning work in Caracas, New Haven, Europe, Reims and other French cities until the 1980s. By considering Rotival's career as a part of economic globalization at a time when the colonial context was dismantled, the present article highlights the planner's role in societal transformation in collaboration with the e´lite and demonstrates the growing international exchange of planning ideas in the twentieth century.  相似文献   


For many cities in the Global South, colonialism played a dominant role in shaping their urban form. The historical objective of planning in colonial mother-cities was dealing with poor health and living conditions, therefore a planning approach similar to that followed in post-war Britain would appear beneficial in post-colonial cities, characterized by environmental and physical infrastructure unable to cope with massive population growth. Urban growth management is a discourse born in an attempt to control the growing industrial city in the early twentieth century, and in recent years applied through instruments such as urban edges or growth boundaries to limit urban sprawl and encourage higher density urban development. In South Africa, the principles of compaction and urban growth management formed part of the post-apartheid planning agenda towards transforming the inefficient and fragmented landscape inherited from separate spatial development. Consequently, urban edges and urban growth boundaries formed key components of municipal spatial planning frameworks since the early 2000s. The purpose of this paper is to explore the origin and status of urban edges in three metropolitan municipalities in South Africa to aid in understanding of these spatial instruments in the south.  相似文献   

There have been important continuities in the political character of American cities over the course of the twentieth century. Cities have also varied in the manner in which their politics have been organized. A useful vehicle for understanding both continuities and variations in city politics is the concept of an urban regime. A variety of regimes can be distinguished which enable us to interpret the course of urban politics in the twentieth century and to connect its essential features to the larger political economy.  相似文献   

Léon Jaussely (1875–1932) was considered by his contemporaries as a forerunner and one of the most outstanding French planners of his time. He had a remarkable professional career in France and took part in several important international planning competitions. Jaussely’s work, in many respects, is central to better comprehend both the evolution of urban planning and planner’s exchanges at the beginning of the twentieth century. However, his significant role can only be fully understood from a transnational perspective. This paper aims, first, to analyse Jaussely’s distinctive approach to cities and urban planning. Secondly, it intends to place his ideas within the transnational debate and examine his connections with British, American, and German planning. His role as a passeur culturel in the diffusion and adaptation of planning international principles in France is then discussed, showing how this study can contribute greatly to the research on cross-national exchanges and the transnational circulation of planning models at the beginning of the twentieth century. Finally, insights on Jaussely and the French town planning movement can provide a deeper understanding about historical alternatives to modernist architecture, and therefore highlight continuities between nineteenth and twentieth century practices.  相似文献   

中国城市史研究中的区域观念   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
武廷海 《规划师》2000,16(5):87-89
中国城市发展除了长期的连续性以外,还有着鲜明的地域性,只有同时把握时间和空间这两个坐标,才能理清中国城市发展的来龙去脉。作者提出,在中国城市史研究中宜重视区域观念,并因此而确立一种整体的城市意识。  相似文献   

发展已经是世界的主题,不管是可持续还是不可持续都要发展,然而实践证明,不可持续的发展,最终带给我们的将是人类的灭亡和地球的毁灭。因此我们没有选择或者说只有一个选择——可持续发展,在这种理念的支撑下,寻求一种新的城市发展模式已经变得异常迫切。本文通过分析20世纪末期汽车依赖型城市的问题,借鉴国外成功的城市发展经验,从而提出基于公共交通的城市形态。这是一种旨在保证城市生活质量;解决城市面临的一系列问题的可持续的城市发展模式。  相似文献   

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