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A topic eczema is one of the most common chronic inflammatory skin diseases. Its treatment is a matter of intensive controversy between rational academic medicine and irrational alternative complementary medicine more than any other skin disease. Rational therapy is based on a sound pathophysiological foundation. The complex pathophysiology of the disease includes interactions between genetic predisposition and exogenous provocation factors, and treatment necessitates an integrated holistic approach. Despite excellent therapeutic results with the methods of conventional medicine, which uses mostly drugs of natural origin such as glucocorticosteroids, patients with atopic eczema and their parents frequently seek complementary treatments that use unproven and unvalidated diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Treatments based on simplistic theories and irrational ideologies cause unnecessary long-term suffering to patients and are harmful because they withhold effective treatment modalities.  相似文献   

The presence of neuropsychological disturbances in schizophrenia and mood disorders raises the question that cognitive impairments might contribute to poor outcome. This report examines changes in neuropsychological performance from hospitalization to a 2-year follow-up evaluation in relation to psychosocial outcome. Findings indicated that unfavorable clinical outcome is associated with marginal changes in neuropsychological performance, whereas good outcome status is associated with neuropsychological improvement. Neuropsychological improvement may thus require a stable period of favorable psychosocial recovery, in schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder, as well as major mood disorder syndromes.  相似文献   

A 15-17 year follow-up study was conducted on ninety-nine patients who had suffered from infantile eczema. The persistance of the eczema and the occurrence of related conditions were noted. The persistence of eczema was shown to be greater in those patients with a positive family history of eczema and in those who had developed asthma or hay-fever. An attempt was made to see if the persistence of eczema was affected by the position of the child in the family, and some factors provoking relapses were noted. The patients were also questioned with regard to their achievements in academic examinations, and to their social, artistic and sporting activities. The results showed a success rate in examinations not significantly higher than average. It was not possible to show if there is a particular type of atopic personality. There was no constant characteristic in social or artistic patterns. The group as a whole were normal at the milestones of early development, i.e. walking, talking and reading, and also normal with regard to weight and height.  相似文献   

In the last two decades widespread use of torture by totalitarian governments has been reported in over 60 countries. This situation concerns physicians who are sometimes called upon to see the victims. This paper reports the psychiatric findings in a group of 41 Latin American refugees who arrived in Canada from 1977 to 1979 and alleged to have been subjected to political persecution and torture under the military rulers of their own countries. Most of them, young educated men, were apprehended violently and imprisoned under conditions below the minimum international standards. Systematic physical and psychological torture was the rule, including blindfolding, beatings, electrical shocks, sexual abuse and threats of execution or sham executions. These experiences were followed by a cluster of psychiatric symptoms and physical evidence of trauma compatible with the history given. This pattern constitutes the torture syndrome included under category 308 and 309 of the DSM-III and ICD-9. The alleged professional conduct of 19 doctors who saw 21 of these patients is discussed. A list of codes of medical ethics, intended to guide and protect doctors confronted with this difficult problem, is included.  相似文献   

Supernumerary teeth may be found in both the primary and permanent dentition, although they are more common in the permanent dentition. Presence of a fourth molar is rare, and such a tooth is almost invariably impacted. Dental practitioners should be aware of the possibility of encountering this rare supernumerary, its diagnosis and treatment. The authors of this article conducted a survey of patients in Montreal, looking specifically at the prevalence, aetiology, diagnosis, pathology and treatment of fourth molars. Their findings are reported here, and compared with data from the literature over the past 15 years.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted for clarifying the comorbidity of substance dependence and other psychiatric disorders in outpatients of four psychiatric hospitals in May, 1995. The results were as follows; 7.4% (N = 234) of the total 3155 psychiatric outpatients were diagnosed as substance dependence. Among those substance dependence patients, alcohol dependence accounted for 82.5% and the percentage of the other substance dependence were very small, i.e., methamphetamine dependence 6.4%, solvent dependence 1.7%, multiple substance dependence 9.4%, respectively. The percentage of comorbidity of substance dependence and psychiatric disorders was 23.9% (N = 56) of 234 substance dependence patients. The percentage of co-morbid alcohol dependence patients with affective disorder in all affective disorder patients was 5.0%; the percentage of comorbidity of alcohol dependence in neurotic patients 4.1%; the percentage of alcohol dependence comorbidity in schizophrenic patients 0.7%. In many cases, onsets of substance dependence and psychiatric disorders were within 2 years, which suggests the common backgrounds for substance dependence and psychiatric disorders, such as disruption of family and occupational life, stress and individual vulnerability, and substance use for self-medication. The study indicates that the percentages of diagnosed comorbidity of substance dependence and psychiatric disorders are generally smaller in Japan than in the U.S., which may be based on the differences of diagnostic standards between the two countries. Further studies are needed on the comorbidity of substance dependence and psychiatric disorders in other general hospital and psychiatric clinic patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIM: Traditionally, orthotopic liver transplantation has consisted of a total native hepatectomy that included retrohepatic inferior vena cava. The so-called "piggyback" technique was described by Tzakis et al. (2). It consists of a recipient hepatectomy with preservation of the native retrohepatic IVC and subsequent anastomosis of the homograft suprahepatic IVC to a cuff fashioned from the recipient's suprahepatic veins. In this study, a single surgeon's experience with both techniques during the same period of time is discussed to analyze any significant differences in survival, intraoperative blood loss, length of stay in the ICU, and total length of stay in the hospital. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Over a three year period, 128 patients were transplanted at the University of Pittsburgh. Of these, 66 patients (51.6%) had a piggyback (PB) operation while the remaining 62 (48.4%) had a "standard" (ST) operation. RESULTS: The actual 6 month survival was 81.8% in the PB group (54/66) and 74.2% in the ST group (46/62), with no statistical difference between the two. The median intraoperative blood usage was 6 units for the PB group versus 10 units for the ST group (p > 0.02). The median ICU length of stay was the same at 4 days, as was the total hospitalization duration, 21 days. The in-hospital deaths were included in the analysis. CONCLUSIONS: The piggyback technique has some advantages, including less bleeding and absence of brachial plexus or phrenic nerve injury. Several other important considerations are discussed. In conclusion, the results with the piggyback technique are equivalent to those obtained with the standard approach.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Risk factors for suicide attempts have rarely been studied comprehensively in more than one psychiatric disorder, preventing estimation of the relative importance and the generalizability of different putative risk factors across psychiatric diagnoses. The authors conducted a study of suicide attempts in patients with mood disorders, psychoses, and other diagnoses. Their goal was to determine the generalizability and relative importance of risk factors for suicidal acts across diagnostic boundaries and to develop a hypothetical, explanatory, and predictive model of suicidal behavior that can subsequently be tested in a prospective study. METHOD: Following admission to a university psychiatric hospital, 347 consecutive patients who were 14-72 years old (51% were male and 68% were Caucasian) were recruited for study. Structured clinical interviews generated axis I and axis II diagnoses. Lifetime suicidal acts, traits of aggression and impulsivity, objective and subjective severity of acute psychopathology, developmental and family history, and past substance abuse or alcoholism were assessed. RESULTS: Objective severity of current depression or psychosis did not distinguish the 184 patients who had attempted suicide from those who had never attempted suicide. However, higher scores on subjective depression, higher scores on suicidal ideation, and fewer reasons for living were reported by suicide attempters. Rates of lifetime aggression and impulsivity were also greater in attempters. Comorbid borderline personality disorder, smoking, past substance use disorder or alcoholism, family history of suicidal acts, head injury, and childhood abuse history were more frequent in suicide attempters. CONCLUSIONS: The authors propose a stress-diathesis model in which the risk for suicidal acts is determined not merely by a psychiatric illness (the stressor) but also by a diathesis. This diathesis may be reflected in tendencies to experience more suicidal ideation and to be more impulsive and, therefore, more likely to act on suicidal feelings. Prospective studies are proposed to test this model.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: From a population-based non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) registry, 41 patients with mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) -- a recently defined distinct B-cell NHL -- were selected and compared with patients with low- or intermediate-grade NHL from the same registry. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The incidence and behavior of MCL in the area of the Comprehensive Cancer Center West (CCCW) from 1981 to 1989 were analyzed. Age, performance, tumor bulk, extranodal localization, stage, response to therapy, and survival were registered. Expression of cyclin D1 protein and Ki-67 were measured in 29 patients. RESULTS: MCL made up 3.7% of NHLs. The median age was 68 years, and the male-to-female ratio was 1.6:1. Seventy-eight percent presented with stage IV, with the majority having bone marrow involvement. The complete response (CR) rate was 32% (13 of 41), with a median duration of 25 months. The median overall survival time was 31.5 months. The International Prognostic Index identified five patients with a low-risk score and a median survival time of 93+ months. In 23 of 29 patients, cyclin D1 overexpression was present, without any relation to overall or disease-free survival. In contrast, a proliferative index less than 10% was significantly related to a better overall survival time (50 v 24 months). CONCLUSION: MCL is a disease of the elderly, who present with widespread disease and with a poor response to therapy. Although it harbors features of an indolent NHL, it behaves clinically as an aggressive NHL with a short overall survival time.  相似文献   

Doctors, for several reasons, should be concerned with exorcism is the view of Professor Trethowan, who in this paper, looks at the main features of exorcism as practised in the middle ages and now appearing in the modern world, as was seen in the recent Ossett case in Britain. He examines in some detail the nature of supposed demoniacal possession and describes its symptoms and signs. He also touches on the social, as opposed to the religious, background in which demoniacal possession flourished (not lacking in the world today), so leading to an examination of the psychodynamic aspects of demoniacal possession and the question of absolute evil. Finally he compares the techniques of exorcism and of modern psychiatric practice.  相似文献   

SCHIZOPHRENIA: The long-standing dopaminergic hypothesis is based on well-established findings, mainly related to a dysfunction of the mesolimbic C2 and D3 receptors, negative signs of prefrontal hypodopaminergia concerning the D2 and D4 receptors. Immune disorders are also involved as well as a possible neurodevelopmental component. Finally genetic factors play an important role. DEPRESSIVE STATES: Three monoaminergic systems appear to be implicated: the catecholaminergic, serotaminergic and homovanilic systems. It is not known whether the disorder of the serotaminergic system results from pre-existing fragilization or a symptom-related modification. HYPOTHESES CONCERNING DEPRESSION: According to the chronobiology hypothesis, certain biological rhythms (cortisol, temperature, perhaps melatonin) are desynchronized, a disequilibrium which disappears after cure. The fragilization hypothesis is based on the progressive development of a stress-related pathological organization in the hippocampo-hypothalamo-adrenal axis. PERSPECTIVES: The development of new psychotropes remains a challenge to meet the unsatisfied demands in psychiatrics. Drugs with rapid action and minimal side effects are needed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide an historical overview of the clinical nurse specialist and nurse practitioner roles in psychiatric nursing. This article is written as a follow-up to that of Dyer, Hammill, Regan-Kubinski, Yurick, & Kobert, (1997), Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 11, 2-11, in which a new paradigm for delivering comprehensive mental and general health services is conceptualized, i.e., the psychiatric-primary care nurse practitioner role. In this article an alternative model is presented: the psychiatric clinical nurse specialist/nurse practitioner role. Similarities and differences in the two roles are discussed.  相似文献   

Antibodies to serotypes representing one or more of 10 Leptospira serogroups were detected in the sera of 1766 (49-1 per cent) cows and heifers out of a total of 3600 sera tested. Infection by the Hebdomadis serogroup was the predominant infection; antibodies to serotype sejroe were found in 1503 (41-8 per cent) sera. Antibodies to the Icterohaemorrhagiae (7-7 per cent) and Balllm (7-3 per cent) serogroups were the next most common, while antibodies to the Australis, Javanica, Canicola, Panama, Cynopteri, Pyrogenes and Autumnalis serogroups were detected in a small number of animals. Only the Hebdomadis and Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroups were associated with clinical disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Analysis of severity, causes and relevance of hypalbuminaemia developing after surgery. SUBJECTS: Patients undergoing elective aortic surgery (n = 11) or minor extra-abdominal surgery (n = 6). METHODS: Serum albumin concentration, blood loss, nitrogen balance and complications were determined until the fifth post-operative day. The contributions of haemodilution, albumin loss, albumin catabolism and redistribution were calculated using existing formula. The relation of hypalbuminaemia to the endocrine-metabolic response was determined. RESULTS: Significant hypalbuminaemia occurred after aortic surgery, in the absence of significant complications. No haemodilution occurred. Analysis indicated that 18% of hypalbuminaemia was caused by blood loss. Only 6% could be attributed to albumin catabolism, despite a significant correlation with the endocrine-metabolic response. Seventy-seven percent of hypalbuminaemia was attributed to albumin redistribution. No hypalbuminaemia occurred after minor surgery. CONCLUSION: Post-operative hypalbuminaemia is a normal finding early after aortic surgery. It is mainly caused by albumin redistribution, not by metabolic changes.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease is made on clinical grounds, and the availability of a simple and sensitive quantitative index of the disease might aid in the routine diagnosis. The aim of this study was to assess whether linear measures of brain atrophy as detected by magnetic resonance imaging can be helpful in the differentiation of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease from nondemented elderly. Measures of global (bifrontal index and interuncal distance) and hippocampal (minimum thickness of the medial temporal lobe, hippocampal height, width of the choroid fissure, and width of the temporal horn) atrophy were taken from 26 cases and 21 controls. Measures of hippocampal atrophy were the most sensitive in the differentiation of cases from controls, and among them width of the temporal horn yielded the highest sensitivity, predicting the disease in 73% of cases with 95% specificity. A compound measure comprising width of the temporal horn, width of the choroid fissure, and hippocampal height increased sensitivity to 85%. These results suggest that selected simple indices of hippocampal atrophy might be useful in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

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