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碳水化合物和油脂是人体重要的能量来源,饮食中必须保证足够的脂肪和碳水化合物。高脂、高碳水化合物饮食能够提供丰富营养,同时也会诱发脂肪肝、肥胖、心血管疾病、高血糖、高血脂以及影响子代发育等。综述了不同比例碳水化合物和油脂饮食对脂肪代谢、糖代谢、繁殖发育等方面影响,并介绍了植物提取物对不同比例油脂与碳水化合物饮食引起的疾病的治疗作用,以期为人们合理膳食提供参考。  相似文献   

研究大豆油及其与棕榈油的调和油对健康成人餐后血脂及氧化应激水平变化的影响。选择22名健康成人为研究对象,先以大豆油制成的流质负荷膳干预,随后以大豆油与棕榈油的调和油(0.9∶1)制成的流质负荷膳干预,2次干预间隔4周,开展餐后脂代谢实验,测定和观察餐后不同时间点血清血脂和氧化应激水平指标的含量和变化趋势。结果显示,2组油对餐后血清甘油三酯、高密度脂蛋白、低密度脂蛋白和丙二醛水平变化趋势的影响显著不同;调和油组餐后血清甘油三酯和丙二醛时间曲线下增加的面积大于大豆油组;而大豆油组餐后血清高密度脂蛋白和低密度脂蛋白时间曲线下增加的面积大于调和油;对于餐后血清总胆固醇、载脂蛋白A1和载脂蛋白B水平变化趋势的影响,2组差异则无统计学意义。因此,相比于大豆油,大豆油与棕榈油的调和油对健康成人餐后血脂的影响有利有弊,作为一种新型调和油仍需进一步研究。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Consumer demand for products rich in phytochemicals is increasing as a result of greater awareness of their potential health benefits. However, processed products are stored for long‐term and the phytochemicals are susceptible to degradation during storage. The objective of this study was to assess the storage effects on phytochemicals in thermally processed blueberries. Thermally processed canned berries and juice/puree were analysed for phytochemicals during their long‐term storage. RESULTS: The phytochemical retention of thermally processed blueberries during storage was not influenced by production system (conventional versus organic). During 13 months of storage, total anthocyanins, total phenolics and total antioxidant activity in canned blueberry solids decreased by up to 86, 69 and 52% respectively. In canned blueberry syrup, total anthocyanins and total antioxidant activity decreased by up to 68 and 15% respectively, while total phenolic content increased by up to 117%. Similar trends in phytochemical content were observed in juice/puree stored for 4 months. The extent of changes in phytochemicals of thermally processed blueberries during storage was significantly influenced by blanching. CONCLUSION: Long‐term storage of thermally processed blueberries had varying degrees of influence on degradation of total anthocyanins, total phenolics and total antioxidant activity. Blanching before thermal processing helped to preserve the phytochemicals during storage of blueberries. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Phenolic compounds are abundant in nature and have multiple beneficial effects on human health due to their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, antiallergenic, anticancer, and antiatherosclerotic properties. For this reason, phenolics are becoming relevant functional ingredients for several industries, mainly the food industry, derived from food consumer exigencies and regulations. However, the use of their beneficial properties still presents some limitations, such as chemical instability under environmental and processing conditions, which leads to structural changes and compromises their biological activities. They also present poor water solubility and sensitivity to pH changes, decreasing their bioavailability in the organism. The technologies for extraction and stabilization of these compounds have evolved rapidly in the development of different delivery systems to encapsulate sensitive active molecules. Biopolymeric nanoparticles are biodegradable polymer-based colloidal systems with sizes ranging from 1 to 1000 nm, and different techniques can be carried out to develop them. These systems have emerged as a green and effective alternative to improve stability, bioavailability, and biological effects of phenolic compounds. This comprehensive review aims to present an overview of recent advances in encapsulation processes of phenolic compounds within biopolymer nanoparticles as delivery systems and the impact on their physicochemical properties and biological effects after encapsulation. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

Brown algae are becoming increasingly popular as a food source and dietary supplement in Europe and other Western countries. As they are highly rich in iodine, they represent a potential new dietary iodine source. Iodine deficiency has been re-emerging in Europe, and it is important to ensure adequate intake through one's diet. However, macroalgae, and especially brown algae, may contain very high amounts of iodine, and both iodine deficiency and excessive iodine may increase the risk of negative health effects. The iodine content of algae or foods containing algae is currently not regulated in the European Union. The aim of this paper is to review the literature to determine the chemical species of iodine in brown algae, the loss of iodine during processing, and the bioavailability and bioaccessibility of iodine. A systematic search of the literature was performed in April 2021, via the databases Web of Science and PubMed. The review includes studies of iodine in brown macroalgae in relation to bioavailability, bioaccessibility, processing and speciation. A meta-analysis was conducted in relation to the following topics: (i) the correlation between total iodine and iodide (I) content in brown algae; (ii) the correlation between the loss of iodine during processing and the I content; and (iii) the correlation between bioavailability and the I content. The bioavailability of iodine from brown algae was generally high, with in vivo bioavailability ranging from 31% to 90%. The in vitro bioavailability of iodine (2%–28%) was systematically lower than in vivo bioavailability (31%–90%), indicating an inadequate in vitro methodology. Processing may reduce the iodine content of brown algae, and a higher I content was positively correlated with increased iodine loss during processing. Although processing strategies may reduce the iodine content of brown algae significantly, the iodine content may still be high after processing. These findings may be used in food safety evaluations of brown algae as well as in the development of macroalgae-containing foods with iodine contents suitable for human consumption. Further research on processing techniques to reduce the iodine content in brown macroalgae are warranted.  相似文献   

Isoflavones (genistein, daidzein, and glycitein) are bioactive compounds with mildly estrogenic properties and often referred to as phytoestrogen. These are present in significant quantities (up to 4–5 mg·g?1 on dry basis) in legumes mainly soybeans, green beans, mung beans. In grains (raw materials) they are present mostly as glycosides, which are poorly absorbed on consumption. Thus, soybeans are processed into various food products for digestibility, taste and bioavailability of nutrients and bioactives. Main processing steps include steaming, cooking, roasting, microbial fermentation that destroy protease inhibitors and also cleaves the glycoside bond to yield absorbable aglycone in the processed soy products, such as miso, natto, soy milk, tofu; and increase shelf lives. Processed soy food products have been an integral part of regular diets in many Asia–Pacific countries for centuries, e.g. China, Japan and Korea. However, in the last two decades, there have been concerted efforts to introduce soy products in western diets for their health benefits with some success. Isoflavones were hailed as magical natural component that attribute to prevent some major prevailing health concerns. Consumption of soy products have been linked to reduction in incidence or severity of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular, breast and prostate cancers, menopausal symptoms, bone loss, etc. Overall, consuming moderate amounts of traditionally prepared and minimally processed soy foods may offer modest health benefits while minimizing potential for any adverse health effects.  相似文献   

外源乙烯的处理时机对甘薯抑芽及碳水化合物代谢的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以未用外源乙烯处理的甘薯开始出现发芽迹象的时间为节点,采用1 g/L外源乙烯分别在节点前、节点后及储运全程进行处理,研究外源乙烯处理的不同时机对甘薯常温储运期间发芽的调控及碳水化合物代谢的影响。结果表明,所有时机乙烯处理均会促进甘薯呼吸,加速块根淀粉、还原糖含量下降,诱导α-淀粉酶、β-淀粉酶活性增大。节点后和全程1 g/L乙烯处理能更好抑制甘薯发芽,且能明显增强甘薯的磷酸蔗糖合成酶、中性转化酶活性,降低酸性转化酶活性,维持较高的可溶性总糖含量、蔗糖含量,甘薯甜度更高。  相似文献   

Cereals are a staple food in both developed and developing countries, and are considered to be the best vehicle for iron and calcium fortification, as an important strategy for combating dietary deficits. Inadequate dietary intake of iron and calcium is related to a number of disease conditions such as anemia, osteoporosis, hypertension, and different cancers. From a nutritional point of view, it is interesting to know not only the amount of minerals consumed, but also their bioavailability. The present study reviews the current knowledge on the in vitro bioavailability of iron and calcium in cereals, placing emphasis on the methodologies used and on the influence of dietary factors and food processing.  相似文献   

Understanding of the mechanism of interactions between dietary elements, their salts, and complexing/binding ligands is vital to manage both deficiency and toxicity associated with essential element bioavailability. Numerous mineral ligands are found in both animal and plant foods and are known to exert bioactivity via element chelation resulting in modulation of antioxidant capacity or micobiome metabolism among other physiological outcomes. However, little is explored in the context of dietary mineral ligands and element bioavailability enhancement, particularly with respect to ligands from plant-derived food sources. This review highlights a novel perspective to consider various plant macro/micronutrients as prospective bioavailability enhancing ligands of three essential elements (Fe, Zn, and Ca). We also delineate the molecular mechanisms of the ligand-binding interactions underlying mineral bioaccessibility at the luminal level. We conclude that despite current understandings of some of the structure–activity relationships associated with strong mineral–ligand binding, the physiological links between ligands as element carriers and uptake at targeted sites throughout the gastrointestinal (GI) tract still require more research. The binding behavior of potential ligands in the human diet should be further elucidated and validated using pharmacokinetic approaches and GI models.  相似文献   

Beyond nutrient composition matrix plays an important role on food health potential, notably acting on the kinetics of nutrient release, and finally on their bioavailability. This is particularly true for dairy products that present both solid (cheeses), semi-solid (yogurts) and liquid (milks) matrices. The main objective of this narrative review has been to synthesize available data in relation with the impact of physical structure of main dairy matrices on nutrient bio-accessibility, bioavailability and metabolic effects, in vitro, in animals and in humans. Focus has been made on dairy nutrients the most studied, i.e., proteins, lipids and calcium. Data collected show different kinetics of bioavailability of amino acids, fatty acids and calcium according to the physicochemical parameters of these matrices, including compactness, hardness, elasticity, protein/lipid ratio, P/Ca ratio, effect of ferments, size of fat globules, and possibly other qualitative parameters yet to be discovered. This could be of great interest for the development of innovative dairy products for older populations, sometimes in protein denutrition or with poor dentition, involving the development of dairy matrices with optimized metabolic effects by playing on gastric retention time and thus on the kinetics of release of the amino acids within bloodstream.  相似文献   

Study objectives were to evaluate the effects of replacing 40 mg/kg of dietary Zn from Zn sulfate (ZS) with Zn amino acid complex (ZA; Zinpro Corporation, Eden Prairie, MN) on inflammation and intestinal integrity in heat-stressed and pair-fed (PF) ruminants. Forty Holstein steers (173.6 ± 4.9 kg) were randomly assigned to 1 of 5 dietary-environmental treatments: (1) thermoneutral (TN) ad libitum with 75 mg/kg of dry matter (DM) ZS (ZSCON); (2) TN pair-fed with 75 mg/kg DM ZS (ZSPF); (3) TN pair-fed with 40 mg/kg DM ZA and 35 mg/kg DM ZS (ZAPF); (4) heat stress (HS) ad libitum with 75 mg/kg DM ZS (ZSHS); and (5) HS ad libitum 40 mg/kg DM ZA and 35 mg/kg DM ZS (ZAHS). Before study initiation, calves were fed their respective diets for 21 d. Following the pre-feeding phase, steers were transferred into environmental chambers and were subjected to 2 successive experimental periods. During period 1 (5 d), all steers were fed their respective diets ad libitum and housed in TN conditions (20.2 ± 1.4°C, 30.4 ± 4.3% relative humidity). During period 2 (6 d), ZSHS and ZAHS steers were exposed to cyclical HS conditions (27.1 ± 1.5°C to 35.0 ± 2.9°C, 19.3 ± 3.5% relative humidity), whereas the ZSCON, ZSPF, and ZAPF steers remained in TN conditions and were fed ad libitum or pair-fed relative to their ZSHS and ZAHS counterparts. Overall, steers exposed to HS had markedly increased rectal temperature (0.83°C), respiration rate (26 breaths per min), and skin temperature (8.00°C) relative to TN treatments. Rectal temperature from ZAHS steers was decreased (0.24°C) on d 4 to 6 of HS relative to ZSHS steers. Regardless of diet, HS decreased DMI (18%) relative to ZSCON steers. Circulating glucose from HS and PF steers decreased (16%) relative to ZSCON steers. Heat stress and nutrient restriction increased circulating nonesterified fatty acids 2- and 3-fold, respectively, compared with ZSCON steers. Serum amyloid A increased ~2-fold in PF relative to ZSCON and HS steers. We detected no treatment effect on blood pH; however, ZAHS steers had increased HCO3 relative to ZSHS. Relative to ZSHS, ZAHS steers had increased jejunum villi height (25%), a tendency for increased ileum villi height (9%), and decreased duodenal villi width (16%). In summary, ZA supplementation has some beneficial effects on thermal indices, intestinal architecture characteristics, and biomarkers of leaky gut in heat-stressed steers, indicative of an ameliorated heat load, and thus may be a nutritional strategy to minimize negative consequences of HS.  相似文献   

Seeds play important roles in human nutrition and health since ancient time. The term “specialty” has recently been applied to seeds to describe high-value and/or uncommon food products. Since then, numerous studies have been conducted to identify various classes of bioactive compounds, including polyphenols in specialty seeds. This review discusses nutrients, fat-soluble bioactives, polyphenols/bioactives, antioxidant activity, bioavailability, health benefits, and safety/toxicology of commonly consumed eight specialty seeds, namely, black cumin, chia, hemp, flax, perilla, pumpkin, quinoa, and sesame. Scientific results from the existing literature published over the last decade have been compiled and discussed. These specialty seeds, having numerous fat-soluble bioactives and polyphenols, together with their corresponding antioxidant activities, have increasingly been consumed. Hence, these specialty seeds can be considered as a valuable source of dietary supplements and functional foods due to their health-promoting bioactive components, polyphenols, and corresponding antioxidant activities. The phytochemicals from these specialty seeds demonstrate bioavailability in humans with promising health benefits. Additional long-term and well-design human intervention trials are required to ascertain the health-promoting properties of these specialty seeds.  相似文献   

Food-derived bioactive peptides (BAPs) are recently utilized as functional food raw materials owing to their potential health benefits. Although there is a huge amount of scientific research about BAPs’ identification, purification, characterization, and physiological functions, and subsequently, many BAPs have been marketed, there is a paucity of review on the regulatory requirements, bioavailability, and safety of BAPs. Thus, this review focuses on the toxic peptides that could arise from their primary proteins throughout protein extraction, protein pretreatment, and BAPs’ formulation. Also, the influences of BAPs’ length and administration dosage on safety are summarized. Lastly, the challenges and possibilities in BAPs’ bioavailability and regulatory requirements in different countries were also presented. Results revealed that the human studies of BAPs are essential for approvals as healthy food and to prevent the consumers from misinformation and false promises. The BAPs that escape the gastrointestinal tract epithelium and move to the stomach are considered good peptides and get circulated into the blood using different pathways. In addition, the hydrophobicity, net charge, molecular size, length, amino acids composition/sequences, and structural characteristics of BAPs are critical for bioavailability, and appropriate food-grade carriers can enhance it. The abovementioned features are also vital to optimize the solubility, water holding capacity, emulsifying ability, and foaming property of BAPs in food products. In the case of safety, the possible allergenic and toxic peptides often exhibit physiological functions and could be produced during the hydrolysis of food proteins. It was also noted that the production of iso-peptides bonds and undesirable Maillard reaction might occur during protein extraction, sample pretreatments, and peptide synthesis.  相似文献   

For several decades, there has been considerable interest in marine‐derived long chain n‐3 fatty acids (n‐3 LCPUFAs) due to their outstanding health benefits. n‐3 LCPUFAs can be found in nature either in triglycerides (TAGs) or in phospholipid (PL) form. From brain health point of view, PL n‐3 is more bioavailable and potent compared to n‐3 in TAG form, as only PL n‐3 is able to cross the blood–brain barrier and can be involved in brain biochemical reactions. However, PL n‐3 has been ignored in the fish oil industry and frequently removed as an impurity during degumming processes. As a result, PL products derived from marine sources are very limited compared to TAG products. Commercially, PLs are being used in pharmaceutical industries as drug carriers, in food manufacturing as emulsifiers and in cosmetic industries as skin care agents, but most of the PLs used in these applications are produced from vegetable sources that contain less (without EPA, DPA, and DHA) or sometimes no n‐3 LCPUFAs. This review provides a comprehensive account of the properties, structures, and major sources of marine PLs, and provides focussed discussion of their relationship to brain health. Epidemiological, laboratory, and clinical studies on n‐3 LCPUFAs enriched PLs using different model systems in relation to brain and mental health that have been published over the past few years are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Citrus is an important source of flavonoids in our daily diet. Citrus flavonoids have antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and cardiovascular disease prevention functions. Studies have shown that some pharmaceutical values of flavonoids may be related to their binding to bitter taste receptors, thus activating downstream signal transduction pathways; however, the underlying mechanism has not been systematically elucidated. In this paper, the biosynthesis pathway and the absorption and metabolism of citrus flavonoids were briefly reviewed, and the relationship between flavonoid structure and bitter taste intensity was investigated. In addition, the pharmacological effects of bitter flavonoids and the activation of bitter taste receptors in combating various diseases were discussed. This review provides an important basis for the targeted design of citrus flavonoid structures to make them more biologically active and more attractive as powerful drugs for the effective treatment of chronic diseases such as obesity, asthma, and neurological diseases.  相似文献   

人工合成甜味剂(artificial sweeteners,AS)具有甜度高、无营养、低热量或无热量的特征,已在食品工业中得到了广泛的应用。之前的研究认为AS在生理上是惰性的,然而现在有越来越多的证据表明,AS不仅能带来甜味,过量摄入可能会引起葡萄糖、胰岛素等代谢失调,并影响胃肠道微生物的结构和组成,引发一系列的健康问题。本文介绍了6种常见的AS的性质特征、代谢情况及其对生理代谢的影响,为进一步开发和合理利用AS提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

The objectives were to determine the metabolic fate of different long-chain fatty acids, and their effects on palmitic acid metabolism and gluconeogenesis in bovine hepatocytes. Hepatocytes were isolated from four ruminating calves and exposed in suspension for 3 h to one of the following treatments: 1 mM palmitic acid (1C16), 2 mM palmitic acid (2C16), or 1 mM palmitic acid plus either 1 mM oleic (C18:1), linoleic (C18:2), linolenic (C18:3), eicosapentaenoic (C20:5), or docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6). Oxidation of [1-(14)C]palmitic acid or one of the [1-(14)C]-labeled treatment fatty acids to CO2 or incorporation into cellular triglycerides (TG), phospholipids, cholesterol, and cholesterol esters were measured. Rates of oxidation to CO2 were 3- to 4-fold higher for C22:6 than for other fatty acids, with the exception of C20:5, which had intermediate rates of oxidation to CO2. In general, treatments 2C16 and C18:1 yielded the highest rates of incorporation into most cellular lipids, whereas the polyunsaturated fatty acids were poor substrates for incorporation into cellular lipids. The most pronounced change was a large reduction of polyunsaturated fatty acid incorporation into cellular TG compared to 1C16, 2C16, and C18:1. The unsaturated fatty acids also influenced palmitic acid metabolism. The addition of C20:5 yielded the highest rates of palmitic acid oxidation to CO2 followed by addition of C18:1 and C22:6. Treatments containing polyunsaturated fatty acids decreased palmitic acid metabolism to TG and total cellular lipids compared with treatments 2C16 and C18:1. Rates of gluconeogenesis from propionate were significantly higher for the treatment containing C18:1. Long-chain fatty acids vary in their routes of metabolism and influence palmitic acid metabolism and gluconeogenesis in bovine hepatocytes.  相似文献   

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