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A longitudinal study on exposure to tobacco smoke among adolescents was carried out in Turin (North-Western Italy) in January-February 1992 and in January-February 1993. In 1992, 394 schoolchildren aged 14-16 years were enrolled in a study protocol which consisted in answering a standardized questionnaire, measurement of urinary cotinine and testing of lung function (flow-volume curve--[FVC] and forced expiratory volume in I sec.--[FEV1]). In 1993, 333 schoolchildren from the same group repeated the survey. By comparison to urinary cotinine, findings obtained showed a reduction of increase, from 1992 to 1993, of -0.57% (p = 0.082) for FVC, and -0.66% (p = 0.05) for FEV1. Assuming that the systematic selection bias did not seem to have occurred, findings, obtained from a multiple regression analysis, showed that active and passive exposure to tobacco smoke, as measured by urinary cotinine, had a significant effect on lung growth (as measured by FEV1) in adolescents; this effect, though small, was dose-related.  相似文献   

N-acetyl cysteine is an agent which has been shown to interrupt signal transduction processes linking a wide range of stimuli to the activation of NF-kappa B in mammalian cells. We have investigated its effect on the early development of Xenopus embryos by injecting it into blastulae, using concentrations comparable to those effective on cultured cells. High concentrations at the late blastula or early gastrula stage suppress posterior and enhance anterior development, yielding embryos with enlarged cement glands and otherwise consisting of little except head in extreme cases. Reducing the amount of N-acetyl cysteine injected leads to progressively more posterior structures developing. Injection into one- or two-cell embryos gives similar phenotypes, but of reduced severity and the cement gland is not so enlarged. Explants of animal cap cells taken several hours after injection develop to give large amounts of cement gland material. We have examined the expression of a number of genes in the anteriorised embryos. Posterior markers and Xsna are reduced. Noggin and Goosecoid mRNA are up-regulated through the gastrula and persist at these levels until at least the late neurula stage, whereas in controls Noggin is much lower and Goosecoid is absent at these stages. The most anteriorised phenotype may be a consequence of this changed expression.  相似文献   

To investigate whether rhinovirus infection impairs epithelial barrier functions, human rhinovirus 14 (HRV-14) was infected to primary cultures of human tracheal epithelial cells and experiments were performed on Day 2 after HRV-14 infection. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2; 3 x 10(-)4 M) increased electrical conductance (G) across the epithelial cell sheet measured with Ussing's chamber methods. Exposure of the epithelial cells to HRV-14 had no effect on H2O2-induced increases in G and [3H]mannitol flux through the cultured epithelium in the control condition, but it markedly potentiated H2O2- induced increases in both parameters in IL-1beta (100 U/ml) pretreated condition. However, pretreatment with TNF-alpha (100 U/ml) was without effect. IL-1beta enhanced the intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) expression assessed by immunohistochemical analysis and susceptibility of epithelial cells to HRV-14 infection. An antibody to ICAM-1 inhibited HRV-14 infection of epithelial cells and abolished H2O2-induced increases in G and [3H]mannitol flux in IL-1beta-pretreated epithelial cells with HRV-14 infection. These results suggest that rhinovirus infection may reduce barrier functions in the airway epithelium in association with upregulation of ICAM-1 expression.  相似文献   

We have obtained evidence that a known intracellular component of the cadherin cell-cell adhesion machinery, beta-catenin, contributes to the development of the body axis in the frog Xenopus laevis. Vertebrate beta-catenin is homologous to the Drosophila segment polarity gene product armadillo, and to vertebrate plakoglobin (McCrea, P. D., C. W. Turck, and B. Gumbiner. 1991. Science (Wash. DC). 254: 1359-1361.). Beta-Catenin was found present in all Xenopus embryonic stages examined, and associated with C-cadherin, the major cadherin present in early Xenopus embryos. To test beta-catenin's function, affinity purified Fab fragments were injected into ventral blastomeres of developing four-cell Xenopus embryos. A dramatic phenotype, the duplication of the dorsoanterior embryonic axis, was observed. Furthermore, Fab injections were capable of rescuing dorsal features in UV-ventralized embryos. Similar phenotypes have been observed in misexpression studies of the Wnt and other gene products, suggesting that beta-catenin participates in a signaling pathway which specifies embryonic patterning.  相似文献   

In the presence of 1--2% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), mouse neuroblastoma cells are induced to differentiate morphologically as well as electrically. In addition, treatment of neurolbastoma cells with 2% DMSO results in a marked increase in the veratridine-activated K+ or Rb+ efflux. At 4% DMSO, neurite outgrowth is completely repressed and electrical activity is poorly developed. However, at this concentration, the cells have a relatively high resting potential which suggested that membrane components determining passive and active permeability properties are not necessarily under coordinated control. Induction of differentiation by 2% DMSO is also accompanied by an increase in a heavier molecular form of acetylcholinesterase sedimenting at 10.5S. The effect of other agents on the growth and differentiation of neuroblastoma cells is also presented.  相似文献   

After gastrulation, progenitor cells of the cardiac, visceral and body wall musculature arise at defined positions within the mesodermal layer of the Drosophila embryo. The regulatory mechanisms underlying this process of pattern formation are largely unknown, although ablation experiments carried out in other insects indicate that inductive influences from ectodermal cells have major roles in embryonic mesoderm differentiation. An early and important event in the regional subdivision of the mesoderm is the restriction of tinman expression to dorsal mesodermal cells. Genetic analysis has shown that this homeobox gene controls the formation of the visceral musculature and the heart from dorsal portions of the mesoderm. We now show that an inductive signal from dorsal ectodermal cells is required for activation of tinman in the underlying mesoderm and present evidence that Decapentaplegic (Dpp), a member of the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily, serves as a signalling molecule in this process. This demonstrates that the spatial expression of dpp in the ectoderm determines which cells of the mesoderm become competent to develop into visceral mesoderm and the heart.  相似文献   

The postsynaptic membrane of the neuromuscular junction is highly enriched in rapsyn, which is thought to interact directly with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) and anchor them at the synapse. We expressed rapsyn with or without AChRs in Xenopus embryos by mRNA injection. Co-expression of AChR and rapsyn caused the clustering of these two proteins in cultured cells isolated from the injected embryos. When rapsyn was expressed alone, it also became clustered at the substratum-facing membrane in cultured cells and at cell-cell contacts in whole mount embryos. No clusters were observed in cells that expressed AChRs alone. In rapsyn-expressing cells, proteins that are tyrosine phosphorylated as shown by anti-phosphotyrosine antibody labeling were concentrated at rapsyn clusters. Rapsyn itself does not appear to be a substrate for tyrosine kinase. This suggests that other phosphotyrosine-containing proteins are co-clustered with rapsyn in these cells.  相似文献   

The marginal zone in Xenopus laevis is proposed to be patterned with dorsal mesoderm situated near the upper blastoporal lip and ventral mesoderm near the lower blastoporal lip. We determined the origins of the ventralmost mesoderm, primitive blood, and show it arises from all vegetal blastomeres at the 32-cell stage, including blastomere C1, a progenitor of Spemann's organizer. This demonstrates that cells located at the upper blastoporal lip become ventral mesoderm, not solely dorsal mesoderm as previously believed. Reassessment of extant fate maps shows dorsal mesoderm and dorsal endoderm descend from the animal region of the marginal zone, whereas ventral mesoderm descends from the vegetal region of the marginal zone, and ventral endoderm descends from cells located vegetal of the bottle cells. Thus, the orientation of the dorsal-ventral axis of the mesoderm and endoderm is rotated 90( degrees) from its current portrayal in fate maps. This reassessment leads us to propose revisions in the nomenclature of the marginal zone and the orientation of the axes in pre-gastrula Xenopus embryos.  相似文献   

Sixteen chemicals currently being tested in National Toxicology Program (NTP) carcinogenicity studies were evaluated in the Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cell in vitro micronucleus assay. Results from these studies were compared to the results from the SHE cell transformation assay for the same chemicals The overall concordance between induction of micronuclei and transformation of SHE cells was 56%, which is far lower that the 93% concordance between these two tests reported previously by Fritzenschaf et al. (1993; Mutation Res. 319, 47-53). The difference between our results appears to be due to differences in the types of chemicals in the two studies. Overall, there is good agreement between the SHE cell micronucleus and transformation assays for mutagenic chemicals, but, as our study highlights, the SHE cell transformation assay has the added utility of detecting nonmutagenic carcinogens. The utility of a multi-endpoint assessment in SHE cells for carcinogen screening is discussed.  相似文献   

Freshly isolated, human peripheral blood T (PBT) cells are resistant to induction of apoptosis. In this study, however, we have shown that although small numbers of monocytes (Mo) are required for PBT cells to proliferate optimally in response to mitogenic challenge, a relatively higher percentage of Mo results in a significant decrease in PHA-, but not ConA-induced T-cell proliferation. Interestingly, the decrease in T-cell proliferation correlated to an increase in apoptotic cell death. Moreover, ConA-induced PBT-cells underwent apoptosis in the presence of PHA-pretreated Mo, suggesting a key role of monocyte activation in this system. This apoptosis-promoting effect of activated Mo appeared to depend on contact or close proximity between Mo and PBT-cells, rather than via soluble mediators. Despite an increase in apoptosis by the presence of high numbers of Mo, PHA-stimulated PBT-cells released IL-2 at elevated levels proportional to the increasing numbers of Mo in cultures. They also expressed activation marker CD69 and the IL-2R-gamma chain on the cell surface at comparable or higher levels in the presence of high versus low numbers of Mo. These data suggest that PBT-cells can embark on a normal early phase of activation prior to undergoing apoptosis, thereby providing a model system to study how T-cells are committed to either proliferation or activation-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

The mammalian blood/brain barrier is located at the endothelial cells of the cerebral capillaries. Alkaline phosphatase is associated to a very large extent with these cells and has been established as a marker enzyme for a differentiated blood/brain barrier phenotype in vivo and in vitro. Nevertheless cultured brain capillary endothelial cells (BCEC) lose this marker enzyme because of a cessation of de novo synthesis. Since astrocytes have been shown to possess the capability to re-induce the enzymic activity of alkaline phosphatase in BCEC in vitro we were interested in the second messengers involved in the signal-transduction mechanism of this induction in BCEC. For this reason we treated cultured porcine BCEC with a water-soluble and membrane-permeable analogue of cAMP, 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-cAMP (C1PhS-cAMP) in the absence of astrocytes. By means of enzymic activity assays we were able to show that within three days the activity of alkaline phosphatase increased up to sixfold compared with the controls. The total activity of alkaline phosphatase in C1PhS-cAMP-treated BCEC was comparable to that of freshly isolated cells. Addition of cycloheximide inhibited the alkaline phosphatase activity increase. We conclude that cAMP is one of the second messengers involved in the induction of alkaline phosphatase activity in BCEC in vitro.  相似文献   

The zebrafish DVR-1 (zDVR-1) gene, like Xenopus Vg1, is present maternally as an unprocessed precursor protein which is distributed ubiquitously along the future dorsoventral axis. Also, like Vg1, overexpression of zDVR-1 in zebrafish directs synthesis of more precursor, but no processed protein. However, the native zDVR-1 precursor is processed to mature protein when expressed in Xenopus. Like processed Vg1, mature zDVR-1 is a potent inducer of axial mesoderm. The parallels in expression pattern, apparent regulation of protein processing, and mesoderm-inducing activity support the hypothesis that localized protein processing controls production of a dorsal mesoderm inducer in these two species. Furthermore, using mutant mRNAs, we show that cleavage site sequences of the precursor protein are important in regulating protein processing.  相似文献   

Water samples from several ponds in Minnesota were evaluated for their capacity to induce malformations in embryos of Xenopus laevis. The FETAX assay was used to assess the occurrence of malformations following a 96-hr period of exposure to water samples. These studies were conducted following reports of high incidences of malformation in natural populations of frogs in Minnesota wetlands. The purpose of these studies was to determine if a biologically active agent(s) was present in the waters and could be detected using the FETAX assay. Water samples from ponds with high incidences of frog malformations (affected sites), along with water samples from ponds with unaffected frog populations (reference sites), were studied. Initial experiments clearly showed that water from affected sites induced mortality and malformation in Xenopus embryos, while water from reference sites had little or no effect. Induction of malformation was dose dependent and highly reproducible, both with stored samples and with samples taken at different times throughout the summer. The biological activity of the samples was reduced or eliminated when samples were passed through activated carbon. Limited evidence from these samples indicates that the causal factor(s) is not an infectious organism nor are ion concentrations or metals responsible for the effects observed. Results do indicate that the water matrix has a significant effect on the severity of toxicity. Based on the FETAX results and the occurrence of frog malformations observed in the field, these studies suggest that water in the affected sites contains one or more unknown agents that induce developmental abnormalities in Xenopus. These same factors may contribute to the increased incidence of malformation in native species.  相似文献   

The effects of mechanical injury on the metabolism of cartilage matrix are of interest for understanding the pathogenesis of osteoarthrosis and the development of strategies for cartilage repair. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of injury on matrix turnover in a calf articular cartilage explant system for which the effects of mechanical loading on cell activity and the cell-mediated pathways of matrix metabolism are already well characterized. New methods of quantitative autoradiography were used in combination with established biochemical and biomechanical techniques for the analysis of cell and matrix responses to acute mechanical injury, with particular attention to the processes of localized matrix turnover in the cell-associated matrices of individual chondrocytes. Matrix deposition and turnover around cells in control explants was spatially dependent, with the highest rates of proteoglycan deposition and turnover and the lowest rates of collagen deposition (as indicated by [3H]proline autoradiography) occurring in the pericellular matrix. Injurious compression was associated with (a) an abrupt decrease in the tensile load-carrying capacity of the collagen matrix, apparently associated with mechanical failure of the tissue, (b) a considerable but subtotal decrease in cell viability, marked by the emergence of an apparently inactive cell population interspersed within catabolically active but abnormally large cells, and (c) sustained, elevated rates of proteoglycan turnover, particularly in the cell-associated matrices of apparently viable cells, which involved the increased release of aggregating species in addition to a spectrum of degradation fragments that were also in controls. These results may represent an in vitro model for the responses of chondrocytes and the cartilage extracellular matrix to mechanical injury.  相似文献   

1. Odor-evoked currents were recorded in Xenopus laevis olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) by the use of conventional, as well as nystatin and gramicidin-perforated, whole cell recording. The odor-evoked current ran down quickly in conventional, but not in perforated, whole cell recording. All three types of recording gave similar values for the amplitude, latency, time-to-peak, recovery time, and reversal potential of the odor-evoked current. 2. A secondary Cl current comprised a significant part of the odor-evoked current (55-65%). ECl measured by gramicidin perforation, which does not alter [Cl-]i, was -2.3 +/- 5.0 (SE) mV, indicating that these neurons maintain a high [Cl-]i and that the secondary Cl current plays an excitatory role in olfactory transduction.  相似文献   

Schwann cell is a cell type that forms myelin sheath and provides trophic supports for neuronal cells by producing neurotrophic factors such as neurotrophins and neurokines in both normal and traumatic situations. It was recently reported that after lesion of sciatic nerve, mRNA for cholinergic differentiation factor (CDF)/leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) is induced in nonneuronal cells in the nerve. However, the source of LIF-mRNA and the mechanism of LIF-mRNA regulation have remained largely unknown. In the present study, we searched for factors regulating the LIF-mRNA expression in cultured Schwann cells isolated from newborn rat sciatic nerve. Among various growth factors and cytokines tested, TGF beta-1 exerted the most prominent effect on the induction of LIF-mRNA in the cultured Schwann cells. The effect of TGF-beta 1 on the increase of LIF-mRNA levels was suppressed by either staurosporine or H-7 suggesting the role of PKC or PKC-like protein kinase activity in the induction of LIF-mRNA. The induction of LIF mRNA by TGF-beta 1 was suppressed in the co-culture of the Schwann cells with embryonic rat DRG neurons. The addition of ascorbic acid, which is known to promote myelination in this co-culture system, further suppressed the TGF-beta 1 induction of LIF-mRNA. These results suggest that Schwann cells respond to TGF-beta 1 in a lesion situation to produce LIF, which supports neuronal survival and regeneration. The re-establishment of neuron-Schwann cell interaction would in turn suppress the LIF production to terminate its action during the lesion situation.  相似文献   

To investigate which factors are involved in the differentiation of Bufo arenarum heart myoendocrine cells, we studied the distribution of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) immunoreactivity in hearts formed from presumptive cardiac mesoderm explanted at early embryo stages. Explants isolated from different embryonic stages throughout neurulation were cultured in vitro with or without the pharyngeal endoderm, and in other cases transplanted to the caudal region of embryos at similar stages. We utilized immunohistochemical and morphological techniques to assess myoendocrine cardiac cell differentiation. Development of heart beat and positive tropomyosin immunolabeling were considered signs of cardiac tissue differentiation. Our results confirm that explants of cardiac mesoderm cultured with endoderm showed a greater and more complete level of cardiac differentiation than those of mesoderm alone, and this coincides with the staining pattern of tropomyosin. ANP immunostaining revealed that cardiac cells containing ANP were scarce in those cultures without endoderm. On the contrary, in both cultured and grafted explants containing endoderm, ANP immunostaining was intensive and well-distributed in the cardiac tube, and in some cases restricted to one side of the formed heart. We conclude that the endoderm regulates cardiac cell differentiation, and in this way, is involved in the development of the heart myoendocrine system.  相似文献   

A cloned nontumorigenic control cell line of C3H mouse embryo cells (C3H/1OT1/2CL8) and two cell lines derived from it by treatment in vitro with 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) or 3-methylcholanthrene (MCA) were studied by scanning electron microscopy. Confluent control cells were polygonal in shape and extensively flattened with smooth surfaces. Both in vitro transformants were pleomorphic to fusiform in shape, thicker than the control cells, and lacked contact inhibition. Microvilli of variable length and small marginal ruffles were characteristic surface alterations of the MCA-transformed cells, while blebs and numerous cytoplasmic strands extending between cells were typical of the DMBA transformant. Inoculation of the DMBA-transformed cells into C3H mice and re-establishment of cells from one of the subsequent fibrosarcomas in culture revealed an increased number of microvilli on the surface of the cells and an alteration in growth pattern. Other surface characteristics remained the same. A possible relationship between surface topography and outer membrane glycolipids is discussed.  相似文献   

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