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Hurricanes are one of the most frequent and destructive disasters in the United States. The events are large scale and have relatively long-term impacts. Social networking platforms such as Twitter can provide real-time information for disaster managers and affected populations during large-scale disasters (e.g., hurricanes), but extracting useful information and interpreting data accurately for disaster management is still challenging. Sentiment analysis of social media data helps detect the concerns of affected people and understand individuals' responses on the ground at unprecedented scales, but the method is known to be domain-dependent. The same words or expressions can indicate opposite sentiments in different domains. This paper proposes a domain-specific sentiment analysis approach specifically for tweets posted during hurricanes (DSSA-H). DSSA-H can retrieve hurricane-relevant tweets with a trained supervised-learning classifier, Random Forest (RF), and classify the sentiment of hurricane-relevant tweets based on a domain-adversarial neural network (DANN). We built a dataset of tweets posted during six recent hurricanes and applied the DSSA-H approach for sentiment analysis. After evaluation, we found that each classifier (i.e., RF and DANN) outperforms baseline classifiers and that DSSA-H outperforms two high-performing general sentiment classification approaches when classifying sentiments of tweets posted during hurricanes. We also applied DSSA-H in examining sentiment patterns across six recent hurricanes in the U.S. This domain-specific sentiment analysis approach can be used by the first responders and affected communities to more accurately and rapidly detect crises and emergent events, allocate resources, and assess disaster's impact during hurricanes. DSSA-H contributes to an intelligent and adaptive disaster information system for the data-rich human and the built environment system.  相似文献   

Deniz Kılınç 《Software》2019,49(9):1352-1364
There are many data sources that produce large volumes of data. The Big Data nature requires new distributed processing approaches to extract the valuable information. Real-time sentiment analysis is one of the most demanding research areas that requires powerful Big Data analytics tools such as Spark. Prior literature survey work has shown that, though there are many conventional sentiment analysis researches, there are only few works realizing sentiment analysis in real time. One major point that affects the quality of real-time sentiment analysis is the confidence of the generated data. In more clear terms, it is a valuable research question to determine whether the owner that generates sentiment is genuine or not. Since data generated by fake personalities may decrease accuracy of the outcome, a smart/intelligent service that can identify the source of data is one of the key points in the analysis. In this context, we include a fake account detection service to the proposed framework. Both sentiment analysis and fake account detection systems are trained and tested using Naïve Bayes model from Apache Spark's machine learning library. The developed system consists of four integrated software components, ie, (i) machine learning and streaming service for sentiment prediction, (ii) a Twitter streaming service to retrieve tweets, (iii) a Twitter fake account detection service to assess the owner of the retrieved tweet, and (iv) a real-time reporting and dashboard component to visualize the results of sentiment analysis. The sentiment classification performances of the system for offline and real-time modes are 86.77% and 80.93%, respectively.  相似文献   

Twitter has become a major tool for spreading news, for dissemination of positions and ideas, and for the commenting and analysis of current world events. However, with more than 500 million tweets flowing per day, it is necessary to find efficient ways of collecting, storing, managing, mining and visualizing all this information. This is especially relevant if one considers that Twitter has no ways of indexing tweet contents, and that the only available categorization “mechanism” is the #hashtag, which is totally dependent of a user's will to use it. This paper presents an intelligent platform and framework, named MISNIS - Intelligent Mining of Public Social Networks’ Influence in Society - that facilitates these issues and allows a non-technical user to easily mine a given topic from a very large tweet's corpus and obtain relevant contents and indicators such as user influence or sentiment analysis.When compared to other existent similar platforms, MISNIS is an expert system that includes specifically developed intelligent techniques that: (1) Circumvent the Twitter API restrictions that limit access to 1% of all flowing tweets. The platform has been able to collect more than 80% of all flowing portuguese language tweets in Portugal when online; (2) Intelligently retrieve most tweets related to a given topic even when the tweets do not contain the topic #hashtag or user indicated keywords. A 40% increase in the number of retrieved relevant tweets has been reported in real world case studies.The platform is currently focused on Portuguese language tweets posted in Portugal. However, most developed technologies are language independent (e.g. intelligent retrieval, sentiment analysis, etc.), and technically MISNIS can be easily expanded to cover other languages and locations.  相似文献   

The rise in popularity of mobile devices has led to a parallel growth in the size of the app store market, intriguing several research studies and commercial platforms on mining app stores. App store reviews are used to analyze different aspects of app development and evolution. However, app users’ feedback does not only exist on the app store. In fact, despite the large quantity of posts that are made daily on social media, the importance and value that these discussions provide remain mostly unused in the context of mobile app development. In this paper, we study how Twitter can provide complementary information to support mobile app development. By analyzing a total of 30,793 apps over a period of six weeks, we found strong correlations between the number of reviews and tweets for most apps. Moreover, through applying machine learning classifiers, topic modeling and subsequent crowd-sourcing, we successfully mined 22.4% additional feature requests and 12.89% additional bug reports from Twitter. We also found that 52.1% of all feature requests and bug reports were discussed on both tweets and reviews. In addition to finding common and unique information from Twitter and the app store, sentiment and content analysis were also performed for 70 randomly selected apps. From this, we found that tweets provided more critical and objective views on apps than reviews from the app store. These results show that app store review mining is indeed not enough; other information sources ultimately provide added value and information for app developers.  相似文献   

The emergence of Web 2.0 has drastically altered the way users perceive the Internet, by improving information sharing, collaboration and interoperability. Micro-blogging is one of the most popular Web 2.0 applications and related services, like Twitter, have evolved into a practical means for sharing opinions on almost all aspects of everyday life. Consequently, micro-blogging web sites have since become rich data sources for opinion mining and sentiment analysis. Towards this direction, text-based sentiment classifiers often prove inefficient, since tweets typically do not consist of representative and syntactically consistent words, due to the imposed character limit. This paper proposes the deployment of original ontology-based techniques towards a more efficient sentiment analysis of Twitter posts. The novelty of the proposed approach is that posts are not simply characterized by a sentiment score, as is the case with machine learning-based classifiers, but instead receive a sentiment grade for each distinct notion in the post. Overall, our proposed architecture results in a more detailed analysis of post opinions regarding a specific topic.  相似文献   

This study presents a data-driven method to monitor customer complaints for efficient service quality management. Recognising the value of customer reviews as a pool of 'voice of the customer', we propose an integrated method of sentiment and statistical process control analyses. The use of customer review data for statistical process control analysis extends the scope of research and application from the supplier perspective to customer-centric service quality management. The sentiment analysis enables systematic identification of a customer satisfaction score from customer review data while the statistical process control chart analysis allows early detection of significant customer complaints and prevents service failures. The integration of two analyses makes it possible to monitor customer complaints at acceptable time and cost. We applied and validated the proposed method using a mobile game service, offering a guideline for its implementation and customisation. The proposed method is expected to be used as an effective tool for customer complaints monitoring over time, which enables responsive and preventive quality management.  相似文献   

Twitter is a radiant platform with a quick and effective technique to analyze users’ perceptions of activities on social media. Many researchers and industry experts show their attention to Twitter sentiment analysis to recognize the stakeholder group. The sentiment analysis needs an advanced level of approaches including adoption to encompass data sentiment analysis and various machine learning tools. An assessment of sentiment analysis in multiple fields that affect their elevations among the people in real-time by using Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machine (SVM). This paper focused on analysing the distinguished sentiment techniques in tweets behaviour datasets for various spheres such as healthcare, behaviour estimation, etc. In addition, the results in this work explore and validate the statistical machine learning classifiers that provide the accuracy percentages attained in terms of positive, negative and neutral tweets. In this work, we obligated Twitter Application Programming Interface (API) account and programmed in python for sentiment analysis approach for the computational measure of user’s perceptions that extract a massive number of tweets and provide market value to the Twitter account proprietor. To distinguish the results in terms of the performance evaluation, an error analysis investigates the features of various stakeholders comprising social media analytics researchers, Natural Language Processing (NLP) developers, engineering managers and experts involved to have a decision-making approach.  相似文献   

Business Webs apply the idea of value networks to the WWW. The underlying delivery platform is commonly referred to as the Internet of Services and will certainly have to deal with a great variety and amount of information about services along several service information dimensions. As soon as brokerage, discovery, or community feedback parts are decentralized, there emerge a number of service information challenges (modeling the information in a holistic way, documentation, interlinkage, tool interoperability, distributed querying, inconsistent information, and cooperation of different stakeholders). In this paper, we propose to counter such service information challenges by two artifacts. First, we contribute a Service Ontology based on a sound and rigid foundational ontology. The Service Ontology provides a holistic and consistent way of capturing service information. We apply the recommendations of the W3C Semantic Web Activity whose recent standardization has already opened new possibilities for tool interoperability, interlinkage of information, and distributed querying on the web. However, building and prescribing an ontology in standardized languages is not enough to address all service information challenges. Therefore, as a second contribution, we provide a method around the ontology including a governance framework, guidelines for applying the W3C Semantic Web recommendations, a lifecycle-spanning tool chain, and different levels of applicability. We label our method Semantic Business Web approach, since we build on W3C Semantic Web standards, use and extend them in the Business Web setting. Both artifacts are constructed in an interdisciplinary way by experts participating in the German lighthouse project THESEUS/TEXO. The project’s scenario also serves as a proof of concept evaluation of the artifacts.  相似文献   

Millions of people are connecting and exchanging information on social media platforms, where interpersonal interactions are constantly being shared. However, due to inaccurate or misleading information about the COVID-19 pandemic, social media platforms became the scene of tense debates between believers and doubters. Healthcare professionals and public health agencies also use social media to inform the public about COVID-19 news and updates. However, they occasionally have trouble managing massive pandemic-related rumors and frauds. One reason is that people share and engage, regardless of the information source, by assuming the content is unquestionably true. On Twitter, users use words and phrases literally to convey their views or opinion. However, other users choose to utilize idioms or proverbs that are implicit and indirect to make a stronger impression on the audience or perhaps to catch their attention. Idioms and proverbs are figurative expressions with a thematically coherent totality that cannot understand literally. Despite more than 10% of tweets containing idioms or slang, most sentiment analysis research focuses on the accuracy enhancement of various classification algorithms. However, little attention would decipher the hidden sentiments of the expressed idioms in tweets. This paper proposes a novel data expansion strategy for categorizing tweets concerning COVID-19. The following are the benefits of the suggested method: 1) no transformer fine-tuning is necessary, 2) the technique solves the fundamental challenge of the manual data labeling process by automating the construction and annotation of the sentiment lexicon, 3) the method minimizes the error rate in annotating the lexicon, and drastically improves the tweet sentiment classification’s accuracy performance.  相似文献   

A feature model is an essential tool to identify variability and commonality within a product line of an enterprise, assisting stakeholders to configure product lines and to discover opportunities for reuse. However, the number of product variants needed to satisfy individual customer needs is still an open question, as feature models do not incorporate any direct customer preference information. In this paper, we propose to incorporate customer preference information into feature models using sentiment analysis of user-generated online product reviews. The proposed sentiment analysis method is a hybrid combination of affective lexicons and a rough-set technique. It is able to predict sentence sentiments for individual product features with acceptable accuracy, and thus augment a feature model by integrating positive and negative opinions of the customers. Such opinionated customer preference information is regarded as one attribute of the features, which helps to decide the number of variants needed within a product line. Finally, we demonstrate the feasibility and potential of the proposed method via an application case of Kindle Fire HD tablets.  相似文献   

In recent years, the explosive growth of online media, such as blogs and social networking sites, has enabled individuals and organizations to write about their personal experiences and express opinions. Classifying these documents using a polarity metric is an arduous task. We propose a novel approach to predicting sentiment in online textual messages such as tweets and reviews, based on an unsupervised dependency parsing-based text classification method that leverages a variety of natural language processing techniques and sentiment features primarily derived from sentiment lexicons. These lexicons were created by means of a semiautomatic polarity expansion algorithm in order to improve accuracy in specific application domains. The results obtained for the Cornell Movie Review, Obama-McCain Debate and SemEval-2015 datasets confirm the competitive performance and the robustness of the system.  相似文献   

The popularity of many social media sites has prompted both academic and practical research on the possibility of mining social media data for the analysis of public sentiment. Studies have suggested that public emotions shown through Twitter could be well correlated with the Dow Jones Industrial Average. However, it remains unclear how public sentiment, as reflected on social media, can be used to predict stock price movement of a particular publicly-listed company. In this study, we attempt to fill this research void by proposing a technique, called SMeDA-SA, to mine Twitter data for sentiment analysis and then predict the stock movement of specific listed companies. For the purpose of experimentation, we collected 200 million tweets that mentioned one or more of 30 companies that were listed in NASDAQ or the New York Stock Exchange. SMeDA-SA performs its task by first extracting ambiguous textual messages from these tweets to create a list of words that reflects public sentiment. SMeDA-SA then made use of a data mining algorithm to expand the word list by adding emotional phrases so as to better classify sentiments in the tweets. With SMeDA-SA, we discover that the stock movement of many companies can be predicted rather accurately with an average accuracy over 70%. This paper describes how SMeDA-SA can be used to mine social media date for sentiments. It also presents the key implications of our study.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的飞速发展,智慧政务的建设在中国如火如荼地展开。为了更好地服务社会,获取舆论的情感倾向变得至关重要。然而,由于媒体数据的多样性,例如讨论话题、文本正文、正文回复以及文本字数限制等原因,人们不仅要对文本正文进行分析,还必须对文本回复、讨论话题等多样文本信息,以及诸如表情符号、社交关系等因素进行建模。遗憾的是,很少有研究工作针对推文文本的回复及多媒体信息进行建模。本文针对推文正文回复、话题以及多媒体信息,提出一种新的双向长短时记忆网络CBi-LSTM (Content Bi-LSTM)对舆论进行情感分析。实验表明,文本信息和多媒体信息的融合能显著提高情感分析的准确性。  相似文献   

Sporting events evoke strong emotions among fans and thus act as natural laboratories to explore emotions and how they unfold in the wild. Computational tools, such as sentiment analysis, provide new ways to examine such dynamic emotional processes. In this article we use sentiment analysis to examine tweets posted during 2014 World Cup. Such analysis gives insight into how people respond to highly emotional events, and how these emotions are shaped by contextual factors, such as prior expectations, and how these emotions change as events unfold over time. Here we report on some preliminary analysis of a World Cup twitter corpus using sentiment analysis techniques. After performing initial tests of validation for sentiment analysis on data in this corpus, we show these tools can give new insights into existing theories of what makes a sporting match exciting. This analysis seems to suggest that, contrary to assumptions in sports economics, excitement relates to expressions of negative emotion. The results are discussed in terms of innovations in methodology and understanding the role of emotion for “tuning in” to real world events. We also discuss some challenges that such data present for existing sentiment analysis techniques and discuss future analysis.  相似文献   

随着社交网络的日益普及,基于Twitter文本的情感分析成为近年来的研究热点。Twitter文本中蕴含的情感倾向对于挖掘用户需求和对重大事件的预测具有重要意义。但由于Twitter文本短小和用户自身行为存在随意性等特点,再加之现有的情感分类方法大都基于手工制作的文本特征,难以挖掘文本中隐含的深层语义特征,因此难以提高情感分类性能。本文提出了一种基于卷积神经网络的Twitter文本情感分类模型。该模型利用word2vec方法初始化文本词向量,并采用CNN模型学习文本中的深层语义信息,从而挖掘Twitter文本的情感倾向。实验结果表明,采用该模型能够取得82.3%的召回率,比传统分类方法的分类性能有显著提高。  相似文献   

Web-blogging sites such as Twitter and Facebook are heavily influenced by emotions, sentiments, and data in the modern era. Twitter, a widely used microblogging site where individuals share their thoughts in the form of tweets, has become a major source for sentiment analysis. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in demand for sentiment analysis to identify and classify opinions or expressions in text or tweets. Opinions or expressions of people about a particular topic, situation, person, or product can be identified from sentences and divided into three categories: positive for good, negative for bad, and neutral for mixed or confusing opinions. The process of analyzing changes in sentiment and the combination of these categories is known as “sentiment analysis.” In this study, sentiment analysis was performed on a dataset of 90,000 tweets using both deep learning and machine learning methods. The deep learning-based model long-short-term memory (LSTM) performed better than machine learning approaches. Long short-term memory achieved 87% accuracy, and the support vector machine (SVM) classifier achieved slightly worse results than LSTM at 86%. The study also tested binary classes of positive and negative, where LSTM and SVM both achieved 90% accuracy.  相似文献   

Social media, especially Twitter is now one of the most popular platforms where people can freely express their opinion. However, it is difficult to extract important summary information from many millions of tweets sent every hour. In this work we propose a new concept, sentimental causal rules, and techniques for extracting sentimental causal rules from textual data sources such as Twitter which combine sentiment analysis and causal rule discovery. Sentiment analysis refers to the task of extracting public sentiment from textual data. The value in sentiment analysis lies in its ability to reflect popularly voiced perceptions that are stated in natural language. Causal rules on the other hand indicate associations between different concepts in a context where one (or several concepts) cause(s) the other(s). We believe that sentimental causal rules are an effective summarization mechanism that combine causal relations among different aspects extracted from textual data as well as the sentiment embedded in these causal relationships. In order to show the effectiveness of sentimental causal rules, we have conducted experiments on Twitter data collected on the Kurdish political issue in Turkey which has been an ongoing heated public debate for many years. Our experiments on Twitter data show that sentimental causal rule discovery is an effective method to summarize information about important aspects of an issue in Twitter which may further be used by politicians for better policy making.  相似文献   

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