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过去10年来.美国消费者的饮料消费情况已发生了重大变化.即从二十世纪八九十年代的软饮料、碳酸饮料为主体而转向对身体健康更有益的植物蛋白饮料(如大豆豆奶)和果汁类饮料为主.而后者的发展速度更快。据来自美国某公司的一份调查报告中披露北美洲(指美国.加拿大和墨西哥三国)业已成为全球最大果汁饮料市场.其果汁饮料销售额约占该地区全部饮料市场份额的60%。而美国则是北美洲最大果汁饮料市场.其果汁饮料销售额约占北美洲地区的85%。随着健康教育的普及.越来越多的美国消费者已不再喜好喝高糖碳酸饮料.而是将目光转向营养丰富.含多种维生素、矿物质,膳食纤维与其他营养物质的天然果汁产品。  相似文献   

饮料发展现状,趋势与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1997年有关世界饮料消费的一份调研报告中指出,传统的饮料消费方式已发生了很大的变化,现将几个有代表性的国家(欧、美、日)的饮料消费现况与前景作一简单介绍,并提出有关对策。一、世界饮料消费现状目前,德国人选购饮料首先考虑对身体健康是否有益。在白天,他们习惯喝含有多种维生素的果汁和汽水(碳酸饮料)。美国人爱喝各种维生素饮料和可口可乐等。在清晨一般喝含有维生素的饮料,早餐时他们饮用各种新鲜果汁或蔬菜汁(芒果汁、西红柿汁、胡萝卜汁等)。在办公室,上班族一般饮用矿泉水,而上班的女士在整个白天都喜欢饮用矿泉水…  相似文献   

结合国外果汁饮料市场的发展规律及中国消费者的消费能力和消费习惯,未来我国果汁饮料市场的发展预计将会呈现下列特征:  相似文献   

在经历2001年运动型饮料“轻怡”、“健怡”的贴身紧逼后,“两乐”中国之争的烽火终于从碳酸饮料开始向非碳酸饮料蔓延。可口可乐在广州宣布:投入1亿元人民币推广一种从日本引进的果汁饮料“酷儿(Qoo)”,并力争拿下40%的市场份额。而据广州百事可乐公司有关人士透露,百事今年在果汁饮料方面会有比较大的动作。  相似文献   

在当今欧美软饮料市场中,迎合时代潮流需要的饮料产品须具备多种因素,如时尚、美味、营养、便利、充满个性、趣味性、愉悦性等,而美味和天然又是影响欧美市场的重要因素。在今天,口味已不是产品成功的唯一因素,包装和消费的便利性同样对产品的成功有着重要的影响。以下介绍几种在当今欧美较为流行的饮料产品。  相似文献   

黑加仑子又称黑豆果,是生长于我国北方的一种小浆果,果汁呈美丽的紫红色,含有较高的维生素C及丰富的氨基酸、有机酸、无机盐等营养成分.在家庭、食堂,以至冷饮店均可以黑加仑果汁为原料自制具有独特风味的各式黑加仑饮料.这类饮料还可以根据不同人的口味随意调整配方制作,因而有很大的灵活性,受到人们的欢迎.  相似文献   

宋伟  武宁 《新食品》2007,(6):45-46
中国饮料工业协会提供的数据表明,2006年中国饮料市场规模为4100万吨,其中果汁饮料、茶饮料再加上纯净水和碳酸饮料俨然占据了中国饮料市场85%以上的份额,品牌集中度高,且战事频繁,无形中设立了较高的行业门槛,使后进者无法撼动市场中的主流产品。  相似文献   

在全国建立4个10万吨奶源基地和10余处城市级奶源基地,建立辐射全国32个省、市、自治区的销售网络和数万个销售网点,以全国的资源做全国市场;引吸达能等国际资本,与跨国公司既联合又竞争,取得了超常规发展,公司2001年销售收入35亿元,进入中国乳业先进行列。  相似文献   

把果蔬压榨再压榨——果蔬饮料业市场分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 据AC尼尔森的统计数据,以纯净水、果汁以及茶饮料为代表的非碳酸饮料,其国际市场的增长幅度十分惊人。1995-1998年销售量的增幅为14%,1998-2000年的增幅达45%。专家预测,全球果汁饮料的消费量在未来5年时间里,将达到每年10‰以上的增幅。 点检家底看优势 “嚼得菜根香,胜似做君王”,我国是农业大国,有几千年之久的农耕文化,是当今国际社会理想的绿色基地。  相似文献   

The work described here deals with the effectiveness of using high-pressure carbon dioxide treatment (HPCD) to stabilise freshly squeezed blood orange juice. Technical planning of a continuous high-pressure supercritical carbon dioxide pilot system, suitable for development on an industrial scale, was carried out in our lab. To determine the optimal operating conditions (temperature, pressure, and CO2/juice ratio), three different experimental trials were carried out. The first trial was conducted at 230 bar, 36 ± 1 °C, 5.08 L/h juice flow rate, and 3.91 L/h CO2 flow rate, corresponding to a gCO2/gjuice ratio of 0.770. The second trial utilised the same conditions except that the operative pressure was reduced (130 bar). The third trial was carried out at 130 bar, 36 ± 1 °C, 5.08 L/h juice flow rate, 1.96 L/h CO2 flow rate, corresponding to a 0.385 gCO2/gjuice ratio. The effects of processing were evaluated by determining physicochemical, antioxidant, and microbiological parameters of the treated juices. In addition, once the best operative parameters had been determined, physicochemical, antioxidant, microbiological and sensory evaluation of fresh blood orange juice stabilised by HPCD treatment was carried out during refrigerated storage of juices at 4 ± 1 °C for thirty days. The results showed that HPCD treatment cannot be considered as an alternative to traditional thermal methods but as a new mild technology for producing a stabilised blood orange juice with a shelf-life of 20 days.Industrial relevanceBlood oranges are the main cultivated varieties of Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck in Italy. Freshly squeezed blood orange juice exert a high antiradical and antioxidant activity, due to its rich phenolic profile, but its preservation is usually assured by thermal treatment which affects its nutritional and sensory value. In this study we proposed a “milder” continuous HPCD process suitable for implementation on an industrial scale. The HPCD stabilised juice retains its physicochemical, antioxidant, and sensory properties and could be placed within a new retail framework, namely, that of fresh juices with a shelf-life of 20 days.  相似文献   

果蔬中含有的多元酚成分,加上多种有机酸、维生素以及营养物质,使乙醇脱氢酶、乙醛脱氢酶活性大大提高,加速酒精的代谢,分解酒精在人体内产生的有害物质乙醛,加速其转化为乙酸、二氧化碳和水,最终排出体外.从而减轻或消除乙醛对人体的伤害,缓解酒后头晕、恶心、呕吐等不良反应.本试验以橘子、西瓜和葡萄混合果汁作为原料,采用正交试验,对混合果汁组分含量进行筛选,发现在橘子汁含量25%,西瓜汁含量20%,葡萄汁含量25%时,本混合果汁具有最优醒酒作用.  相似文献   

张云甫 《中国调味品》2003,(3):28-30,12
11 常用卤鸭、酱鸭、烤鸭配方 (主料50 0g)1 1 1 小茴香 2g、盐 8 2g、水 750g1 1 2 小茴香 2g、八角、生姜各 1g、粗盐8 9g、水 80 0g1 1 3 桂皮、鲜姜各 1g、花椒、陈皮各 0 33g、丁香、砂仁各 0 7g、酱油 1 0g、盐 9g、白糖1 0 7g、水 50 0g1 1 4 丁香 1g、盐 5g、酱油 2 0g、黄酒 4g、酱色4g1 1 5 姜 6 6g、葱、茴香各 1 6 7g、八角、山柰各 3 3g、桂皮 3g、盐 5g、酱油 1 6 6g、冰糖、白糖、料酒各 1 6 6g、水 750g1 1 6 大茴香、花椒、陈皮、肉桂、排草、灵草、草果共 1 7g、葱、姜…  相似文献   

构建了一套清汁型果汁市场分析的指标体系,并运用AHP和模糊综合评判法对黄山市3种清汁型果汁的市场评价进行了量化评判和分析,为果汁企业在果汁工艺的选择及市场销售情况的预测方面提供了指导。  相似文献   

文化用品市场已经发展为国际化的、高度透明的市场,欧元区的形成则加强了市场的透明度和竞争。如今,多数欧盟文具企业正以吞并、合并以及合作的形式寻找外国合作者来加强自己的市场地位,因此影响着市场上可供出售的产品类型。准确把握市场销售渠道的零售商们是产品交给消费者之前最后接触产品的人。  相似文献   

在数字印刷机刚刚进入市场的初期.购买数字印刷机的印刷者的初衷都是想为其客户提供一些新的服务.然而很快他们就发现.要真正充分发挥这种新设备的优势,必须寻来新的出路,开拓尚未被人们发现的新市场及应用领域.英国有一家Digitalinsight公司.是Focal设计工作室所属的一个分支机构,该设计室由DavidBotham及其合伙人GaryMcllvenny创办.几年前。Focal对内部结构进行了重新调整。使其业务涵盖设计、展览、发行及数字服务几大领域,DigitalInsight正是在那时成立的。DhatalInsight公司的主要业务是为客户提供印刷服务,公司有数字…  相似文献   

Despite the enormous opportunity that the Chinese market provides for exporting companies in the food and beverage industry, little research has considered Chinese consumer decision making processes surrounding these products. This study provides an empirical investigation into how Chinese consumers prioritize extrinsic product attributes (brand, nutrition content claim, ingredient label, shelf-life, price, and manufacturing country) when making their fruit juice purchase decisions. The study illustrates that consumer decision making processes are culturally embedded by presenting a comparison of the study’s findings with the more prevalent Western-based literature on consumer decision making processes.A choice-based conjoint survey was administered to 645 Chinese participants in Hangzhou, China using the internet-based software 1000Minds. Three consumer segments were identified through cluster analysis: Health Conscious, Premium Product, and Long Product Shelf-life. The Health Conscious segment wants natural and nutritious fruit juices that have a well-known brand. The Premium Product segment is willing to pay higher prices for imported fruit juices. Compared to the other two segments, the Long Product Shelf-life segment prefers lower priced and extended shelf-life fruit juices that are more convenient to store and consume. While the three clusters were similar in their preferences for the fruit juice attributes and levels, they differed in the rank order of the attributes. These findings highlight the importance of how extrinsic product attributes are traded off by Chinese consumers when making their fruit juice purchase decisions.The identification of these Chinese consumer segments provides juice manufacturers better knowledge on the market opportunities in China and strategic guidance for effective positioning, packaging, labeling, and pricing of fruit juices. This attribute prioritization-based segmentation for the Chinese consumer market is novel and thus provides strong implications for the fruit juice industry. In addition, this paper also makes a novel academic contribution to the Chinese consumer decision making literature on food and beverage products.  相似文献   

2005年中国将成为亚洲最大的果汁市场吗?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从果汁饮料市场的前景、特征对中国果汁饮料市场概况作以综述,并对果汁市场的渗透率进行了调查,预测了中国果汁饲料市场规模。  相似文献   

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