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对双曲余弦高斯光束通过光阑透镜分离系统的轴上光强分布做了详细的数值分析。研究发现,在一定条件下轴上存在两个光强极大值点,并且在这两个极大值点相互竞争中会出现焦点位置的有效置换,即出现焦开关。厄米双曲余弦高斯光束产生焦开关的条件是:光阑与透镜相对间距为1,光束阶数为偶数,光束参数小于其相应的临界值,截断参数在它的两个临界值之间。进一步研究表明,焦点位置相对跃迁量和轴上相对光强下凹量随光束参数的减小而增大,但是随着截断参数的增大焦点位置相对跃迁量和轴上相对光强下凹量将分别出现一个极大值。在大范围调焦的应用中,可利用焦开关实现调焦之目的;在精密聚焦的激光应用中,应控制焦开关的产生。  相似文献   

沈锋  姜文汉 《光电工程》1998,25(6):32-36,50
讨论环形孔径高斯光束的远场光斑能量分布,并给出拟合表达式。首先推导光束没有拌动时远场光斑的光能分布表达式,然后研究各种不同中心遮拦和不同光束截断比。在有以及没有激光束拌动的情况下,对高斯光束的远场环围能量分布变化的影响。  相似文献   

本文从傍轴波动方程出发,在线性化假设下,导出了任意振幅分布的发射场相位与接收场振幅分布之间的解析关系式,并对高斯光束进行了数值模拟。模拟结果表明,衍射场强度与要求场强度之间符合较好。最后对数值模拟结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

大气湍流对贝塞尔高斯光束轴上光强的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对光束在大气中传播时,大气湍流引起的光强起伏等现象.为了探索寻求减弱或者消除湍流的影响的途径,本文采用数值模拟的方法,分析了湍流大气对(零阶)贝塞尔高斯光束轴上光强的影响.分析发现,在湍流环境中,贝塞尔高斯光束的轴上光强都随着传播距离的增加而减小,湍流越强,光束的轴上光强减小越快.贝塞尔高斯光束的径向波矢量越小,轴上光强的稳定性越好.贝塞尔高斯光束轴上光强的稳定性随着传播距离的增加而变坏.贝塞尔高斯光束跟同样束宽的高斯光束相比较,贝塞尔高斯光束的轴上光强受湍流的影响较大.  相似文献   

讨论环形孔径高斯光束的远场光斑能量分布,并给出拟合表达式。首先推导光束没有抖动时远场光斑的光能分布表达式,然后研究各种不同中心遮拦和不同光束截断比,在有以及没有激光束抖动的情况下,对高斯光束的远场环围能量分布变化的影响。  相似文献   

朱拓  倪晓武 《光电工程》1998,25(4):48-54
在将散射粒子间的相互作用看作简谐力、入射光为准直高斯光束、散射光为理想平面光波的模型下研究了胶体溶液中布朗粒子的统计特征并求解了动态光散射的散射光电场强度的自相关函数;  相似文献   

何毅  冯志超 《光电工程》1993,20(4):46-50
本文介绍良导体二维粗糙表面对红外激光束的散射分布;讨论不同偏振方式入射时散射光的分布特点,以及中等粗糙表面和弱粗糙表面散射能量在不同入射角下的变化趋势;分析表面参数对分布的影响。文章对观察到的弱粗糙表面散射在镜反射方向附近的边凸现象作了简述;这一现象由散射光的相干叠加而引起,有深入研究的价值。  相似文献   

为了提高激光光束的应用水平,需要将高斯光束整形为平顶光束。分析了非球面高斯光束均束器的基本原理和设计理论,选用超高斯光束函数作为平顶光束的数学-物理模型,建立了入射高斯光束与出射平顶光束之间的映射关系式,给出了高阶非球面的面型参数,利用光学设计软件ZEMAX设计了高斯光束均束器光学系统。系统入射光束直径为2 mm,出射光束直径为4 mm,激光波长为1064 nm。分析了能量转换效率,根据Bessel公式定义了平顶光束的平顶度。设计结果实现了激光束的2倍准直扩束、95.98%的能量转换效率和96.6%的平顶度。  相似文献   

径各平方贝赛尔函数调制高斯光束的焦移   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
给出变量为径向平方的贝塞尔函数调制的高斯光束(QBG光束)通过ABCD聚集光学系统的轴上光强分布公式,对QBG光束通过薄秀镜聚集系统的轴上光强分布及焦移进行了研究,得到相对焦移满足的三次方程和解析解,给出详细的数值计算结果并进行了分析讨论。  相似文献   

Reflection and transmission spectra of a plane longitudinal wave normally incident on a coplanar periodic array of identical spherical elastic inclusions in a solid (polyester) matrix are measured at wavelengths that are comparable to the inter-particle distance. These spectra exhibit pronounced Wood's anomalies i.e., a sharp variations in amplitude at the onset of a shear wave diffraction order as well as a drop in the transmission and a corresponding maximum in the reflection coefficients due to an enhancement of the resonance of the particles (for the case reported herein, this is the rigid body translational “dipole” resonance). An approximate low frequency (ka<1) self-consistent model is developed in which multiple scattering is explicitly taken into account by adding appropriate terms to the well-known solution for the scattering of a plane longitudinal wave by a single spherical particle in an unbounded matrix. The results of the numerical calculations show excellent agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

依据斯特列尔判断,采用解线性方程组的方法讨论了高斯光束初级和高级球差的最佳校正形式,并以表格方式给出了最佳校正形式。讨论了按照均匀光波最佳校正形式对高斯光束进行像差平衡时的中心点亮度变化,研究表明,在工程实际中,采用普通光学系统的像差平衡理论对激光光学系统进行设计是完全可行的。  相似文献   

Scattering of compressional waves in multiphase metal matrix composites containing spherical particles with spherically isotropic graded interfacial layers is investigated using a state-space approach. A continuous transition from the particle to the matrix with the change of volume fraction of one of the constituents is assumed to exist across the thickness of the interphase zone. A simplified multilayer model for the interphase complications including both anisotropy and inhomogeneity is considered. Taylor’s expansion theorem is employed to solve a modal state equation leading to a global transfer matrix that directly links the boundary conditions at the outer surface of the interface layer to those at the inner surface. Numerical calculations reveal the important effects of interphase anisotropy and inhomogeneity on the total scattering cross section and dynamic stress concentrations for a moderately wide range of frequencies and interface layer thicknesses.  相似文献   

A weighting algorithm to determine the coordinates of the center of a Gaussian laser beam projected onto a matrix photodetector is considered. The influence of the internal noise of the photodetector, the maximum brightness of the signal at the beam maximum, and the beam radius on the precision of the algorithm is investigated. Recommendations on image processing are presented.  相似文献   

Scattered fields of the inhomogeneous plane waves from a truncated cylindrical cap are obtained. Also the uniform diffracted fields are performed in terms of the Fresnel functions. Reflected and diffracted fields are obtained by using the physical optics and the geometrical theory of diffraction methods, respectively. All the mentioned results are plotted numerically for various numerical parameters.  相似文献   

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