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知识管理中基于本体的扩展检索方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在知识管理系统中,为有效地解决用户查询与文档之间相同概念的不同表达形式造成的失配问题,提出一种基于本体、以面向任务情景的结构化描述作为信息体内容的语义索引的双向扩展检索方法,通过相容匹配和知识联网2种机制实现了扩展检索,分别对应于自上而下的和自下而上的2种途径;并采用查询重写模板(QRT)来搜索与当前任务相关的知识.基于原始查询和本体,QRT生成大量的子查询,同时将与原始查询相关度的权重传递给子查询式.自上而下方法或知识联网机制通过组织、任务本体检索到相关知识项.自下而上方法在任务情景中搜索相似任务,并获取包含该任务描述的知识项.2种方法都应用QRT实现基于本体的知识检索.实验结果表明:文中方法提高了知识管理系统的检索效率和准确率.  相似文献   

季丽丹  胡华 《计算机工程与设计》2006,27(21):4013-4015,4048
知识管理是一种综合利用信息技术以实现知识俘获和存储的重要技术。如何将知识工作者的注意力快捷地集中到对解决当前工作有价值的信息体中是当前知识管理研究的热点。研究了知识项及任务情景的自动化建立过程,具体介绍了基于任务情景的知识管理系统的体系结构及实现的方法。  相似文献   

支持创新型组织学习:基于任务情景的知识适用性管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高济 《计算机学报》2007,30(9):1533-1543
面临商务环境的快速变迁和难以预测,创新型组织学习正在成为组织提高生存、适应和竞争能力的关键途径.然而,现有的KM技术对于如何支持创新型组织学习,没有进行深入、系统的研究;导致知识工作者在获取适用性好的信息体(从而促进业务创新)和主动参与OM开放性进化(以促进创新知识的传播和共享)方面缺乏有效的支持.文中提出基于任务情景的知识适用性管理方法KAMTC,旨在以基于应用域本体的任务情景描述模式作为统一的语义基础,去确切、全面和便捷地描述业务工作的查询需求和受检信息体的适用性,以克服这些挑战性问题,进而有效支持知识创新和创新型组织学习的展开.  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的不断发展与应用,信息系统集成建设成为发展的必然趋势,也是相关部门以及工作人员研究的重点内容之一。笔者以面向集成情景的信息系统集成为研究对象,运用一定的研究工具,从多种角度对信息系统集成进行了分析,对信息系统集成情景下的面向供应链管理的信息系统集成以及面向企业组织管理的信息系统集成,进行了理论与实践的研究,以供参考。  相似文献   

多跳推理模型在知识图谱中充分挖掘和利用实体间的多步关系,组成路径信息,完成知识推理,然而,目前的稀疏知识图谱多跳推理模型大多存在数据稀少及推理路径可靠性较低等问题.为了解决该问题,文中提出融合语义信息的知识图谱多跳推理模型.首先,将知识图谱中的实体和关系嵌入向量空间,作为强化学习训练的外部环境.然后,利用查询关系和推理路径的语义信息,选择相似度最高的(关系,实体)对扩充智能体进行路径搜索的动作空间,以此弥补推理过程中数据稀少的不足.最后,使用推理路径和查询关系的语义相似度评价推理路径的可靠性,并作为奖励函数反馈给智能体.在多个公开稀疏数据集上的实验表明,文中模型明显提升推理性能.  相似文献   

随着智能化水平的不断提高,每时每刻都有大量的新知识产生,知识图谱逐渐成为我们管理知识的工具之一.但现有的知识图谱仍然存在属性缺失、关系稀疏等问题,同时还存在大量噪声信息,导致图谱质量不佳,易对自然语言处理领域中的各类任务造成影响.面向知识图谱的知识推理技术作为目前的研究热点,是解决该问题的主要方法,其通过模拟人的推理过程完成对图谱信息的完善,在众多应用中有较好表现.以知识图谱为切入点,将知识推理技术按类别划分并分别阐释,详细分析该技术的几种应用任务,例如智能问答、推荐系统等,最后对未来主要研究方向进行展望,提出几种研究思路.  相似文献   

对等网环境下基于任务链的智能查询支持技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘震  邓苏  罗雪山  黄宏斌 《计算机工程》2006,32(14):174-176
提出了一种基于任务链的对等网信息智能查询体系框架(TLB-PPIQA),结合对等网和基于任务链的知识管理技术的特征,为用户提供非集中环境下更为灵活的、面向领域的知识建模能力和面向语义的、智能化的查询支持。其中重点对知识库的结构和智能查询流程进行了介绍。  相似文献   

智能教学系统NKI-Tutor的知识查询设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐素勤 《计算机工程》2003,29(14):183-185
NKI-Tutor是国家知识基础设施面向应用的智能教学系统,其功能是将NKI丰富的知识传授给用户。知识查询是NKI-Tulor给用户提供的一种查询式学习模式。该文研究如何通过NKI-Tutor的知识查询界面实现用户与智能教学系统的交互而获得所需知识,提出了基于自然语言理解的知识查询方法,用于构造和实现NKI-Tutor中用户查询知识的交互界面。该方法包括3方面内容:(1)分析用户的知识查询形式,采集用户查询句型模板;(2)根据用户查询的知识特征,把知识查询映射到概念.关系模型上;(3)通过智能分词和模糊匹配构造查询结果。  相似文献   

吴江  赵宗涛 《计算机科学》2005,32(9):145-148
本文提出一种基于本体的非结构化知识管理系统框架.在该框架中,知识库由知识体和应用本体两部分组成,可解决知识的重用和共享问题.知识检索可以通过知识地图导航和自动检索两种方式完成,有一定的智能性.知识管理门户采用XML和XSL相结合的开发方法,具有动态特点.本文还对知识库的安全管理方法进行了初步研究,提出了一个可用的知识库安全管理解决方案.  相似文献   

为探索知识图谱技术在农业智能生产中应用与落地, 解决复杂多样的农业生产数据的精准查询与可视化问题, 本研究以小麦品种知识为例, 利用爬虫技术, 爬取1852个小麦品种信息、735个微百科、102349个词条; 基于知识图谱技术, 设计品种知识图谱实体与关系, 对抓取数据进行清洗、抽取与融合, 经过实体识别、关系构造等处理, 构建实体258484个, 关系328933个. 在此基础上, 设计了小麦品种知识存储方式, 结构化数据存储在MySQL中, 非结构化数据存储在MongoDB中, 使用Neo4j图数据库存储知识图谱来提高知识的查询性能, 在此基础上实现小麦品种关系查询与实体识别, 提供品种数据精确表达与可视化, 表明利用知识图谱技术实现品种等信息的可视化是可行的, 该研究可以为知识图谱在农业中的应用提供技术参考和理论支撑.  相似文献   

知识管理在化工企业中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
知识已成为企业重要的生产投入要素,知识管理能将企业战略、信息系统和企业核心能力知识有机结合起来,而成为新的研究热点。当前国际管理信息发展的三个趋势是:从信息管理走向知识管理,从信息资源开发走向知识资源开发,由C/S(Client/Server)结构走向B/S(Browser/Server)结构。企业实施知识管理是当前现代管理的发展方向。该文分析了化工企业实施知识管理的必要性,介绍了知识管理的基本概念,提出了知识管理系统的分层框架,以及企业实施知识管理的原则和步骤。  相似文献   

随着知识管理的发展,隐性知识逐渐成为知识管理的核心.为了实现对隐性知识统一、有效地管理,在对隐性知识管理的现状及问题的分析基础之上,提出了较为完备的隐性知识管理的功能模型,并对其实现的关键技术进行分析.该模型将使得隐性知识管理从分散的理论研究落实到具体可实施的技术层面上,在一定程度弥补了当前对隐性知识管理应用研究的不足.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,客户关系管理和知识管理成为当前的热点研究领域,客户关系管理离不开知识管理的支持。本文通过对知识管理概念的分析,提出了具有知识管理支撑系统的CRM系统,以支持客户关系在企业中的实际应用。  相似文献   

Knowledge is currently considered an asset for organisations. In this new paradigm, Knowledge Management (KM) is emerging as an unavoidable activity for organisations. Information and communications technologies, together with business policies, become a tool par excellence for supporting the creation of KM platforms that provide access to organisation knowledge resources such as workers, technical reports, software applications, and business documents. In spite of the benefits provided by current KM platforms, most of them were designed to manage a single type of knowledge (tacit or explicit) without considering either the form in which organisational areas need knowledge to be provided (reactive or proactive) or the integration with business processes. This work presents a process-aware approach to develop KM platforms linked to business processes with semantic capability to manage knowledge objects with natural language content as well as to support social interactions and ad hoc working groups. To this aim, a comprehensive analysis of influencing-KM factors to be addressed by technological solutions is considered by a set of technological requirements. Based on these requirements, a model that provides the main components to be addressed by KM approaches is specified and implemented by a technological platform. This platform goes after a balance between technological and social aspects that support and promote collaboration and communication among organisation members.  相似文献   

This study investigates how workers' gender, work experience, designated division, and appointment affect (i) their perception of information technology (IT) within the organisation, (ii) their self-perceived capacity in knowledge management (KM), and (iii) their perception of organisational performance (OP). Furthermore, the study also examines the correlation among the above three dimensions by using t-test, one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Pearson correlation and stepwise regression analysis. These results show a positive correlation among IT application, KM capacity, and OP. In addition, the study discovers that (i) adequate IT investment and acceptance will improve employees' KM capacity, (ii) appropriate IT investment and training and employees' knowledge replication ability can better predict organisational outcomes, and (iii) employees' KM capacity is a better predictor of OP than IT application. Results also show that personal factors do affect workers' perception of the organisation's IT application, their KM capacity, and overall OP.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Researchers report mixed findings on the successful application of information technologies (IT) for knowledge management (KM). The primary difficulty is argued to be the use of information management techniques and concepts to design and develop KM Tools. Also problematic is the existence of a multiplicity of KM technologies, the application and use of which differs across organizations. This paper argues that these problems stem, in part, from the information system field's over-reliance on design concepts from the functionalist paradigm. Hence, our contention that alternative perspectives, which bring into focus issues of ontology and epistemology, need to be brought to bear in order to understand the challenges involved in the design and deployment of IT artefacts in knowledge management systems (KMS). The philosophy of technology, with its emphasis on the primacy of praxis, and which incorporates ontological and epistemological concepts from phenomenology and hermeneutics, is applied to the findings of a participative action research study to illustrate how social actors interpret and understand worldly phenomena and subsequently share their knowledge of the life-world using IT. The outcome of this marriage of situated practical theory and philosophy is a set of design principles to guide the development of a core KM Tool for KMS.  相似文献   

The knowledge management (KM) literature largely focuses on the explicit and formal representation of knowledge in computer‐based KM systems. Informal KM practices are widespread, but less is known about them. This paper aims to redress this imbalance by exploring the use of interactive information technology (IT) applications for informal knowledge sharing (KS). We develop theoretical propositions to highlight the key facets of informal KS processes, and illustrate them through an interpretive case‐study analysis of KS in two public relations firms in China. We then discuss the implications of our findings for practice in both China and beyond. Finally, we recommend a research agenda to further investigate informal, relationship‐based knowledge sharing.  相似文献   

Organization scholars differ in their understanding and application of the construct of “knowledge” in theorizing and empirical research. Over the past years, two perspectives have become prevalent in organization science. The individualist perspective assumes the locus of knowledge is people who learn, and that knowledge cannot extend beyond the physical limits of human beings. The collectivist perspective assumes the locus of knowledge is collective. Collective entities accumulate knowledge through forms of social learning. Boundaries of knowledge are drawn around social entities—groups, communities, networks, and organizational units, etc. Recent work in management and organization science has accentuated the differences, and argued against the widespread adoption of a collectivist perspective. This argument holds implications for information systems research. The current paper reviews selected contributions on the locus of knowledge, presents an argument for a combined collectivist and individualist perspective, and outlines future directions for information systems research. Drawing on two significant examples, I show that information systems research has a strategic role to play in greatly advancing this combined perspective.  相似文献   

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