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国外客户是外贸型企业最重要的竞争资源,是企业的生存之本.ERP等操作型的信息系统自动化企业内部流程,并积累了大量的客户交易历史数据,如何利用基于数据仓库之上的客户关系管理解决方案分析,挖掘客户有价值信息以保持和吸引客户成为培养外贸型企业核心竞争力的重要主题.本文结合ERP和CRM系统提出了综合的客户关系管理解决方案,以实现向客户提供一致的,集成的,个性化的优质服务.  相似文献   

CRM中客户关系分析评价方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
过分饱和的、需求驱动的市场使客户成为企业的重要财富,而CRM是改善企业与客户之间关系的新型管理机制。文章论述了CRM的产生与发展、国内外发展现状、市场前景及发展趋势。重点讨论了分析型CRM的有关问题。研究了怎样利用数据挖掘技术的各种方法,在分析型CRM的客户评价系统中进行客户关系指标评价以及市场预测等。  相似文献   

移动CRM系统将"以客户为中心"的CRM理念延伸到一个全新的无线平台,能为企业带来更满意的投资效益比,而高通公司的BREW平台非常适于开发在CDMA网络中使用的移动CRM系统。文章通过一个应用于保险行业的移动CRM系统阐述了如何设计一个结构合理、运行良好的移动CRM系统。  相似文献   

在支持向量机分类模型的基础上,以客户流失预测为例,阐述了分析型(CRM)体系结构和客户主题数据集市的设计,并详细介绍了数据预处理、模型创建及评估的方法步骤.通过对移动运营商CRM系统中的客户数据进行实证研究表明,把支持向量机应用于分析型CRM中的客户流失挖掘是有效可行的.  相似文献   

介绍了CRM系统的相关知识,阐述了数据仓库技术在CRM系统中应用的必然性,给出了一个基于数据仓库技术的分析型CRM系统的体系结构图,并且针对某网上书店,以客户购买主题为例,提出了该分析型CRM系统中客户信息数据仓库模型的设计方案,具体阐述了概念模型设计、逻辑模型设计和物理模型设计,并以MS SQL Server 2000平台为基础,给出了具体的实现,在企业引入分析型CRM系统时为构建数据仓库提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

客户关系管理(CRM)是一个解决企业与客户之间存在的问题、发现最有价值的客户的信息系统,目的是为企业开源,创造更大的利润。目前,市场竞争日趋激烈,竞争的焦点已经从产品转移到了客户服务。“为客户服务”的理念已经深入人心。从这一点来看,CRM在中国具有广阔的前景。在2002年,由于受到全球IT预算紧缩的影响,中国CRM市场随同全球CRM  相似文献   

马根峰 《计算机工程与设计》2005,26(5):1361-1362,1368
客户关系管理系统(CRM)的计算机应用是指利用计算机信息技术,针对营销、销售、客户服务、客户交互和客户分析等面向客户的业务领域而设计出的各种软件功能模块的组合,来最大限度地支持CRM的经营理念在企业范围内的具体实践。首先对CRM进行了简单的介绍,然后结合公话业务的特点,对公话业务CRM的设计进行了一定的探索,界定了公话业务CRM应用所涉及的领域,设计了基于分析型公话CRM应用系统的系统模型、基本功能模块及其设计平台。  相似文献   

CRM系统是当代企业的一种全新的管理理念,它通过完善的客户服务和深入的客户分析来满足客户的需求,保证实现客户的终身价值.而构建CRM系统的关键技术是数据仓库.本文通过对数据仓库技术和CRM系统的分析,构建了基于数据仓库的CRM系统.  相似文献   

分析型CRM使用数据挖掘技术对客户数据进行分析,并预测客户未来的行为。分析型CRM的主要功能有客户保持,交叉营销,市场划分和风险评估。本文介绍了一个分析型CRM系统——KDACRM的软件体系结构,并阐述了各个功能模块的作用和实现的方法。  相似文献   

“以前很多客户存在一个误区:一提到 CRM,就直奔数据仓库,实际上目前很多企业都缺乏一个运营型的CRM 系统。从实际经验看,我认为,客户还是应该先做流程,先将运营型 CRM 做起来,发展到一定程度后,再做分析型 CRM。”合力金桥软件公司(HOLLYCRM)CEO 曲道俊对 CRM 系统的实施提出了自己的见解。曲道俊认为,从功能上 CRM 软件可分为三部分:协  相似文献   

The CRM System, which maximizes business profits by pursuing a continuous relationship with customers, is based on an analytical CRM that sets up a marketing strategy by analyzing customer information. However, thanks to the technological development of the Internet and mobile phones, customer contact is being carried out through a variety of channels. Yet currently, the needs of customers are not being addressed in a timely manner due to a weak system that cannot immediately deal with customer requests and because of which customer information is not administered in a systematic manner.Therefore, rather than focusing on off-line-focused analytical CRM, it is necessary to concentrate on real time CRM that reflects the aspects of the operative or collaborative CRM. This study also develops an Event CRM solution that can bring satisfaction to customers when they want it by systematizing the contact points of customers, which constitute various institutions and channels.The CRM model that this study presents is the support of Event CRM services for all business types against the backdrop of a wireless/wire environment, and the support of small and medium sized companies, which are burdened by information management costs, to meet the demand for CRM.In order to present the wireless/wire integration CRM Gateway Model, the study focuses on insurance CRM services.When a customer event arises through various channels such as the Internet, SFA or CTI, the event data are transferred through a standardized form. Based on these data, the campaign and service is then extracted and analyzed with the Event CRM Gateway Engine. A match is immediately made between the saved rules and the campaign and services that best fit the customer. Finally, the information is provided to the customer via a mobile phone or website.  相似文献   

基于聚类的数据挖掘技术在电子商务CRM中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对电子商务中客户关系管理聚类数据挖掘技术的研究,提出基于CABOSFV算法的客户聚类算法,用于解决客户关系管理中大量高维稀疏数据组成的客户行为数据集聚类分析和信息管理问题。  相似文献   

针对电信CRM中“数据丰富但知识贫乏”的现象,利用数据挖掘技术和SL IQ决策树构造算法建立一棵决策树模型,在CRM中根据客户的年龄、所属城市和性别对客户分类,对预测客户类型,防止用户流失,争取新用户具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The Wizard of OZ in Crmland: Crm's Need for Business Process Management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For several years now the focus of CRM has been to make it easier for companies to “reach out and touch” their customers, and vice versa. We have seen an explosion of technologies (wireless, chat, Web portals, voice recognition, analytics, and so on) that have made it convenient for customers to contact vendors, for employees to obtain information, and for companies to hone in on their most valuable assets - profitable customers. Over the last year, CRM company revenues have soared as the big get huge, and the small pick up sizable crumbs left over from the CRM table. Sure, the market is consolidating; but the CRM money machine rolls on.  相似文献   

The growth of electronic commerce has created the need of automated bargaining agents for improving the efficiency of online transactions. From the perspective of customer relationship marketing (CRM), establishing and maintaining the best possible relationship with valuable customers is a good way to survive in the competitive global market. In order to retain valuable customers, high share customers ought to be treated differently from the low share customers in the bargaining process. In our research, we formulate strategies for a bargaining agent based on the CRM principle. Bargaining tactics are expressed as fuzzy rules that mimic a human bargainer’s knowledge and judgment in making decisions. Actions of the bargaining agent are determined by using approximate reasoning from the set of fuzzy rules. Our bargaining agent and three other bargaining agents found in the literature are employed in an experimental online store. Experimental results indicate that our bargaining agent is more efficient and creates greater customer satisfaction and customer loyalty than do the bargaining agents from the literature.  相似文献   

The growth of electronic commerce has created the need of automated bargaining agents for improving the efficiency of online transactions. From the perspective of customer relationship marketing (CRM), establishing and maintaining the best possible relationship with valuable customers is a good way to survive in the competitive global market. In order to retain valuable customers, high share customers ought to be treated differently from the low share customers in the bargaining process. In our research, we formulate strategies for a bargaining agent based on the CRM principle. Bargaining tactics are expressed as fuzzy rules that mimic a human bargainer’s knowledge and judgment in making decisions. Actions of the bargaining agent are determined by using approximate reasoning from the set of fuzzy rules. Our bargaining agent and three other bargaining agents found in the literature are employed in an experimental online store. Experimental results indicate that our bargaining agent is more efficient and creates greater customer satisfaction and customer loyalty than do the bargaining agents from the literature.  相似文献   

潘燕 《计算机时代》2011,(11):35-36,39
数据挖掘技术在汽车销售企业客户关系管理中的有效应用,有助于跟踪发现业务发展的趋势,预测未知的结果,并帮助企业分析出完成任务所需的关键因素,以达到增加收入、降低成本的目的。文章通过具体的实验:利用聚类分析的K-Means算法对汽车销售企业客户资料进行挖掘,为企业预售车型找出其目标客户,为汽车的销售提供指导性的服务,帮助企业提高销售的成功机率。  相似文献   

描述了证券业客户流失分析的重要性,客户流失的定义,提出了影响客户流失的各种特征因素.然后根据CRM中的RFM模型,加入客户收益率指标,提出了证券行业客户流失分析的RFM-ROI模型.用决策树方法构建了客户流失分析模型,并提出了解决决策树剪枝问题的停止阈值方法.结果表明该模型能达到80.7%的准确率,具有较强的实用性.  相似文献   

银行CRM系统的分析与设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
翟鸿鸣 《微机发展》2004,14(1):125-126,F003
银行建立以客户为中心的服务体系,对于维系老客户,争取新客户,挖掘黄金客户,增强市场竞争能力有重要的意义。目前,采用CRM管理理念,搭建服务平台,建立相应CRM系统,是银行建立性能卓越的客户服务系统的重要方法。文中介绍了CRM的管理理念和基本概念,研究了银行建立CRM系统的必要性和技术要素,给出了银行CRM系统的设计结构及其应用条件和实现步骤。并按照这一设计思路,为某商业银行初步设计实施了一套银行CRM系统。  相似文献   

电信建立以客户为中心的服务体系,对于维系老客户、争取新客户、增强市场竞争能力有重要的意义。由于数据仓库能统一数据管理,保证数据准确和可追踪管理,支持内控,构建企业统一的数据管理平台,所以数据仓库越来越多地被应用于以客户为中心的的电信CRM统计分析系统中。以数据仓库在电信CRM中的建设为实例,从总体结构、模型设计、数据的抽取、转换和加载方面进行描述,说明了数据仓库在电信统计分析系统中的应用。  相似文献   

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