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Results are presented for a series of high-amplitude dynamic tests of a simple pressurized piping system excited through various multiple piping supports. The four-inch diameter piping achieved response levels above yield when subjected to earthquake-like time history inputs and withstood — without leakage or gross distortion — dynamic inputs that were factors of three to five times greater than those inputs required to just exceed the ASME Class 2 stress limit for Service Level D, the Safe Shutdown Earthquake condition. Despite intentionally induced support failures in several tests, piping pressure integrity was maintained, and no plastic collapse occurred. Selected snubber hardware likewise exhibited large design margins under transient loads. 相似文献
A dynamic model is developed for a system element reliability distribution over a generalized strength space. A differential equation is obtained describing the time-dependence of the reliability distribution function (RDF). The equation covers a wide class of power reactor system components which perform under intense stress conditions where a standard subdivision into a “burn-in” period, a “chance failures” range and a “wear-our” period is inapplicable.The hazard distribution function (HDF) over strength is introduced within the model and it is shown that a standard hazard rate is a strength-averaged failure intensity parameter with the RDF as a weighting function.It is shown that a well-known “bathtub” form of the hazard rate function corresponds to an analytical solution of the principal RDF transfer equation under some simplifying assumptions. 相似文献
In order to improve the PFM methodology and to evaluate the reliability and integrity of an aged RPV, the PFM code PASCAL is being developed. This code evaluates the conditional probability of crack initiation and fracture of pressure components subject to a transient loading based on Monte Carlo simulation. In addition to the common functions established in existing codes, the code has some original functions and features in the elasto-plastic fracture criterion based R6 method, the simulation models for the semi-elliptical crack extension and the effect of thermal annealing, improvement in Monte Carlo simulation and so on. This paper describes the main features of the code, the results of verification analysis and case studies on influence parameters by using above functions. The verification analysis and case studies are carried based on NRC/EPRI PTS benchmark problem. The basic performance of the code was verified by comparing the results with those by existing codes. From the result of case studies, the effectiveness and performance of main functions are examined and the influence of some parameters, such as fracture criterion, WPS, semi-elliptical crack extension models, existence of overlay clad, initial aspect ratio on the failure probability are also discussed. 相似文献
R. Liebe 《Nuclear Engineering and Design》1977,43(2):353-371
Safety investigations for LMFBRs have to consider local failure situations in one fuel element which may escalate to a hypothetical CDA. Such initiating events could produce high pressure pulses in a single subassembly which may expand and rupture the wrapper as well as load adjacent elements impulsively. The associated nonlinear dynamic core deformation problem is treated in this paper. In particular the multirow structural dynamics code CØRE-1 and underlying mechanical models are described. Each subassembly is simulated by an equivalent system of point masses and nonlinear coupling springs. The motion of the coolant layer between the elements is treated by an incompressible, non-stationary frictional flow model. In order to obtain realistic code input four types of static single subassembly deformation experiments are described which provided strongly nonlinear load deformation characteristics. Furthermore the transient pressure distribution within the core is obtained from a full scale explosion test. Finally code application is demonstrated and results are given of a transient analysis of the SNR 300 core. 相似文献
Quantitative dynamic reliability evaluation of AP1000 passive safety systems by using FMEA and GO-FLOW methodology 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Muhammad Hashim Hidekazu Yoshikawa Takeshi Matsuoka 《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(4):526-542
The passive safety systems utilized in advanced pressurized water reactor (PWR) design such as AP1000 should be more reliable than that of active safety systems of conventional PWR by less possible opportunities of hardware failures and human errors (less human intervention). The objectives of present study are to evaluate the dynamic reliability of AP1000 plant in order to check the effectiveness of passive safety systems by comparing the reliability-related issues with that of active safety systems in the event of the big accidents. How should the dynamic reliability of passive safety systems properly evaluated? And then what will be the comparison of reliability results of AP1000 passive safety systems with the active safety systems of conventional PWR.For this purpose, a single loop model of AP1000 passive core cooling system (PXS) and passive containment cooling system (PCCS) are assumed separately for quantitative reliability evaluation. The transient behaviors of these passive safety systems are taken under the large break loss-of-coolant accident in the cold leg. The analysis is made by utilizing the qualitative method failure mode and effect analysis in order to identify the potential failure mode and success-oriented reliability analysis tool called GO-FLOW for quantitative reliability evaluation. The GO-FLOW analysis has been conducted separately for PXS and PCCS systems under the same accident. The analysis results show that reliability of AP1000 passive safety systems (PXS and PCCS) is increased due to redundancies and diversity of passive safety subsystems and components, and four stages automatic depressurization system is the key subsystem for successful actuation of PXS and PCCS system. The reliability results of PCCS system of AP1000 are more reliable than that of the containment spray system of conventional PWR. And also GO-FLOW method can be utilized for reliability evaluation of passive safety systems. 相似文献
根据CEFR的核级循环冷却水系统的设计和运行特点,基于GO法原理建立了该系统可靠性分析动态计算模型。针对动态分析问题,应用马尔科夫过程理论建立了三种特殊故障模式的部件可靠性参数随时间变化状态转移方程,创建并导出互备自投门的可靠性参数随时间变化的状态转移方程。在此基础上,数值模拟计算了系统的典型运行工况动态可靠性分析。结果表明,该系统的平均可靠度达到0.999 92,说明其设计和设备选型具有很高的可靠性;典型动态分析结果表明,该模型可以合理地计算典型瞬态工况下系统的可靠度随时间的变化。最后对系统进行定性分析。 相似文献
This paper illustrates a method for processing accident scenarios generated in a dynamic reliability analysis of a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) equipped with digital Instrumentation and Control (I&C).The method is based on a Fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm for classification, which takes into account not only the system states reached at the end of the scenarios but also the timing and magnitude of the occurred failure events, and the characteristics of the process evolution.An illustrative case study is considered, regarding the fault scenarios of the digital I&C of the Lead–Bismuth Eutectic eXperimental Accelerator Driven System (LBE-XADS). A SIMULINK model of the system has been embedded within a Monte Carlo (MC) sampling procedure for injecting faults at random times and of random magnitudes. The accident scenarios thereby generated are classified on the basis of three different system end states, which relate to the value reached by the diathermic oil secondary coolant temperature with respect to maximum and minimum safety threshold values set to avoid primary coolant thermal shocks and degradation of the oil physical and chemical properties. 相似文献
Hee Cheon No Hong S. Lim Jong Kim Chang Oh Larry Siefken Cliff Davis 《Nuclear Engineering and Design》2007,237(10):997-1008
A loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) has been considered a critical event for very high temperature gas-cooled reactor (VHTR). Following helium depressurization, it is anticipated that unless countermeasures are taken, air will enter the core through the break by molecular diffusion and ultimately by natural convection leading to oxidation of the in-core graphite structure. Thus, without any mitigating features, a LOCA will lead to an air ingress event, which will lead to exothermic chemical reactions of graphite with oxygen, potentially resulting in significant increases of the core temperature.New and safer nuclear reactors (Generation IV) are now in the early planning stages in many countries throughout the world. One of the reactor concepts being seriously considered is the VHTR. To achieve public acceptance, these reactor concepts must show an increased level of inherent safety over current reactor designs (i.e., a system must be designed to eliminate any concerns of large radiological releases outside the site boundary).A computer code developed from this study, gas multi-component mixture analysis (GAMMA) code, was assessed using a two-bulb experiment and in addition the molecular diffusion behavior in the prismatic-core gas-cooled reactor was investigated following the guillotine break of the main pipe between the reactor vessel and the power conversion unit. The RELAP5 code was improved for the VHTR air ingress analysis and was assessed using inverse U-tube and NACOK natural circulation data. 相似文献
管道流体瞬态—水汽锤计算原理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文中介绍了核电站管道中流体瞬态——水汽锤的计算原理;既适用于液体介质的水锤计算,也适用于可压汽体的汽锤计算.对于一些典型管道部件的处理方法,文中也作了讨论。 相似文献