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BACKGROUND: Because of the inverse relation between dietary fish consumption and coronary heart disease and because of the importance of serum homocysteine as an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis, the effect of fish oil on serum homocysteine was studied in hyperlipemic men. METHODS: Fifteen men with either type IIa or IIb lipoproteinemia or hypertriglyceridemia were maintained on a controlled, balanced diet and given either fish oil or olive oil supplements, 12 g/d for 3 weeks, followed by a cross-over period of 3 weeks during which the olive oil or fish oil supplements were given in reverse order. Serum homocysteine was determined by liquid chromatography of acid hydrolyzates of whole serum. RESULTS: Fish oil was found to diminish serum homocysteine levels in 14 of 17 subjects (P < 0.01). Serum homocysteine was 48% +/- 33% less than control values in seven of nine patients and 36% +/- 22% less than values in seven of eight subjects who had first received olive oil. There was no effect of olive oil supplements on serum homocysteine, compared with control values, but olive oil produced an increase in serum homocysteine in those who had first received fish oil. Serum triglycerides and very low-density lipoprotein were decreased by fish oil in patients who were first given olive oil, in agreement with previous studies. There was no effect of either fish oil or olive oil on total cholesterol, apolipoprotein B, low-density lipoprotein, or high-density lipoprotein. CONCLUSIONS: The protection against coronary heart disease afforded by a diet rich in fish may be attributed to the lowering of serum homocysteine levels by the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids of fish oils.  相似文献   

Integrity of sensory and motor function is essential in the maintenance of continence. The pudendal nerve assumes a central role being a mixed sensory and motor nerve. Neuropathic changes may therefore lead to incontinence and stretch injury to the pudendal nerve has been implicated as an aetiological factor. However pudendal neuropathy, altered anal sensation and perineal descent do not always correlate in the same patient. To investigate this further we evaluated the effect of a simulated defaecation strain on pelvic floor neurological function in a group of patients with constipation and incontinence. Pudendal nerve terminal motor latency (PNTML) and anal electrosensitivity (AS) were measured at rest and after a simulated defaecation strain of 1 minute. At rest PNTML correlated with AS (r = 0.461, P = 0.003). Twenty-five patients had perineal descent of more than 1 cm on straining, and 13 had descent below the ischial tuberosities. After 1 minute of straining AS was significantly (P < 0.001) blunted and PNTML was significantly (P < 0.001) prolonged both changes returning to normal after 3 minutes. AS was significantly (P = 0.01) more blunted in patients with perineal descent of more than 1 cm. PNTML was significantly (P = 0.01) more prolonged in patients with perineal descent of more than 2 cm. Age was significantly correlated with AS (r = 0.45, P = 0.004) and PNTML (r = 0.49, P = 0.002). Anal sensation and PNTML are acutely affected by defaecation straining, and changes may occur in patients without perineal descent. Functional changes occur equally in constipated and incontinent patients.  相似文献   

Post-mitotic, human neurons (hNT cells) which have a phenotype similar to that of terminally differentiated neurons of the central nervous system were generated by treating the NT2/D1 human teratocarcinoma cell line with retinoic acid. Treatment of both hNT and NT2/D1 cells with 10(-5) M beta-amyloid peptide fragment 25-35 (A beta P) for 24 h resulted in a decrease in cell viability as determined by MTT incorporation and Trypan blue exclusion, and also induced an apoptotic morphology in hNT cells. Pre-treatment of cells for 24 h with 10 ng/ml TGF-beta 1 or 2 before addition of A beta P reduced the apoptotic morphology of hNT cells and increased cell viability in hNT cells, but not in NT2/D1 cells. Results of RT-PCR, immunohistochemistry and analysis of receptor cross-linking of [125I]TGF-beta 1 to the cell membrane, all showed that the TGF-beta type II receptor is expressed by hNT cells, but not NT2/D1 cells. These results suggest that TGF-beta can protect human, terminally differentiated, TGF-beta type II receptor-positive neurons from A beta P toxicity. We propose that the increased expression of TGF-beta in brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease may offer some degree of neuroprotection if neurons also express a functional TGF-beta type II receptor.  相似文献   

Chemokines are a superfamily of pro-inflammatory polypeptide cytokines that selectively attract and activate different cell types. Many patho-physiological conditions require the participation of chemokines, including inflammation, infection, tissue injury, allergy, cardiovascular diseases, as well as malignant tumors. Chemokines activate cells through their binding to shared or unique cell surface receptors which belong to the seven-transmembrane, G-protein-coupled Rhodopsin superfamily. The role of chemokines in malignant tumors is complex: while some chemokines may enhance innate or specific host immunity against tumor implantation, others may favor tumor growth and metastasis by promoting tumor cell proliferation, migration or neovascularization in tumor tissue. In this review, the authors summarize some of the recent advances in chemokine research and emphasis is made on the effect of chemokines in tumor growth and metastasis.  相似文献   

Recently, we reported that the in vivo efficacy of acyclovir (ACV) formulations was a single valued function of skin target site free drug concentration (C) irrespective of the formulation compositions. A long-term objective of this research has been to generalize the C concept using model drugs which are similar to as well as different from ACV in their mechanism of actions. (Bromovinyl)deoxyuridine (BVDU) was selected as a model drug based on the reported similarity in its mechanism of action with ACV. The relationship between the C predictions and the in vivo efficacies for some topical formulations containing different concentrations (0.05-10%) of either ACV or BVDU in 95% DMSO as a vehicle with or without 5% Azone as skin permeation enhancer was examined. Hairless mice infected cutaneously with HSV-1 were used to quantitatively estimate the in vivo topical antiviral efficacy. A finite dose of the test antiviral formulation was applied twice a day for 4 days, starting the day after virus inoculation. On the fifth day, the lesions were scored and the efficacy values were calculated. For each formulation, in vitro flux experiments were performed in an in vivo-in vitro experimental design that closely approximated the in vivo study protocol. As was previously shown, with all ACV formulations, a good correlation was found between the C predictions and the in vivo topical efficacy. With the BVDU formulations, on the other hand, this was found not to be the case. BVDU formulations with 5% Azone were generally much more effective than those without Azone at comparable C values. This finding is believed to be the first of its kind showing that skin "permeation enhancers" may enhance efficacy by more than simply increasing skin permeation rates.  相似文献   

High-risk human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) and HPV-18 are associated with the majority of human cervical carcinomas, and two viral genes, HPV E6 and E7, are commonly found to be expressed in these cancers. The presence of HPV-16 E7 is sufficient to induce epidermal hyperplasia and epithelial tumors in transgenic mice. In this study, we have performed experiments in transgenic mice to determine which domains of E7 contribute to these in vivo properties. The human keratin 14 promoter was used to direct expression of mutant E7 genes to stratified squamous epithelia in mice. The E7 mutants chosen had either an in-frame deletion in the conserved region 2 (CR2) domain, which is required for binding of the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein (pRb) and pRb-like proteins, or an in-frame deletion in the E7 CR1 domain. The CR1 domain contributes to cellular transformation at a level other than pRb binding. Four lines of animals transgenic for an HPV-16 E7 harboring a CR1 deletion and five lines harboring a CR2 deletion were generated and were observed for overt and histological phenotypes. A detailed time course analysis was performed to monitor acute effects of wild-type versus mutant E7 on the epidermis, a site of high-level expression. In the transgenic mice with the wild-type E7 gene, age-dependent expression of HPV-16 E7 correlated with the severity of epidermal hyperplasia. Similar age-dependent patterns of expression of the mutant E7 genes failed to result in any phenotypes. In addition, the transgenic mice with a mutant E7 gene did not develop tumors. These experiments indicate that binding and inactivation of pRb and pRb-like proteins through the CR2 domain of E7 are necessary for induction of epidermal hyperplasia and carcinogenesis in mouse skin and also suggest a role for the CR1 domain in the induction of these phenotypes through as-yet-uncharacterized mechanisms.  相似文献   

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