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Investigated the relation of the need for social approval (as measured by the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale) to the attribution of blame. 40 dyads of female psychiatric nursing students worked on a cooperative task. Both dyad members were exposed to an induced failure experience and made subsequent ratings whereby blame could be ascribed to features of the experiment, transient personal states, and/or to one's partner. As predicted, approval-dependent persons were more likely to rationalize or excuse the "failure" by blaming various experimental factors and/or their partners, but this was always done within the limits of a generalized tendency to seek social acceptance by expressing attitudes complimentary to other persons or situations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
It was found that high anxiety Ss tended to blame the self for failure to a significantly greater extent than did the low anxiety Ss. Also, high anxiety Ss proved more consistent in the direction of blame assignment than did the low anxiety Ss. A discussion of the order of presentation of test materials reveals a possible source of significant difference between groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Johnson Marcia K.; Foley Mary A.; Suengas Aurora G.; Raye Carol L. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1988,117(4):371
Two studies explored potential bases for reality monitoring (M. K. Johnson and C. L. Raye [see PA, Vol 65:6694]) of naturally occurring autobiographical events. In Study 1, subjects rated phenomenal characteristics of recent and childhood memories. Compared with imagined events, perceived events were given higher ratings on several characteristics, including perceptual information, contextual information, and supporting memories. This was especially true for recent memories. In Study 2, subjects described how they knew autobiographical events had (or had not) happened. For perceived events, subjects were likely to mention perceptual and contextual details of the memory and to refer to other supporting memories. For imagined events, subjects were likely to engage in reasoning based on prior knowledge. The results are consistent with the idea that reality monitoring draws on differences in qualitative characteristics of memories for perceived and imagined events (Johnson & Raye, 1981) and augment findings from more controlled laboratory studies of complex events (A. G. Suengas and M. K. Johnson [see PA, Vol 76:14478]; M. K. Johnson and A. G. Suengas, in press). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Tested the hypothesis that the expectancy of the hypnotist is especially significant in determining the nature of the response of susceptible Ss. Three studies were conducted, using a total of 126 undergraduates. Using E. G. Boring's ambiguous Wife/Mother-in-Law figure and procedures first isolated by W. Epstein and I. Rock (1960), unique waking conditions were established under which the events most recently seen, rather than what was expected, reliably influenced subsequent perception. The effects of these same conditions were then studied for task-motivated, hypnotized, and waking (imagination only) Ss in formal application of T. X. Barber's (1969) model of hypnosis. Results support the hypothesis showing that susceptible hypnotic Ss exclusively demonstrated expectancy rather than recency behavior in the trance test setting; however, Barber's task-motivation instructions were ineffective in reproducing the suggested response. (34 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Although perceptions of control occupied a central role in the development of learned helplessness theory, recent helplessness research has not considered controllability judgments when relating attributions to depression. Supporting the importance of this construct, the research discussed in this article found evidence that judgments of control interact with other attributions in predicting depression. Specifically, in a prospective study of stress and well-being in adolescence, internal, stable, and global attributions for negative events attributed to uncontrollable causes were found to be positively related to increases in depression (as predicted by the reformulated helplessness theory), but internal and global attributions for negative events attributed to controllable causes were found to be inversely related to increases in depression. The discussion considers the implications of the findings for understanding the nature of the relation between attributions for naturally occurring life events and depression. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Hashtroudi Shahin; Johnson Marcia K.; Chrosniak Linda D. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1990,5(1):119
Older and younger adults' memory for perceived and imagined events was examined with a procedure in which everyday situations are simulated in the laboratory. Subjects perceived some situations and imagined others. Later, they were asked to rate their memory for various aspects of these situations (e.g., amount of perceptual detail, thoughts and feelings). A recall test followed the ratings. On the rating scale, for both perceived and imagined events, older subjects reported better memory for their thoughts and feelings than did younger subjects. In addition, on the recall test, older subjects produced more thoughts and feelings than did younger subjects, whereas younger subjects produced more perceptual and spatial information. These results suggest that older subjects may not inhibit personal information (e.g., thoughts and feelings), and this information may interfere with memory for other aspects of information, such as perceptual and contextual details (Hasher & Zacks, 1988). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Stable uncontrollability and transient loss of control were examined in conjunction with quality of college instruction. Students with internal and external loci of control received no training or either contingent or noncontingent feedback. We manipulated the quality of instruction by using a ?-hr videotaped lecture that varied in expressiveness (low and high). The dependent measures were student achievement and achievement attributions. For those who received no prelecture feedback, expressiveness improved the achievement of internal- but not external-locus students on a test after the lecture. Expressiveness effects on achievement and causal attributions also differed, depending on whether students previously received contingent or noncontingent feedback before the lecture. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Three experiments explored the effects of rehearsal and the passage of time on qualitative characteristics of memories for perceived and imagined complex events. Subjects thought or talked about events, focusing on either the perceptual (e.g., colors, sounds) or apperceptive (e.g., thoughts, feelings) aspects of the events (Experiment 1). Thinking about apperceptive aspects of events decreased the salience of context and sensory characteristics of memories and made memories for perceived and imagined events seem more similar in the subjective amounts of thoughts and feelings included in the memories. When the aspects of events subjects thought about were unspecified, thinking about events primarily affected rated clarity (Experiment 2). The clarity of imagined events was more affected than was the clarity of perceived events by whether the memories had been rated previously (Experiments 1 & 3). Over 24 hrs, clarity and sensory ratings decreased more for imagined than for perceived events (Experiment 3). Implications for reality monitoring (M. K. Johnson and C. L. Raye [see PA, Vol 65:6694]) are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Memory for the temporal order of term of office of 7 past U.S. presidents was examined in healthy older adults and individuals in the early stages of dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT). Among those individuals who recognized all 7 presidents, bow-shaped serial-position effects for temporal order similar to those seen in studies of short-term memory were observed for both the healthy group and the groups of individuals with dementia. Accuracy of temporal ordering decreased with increasing dementia severity. Thus, DAT affects 1 aspect of "old" memory (i.e., temporal information) even in the very early stages of the disease. Theoretical models of serial-position effects need to address remote memory as well as short-term memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The authors of the present study contribute to research on the role of sexist events in women's mental health by examining the sexism-distress relation (a) with a sample of women who are seeking mental health services and (b) in the context of the additional roles of perceived social support in positive self-appraisal (i.e., empowerment and self-esteem) and psychological distress. A path analysis was conducted with data from 157 women who were seeking counseling services. Results supported the generalizability of previously observed links between the frequency of perceived sexist events and psychological distress. Results also indicated that the sexism-distress link was significant in the context of an additional significant indirect relation of perceived social support with psychological distress, which was mediated through empowerment but not through self-esteem. Implications for future research and practice are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Two experiments tested the prediction based on the source monitoring framework that imagination is most likely to lead to false memories when related perceived events have occurred. Consistent with this, people were more likely to falsely remember seeing events when the events had been both imagined as seen and actually heard than when they were just heard, just visually imagined, or imagined both visually and auditorily. Furthermore, when people considered potential sources for memories or more carefully evaluated features of remembered events, source errors were reduced. On average, misattributed ("false") memories differed in phenomenal qualities from true memories. Taken together, these findings show that as different qualities of mental experience flexibly enter into source attributions, qualities derived from related perceptual events are particularly likely to lead to false claims that imagined events were seen, even when the event involves a primary modality (auditory) different from the target event (visual). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Although a number of studies suggest that stressful life events play a role in bipolar disorder, methodological flaws impose serious limitations on this literature. Nonetheless, better designed studies indicate that life events influence the course of bipolar disorder. Little is known, however, about the nature of events that are of particular importance to this disorder. Given the strong biological vulnerability and the unique clinical aspects of bipolar disorder, certain forms of stress may have stronger interactions with vulnerability characteristics. Three major biological theories of bipolar disorder are discussed, with particular attention to their implications for investigations of life events. Although tenuous, these models suggest that greater attention needs to be paid to particular dimensions of life events and the course of disorder. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Our autobiographical self depends on the differential recollection of our personal past, notably including memories of morally laden events. Whereas both emotion and temporal recency are well known to influence memory, very little is known about how we remember moral events, and in particular about the distribution in time of memories for events that were blameworthy or praiseworthy. To investigate this issue in detail, we collected a novel database of 758 confidential, autobiographical narratives for personal moral events from 100 well-characterized healthy adults. Negatively valenced moral memories were significantly more remote than positively valenced memories, both as measured by the valence of the cue word that evoked the memory as well as by the content of the memory itself. The effect was independent of chronological age, ethnicity, gender or personality, arguing for a general emotional bias in how we construct our moral autobiography. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Turner Nick; Chmiel Nik; Hershcovis M. Sandy; Walls Melanie 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2010,15(4):482
The present study of 334 United Kingdom trackside workers tested an interaction hypothesis. We hypothesized, drawing on the job demands-resources framework, that perceived support for safety (from senior managers, supervisors, and coworkers) as job resources would weaken the relationship between higher job demands and more frequent hazardous work events. Consistent with social impact theory, we predicted that perceived coworker support for safety would be particularly influential when trackside workers faced higher job demands. Moderated multiple regression showed that, of all three sources of perceived support for safety, perceived coworker support for safety was most important for keeping employees safe in the face of high job demands. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
van Eijk Rob L. J.; Kohlrausch Armin; Juola James F.; van de Par Steven 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2009,35(4):1254
Audio-visual stimulus pairs presented at various relative delays, are commonly judged as being “synchronous” over a range of delays from about ?50 ms (audio leading) to +150 ms (video leading). The center of this range is an estimate of the point of subjective simultaneity (PSS). The judgment boundaries, where “synchronous” judgments yield to a predominance of “asynchronous” judgments, usually include physical synchrony, or the point of objective simultaneity (POS). When the POS is used as a standard in a delay discrimination paradigm, thresholds tend to be asymmetric; that is, smaller on the audio-leading side than on the video-leading side of the standard. We replicated this finding using different stimulus types, and standards distributed within and beyond the synchrony judgment boundaries. Thresholds were symmetric near the center of the synchrony range (PSS), but showed opposite patterns of asymmetry as the standard approached either of the two synchrony judgment boundaries. That is, apparent synchrony shows a type of categorical perception in that discriminations within the synchrony category are difficult, but those near the category boundary are easy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
A culpable control model is advanced to describe the conditions that encourage as well as mitigate blame and to assess the process by which blame and mitigation occur. The fundamental assumptions of the model are that evidence concerning harmful events is scrutinized for its contribution to personal control and spontaneously evaluated for its favorableness or unfavorableness. Spontaneous evaluations encourage a blame–validation mode of processing in which evidence concerning the event is reviewed in a manner that favors ascribing blame to the person or persons who evoke the most negative affect or whose behavior confirms unfavorable expectations. The author delineates the elements of perceived control and then discusses spontaneous evaluation influences on control and blame assessments. The blame–validation process is described next. Finally, the culpable control model is compared with extant theories of blame and responsibility and its basic tenets summarized. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Carney Margaret Anne; Armeli Stephen; Tennen Howard; Affleck Glenn; O'Neil Timothy P. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2000,68(5):788
Using daily diary methodology, the authors examined over 60 days the within-person associations among positive and negative daily experiences, perceptions of stress, desire to drink, and alcohol consumption in a sample of 83 regular drinkers. Multilevel regression analyses indicated that days on which individuals reported more positive and negative nonwork events were also days they reported higher levels of desire to drink and actual consumption. Days on which individuals reported more negative work events were also days they reported a greater desire to drink, and days on which individuals reported more positive and negative health events were also days they reported lower levels of desire to drink and actual consumption. Weak evidence was found for the mediating effects of perceived stress in these associations. Several of the within-person associations varied as a function of gender, neuroticism, and drinking to cope; no moderating effects were found for extraversion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Hamilton V. Lee; Blumenfeld Phyllis C.; Kushler Robert H. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1988,54(1):34
We examined differences between blame and credit judgments among 247 students and 13 teachers from 7 first- and 6 fifth-grade classrooms. Study 1 indicated that even young children used information about excuses and justifications in assigning blame but not in determining credit. The gap between grades for assignment of credit was most striking for norms involving specific classroom roles. At both grade levels, norms of duty differed from norms of aspiration; for the latter, more credit was assigned for good outcomes than was blame for bad outcomes. Study 2 analyzed teachers' attributions and examined links between teachers' and pupils' judgments. Children's blame attributions were more highly correlated with those of teachers than were credit attributions. Teachers who provided less negative procedural feedback (NPF) had pupils whose blame judgments were more highly correlated with their own. However, within categories of teachers (grade levels by high-low NPF), individual teachers' and pupils' idiosyncratic judgments were not associated. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The relation of anxiety sensitivity (AS) to personality dimensions has received little attention. In this study, 4 AS indexes were administered along with measures of personality, fears, and panic attacks to 220 undergraduates. At the higher order level, AS was positively correlated with negative emotionality (NE) but was largely unrelated to either positive emotionality or constraint. At the lower order level, AS was positively correlated with absorption and NE indexes. Most of these correlations were significant even among participants with no panic attack history. AS exhibited incremental validity above and beyond a number of personality variables, including absorption and trait anxiety, in the prediction of fears and panic attack history. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that a propensity toward immersion in sensory experiences is a diathesis for panic attacks. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献