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Minnesota's 1994 health care reform legislation authorized the establishment of community integrated service networks (CISNs) and health care provider cooperatives, which were envisioned as new health care delivery models that could be successfully implemented in rural areas of the state. Four CISNs are licensed, and three organizations are incorporated as health care provider cooperatives. Many of the policy issues Minnesota has faced regarding the development of CISNs and health care provider cooperatives in rural areas are similar to those raised by current Medicare reform proposals.  相似文献   

This three part series on health legislation describes the policy shift toward regulating the private healthcare system to ensure adequate consumer protection and access to health insurance. Still burning from the failed 1993-1994 healthcare reform effort, Congress and the White House are looking only for incremental policies necessary to reduce the federal deficit and protect the public white the private healthcare system continues to undergo major transformation. In this series, the author discusses Medicare, Medicaid, and other federal program revisions: consumer protection legislation aimed at unacceptable managed care practices: and incremental health insurance proposals aimed toward segments of the uninsured.  相似文献   

This three-part series on health legislation describes the policy shift toward regulating the private healthcare system to ensure adequate consumer protection and access to health insurance. Still burning from the failed 1993-1994 healthcare reform effort, Congress and the White House are looking only for incremental policies necessary to reduce the federal deficit and protect the public while the private healthcare system continues to undergo major transformation. In previous articles, the author discussed Medicare, Medicaid, and other federal program revisions and consumer protection legislation aimed at unacceptable managed cure practices. This last article discusses incremental health insurance proposals aimed toward segments of the uninsured.  相似文献   

Israel's experience in attempting to implement a health system reform based in large measure on managed competition should provide important data to other countries considering reliance on competitive mechanisms for third-party purchase of health care. In this paper, current proposals for reform of the Israeli market for third-party purchase of health care are examined in light of ideal market structures, particularly the theory of managed competition. The relationship between the theory, the notion of a 'purchaser-provider split' and the Israeli case are explored. The current Israeli health care market, which features enrollment of 96% of the population in competing sick funds, is presented. The changes necessary to base third-party purchase of health-care on managed competition are discussed. Special conditions of the Israeli health care system likely to influence implementation of a managed competition strategy are considered. Beyond a 'purchaser-provider' split, the proposals call for other restructurings, such as a split between finance and insurance functions, which the standard theory of managed competition does not take into account. The implications of these proposals for smooth functioning of the health care market must be weighed against political and ethical considerations unique to the Israeli environment.  相似文献   

Action to improve women's occupational health has been slowed by a notion that women's jobs are safe and that any health problems identified among women workers can be attributed to unfitness for the job or unnecessary complaining. With increasing numbers of women in the labor force, the effects of work on women's health have recently started to interest health care providers, health and safety representatives and researchers. We begin our summary of their discoveries with a discussion of women's place in the workplace and its implications for occupational health, followed by a brief review of some gender-insensitive data-gathering techniques. We have then chosen to concentrate on the following four areas: methods and data collection; directing attention to women's occupational health problems; musculoskeletal disease; mental and emotional stress. We conclude by pointing out some neglected occupational groups and health issues.  相似文献   

AIM: Assessment of the Croatian health care system (under the reform) from the perspective of the users of health care services. We analyzed the consumers' satisfaction with health care system, health care expenses and access, and described the consumers' attitudes toward health reform, examining the differences among sociodemographic groups. METHODS: The study is based on a data set collected in 1994 through the interviews with randomly selected adults in two major cities of Croatia: Zagreb and Split. RESULTS: A great proportion of respondents were dissatisfied with the current health care services, quality of health care facilities and equipment, and encountered difficulties in access. The elderly, women, and those with lower socioeconomic status were more likely to be dissatisfied and to consider out-of-pocket payments for health services as a problem. A great number of the respondents believed that the reform would either fail or would not achieve significant results. Compared to the younger and higher socio-economic group, the older and lower socioeconomic groups were more likely to evaluate the health care reform negatively. CONCLUSION: Croatian government decided to rationalize the health care system without taking much account of the impact of health reform on the consumers. Revealed dissatisfaction with the health care services might be linked with the expressed doubts in health care reform and concern that changes could worsen the consumers' position as patients.  相似文献   

Nearly 4 million women in the United States were physically hurt by their husbands or boyfriends in 1994. The health and well-being of these women and their children, as well as the women who are overlooked in these statistics, are jeopardized by past and current experiences with abuse within intimate relationships. Strategies for nurses in women's health care settings to screen women for current or past abuse within their intimate personal relationships, guidelines for effective responses to disclosure of abuse, and supportive interventions are described.  相似文献   

This paper examines the health status of women in China by reviewing levels and trends of female mortality at several phases of a woman's life cycle focusing on infancy girlhood, childbearing and old age. The mortality rates of Chinese women and men are compared for the period 1950-1990 as are comparisons with women in selected countries. The cause-specific death rate, expressed as a percentage of all deaths, and the burden of disease, measured in terms of the disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), are used to reflect the changing patterns of female diseases and causes of deaths. Significant improvement in the health status of Chinese women since 1950 is widely acknowledged as a major achievement for a developing country with the largest population in the world, but the differentials in women's health by region and urban/rural areas are considerable. The Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) indicates that the overall level of physical well-being of Chinese women has increased in recent decades, but disparity in health between men and women still exists. The Gender-Related Development Index (GDI) further reveals that China has achieved significant progress in women's health during the past four decades, but far less has been achieved with respect to gender equality overall. The final sections of the paper focus on the discussion of some health problems faced by the female population during the process of economic reform since the 1980 s. In order to promote gender equality between women and men, concerns on women's health care needs are highlighted.  相似文献   

The issues of prioritization of health care services and allocation of resources have recently received increasing attention and discussion. Several reports have been published by governments in different countries and the issues are discussed in many recent books and papers. In this paper the focus is on the problems faced by a developing country when allocation of health care resources is considered. We consider these issues under three headings and exemplify the situation in a developing country by taking Sri Lanka as an example. Firstly the evidence to formulate an ethical basis for the existing health care system in Sri Lanka is discussed, in particular the problem of defining a minimum quality of health care for the population. Secondly, we consider the issues which arise when we want to formulate the ethical basis for health sector reform. In particular, we examine current World Bank proposals. We shall argue that there are a number of important conceptual and ethical issues that have not been properly addressed in the various policy documents. Finally, we introduce our own alternative ethical framework for policy reform.  相似文献   

The values driving nursing's political actions and the ethics underlying proposed health system change have not yet been thoroughly examined. This article attempts to (a) clarify ethical issues surrounding the health care debate in the United States, (b) describe the conflicts surrounding proposed reform especially the effects on disadvantaged communities and (c) earnestly entreat a critical discussion of nursing's humanistic position on health care reform. The interaction between the nursing literature and the various proposals on health care reform suggest various themes that reflect ethical issues due to conflicts in values. Our analysis is based on the belief that, in addition to political action and lobbying, the nursing community must confront critical questions about the values driving its policy making.  相似文献   

What do health care practitioners need to know about providing adequate care for depressed minority women? This article examined the prevalence of depressive symptoms and clinical depression in ethnic minorities, the extent to which current health service utilization is congruent with needs, and the effectiveness of treatments provided to ethnic minorities in the primary care setting. The impact of ethnic minority women's sociocultural context on symptom expression and help-seeking behavior is also discussed. Finally, the clinical implications for accurate assessment and treatment of ethnic minority women by both medical and mental health practitioners working in the primary care sector are addressed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 1988, a new Constitution was adopted in Brazil in which guidelines for community participation in the development and implementation of the national health system were delineated. The health and welfare of women and children were given priority. Implementation of these guidelines presents a major challenge in a city such as S?o Paulo with a population of 15 million, of which an estimated 5.8 million are women of childbearing age. In order to determine the extent to which community organizations are actively participating in planning health services for women and children in S?o Paulo, a study was undertaken to examine the experience of community and professional organizations in public health advocacy. This paper describes a sample of these organizations, their constituents, membership, history, funding, advocacy objectives, and strategies used and results obtained. The information gathered indicates that the community organizations are involved in activities that include major efforts to improve access to health care by providing specialized courses in women's health, including the status of women's work, sexuality, discrimination, family planning, and the politics of health; publishing newsletters; producing radio programs; engaging in legal action; and using petitions, demonstrations, and public meetings to garner public support on specific issues.  相似文献   

There is near consensus that the US health care system requires reform. Only a quarter of the American public has faith in the current system. Health care was one of the major issues considered in the 1992 US presidential election and the search for innovative solutions has transcended administrations.  相似文献   

The health of the U.S. health care system is precarious. Calls for reform in areas such as cost, quality, and equal access to health care are widespread and growing louder each day. Action is required on each of these issues, yet the lack of progress is cause for serious concern. A central problem is the reluctance to acknowledge the roles that the mind and behavior play in health and illness. One solution is the integration of psychological health care into the general health care system. A major vehicle for advancing the integration of health care is the "cost-offset" effect, a concept that involves paying systematic attention to psychological factors in order to reduce overuse of medical services and thereby decrease costs. Despite data demonstrating that the cost-offset hypothesis is quite robust, little has been done to implement integrated health care. This article reviews the literature on cost offset, discusses the policy implications, and considers its application to the public sector. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors designed a pilot study to examine issues that affect women's oral health. They found a substantial lack of awareness regarding important oral health issues, and that 44 percent of the participants reportedly did not have regular dental care. High perceived dental need was reported concurrently with low dental care attendance. Additionally, reported lack of dental insurance and self-perception of low income and of poor dental health were important explanatory factors for the women who reportedly did not have regular dental care.  相似文献   

In August 1996, the Personal Responsibility Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (P.L. 104-193) was signed into law, ending a 60-year federal entitlement guaranteeing families some basic level of assistance during periods of economic hardship. Several components of this new legislation have the potential to impact upon the health and well-being of women and children. We summarize studies examining the relationship between welfare participation and physical and mental well-being of women and what is known about the effects of poverty on health; the patterns of employment among welfare participants and the health consequences of low-wage work on women; domestic violence among welfare recipients; the potential health consequences of the provisions of the new Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program for women's and adolescent health; and the consequences of the new TANF provisions for the health and well-being of immigrant women. We discuss the implications for policy makers in monitoring and minimizing the negative impact of welfare reforms on women's health and well-being.  相似文献   

While treatment for the neonate continues to be challenging, current technical advances offer more options. Before the 1980s chronic dialysis was technically so difficult for neonates and infants that most considered it impossible; in the 1990s renal replacement therapy is a viable choice. The purpose of this article is neither to advocate active intervention nor passive supportive care, but to help the reader consider questions frequently faced when deciding what to do for a neonate with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Today ethical issues are tied closely to health care reform, so this bioethical dilemma has only begun. As health care reform addresses benefits of care, the bioethical dilemmas raised by neonates with ESRD will need to carefully considered.  相似文献   

Incipient pay-for-performance (P4P) plans offer to improve the quality of general medical care, but they have not yet begun to influence clinical outcomes in the behavioral health care arena. Following a brief review of the quality chasm in behavioral health care and some initial applications of P4P programs, this article presents 2 bird's-eye view proposals with which the primary and behavioral specialty care sectors of the American health care system can begin to design and implement P4P incentives. Discussion of the value of behavioral health care, the Provider Quality Index, P4P implementation issues, implications for practicing psychologists, and some cautionary notes conclude the article. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article reviews past research and projects future research directions regarding women's health. Sex differences in mortality and morbidity, along with evidence that the quality and quantity of these differences are changing, are examined. Over the past decade, concurrent with dramatic changes in lifestyle and social roles for women, mortality rates have shifted, resulting in a decreasing advantage for women. Explaining the consequences of these dynamic changes requires understanding the health effects of such variables as perceived control, the experience of life roles, perceived and actual social support, and redefinition of gender roles. The future portends additional changes that will significantly affect women's health. In establishing an explicit psychological research agenda on women's health, (a) general recommendations for research are provided and (b) important issues that have not yet received a great deal of research attention (e.g., women and acquired immune deficiency syndrome [AIDS], psychopharmacology, reproductive technologies) are highlighted. This article expands the current discourse in health psychology and raises a number of issues for serious consideration. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

All managed competition proposals for health system reform must confront several key issues. The premiums paid to health care purchasing cooperatives will need to be subsidized for those who cannot pay full fare; the amount and sources of the subsidies are controversial political issues. The payments passed on by purchasing cooperatives to health plans must be risk adjusted to account for differences in the health care needs of their enrolled populations. This is essential to create a level playing field for competition and to eliminate incentives for plans to use risk assessment for attracting enrollees. The data and methods needed for risk adjustment, however, are not adequate at present. The Clinton Administration's plan to limit expenditure increases raises a host of thorny issues. Maintaining quality of care will require health plan quality report cards to be supplemented by external quality assurance systems. Assuring quality will be particularly problematic for traditional indemnity plans. The structure and governance of the system, administration simplification, and other issues need to be addressed. The size and voluntariness of the purchasing cooperatives greatly influence all of these considerations. Physicians should inform their political representatives on how these issues should be resolved as compromise bills are drafted by the United States Congress this year.  相似文献   

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