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一种有效的Web性能测试方法及其应用*   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
针对Web应用软件的特征,提出了一种基于目标的性能测试方法,其关注的主要内容包括与Web应用相关的负载测试和压力测试两个方面。不但对这两个方面的测试方法进行了全面的分析和探讨,还强调了测试过程管理的重要作用,最后给出了这种方法在Web应用性能测试实践中的一个具体应用。  相似文献   

被动测试和主动测试的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
协议测试对于保证协议实现的正确性起着至关重要的作用.现在研究较多的测试方法是主动测试,被动测试则是一种新兴的测试方法.对两种测试思想进行比较,提出了将两者结合以获得更好测试质量和测试效率的算法,即先对IUT进行被动测试.通过测试收集一些有用的启发式信息.然后再将这些信息用于指导后续的主动测试,此算法已被用于BGP协议的测试,实验证明该算法可以提高主动测试效率。  相似文献   

分布式测试方法是对网络产品进行协议一致性测试活动的一种重要的抽象测试方法,在本文中我们提出了分布式抽象测试法的一种骑跨实现技术,并详细讨论了它的测试结构和优缺点,同时我们给出了这种测试方法的一个具体实现并介绍了它在实际测试活动中的应用。最后我们讨论了骑跨式测试法在网络产品的互操作性测试中的配置结构以及它对互操作性测试生成的影响。  相似文献   

一种基于改进双通道继电反馈测试系统频率特性的新方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种测试系统频率特性的新方法-改进双通道继电反馈测试。与传统测试方法相比,这种方法能避免困难的信号设计过程,不需要独立的信号发生设备,更重要的是,它是一种闭环测试方法,测试过程系统处在受控状态,对典型过程对象的仿真取得了非常好的效果,验证了所提出的测试方法有效性。  相似文献   

一个有效的数组下标相关性测试方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在并行化编译中,DO-循环中数组下标对之间数据相关性的有效测试一直是人们研究的问题、本文针对两种常用的相关性测试方法——GCD测试方法Banerjee不等式测试方法—存在的不足,提出了一种区间方程测试方法,它是上述两种方法的综合,但在不增加测试复杂性的前提下具有更高的精度。  相似文献   

在整个软件的测试过程中,回归测试是其重要的组成部分。它总是在发现错误并更改软件后进行。根据回归测试的目的及意义,详细描述四种回归测试方法,并对各种方法进行比较分析,从而获得根据不同情况优先选择测试方法的回归测试策略,更好地实现回归测试。  相似文献   

软件测试是软件开发过程的重要阶段,而测试用例的设计是软件测试中的重要组成部分。本文主要介绍了测试用例的白盒测试和黑盒测试技术,针对两种不同的测试方法,分别研究了测试用例的设计技术,并通过实例介绍了具体的测试用例设计过程。  相似文献   

Web服务测试的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Web服务是一种全新的分布式计算技术,它具有真正意义上的系统平台异构性和语言的独立性。随着Web服务技术的不断发展和广泛应用,需要运用测试技术来保障Web服务的正确有效运行。然而由于Web服务采用了新的体系结构和核心协议,其测试方法有别于以往的传统软件测试或网络协议测试,所以有必要对其测试方法和技术进行研究。文中对Web服务的测试进行了分析,针对不同的测试目的提出了对Web服务进行测试的方法,并给出了一种Web服务的测试执行框架。  相似文献   

介绍了SoC片上嵌入式微处理器核的一种测试技术--片内测试(BIST).讲述了片上系统的由来以及两个重要特点.与传统的测试方法比较后,讨论了MemBIST、 LogicBIST等常用BIST测试技术的结构和特点,分析了这几种测试方法的优缺点.  相似文献   

EPA协议一致性测试方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了EPA协议一致性测试原理、静态测试与动态测试方法及其实现技术;参照TFCN的结构框架定义了一种描述EPA抽象测试集的类形式化语言,提出了EPA协议实现一致性说明和协议实施附加信息的生成方法;研发了一种EPA协议一致性测试的方法,并以变量写服务的测试为例,说明了EPA协议一致性测试系统的测试过程。通过EPA一致性测试系统的实际应用,证明这种测试方法能够准确测试出被测协议实现与标准的一致程度。  相似文献   

面向对象软件测试是面向对象软件开发的重要一环,是保证软件质量、提高软件可靠性的关键。类测试是面向对象软件测试的关键,类的服务的测试是面向对象软件测试中的重要内容。本文介绍了一种基于服务的类测试模型,即服务的块分支图。  相似文献   

基于状态的类测试技术研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
面向对象软件测试是面向对象软件开发的重要一环,是保证软件质量、提高软件可靠性的关键,类测试是面向对象软件测试的关键,类的状态的测试是面向对象软件测试中的重要内容,本文介绍了基于状态转移图的类测试和基于对象动态测试模型的类测试。  相似文献   

1 引言近几年来,随着信息技术的突飞猛进和计算理念的日益普及,软件开发作为一个产业得到了迅猛的发展,但在软件开发过程中,存在着诸多的问题。如:用户需求的频繁变更使得软件功能越来越复杂;软件功能越来越复杂又导致程序代码量增大,结构异常;而开发人员的频繁更替又使得程序维护甚是困难,等等。这些问题导致软件开发周期长,开发成本增加,产品稳定性差,质量低劣。为了能较好地解决上述问题,提高开发  相似文献   

基于软件体系结构的测试及其工具研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 引言软件体系结构层测试的目的是找出体系结构的错误和缺陷,这与传统测试有很大的不同。SA测试分为体系结构的静态测试(即体系结构分析)和体系结构的动态测试(即体系结构模拟)两个方面。前者是对体系结构的静态行为特征进行分析,如各类一致性分析等;后者是对体系结构的动态行为特征进行模拟。 SA中的结构模式提供了一个设计和分析大型软件系统的自然框架,也为可重用的构件提供了组合成系统的规则。通过对软件体系结构的描述,使得复杂系统的测试与分析变得  相似文献   

Adaptive Random Testing: The ART of test case diversity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Random testing is not only a useful testing technique in itself, but also plays a core role in many other testing methods. Hence, any significant improvement to random testing has an impact throughout the software testing community. Recently, Adaptive Random Testing (ART) was proposed as an effective alternative to random testing. This paper presents a synthesis of the most important research results related to ART. In the course of our research and through further reflection, we have realised how the techniques and concepts of ART can be applied in a much broader context, which we present here. We believe such ideas can be applied in a variety of areas of software testing, and even beyond software testing. Amongst these ideas, we particularly note the fundamental role of diversity in test case selection strategies. We hope this paper serves to provoke further discussions and investigations of these ideas.  相似文献   

类是面向对象程序语言的基本组成单位,所以类测试是整个面向对象软件测试的关键所在;论文主要针对传统状态测试方法在发现错误机制上存在的不足,研究了一种利用OSD模型的基于状态的类测试方法,提出了利用OSD模型与系统分析设计的状态图模型进行比较的思想;通过比较两个状态图模型中的状态是否一致以及各个状态间的方法转移是否一致,来发现传统状态测试难以发现的错误;实践证明,该方法能够检测出传统的状态测试方法难以检测到的错误。  相似文献   

Adaptive testing is a new form of software testing that is based on the feedback and adaptive control principle and can be treated as the software testing counterpart of adaptive control. Our previous work has shown that adaptive testing can be formulated and guided in theory to minimize the variance of an unbiased software reliability estimator and to achieve optimal software reliability assessment. In this paper, we present an experimental study of adaptive testing for software reliability assessment, where the adaptive testing strategy, the random testing strategy and the operational profile based testing strategy were applied to the Space program in four experiments. The experimental results demonstrate that the adaptive testing strategy can really work in practice and may noticeably outperform the other two. Therefore, the adaptive testing strategy can serve as a preferable alternative to the random testing strategy and the operational profile based testing strategy if high confidence in the reliability estimates is required or the real-world operational profile of the software under test cannot be accurately identified.  相似文献   

Software reliability testing refers to various software testing activities that are driven to achieve a quantitative reliability goal given a priori or lead to a quantitative reliability assessment for the software under test. In this paper we develop a modeling framework for the software reliability testing process, comprising a simplifying model and a generalized model. In both models the software testing action selection process and the defect removal mechanism are explicitly described. Both the discrete-time domain and the continuous-time domain are involved. The generalized model is more accurate or realistic than the simplifying model since the former avoids the assumption that defects are equally detectable and the assumption that defects are removed upon being detected. However simulation examples show that the simplifying model really captures some of essential features of the software testing process after a short initial testing stage. The modeling framework is practically realistic, mathematically rigorous, and quantitatively precise. It demonstrates that the relationship between software testing and delivered software reliability, which was poor understood, can well be formulated and quantified. Rigorous examinations show that several common assumptions adopted in software reliability modeling, including the independence assumption, the exponentiality assumption, and the NHPP assumption, are theoretically false in general. This paper sets a good starting point to further formalize and quantify the software testing process and its relation to delivered software reliability.  相似文献   

为了提高软件的测试质量和效率,在软件测试中越来越多的测试工具被应用进行软件自动化测试。文章提出了一种基于软件测试工具QAC和Klocwork对代码进行静态测试的方法。首先,文章简要地介绍了这2种软件测试工具,并阐述了它们的测试过程;之后,分析了它们各自的特点及侧重方向;接着,指出了该方法对提高软件质量的影响;最后,结合实例验证了该方法的优越性。  相似文献   

Optimal and adaptive testing for software reliability assessment   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Optimal software testing is concerned with how to test software such that the underlying testing goal is achieved in an optimal manner. Our previous work shows that the optimal testing problem for software reliability growth can be treated as closed-loop or feedback control problem, where the software under test serves as a controlled object and the software testing strategy serves as the corresponding controller. More specifically, the software under test is modeled as controlled Markov chains (CMCs) and the control theory of Markov chains is used to synthesize the required optimal testing strategy. In this paper, we show that software reliability assessment can be treated as a feedback control problem and the CMC approach is also applicable to dealing with the optimal testing problem for software reliability assessment. In this problem, the code of the software under test is frozen and the software testing process is optimized in the sense that the variance of the software reliability estimator is minimized. An adaptive software testing strategy is proposed that uses the testing data collected on-line to estimate the required parameters and selects next test cases. Simulation results show that the proposed adaptive software testing strategy can really work in the sense that the resulting variance of the software reliability estimate is much smaller than that resulting from the random testing strategies. The work presented in this paper is a contribution to the new area of software cybernetics that explores the interplay between software and control.  相似文献   

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