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An extreme ultraviolet spectrometer has been developed for spectroscopic studies of highly charged ions with an electron beam ion trap. It has a slit-less configuration with a spherical varied-line-spacing grating that provides a flat focal plane for grazing incidence light. Alternative use of two different gratings enables us to cover the wavelength range 1-25 nm. Test observations with the Tokyo electron beam ion trap demonstrate the high performance of the present spectrometer such as a resolving power of above 1000.  相似文献   

A free standing transmission grating based imaging spectrometer in the extreme ultraviolet range has been developed for the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX). The spectrometer operates in a survey mode covering the approximate spectral range from 30 to 700 A? and has a resolving capability of δλ/λ on the order of 3%. Initial results from space resolved impurity measurements from NSTX are described in this paper.  相似文献   

A laser lifetime spectrometer (fluorometer) for recording the luminescence kinetics in the range 950–1400 nm with a time resolution of 1 ns is described. The performance capabilities of the facility are demonstrated by an example of studying the near-IR luminescence of molecular singlet oxygen 1O2. The fluorometer allows measurements of quenched luminescence of 1O2 with a quantum yield of up to 6 × 10−9.  相似文献   

A time-of-flight spectrometer based on a fast plastic scintillator was developed to study the spectral and angular distribution of charged particles emitted from laser-produced plasmas. The measured time resolution of the spectrometer was ~0.3 ns, which made it possible to observe the fine structure in the spectrum of protons originated from the back surface of the target in experiments on the SOKOL-P laser facility.  相似文献   

We present the design and calibration of a microchannel plate based extreme ultraviolet spectrometer. Calibration was performed at the Advance Light Source (ALS) at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). This spectrometer will be used to record the single shot spectrum of radiation emitted by the tapered hybrid undulator (THUNDER) undulator installed at the LOASIS GeV-class laser-plasma-accelerator. The spectrometer uses an aberration-corrected concave grating with 1200 lines/mm covering 11-62 nm and a microchannel plate detector with a CsI coated photocathode for increased quantum efficiency in the extreme ultraviolet. A touch screen interface controls the grating angle, aperture size, and placement of the detector in vacuum, allowing for high-resolution measurements over the entire spectral range.  相似文献   

A space-resolved extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectrometer working in wavelength range of 50-500 A? has been developed to measure two-dimensional distribution of impurity spectral lines emitted from edge plasma of Large Helical Device (LHD), in which the magnetic field is formed by stochastic magnetic field with three-dimensional structure called ergodic layer. The two-dimensional measurement of edge impurity line emissions is carried out by scanning horizontally the observation chord of the space-resolved EUV spectrometer during single LHD discharge. Images of CIV (312.4 A?) and HeII (303.78 A?) are presented as the first result. The results are compared with ones calculated from the edge chord length in the ergodic layer of LHD plasma.  相似文献   

A precise absolute intensity calibration of a flat-field space-resolved extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectrometer working in wavelength range of 60-400 ? is carried out using a new calibration technique based on radial profile measurement of the bremsstrahlung continuum in Large Helical Device. A peaked vertical profile of the EUV bremsstrahlung continuum has been successfully observed in high-density plasmas (n(e) ≥ 10(14) cm(-3)) with hydrogen ice pellet injection. The absolute calibration can be done by comparing the EUV bremsstrahlung profile with the visible bremsstrahlung profile of which the absolute value has been already calibrated using a standard lamp. The line-integrated profile of measured visible bremsstrahlung continuum is firstly converted into the local emissivity profile by considering a magnetic surface distortion due to the plasma pressure, and the local emissivity profile of EUV bremsstrahlung is secondly calculated by taking into account the electron temperature profile and free-free gaunt factor. The line-integrated profile of the EUV bremsstrahlung continuum is finally calculated from the local emissivity profile in order to compare with measured EUV bremsstrahlung profile. The absolute intensity calibration can be done by comparing measured and calculated EUV bremsstrahlung profiles. The calibration factor is thus obtained as a function of wavelength with excellent accuracy. It is also found in the profile analysis that the grating reflectivity of EUV emissions is constant along the direction perpendicular to the wavelength dispersion. Uncertainties on the calibration factor determined with the present method are discussed including charge-coupled device operation modes.  相似文献   

The calibration of the soft x-ray spectral response of a large radius of curvature, high resolution grating spectrometer (HRGS) with a back-illuminated charge-coupled device detector is reported. The instrument is cross-calibrated for the 10-50 A? waveband at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory electron beam ion trap (EBIT) x-ray source with the EBIT calorimeter spectrometer. The HRGS instrument is designed for laser-produced plasma experiments and is important for making high dynamic range measurements of line intensities, line shapes, and x-ray sources.  相似文献   

To measure the degree of polarization of a plasma emission, a polarization-resolved UV-visible Czerny-Turner-type spectrometer was designed and constructed. For a high spectral resolution, F=1 m mirrors were used as a focusing and collimating mirrors and the incidence angles to the mirrors were determined to eliminate coma. The effect of astigmatism was reduced by designing the incidence angles to the mirrors to be as small as possible. The flat focal plane condition proposed by Reader [J. Opt. Soc. Am. 59, 1189 (1969)] was used to determine the grating position. The measured spatial resolution was 170 microm. To simultaneously measure the intensities with two perpendicular polarizations, a calcite crystal was placed after the entrance slit of the spectrometer. The change in the imaging property of the spectrometer due to the calcite crystal was measured and minimized. The spectral resolution was experimentally measured with a laser produced plasma to be 0.05 nm at 348 nm. The resolving power measured is 6600.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a combined microreactor and time of flight system for testing and characterization of heterogeneous catalysts with high resolution mass spectrometry and high sensitivity. Catalyst testing is performed in silicon-based microreactors which have high sensitivity and fast thermal response. Gas analysis is performed with a time of flight mass spectrometer with a modified nude Bayard-Alpert ionization gauge as gas ionization source. The mass resolution of the time of flight mass spectrometer using the ion gauge as ionization source is estimated to m∕Δm > 2500. The system design is superior to conventional batch and flow reactors with accompanying product detection by quadrupole mass spectrometry or gas chromatography not only due to the high sensitivity, fast temperature response, high mass resolution, and fast acquisition time of mass spectra but it also allows wide mass range (0-5000 amu in the current configuration). As a demonstration of the system performance we present data from ammonia oxidation on a Pt thin film showing resolved spectra of OH and NH(3).  相似文献   

开发一套模拟海底极端环境的实验装置,能在实验室进行极端环境细菌生物培养、海底成矿等试验,并且使实验数据实时共享,试验过程远程监控,实现虚拟试验。  相似文献   

The parameters governing the response time of a system to follow transient changes of conductivity caused by short pulses of radiation are discussed, and designs for coaxial conductivity cells with parallel-plate electrodes to obtain subnanosecond time resolution are described. The performance of the system is evaluated using ionization pulses of 30-ps width. This yields values in agreement with theory: 95 ps for the rise time and 80 ps for the fall time with virtually no signal distortion. Ways to decrease these times further are discussed.  相似文献   

A combination grazing incidence spectrograph for photographic recording and scanning monochromator has been realized. The instrument is of a modular concept and all the internal components like the grating, the plateholder, and the scanning exit slit are easily removable. The radius of curvature of the Rowland cylinder can also be easily changed. The entrance beam is always kept fixed in position and direction, allowing the instrument to be permanently aligned with fixed light sources. The vacuum case is mechanically independent from the optical components.  相似文献   

A regenerative tin liquid microjet target was developed for a high average power extreme ultraviolet (EUV) source. The diameter of the target was smaller than 160 microm and good vacuum lower than 0.5 Pa was maintained during the operation. A maximum EUV conversion efficiency of 1.8% at the Nd:yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser intensity of around 2 x 10(11) Wcm(2) with a spot diameter of 175 microm (full width at half maximum) was observed. The angular distribution of the EUV emission remained almost isotropic, whereas suprathermal ions mainly emerged toward the target normal.  相似文献   

An extremely high resolution flat field type slit less soft x-ray emission spectrometer has been designed and constructed for the long undulator beamline BL07LSU in SPring-8. By optimizing the ruling parameters of two cylindrical gratings, a high energy resolution ΔE < 100 meV and/or an E∕ΔE ~ 10 000 are expected for the energy range of 350 eV - 750 eV taking into account the broadening by the spatial resolution (25 μm) of a CCD detector. A coma-free operation mode proposed by Strocov et al., is also applied to eliminate both defocus and coma aberrations. The spectrometer demonstrated experimentally that E/ΔE = 10 050 and 8046 for N 1s (402.1 eV) and Mn 2p (641.8 eV) edges, respectively.  相似文献   

A compact and rigid terahertz time domain spectroscopy system is presented. The size of the device is 20 mm diameter times 61 mm length with four parabolic-shaped concave mirrors dug in it to effectively focus a terahertz beam on a sample. The device has no chromatic aberration over the whole bandwidth of the beam (0.3-2 THz), and an effective numerical aperture of about 0.45 is achieved, which has a capability to image the structure whose size is almost the same as the wavelength. Frequency resolved images clearly show this performance. We also show that quantitative retrieval of the complex refractive index of the structure as small as twice of the wavelength is possible.  相似文献   

The energy resolution of an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) equipped with an ultrathin window (UTW) and mounted at a high take-off angle (72 degrees) on a transmission electron microscope has been studied under a variety of operating conditions. The spectrometer resolution is close to that specified by the manufacturer, up to count rates of 400 cps. Above 400 cps the resolution deteriorates rapidly, and the MCA dead time and zero width increase. Above 10 keV, the height of the background is much greater than expected for bremsstrahlung and shows the shape which has previously been attributed to backscattered electron flux into the detector. It is postulated that the deterioration in resolution with count rate is caused by backscattered electrons reaching the detector through the UTW.  相似文献   

The main goal of this paper is to study the effect of six shop-floor improvement programs on lead time for several production system characteristics. The improvement programs studied were: improvement in setup time, defect rate, repair time, time between failures, processing time variability, and arrival variability. The research tools used were a system dynamics–factory physics hybrid model and design for experiments technique. All the improvement programs present statistically significant contribution for lead time reduction in at least some production environment studied, except improvement in arrival cv. The experimental results also showed that improvement in time between failures was the program that presented significant positive effect on lead time reduction for the greater number of environments studied (12 environments in 20 possibles). Repair time improvement presented significant positive effect on lead time reduction in 11 environments (from 20 possibles), setup time improvement in 9 environments (from 20 possibles), process variability in 6 environments (from 16 possibles), and defect rate only in 5 environments (from 20). These findings can help practical managers to choose the better improvement options aimed at lead time reduction accordingly to their production system characteristics. In addition, some practical implications could be drawn from this study: (1) managers should know that, when improvement in some shop-floor variable is difficult to achieve, it is also possible to get lead time reduction by means of choosing alternative improvement programs; (2) managers should take advantage of a positive synergic effect that it was found between some of the improvement programs studied; (3) managers should notice that, before implementing an improvement program on the shop-floor level aiming at lead time reduction, it is very important analyzing carefully the characteristics of the production environment, once even some well-known improvement program will lose their efficiency in lead time reduction if they are used in a nonfavorable production environment.  相似文献   

High-speed 64- and 128-channel modules of time-to-digital converters with a picosecond time resolution and programmable parameters are described. The modules are based on HPTDC1.3 integrated circuits and Altera FPGAs in the framework of the IHEP-standardized high-speed multichannel information system (MISS) and a new EuroMISS electronics system.  相似文献   

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