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An effectiveness-based adaptive cache replacement policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Belady’s optimal cache replacement policy is an algorithm to work out the theoretical minimum number of cache misses, but the rationale behind it was too simple. In this work, we revisit the essential function of caches to develop an underlying analytical model. We argue that frequency and recency are the only two affordable attributes of cache history that can be leveraged to predict a good replacement. Based on those two properties, we propose a novel replacement policy, the Effectiveness-Based Replacement policy (EBR) and a refinement, Dynamic EBR (D-EBR), which combines measures of recency and frequency to form a rank sequence inside each set and evict blocks with lowest rank. To evaluate our design, we simulated all 30 applications from SPEC CPU2006 for uni-core system and a set of combinations for 4-core systems, for different cache sizes. The results show that EBR achieves an average miss rate reduction of 12.4%. With the help of D-EBR, we can tune the weight ratio between ‘frequency’ and ‘recency’ dynamically. D-EBR can nearly double the miss reduction achieved by EBR alone. In terms of hardware overhead, EBR requires half the hardware overhead of real LRU and even compared with Pseudo LRU the overhead is modest.  相似文献   

Caching frequently accessed data items on the client side is an effective technique to improve the system performance in wireless networks. Due to cache size limitations, cache replacement algorithms are used to find a suitable subset of items for eviction from the cache. Many existing cache replacement algorithms employ a value function of different factors such as time since last access, entry time of the item in the cache, transfer time, item expiration time and so on. However, most of the existing algorithms are designed for WWW environment under weak consistency model. Their choices of value functions are based on experience and on a value function which only works for a specific performance metric.In this paper, we propose a generalized value function for cache replacement algorithms for wireless networks under a strong consistency model. The distinctive feature of our value function is that it is generalized and can be used for various performance metrics by making the necessary changes. Further, we prove that the proposed value function can optimize the access cost in our system model. To demonstrate the practical effectiveness of the generalized value function, we derive two specific functions and evaluate them by setting up two different targets: minimizing the query delay and minimizing the downlink traffic. Compared to previous schemes, our algorithm significantly improves the performance in terms of query delay or in terms of bandwidth utilization depending on the specified target.  相似文献   

McCann  Julie A. 《World Wide Web》2000,3(4):231-240
The Kendra project's aim is to develop a distributed multimedia delivery system which utilises intelligent caching mechanisms to improve availability, performance and reliability while minimising storage space and network utilisation. In this paper we present the Kendra cache replacement technique and its performance against widely varying test data. We then examine the replacement policy's performance in both a geographically organised hierarchy of caches and a geographically ordered multicast group of caches. We demonstrate a considerable improvement in Internet delivery performance both in terms of response time and bandwidth saving and uniquely exam the trade-off between cache performance and metadata processing.  相似文献   

In-network caching in Named Data Networking (NDN) based Internet of Things (IoT) plays a central role for efficient data dissemination. Data cached throughout the network may quickly become obsolete as they are transient and frequently updated by their producers. As such, NDN-based IoT networks impose stringent requirement in terms of data freshness. While various cache replacement policies were proposed, none has considered the cache freshness requirement. In this paper, we introduce a novel cache replacement policy called Least Fresh First (LFF) integrating the cache freshness requirement. LFF evicts invalid cached contents based on time series forecasting of sensors future events. Extensive simulations are performed to evaluate the performance of LFF and to compare it to the different well-known cache replacement policies in ICN-based IoT networks. The obtained results show that LFF significantly improves data freshness compared to other policies, while enhancing the server hit reduction ratio, the hop reduction ratio and the response latency.  相似文献   

命中率、字节命中率和延迟时间是Web缓存系统中最重要的性能指标,但是却难以准确、合理地度量不同大小的Web对象的访问延迟.引入字节延迟的概念,为不同的对象延迟建立了一个比较合理的评价标准.提出最小延迟代价的Web缓存替换算法LLC,使用户访问的延迟时间尽可能缩短.实验结果表明,与常用的缓存替换算法相比,LLC算法在有效减少用户感知的访问延迟方面具有较好的性能表现.  相似文献   

Data caching at mobile clients is an important technique for improving the performance of wireless data dissemination systems. However, variable data sizes, data updates, limited client resources, and frequent client disconnections make cache management a challenge. We propose a gain-based cache replacement policy, Min-SAUD, for wireless data dissemination when cache consistency must be enforced before a cached item is used. Min-SAUD considers several factors that affect cache performance, namely, access probability, update frequency, data size, retrieval delay, and cache validation cost. The paper employs stretch as the major performance metric since it accounts for the data service time and, thus, is fair when items have different sizes. We prove that Min-SAUD achieves optimal stretch under some standard assumptions. Moreover, a series of simulation experiments have been conducted to thoroughly evaluate the performance of Min-SAUD under various system configurations. The simulation results show that, in most cases, the Min-SAUD replacement policy substantially outperforms two existing policies, namely, LRU and SAIU.  相似文献   

张超  李可  范平志 《计算机应用》2019,39(7):2044-2050
针对无线移动设备数量的指数增长使得异构协作小小区(SBS)将承载大规模的流量负载问题,提出了一种基于协作SBS与流行度预测的在线热点视频缓存更新方案(OVCRP)。首先,分析在线热点视频的流行度在短期内变化情况;然后,构建k近邻模型进行在线热点视频流行度的预测;最后,确定在线热点视频的缓存更新位置。为了选择合适的位置存放在线热点视频,以最小化总体传输时延为目标,建立数学模型,设计整数规划优化算法。仿真实验结果显示,与随机缓存(RANDOM)、最近最少使用(LRU)、最不经常使用(LFU)方案相比,OVCRP在平均缓存命中率和平均访问时延方面具有明显的优势,因此减轻了协作SBS的网络负担。  相似文献   

针对GDSF替换算法中对访问频率缺少预测的不足,提出了一种基于协同过滤的GDSF缓存替换算法(GDSF-CF)。该算法考虑了Web对象之间相似性与用户访问时间间隔,运用协同过滤算法生成Web对象的预测访问频率,并采用齐普夫定律参数对GDSF算法的目标函数进行了改进。当需要进行缓存替换时,利用目标函数价值计算缓存空间中的每个Web对象缓存价值,将最小缓存价值的Web对象进行替换。仿真实验结果表明,该算法的命中率HR和字节命中率BHR都有较大提升。  相似文献   

Replacement algorithms have been widely used as key technologies for cache management in areas such as file systems or database management. A replacement algorithm determines which page to be evicted when the cache is full and a new page is referenced. Because replacement policies considering only recency or frequency such as LRU (Least Recently Used) and LFU (Least Frequently Used) do not perform well, replacement polices that take both recency and frequency into account have been intensively studied. As a classical replacement policy, LRFU (Least Recently/Frequently Used) policy subsumes the LRU and LFU policy. However, because LFU is not able to adapt to the change of page accessing pattern and it is hard to select a suitable λ for each certain trace, LRFU cannot always guarantee a good performance. In this paper, we propose a Window‐LRFU policy, to subsume the LRU and Window‐LFU policies. Experimental results show that the Window‐LRFU policy outperforms LRFU and has at least competitive performance than other classical algorithms. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In a multiprogrammed system, when the operating system switches contexts, in addition to the cost for handling the processes being swapped out and in, the cache performance of processors also can be affected. If frequent context switching replaces the data loaded into cache memory before they are completely reused, the programs suffer from cache misses due to the damage in cache locality. In particular, for the programs with good cache locality, such as blocked programs, a scheduling mechanism of keeping cache locality against context switching is essential to achieve good processor utilization. To solve this requirement, we propose a preemption-safe policy to exploit the cache locality of blocked programs in a multiprogrammed system. The proposed policy delays context switching until a block is fully reused, but also compensates for the monopolized processor time on processor scheduling mechanisms. Our simulation results show that in a situation where blocked programs are run on multiprogrammed shared-memory multiprocessors, the proposed policy improves the performance of these programs due to a decrease in cache misses. In such situations, it also has a beneficial impact on the overall system performance due to the enhanced processor utilization.  相似文献   

Li  Jianjiang  Deng  Zhaochu  Du  Panpan  Lin  Jie 《The Journal of supercomputing》2022,78(4):4779-4798

The Sunway TaihuLight is the first supercomputer built entirely with domestic processors in China. On Sunway Taihulight, the local data memory (LDM) of the slave core is limited, so data transmission with the main memory is frequent during calculation, and the memory access efficiency is low. On the other hand, for many scientific computing programs, how to solve the storage problem of irregular access data is the key to program optimization. Software cache (SWC) is one of the effective means to solve these problems. Based on the characteristics of Sunway TaihuLight structure and irregular access, this paper designs and implements a new software cache structure by using part of the space in LDM to simulate the cache function, which uses new cache address mapping and conflicts solution to solve high data access overhead and storage overhead in a traditional cache. At the same time, the SWC uses the register communication between the slave cores to share on the different slave core LDMs, increasing the capacity of the software cache and improving the hit rate. In addition, we adopt a double buffer strategy to access regular data in batches, which hides the communication overhead between the slave core and the main memory. The test results on the Sunway TaihuLight platform show that the software cache structure in this paper can effectively reduce the program running time, improve the software cache hit rate, and achieve a better optimization effect.


A new approach for the verification of cache coherence protocols   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We introduce a cache protocol verification technique based on a symbolic state expansion procedure. A global Finite State Machine (FSM) model characterizing the protocol behavior is built and protocol verification becomes equivalent to finding whether or not the global FSM may enter erroneous states. In order to reduce the complexity of the state expansion process, all the caches in the same state are grouped into an equivalence class and the number of caches in the class is symbolically represented by a repetition constructor. This symbolic representation is partly justified by the symmetry and homogeneity of cache-based systems. However, the key idea behind the representation is to exploit a unique property of cache coherence protocols: the fact that protocol correctness is not dependent on the exact number of cached copies. Rather, symbolic states only need to keep track of whether the caches have 0, 1, or multiple copies. The resulting symbolic state expansion process only takes a few steps and verifies the protocol for any system size. Therefore, it is more efficient and reliable than current approaches. The verification procedure is first applied to the verification of five existing protocols under the assumption of atomic protocol transitions. A simple snooping protocol on a split-transaction shared bus is also verified to illustrate the extension of our approach to protocols with nonatomic transitions  相似文献   

This paper presents a new document representation with vectorized multiple features including term frequency and term-connection-frequency. A document is represented by undirected and directed graph, respectively. Then terms and vectorized graph connectionists are extracted from the graphs by employing several feature extraction methods. This hybrid document feature representation more accurately reflects the underlying semantics that are difficult to achieve from the currently used term histograms, and it facilitates the matching of complex graph. In application level, we develop a document retrieval system based on self-organizing map (SOM) to speed up the retrieval process. We perform extensive experimental verification, and the results suggest that the proposed method is computationally efficient and accurate for document retrieval.  相似文献   

针对目前内容中心网络CCN缓存替换策略所存在的效率低下等问题,引用物理学中“势能”的概念,并结合“自然冷却”这一自然现象,提出了一种基于势能冷却的替换算法PEC-Rep。根据被访问的次数以及时间间隔,准确判断出内容在未来一段时间内的使用价值,在进行内容替换时,将价值最小的内容删除,使得节点中的内容保持最大价值,满足用户的后续请求。仿真结果表明,PEC-Rep可以有效地提高域内缓存命中率,减轻服务器的负载,提高CCN的整体性能。  相似文献   

A disk cache is typically used in file systems to reduce average access time for data storage and retrieval. The `periodic update' write policy, widely used in existing computer systems, is one in which dirty cache blocks are written to a disk on a periodic basis. The average response time for disk read requests when the periodic update write policy is used is determined. Read and write load, cache-hit ratio, and the disk scheduler's ability to reduce service time under load are incorporated in the analysis, leading to design criteria that can be used to decide among competing cache write policies. The main conclusion is that the bulk arrivals generated by the periodic update policy cause a traffic jam effect which results in severely degraded service. Effective use of the disk cache and disk scheduling can alleviate this problem, but only under a narrow range of operating conditions. Based on this conclusion, alternate write packages that retain the periodic update policy's advantages and provide uniformly better service are proposed  相似文献   

We study a new warranty policy for non-repairable products which is indexed by two correlated random variables, age and usage and covers all failures in (0, t]. Two different warranty costs for the replacement of the failed product are considered, according to its usage being greater or less than a pre-specified level s > 0. A bivariate probability distribution function is applied to incorporate the correlation effect of the two variables. Analytical expressions of the probability density function of the total warranty cost and its expected value, the probability distribution functions of the number of the failed products with usage greater or less than s and their corresponding expected values and costs are derived. Limit results are also obtained. The results obtained are useful measures in establishing the compensation policy and the evaluation of its performance under the proposed warranty. Illustrative numerical examples of the expected cost for Paulson, Pareto and Beta Stacy bivariate distributions are presented and discussed. In particular for Paulson’s bivariate probability distribution, closed form expressions for the expected costs are obtained.  相似文献   

A system is subject to shocks that arrive according to a non-homogeneous Poisson process. As these shocks occur, the system experiences one of two types of failures: a type-I failure (minor), rectified by a minimal repair; or a type-II failure (catastrophic) that calls for a replacement. In this study, we consider a multi-criteria replacement policy based on system age, nature of failure, and entire repair-cost history. Under such a policy, the system is replaced at planned life time T, or at the nth type-I failure, or at the kth type-I failure (k < n) at which the accumulated repair cost exceeds the pre-determined limit, or at the first type-II failure, whichever occurs first. An optimal policy over the control parameters is studied analytically by showing its existence, uniqueness, and structural properties. This model is a generalization of several existing models in the literature. Some numerical examples are presented to show several useful insights.  相似文献   

针对视频节目受欢迎程度不同的特性,提出一种P2P流媒体系统中的缓存替换算法,通过将系统中的全部视频片段分类,为其赋予不同的优先级,并周期性地更新该值,同时考虑视频片段被访问次数和最近被访问的情况,使得被替换出存储空间的片段更加合理。实验表明,该算法能提高缓存命中率及系统的启动延时,性能较优。  相似文献   

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