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Nepheline precipitation in nuclear waste glasses during vitrification can be detrimental due to the negative effect on chemical durability often associated with its formation. Developing models to accurately predict nepheline precipitation from compositions is important for increasing waste loading since existing models can be overly conservative. In this study, an expanded dataset of 955 glasses, including 352 high-level waste glasses, was compiled from literature data. Previously developed submixture models were refitted using the new dataset, where a misclassification rate of 7.8% was achieved. In addition, nine machine learning (ML) algorithms (k-nearest neighbor, Gaussian process regression, artificial neural network, support vector machine, decision tree, etc.) were applied to evaluate their ability to predict nepheline precipitation from glass compositions. Model accuracy, precision, recall/sensitivity, and F1 scores were systemically compared between different ML algorithms and modeling protocols. Model prediction with an accuracy of ~0.9 (misclassification rate of ~10%) was observed for different algorithms under certain protocols. This study evaluated various ML models to predict nepheline precipitation in waste glasses, highlighting the importance of data preparation and modeling protocol, and their effect on model stability and reproducibility. The results provide insights into applying ML to predict glass properties and suggest areas for future research on modeling nepheline precipitation.  相似文献   

Lithium and sodium aluminosilicates are important glass‐forming systems for commercial glass‐ceramics, as well as being important model systems for ion transport in battery studies. In addition, uncontrolled crystallization of LiAlSiO4 (eucryptite) in high‐Li2O compositions, analogous to the more well‐known problem of NaAlSiO4 (nepheline) crystallization, can cause concerns for long‐term chemical durability in nuclear waste glasses. To study the relationships between glass structure and crystallization, nine glasses were synthesized in the LixNa1‐xAlSiO4 series, from x = 0 to x = 1. Raman spectra, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy (Li‐7, Na‐23, Al‐27, Si‐29), and X‐ray diffraction were used to study the quenched and heat‐treated glasses. It was found that different LiAlSiO4 and NaAlSiO4 crystal phases crystallize from the glass depending on the Li/Na ratio. Raman and NMR spectra of quenched glasses suggest similar structures regardless of alkali substitution. Li‐7 and Na‐23 NMR spectra of the glass‐ceramics near the endmember compositions show evidence of several differentiable sites distinct from known LixNa1‐xAlSiO4 crystalline phases, suggesting that these measurements can reveal subtle chemical environment differences in mixed‐alkali systems, similar to what has been observed for zeolites.  相似文献   

The glass transition temperature (Tg) is a key parameter to investigate for application in nuclear waste immobilization in borosilicate glasses. Tg for several glasses containing iodine (I) has been measured in order to determine the I effect on Tg. Two series of glass composition (ISG and NH) containing up to 2.5 mol% I and synthesized under high pressure (0.5 to 1.5 GPa) have been investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The I local environment in glasses has been determined using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and revealed that I is dissolved under its iodide form (I). Results show that Tg is decreased with the I addition in the glass in agreement with previous results. We also observed that this Tg decrease is a strong function of glass composition. For NH, 2.5 mol% I induces a decrease of 24°C in Tg, whereas for ISG, 1.2 mol% decreases the Tg by 64°C. We interpret this difference as the result of the I dissolution mechanism and its effect on the polymerization of the boron network. The I dissolution in ISG is accompanied by a depolymerization of the boron network, whereas it is the opposite in NH. Although ISG corresponds to a standardized glass, for the particular case of I immobilization it appears less adequate than NH considering that the decrease in Tg for NH is small in comparison to ISG.  相似文献   

The Hanford Tank Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant will vitrify the mixed hazardous wastes generated from 45 years of plutonium production at the Hanford Site in Washington State. The molten glasses will be poured into stainless steel containers or canisters and subsequently cooled for storage and disposal. For appropriate facility design and operations to handle such highly energy‐consuming processes, knowledge of the material properties is required. The thermal properties (heat capacity, thermal diffusivity, and thermal conductivity) of representative high‐level and low‐activity waste glasses were studied as functions of temperature in the range of 200°C‐800°C (relevant to the cooling process). Simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry‐thermal gravimetry (DSC‐TGA), Xe‐flash diffusivity, pycnometry, and dilatometry were implemented. The study showed that simultaneous DSC‐TGA would be a reliable method for obtaining the heat capacity of various glasses in the temperature range of interest. Accurate thermal properties from this study were shown to provide a more realistic guideline for capacity and time constraints of the heat removal process when compared to the original conservative design‐basis engineering estimates. The estimates, though useful for design in the absence of measured physical properties, can now be supplanted and the measured thermal properties can be used in design verification activities.  相似文献   

The article reports on the structural dependence of crystallization in Na2O–Al2O3–B2O3–P2O5–SiO2-based glasses over a broad compositional space. The structure of melt-quenched glasses has been investigated using 11B, 27Al, 29Si, and 31P magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) spectroscopy, while the crystallization behavior has been followed using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive spectroscopy. In general, the integration of phosphate into the sodium aluminoborosilicate network is mainly accomplished via the formation of Al–O–P and B–O–P linkages with the possibility of formation of Si–O–P linkages playing only a minor role. In terms of crystallization, at low concentrations (≤5 mol.%), P2O5 promotes the crystallization of nepheline (NaAlSiO4), while at higher concentrations (≥10 mol.%), it tends to suppress (completely or incompletely depending on the glass chemistry) the crystallization in glasses. When correlating the structure of glasses with their crystallization behavior, the MAS NMR results highlight the importance of the substitution/replacement of Si–O–Al linkages by Al–O–P, Si–O–B, and B–O–P linkages in the suppression of nepheline crystallization in glasses. The results have been discussed in the context of (1) the problem of nepheline crystallization in Hanford high-level waste glasses and (2) designing vitreous waste forms for the immobilization of phosphate-rich dehalogenated Echem salt waste.  相似文献   

玻璃固化是高放废物固化中较成熟、应用较广的一种技术。本文综述了玻璃固化体的浸出机理、浸出模型及浸蚀实验方法的研究进展。针对目前对温度和pH这两种因素在静态条件下的影响情况研究较多,对气体环境、压强和辐射等因素对玻璃固化体浸出行为的影响研究较少的现状,建议今后应重点进行玻璃固化体受浸泡剂-温度-辐射-压力-气流等多种因素耦合作用影响的抗侵蚀实验研究。  相似文献   

The kinetics and mechanism of the development of nepheline (NaAlSiO4) through thermal transformation of sodalite (Na4Al3Si3O12Cl) was studied by means of differential thermal analysis at different heating rates (10°C min−1 to 50°C min−1) to control the evolution of the crystallization fraction. The conversion of sodalite (cubic crystal) to pure nepheline (hexagonal crystal) took place in the 800°C–900°C interval. The activation energy for nepheline crystallization from sodalite was determined by isothermal and non-isothermal methods. The ratio t0.75/t0.25, together with the Avrami exponent (n) and the numerical factor of the dimensionality of crystal growth (m) parameters indicated that dominant crystallization mechanism in nepheline development is bulk crystallization mechanism controlled by interface reaction.  相似文献   

If the direct feed approach to vitrify the Hanford's tank waste is implemented, the low activity waste (LAW) will comprise higher concentrations of alkali/alkaline-earth sulfates than expected under the previously proposed vitrification scheme. To ensure a minimal impact of higher sulfate concentrations on the downstream operations and overall cost of vitrification, advanced glass formulations with enhanced sulfate loadings (solubility) are needed. While, the current sulfate solubility predictive models have been successful in designing LAW glasses with sulfate loadings <2 wt.%, it will be difficult for them to design glass compositions with enhanced loadings due to our limited understanding of the fundamental science governing these processes. In this pursuit, this article unearths the underlying compositional and structural drivers controlling the sulfate solubility in model LAW glasses. It has been shown that the preferentially removes non-framework cations from the modifier sites in the silicate network, thus, leading to the polymerization in the glass network via the formation of ring-structured borosilicate units. Furthermore, though the sulfate solubility slightly decreases with increasing Li+/Na+ in the glasses, the prefers to be charge compensated by Na+, as it is easier for to break Na–O bonds instead of Li–O bonds.  相似文献   

High‐level waste feed composition affects the overall melting rate by influencing the chemical, thermophysical, and morphological properties of a cold cap layer that floats on the molten glass where most feed‐to‐glass reactions occur. Data from X‐ray computed tomography imaging of melting pellets comprised of a simulated high‐aluminum feed reveal the morphology of bubbles, known as the primary foam, for various feed compositions at temperatures between 600°C and 1040°C. These feeds were formulated to make glasses with viscosities ranging from 0.5 to 9.5 Pa s at 1150°C, which was accomplished by changing the SiO2/(B2O3+Na2O+Li2O) ratio in the final glass. Pellet dimensions and profile area, average and maximum bubble areas, bubble diameter, and void fraction were evaluated. The feed viscosity strongly affects the onset of the primary foaming and the foam collapse temperature. Despite the decreasing amount of gas‐evolving components (Li2CO3, H3BO3, and Na2CO3), as the feed viscosity increases, the measured foam expansion rate does not decrease. This suggests that the primary foaming is not only affected by changes in the primary melt viscosity but also by the compositional reaction kinetic effects. The temperature‐dependent foam morphological data will be used to inform cold cap model development for a high‐level radioactive waste glass melter.  相似文献   

介绍了采用冷却结晶法处理含硝基氯苯废气的工艺方法和原理,通过用水作冷却剂对含硝基氯苯的废气进行冷却、结晶,使废气中的升华物和水蒸气同时被捕集,处理后的废气达到较高的净化程度。  相似文献   

Nepheline (Na6K2Al8Si8O32) is a rock‐forming tectosilicate mineral which is by far the most abundant of the feldspathoids. The crystallization in nepheline‐based glass‐ceramics proceeds through several polymorphic transformations — mainly orthorhombic, hexagonal, cubic — depending on their thermochemistry. However, the fundamental science governing these transformations is poorly understood. In this article, an attempt has been made to elucidate the structural drivers controlling these polymorphic transformations in nepheline‐based glass‐ceramics. Accordingly, two different sets of glasses (meta‐aluminous and per‐alkaline) have been designed in the system Na2O–CaO–Al2O3–SiO2 in the crystallization field of nepheline and synthesized by the melt‐quench technique. The detailed structural analysis of glasses has been performed by 29Si, 27Al, and 23Na magic‐angle spinning — nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR), and multiple‐quantum MAS NMR spectroscopy, while the crystalline phase transformations in these glasses have been studied under isothermal and non‐isothermal conditions using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X‐ray diffraction (XRD), and MQMAS NMR. Results indicate that the sequence of polymorphic phase transformations in these glass‐ceramics is dictated by the compositional chemistry of the parent glasses and the local environments of different species in the glass structure; for example, the sodium environment in glasses became highly ordered with decreasing Na2O/CaO ratio, thus favoring the formation of hexagonal nepheline, while the cubic polymorph was the stable phase in SiO2–poor glass‐ceramics with (Na2O+CaO)/Al2O3 > 1. The structural origins of these crystalline phase transformations have been discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

Sulfur trioxide (SO3) additions, up to 3.0 mass%, were systematically investigated for effects on the physical properties of sodium borosilicate glass melted in air, with a sulfur-free composition of 50SiO2–10Al2O3–12B2O3–21Na2O–7CaO (mass%). Solubility measurements, using electron microscopy chemical analysis, determined the maximum loading to be ~1.2 mass% SO3. It was found that measured sulfur (here as sulfate) additions up to 1.18 mass% increased the glass transition temperature by 3%, thermal diffusivity by 11%, heat capacity by 10%, and thermal conductivity by 20%, and decreased the mass density by 1%. Structural analysis, performed with Raman spectroscopy, indicated that the borosilicate network polymerized with sulfur additions up to 3.0 mass%, presumably due to Na2O being required to charge compensate the ionic additions, thus becoming unavailable to form non-bridging oxygen in the silicate network. It is postulated that this increased cross-linking of the borosilicate backbone led to a structure with higher dimensionality and average bond energy. This increased the mean free paths and vibration frequency of the phonons, which resulted in the observed increase in thermal properties.  相似文献   

Glass corrosion data from the ALTGLASS database were used to determine if gel compositions, which evolve as glass systems corrode, are correlated with the generation of zeolites and subsequent increase in the glass dissolution rate at long times. The gel compositions were estimated based on the difference between the elemental glass starting compositions and the measured elemental leachate concentrations from the long-term product consistency tests (ASTM C1285) at various stages of dissolution, ie, reaction progress. A well-characterized subset of high level waste glasses from the database was selected: these glasses had been leached for 15-20 years at reaction progresses up to ~80%. The gel composition data, at various reaction progresses, were subjected to a step-wise regression, which demonstrated that hydrogel compositions with Si*/Al* ratios of <1.0 did not generate zeolites and maintained low dissolution rates for the duration of the experiments. Glasses that formed hydrogel compositions with Si^*/Al^* ratios ≥1, generated zeolites accompanied by a resumption in the glass dissolution rate. The role of the gel Si/Al ratio, and the interactions with the leachate, provides the fundamental understanding needed to predict if and when the glass dissolution rate will increase due to zeolitization.  相似文献   

Borosilicate glasses incorporating high-level nuclear waste are exposed to high-energy radiations during their storage in the deep geological repositories. However, the effect of radiation on the atomic structure of borosilicate glasses remains poorly understood. Herein, using molecular dynamics simulations, we study the irradiation-induced structural changes of a series of calcium-sodium borosilicate glasses with varying Si/B molar ratios—ranging from pure silicate to pure borate glasses. We observe that irradiation leads to an increase in disorder, both in the short- and medium-range, as evidenced by the enthalpy, coordination number, and ring distribution. In particular, the impact of the change in the atomic structure (due to radiation) on the glass volume is investigated. Interestingly, we observe a composition-dependent transition in the volumetric response of borosilicate glasses under irradiation—wherein borate-rich compositions tend to swell, whereas silica-rich glasses tend to densify. Through a detailed analysis of the structure, we demonstrate two competing mechanisms contributing to the volume change, i.e., a decrease in the coordination number of boron atoms and a reduction in the average silicon inter-polytope angle. We also show that the increase in the disorder in the medium-range order may play a major role in governing the volumetric changes in the irradiated structure in a non-trivial fashion. Altogether, the present study highlights that irradiation has a non-trivial effect on borosilicate glasses, which, in turn, could impact their corrosion kinetics.  相似文献   

Optimizing the concentration of molybdenum incorporated in a borosilicate glass matrix is essential in the vitrification of high-level radioactive waste. However, the incorporation limit of MoO3 in fundamental borosilicate systems has been rarely correlated with the local structure of the molybdenum cations. This study investigates the variations in the incorporation limit of MoO3 in ternary sodium borosilicate glass upon varying the B2O3/(SiO2 + B2O3) ratio (i.e., B). The incorporation limit of MoO3 was less than 3 mol% in the low-B region (B < 0.7), where molybdenum cations mainly existed as [MoO4]2−. However, when B was higher than 0.85, the incorporation limit was higher than 6 mol%, and the Raman spectra indicated the presence of octahedrally coordinated molybdenum cations, essential to stabilize the Mo–O–Mo linkage. The variation in the local structure of molybdenum cations can be explained by the available amount of non-framework cations compensating for the negative charge near [MoO4]2−. These results allow the development of glass compositions with a high incorporation limit of MoO3 simply by controlling the local structure near the molybdenum cations.  相似文献   

During the vitrification of radioactive waste in a Joule‐heated melter, aqueous melter feed slurry forms a cold cap, a reacting and melting material, which floats on the surface of the molten glass. The rheological behavior of the feed affects cold cap formation and shape, and is vital for modeling the feed‐to‐melt conversion process. We used slurry feed simulant and fast‐dried slurry solids representing the cold cap to investigate the rheological behavior of the feed as it transforms into glass. Both low‐temperature and high‐temperature rheometry were performed and a new scheme was applied to estimate the feed viscosity. This study shows that the conversion advances in four sequential stages that form distinct regions in the cold cap: (i) a fast‐spreading boiling slurry from which water evaporates, (ii) a porous solid region (viscosity > 108 Pa s) containing reacting solids and molten salts, (iii) a plastic region in which glass‐forming melt connects the refractory solids (~108 to ~10Pa s), and (iv) a viscous foam layer in which the viscosity drops from ~105 to ~101 Pa s. The implications for the mathematical modeling of the cold cap are discussed.  相似文献   

Sodium borosilicate (NBS) and barium sodium borosilicate (BBS) glasses, used for immobilization of high‐level nuclear waste with compositions (SiO2)0.477(B2O3)0.239(Na2O)0.170(TiO2)0.023(CaO)0.068(Al2O3)0.023 and (SiO2)0.482(B2O3)0.244(Na2O)0.220(BaO)0.054 were subjected leaching experiments under hydrothermal conditions in an autoclave at 200°C for different time durations. Morphological and structural transformations associated with leaching, have been monitored with techniques like XRD, SEM, solid‐state nuclear magnetic resonance. XRD and SEM along with NMR studies have confirmed that, upon leaching, formation of an aluminosilicate phase, Zeolite‐P (Na6Al6Si10O32·12H2O), occurs with NBS glass. BBS glass upon subjecting to the same conditions leads to formation of multiple amorphous phases having Q4 (silica rich phase) and Q3 structural units of Silicon along with structurally modified residual glass. Upon leaching BO3 structural units preferentially get released from BBS glass. Comparison of results with international simple glass confirmed that, for the latter, mass loss rates are one order of magnitude lower.  相似文献   

The feed‐to‐glass conversion, which comprises complex chemical reactions and phase transitions, occurs in the cold cap during nuclear waste vitrification. To investigate the conversion process, we analyzed heat‐treated samples of a simulated high‐level waste feed using X‐ray diffraction, electron probe microanalysis, leaching tests, and residual anion analysis. Feed dehydration, gas evolution, and borate phase formation occurred at temperatures below 700°C before the emerging glass‐forming melt was completely connected. Above 700°C, intermediate aluminosilicate phases and quartz particles gradually dissolved in the continuous borosilicate melt, which expanded with transient foam. Knowledge of the chemistry and physics of feed‐to‐glass conversion will help us control the conversion path by changing the melter feed makeup to maximize the glass production rate.  相似文献   

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