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Modeling of vacuum based liquid composite molding methods (e.g., VARTM) relies on good understanding of closely coupled phenomena. The resin flow depends on the preform permeability, which in turn depends on the local fluid pressure; the preform compaction behavior, and the membrane stresses in the vacuum bag. It has also been shown that for many preforms there is a significant unsaturated region behind the flow front, and that the flow in this region affects the overall flow behavior of the process. Studies of preform compaction have shown that the preform stiffness, as well as being non-linear and exhibiting significant hysteresis, is dependant on the fluid saturation. For this reason most researchers model the preform compaction based on the pressure-compaction behavior of saturated preforms during unloading. This assumption leads to an effective discontinuity in preform thickness at the flow front, which is not observed in actual experiments. In this paper an improved compaction model incorporating the saturation dependence of the compaction pressure in the partially saturated region, is used in a one-dimensional model of the VARTM process. The model gives physically more realistic results for the thickness in the flow front region, and an improved model for the consolidation of the preform at the end of infusion.  相似文献   

Experimental Study of Thickness Gradient Formation in the VARTM Process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although the vacuum assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM) process has been the focus of much attention in the past several years, it is only recently that research tools have been developed to investigate fundamental process mechanisms associated with it. One area of concern for composites manufacturers is the ability to maintain dimensional tolerances throughout the process cycle. It has been well known that a thickness gradient forms during VARTM, leading to corresponding gradients in fiber volume fraction and the associated mechanical properties. In this work, the formation of these thickness gradients is investigated using an array of linear variable differential transformers (LVDTs) to monitor surface displacements during infusion. SMARTweave sensors are used to correlate resin flow with the surface displacements for infusions, using either a line resin source or point resin source. Software is used to display the surface displacements as a three-dimensional plot so that the entire part surface may be visualized during infusion.  相似文献   

We propose and investigate a mathematical model of a one-dimensional mechanical system which executes stochastic self-oscillations for certain values of the parameters.Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 143–147, July, 1984.  相似文献   

Vacuum assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM) is one of the important processes to fabricate high performance composites. In this process, resin is drawn into the mold to impregnate the fiber reinforcement to a form composite. A resin distribution layer with high permeability was often introduced on top of the fiber reinforcement to accelerate the filling speed. Due to the difference of the flow resistance in the resin distribution layer and the reinforcement as well as the resulting through thickness transverse flow, the filling flow field is intrinsically three-dimensional. This study developed a two-layer model with two-dimensional formulation to simulate the filling flow of the VARTM process with a resin distribution layer. Two-dimensional flow was considered in each layer and a transverse flow in the thickness direction was estimated between the two layers. Thermal analysis including the transverse convection was also performed to better simulate the temperature distribution.  相似文献   

一种分段平稳随机信号的参数识别方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于振动的结构健康监测的前提是从振动测试信号中提取结构模态参数。随机子空间方法是近年来发展起来的一种线性系统辨识方法,可以有效地从环境激励的结构响应信号中提取结构模态参数。随机子空间识别方法的应用前提是输人满足白噪声的假定,输出信号应当是平稳信号。论文对随机子空间方法的使用前提进行了拓展。将非平稳信号划分为分段平稳随机信号进行处理,为非平稳信号的研究提供一种新的分析方法。基本思想是将在现场采集的结构输出信号进行分段,各段信号应满足稳定的条件,即分段平稳。将各段信号用随机子空间结合稳定图进行识别,然后将所有各段所识别的模态参数再一次用稳定图方法进行分析,得出结构的模态参数。最后用-3跨连续梁的数值模型进行验证,结果表明用随机子空间方法结合两次稳定图可以有效地识别分段平稳的随机信号。  相似文献   

The development and implementation of a stochastic service-life model for chloride-induced corrosion in reinforced recycled-aggregate concrete is presented in this work. The 1D model accounts for recycled aggregates that have been initially contaminated with chlorides from previous in-service exposure. Using a probabilistic approach, the model is employed to predict the service life of normal- and recycled-aggregate reinforced concrete with and without aggregate pre-contamination. Specifically, the effect of (a) type and replacement ratio of reclaimed aggregate, (b) chloride boundary conditions, (c) initial aggregate chloride concentration, and (d) thickness of contaminated aggregate shells on time to corrosion cracking was investigated herein. Results suggest that certain levels of contamination may be permissible in the design of reclaimed-aggregate reinforced concrete structures. Furthermore, quality control standards that limit thresholds of recycled aggregate replacement ratios and aggregate purity should be based on anticipated exposure conditions and old mortar thicknesses rather than initial degrees of aggregate contamination.  相似文献   

在缝合泡沫夹芯结构复合材料的泡沫中嵌入轻质的加强筋板,可以在不增加缝合密度并且在只增加较少质量的前提下,增强复合材料制品整体的强度和刚性。文中对真空辅助树脂传递模塑成型(VARTM)工艺树脂在嵌入加强筋的缝合泡沫夹芯结构复合材料预成型体中充填过程进行模拟和验证研究。采用一种矩形流道模型代替沿加强筋与泡沫空隙间的树脂流动,并对其等效渗透率及孔隙率进行计算;通过PAM-RTM软件模拟了嵌入加强筋板的缝合泡沫夹芯结构VARTM工艺的树脂充填过程,并建立了流动可视化实验装置与模拟对比,结果表明模拟与实验相当吻合。而模拟与实验的结果均表明加强筋的引入可以在局部加强树脂沿厚度方向的流动,但是会延缓树脂对整个预成型体的充填。  相似文献   

In many structural applications, satisfactory results can be achieved by modeling the time-history of the ground acceleration by a segment of stationary stochastic process. This segment can be modulated by a suitable intensity function in order to make the process non-stationary in time. Attention is focused here on the analytical form of the power spectral density (PSD) function of the stationary process. The classical Kanai-Tajimi PSD characterized by three parameters is often inadequate: experimental data show in fact a multimodal behaviour of the frequency contents.

A n-modal PSD function characterized by 3n parameters is introduced in this paper. The evaluation of the model parameters is made possible by the knowledge of closed-form expressions for the spectral moments of any order of the PSD considered. For this purpose the spectral moments are defined over a finite range of the frequency axis (0, ωu). The results are strongly influenced by the value given to this upper-limit but, in seismic engineering, ωu is actually defined by the way in which the ground motions are recorded and handled. Application of the closed-form expressions for the spectral moments to other fields where ωu is not a priori known requires an additional preliminary analysis of the frequency range to be considered.  相似文献   

A novel multiscale approach is developed for modeling non-isothermal flows under unsaturated conditions in the dual-scale fabrics of liquid composite molding (LCM). The flow and temperature governing equations at the global or gap or inter-tow (∼m) level and the local or intra-tow (∼mm) levels are based on a previous dual-scale volume averaging method. To solve the coupled equations at two length-scales, a coarse global mesh is used to solve the global flow over the entire domain, and a fine local mesh in form of the unit-cell of periodic fabrics is employed to solve the local tow-impregnation process. (The latter is used to compute sink terms required for solving the former.) A multiscale algorithm based on the hierarchical computational grids is then proposed to solve the dual-scale flow under non-isothermal (but non-reactive) conditions. To test the proposed multiscale model, we first carry out a validation study in which the temperature histories predicted by the multiscale method are compared with experimental data available in a publication for a simple 1-D flow. Despite the lack of information about various model parameters, a reasonably good comparison with the experimental results is achieved. Then, the non-isothermal flow through a simple 1-D flow domain is carried out and the predictions of the multiscale simulation are compared with those of a previously published two-layer model. The multiscale predictions are found to be very similar to the two-layer predictions. A significant difference between the gap and tow temperatures is observed. The ratio of pore volumes in the tow and gap regions, thermal conductivity of the tows, and fiber types are identified as the important parameters for temperature distributions in the gap and tow regions. A further comparison with the single-scale flow simulation highlights significant differences between the conventional single-scale and the proposed dual-scale modeling approaches.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is proposed for predicting damage evolution and stiffness degradation in composite materials under environmental ageing. Environmental parameters such as moisture, temperature, and ultraviolet (UV) radiation cause hygrothermal loads on the structure, which leads to damage evolution. The present work establishes a constitutive model for treating the damage density as a random variable. A forward stochastic differential equation (FSDE) is proposed to predict the damage density evolution. Damage nucleation and annihilation rates are taken into consideration in terms of Brownian motions. A second-order damage tensor is developed using the solution of the FSDE. The damage tensor is incorporated into the constitutive model for predicting the elastic moduli. Finally, the proposed model is verified against experimental observations under certain hygrothermal conditions.  相似文献   

A modified model of stochastic growth that is controlled by the pressure gradient is used for a numerical study of the instability of the displacement front of liquids with different densities and viscosities in a porous medium. Consideration is given to the effect of permeability and porosity nonuniformities of the medium on the displacement front. Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 73, No. 2, pp. 267–273, March–April, 2000.  相似文献   

韩兵  蔺宇 《工业工程》2014,17(6):48-53
通过研究生产线物料配送的具体流程,考虑信息和物料停滞造成的线边工位等待,以及配送中心的执行费用,运用随机过程理论分别建立定量配送、定时配送和即时配送的成本模型,并对3种配送方式的最优策略进行定量分析。通过实例研究,从成本最优的角度和管理实现的角度对比分析3种配送方式,发现定量配送的一般最优性,以及定时配送和即时配送的特殊适用情况,从而为实际运营中,企业选择合适的配送方式提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Spatially resolved optical spectroscopy of Bismuth-doped germano-aluminosilicate fibre preform prepared by modified chemical vapor deposition (MCVD) reveals the existence of two subnetworks accommodating the active centres connected to Bismuth doping: a pure silica subnetwork and an aluminosilicate one. Even at low Bismuth doping level for which laser generation in the fibre has been demonstrated, two kinds of optical centres in a silica subnetwork can be identified. At least one of these centres is able to inhibit the laser generation in aluminosilicate fibres at high Bismuth doping levels. We discuss the technological issues for improving the efficiency of Bi-doped fibre lasers in the spectral range of 1150-1500 nm.  相似文献   

Characterization of preform permeability in the presence of race tracking   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For realistic simulation of resin flow in a stationary fibrous porous preform during Liquid Composite Molding (LCM) processes, it is necessary to input accurate material data. Of great importance in simulating the filling stage of the LCM process is the preform permeability; a measure of the resistance the preform poses to the flowing fluid. One method to measure permeability values is by conducting one-dimensional flow experiments, and matching the flow behavior to known analytical models. The difficulty is the edge effects such as race tracking disrupt the flow and violate the one-dimensional flow assumption. The new approach outlined in this paper offers a methodology to obtain accurate bulk permeability values despite any race tracking that may be present along the edges of the mold containing isotropic fabrics. Further, a method of approximate equivalent isotropic scaling is explained to extend the use of this method to determine permeability of anisotropic materials with race tracking present. Both approaches are validated with computer simulations, and then utilized in laboratory experimentation. The values calculated from this approach compare well with permeability values obtained from one-dimensional permeability experiments without the presence of race tracking.  相似文献   

The approximate solution is considered of a nonlinear nostationary problem of heat conduction with conjugate boundary conditions.Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 58, No. 5, pp. 862–866, May, 1990.  相似文献   

The dry powder inhaler (DPI) has become widely known as a very attractive platform for drug delivery. Many patients have traditionally used DPIs to treat asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Recently, the development of new DPIs for delivering therapeutic proteins such as insulin has been accelerated by patient demands, and innovative research. The current market for DPIs has over 20 devices presently in use, and many devices under development for delivering a variety of therapeutic agents. DPIs are recognized as suitable alternatives to pressurized metered dose inhalers for some patients, but the performance of DPI devices may vary according to a given patient's physiological condition. This variation can be associated with the necessary powder dispersion mechanism of each device. As such, much interest has focused on the development of efficient powder dispersion mechanisms, as this effectively minimizes the influence of interpatient variability. This article reviews DPI devices currently available, advantages of newly developed devices, outlines some requirements for future device design.  相似文献   

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