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张建行  康凯  钱骅  杨淼 《电子与信息学报》2022,44(11):3850-3857
随着无人机技术的广泛应用,基于无人机辅助数据收集的物联网架构扩展了物联网的应用范围,尤其适用于军事战场、灾害救援等极端场景。针对上述场景,该文提出一种基于深度Q网络(Deep Q-Network, DQN)框架的无人机飞行路径规划算法。该算法以无人机飞行周期内收集信息的平均信息年龄(Age of Information, AoI)为优化目标,来保证无人机收集数据的时效性。仿真结果表明,所提算法可以有效降低无人机单个飞行周期内收集数据的平均AoI。与随机算法、基于最大AoI的贪心算法、最短路径算法以及基于AoI的路径规划算法(AoI-based Trajectory Planning, ATP)相比,平均AoI分别降低了约81%, 67%, 56%和39%。该研究实现了无人机辅助物联网系统中,数据的高效、低时延采集。  相似文献   

爱立信 《通讯世界》2004,(12):85-87
目前,CDMA网络正在飞速扩展。随着新用户和新业务的不断增加,拥有高质量的网络对任何运营商来说都非常关键。我们通常把移动网络的生命周期分为规划、扩建、优化和高效化几个阶段。这个周期会不断循环,并回归到规划阶段。好的规划对于实现良好的网络设计至关重要。成功的无线网络设计活动或者会引发对新无线网络的全盘设计,或者会涉及网络扩建计划,包括对现有网络进行配置。在CDMA无线网络中,电力是一种公共资源。为了实现最大的覆盖范围和容量,运营商应当根据需要来考虑提供混合型的服务(话音、电路和分组数据)。一旦规划完毕,运营商将…  相似文献   

爱立信 《电信技术》2004,(12):83-85
1 TEMS CellPlanner Universal简介 随着CDMA新业务和网络新用户的不断增加,拥有高质量的网络对任何运营商来说都是非常关键的。通常,我们把移动网络的生命周期分为规划、扩建、优化几个阶段。这个周期会不断循环,并回归到规划阶段。在CDMA无线网络中,电力是一种公共资源,为了实现最大的覆盖范围和容量,  相似文献   

在无线传感器网络中,大量感知数据汇集到sink节点的采集方法会导致sink节点附近的节点能量耗尽,造成能量空洞。针对该问题,利用移动的sink节点进行数据收集是一种解决方法,其中移动sink的路径规划成为一个重要的问题。提出了一个移动sink路径规划算法,将无线传感器中随机分布的节点划分为不同的子区域,寻找sink节点移动的最佳转向点,最终得到最优的移动路径,以实现无线传感器网络生命周期最大化。仿真实验表明,与现有方案相比,该算法能显著延长网络的生命周期。  相似文献   

因构成无线传感器网络的传感器节点采用容量有限的电池供电,其生存时间有限,限制了网络的适用范围和发展.利用充电小车给传感器充电是解决传感器网络能量不足的一种重要方法.现有研究未考虑节点能量消耗值的随机动态变化,而这是传感器节点能耗的重要特征.本文综合考虑传感器节点的距离、覆盖面积和剩余生存时间,提出了一种能使小车实现自动...  相似文献   

在CDMA网络的建设和发展过程中,随着用户数量的不断增长,新型数据业务层出不穷,对网络的流量和覆盖范围等无线指标也会不断提出新的要求,因此规划和设计对于移动通信网络的可持续发展从网络建设伊始就至关重要。爱立信(中国)有限公司的《先进高效的CDMA网络规划工具》一文从网络规划工具的角度,对CDMA网络规划和设计中需要考虑的若干问题进行了分析,并提供了一个使用该工具进行CDMA无线网络规划的基本流程。对于CDMA以及第三代移动通信网络的规划建设具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

随着基于DRAM主存系统功耗的不断上升,相变随机访问存储器(PCRAM)凭借其高密度、低功耗、非易失等优点,将成为下一代最有潜力的主存技术.然而,PCRAM的写操作具有寿命有限和写入能耗、延时较大的特点,限制了其在主存系统中的应用.为了延长主存系统的使用寿命并减少写入能耗,采用写前读技术设计了一种基于异或的数据并行机制.实验结果表明,经过该机制处理,与传统的Data Comparison Write和Flip-N-Write机制相比,写寿命分别延长38%和19%,写入能耗分别减少28%和17%.  相似文献   

目前,CDMA网络正在飞速扩展。随着新用户和新业务的不断增加,拥有高质量的网络对任何运营商来说都非常关键。我们通常把移动网络的生命周期分为规划、扩建、优化和高效化几个阶段。这个周期会不断循环,并回归到规划阶段。好的规划对于实现良好的网络设计至关重要。成功的无线网络设计活动或者会引发对新无线网络的全盘设计,或者会涉及网络扩建计划,包括对现有网络进行配置。在CDMA无线网络中,电力是一种公共资源。为了实现最大的覆盖范围和容量,运营商应当根据需要来考虑提供混合型的服务(话音,电路和分组数据)。一旦规划完毕,运营商将…  相似文献   

公交线路智能查询系统的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了采用先进的语音识别和合成技术,对现有的公交公司的服务热线提出了改进方案,使服务热线更具有人性化、智能化以及快速、方便的服务。  相似文献   

光传输网络的突出优势就是组网,自愈环是其主要拓扑结构,网络具有自愈保护功能。本地传输网络一般按骨干层、汇聚层和接入层的功能结构组织,在层次网络结构中,如何组织光缆路由。本文利用分枝限界法解决了自愈环光缆路由的选择问题,提出了分层网络光缆路由规划的数学模型。  相似文献   

The design of energy-aware routing protocols has always been an important issue for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), because reducing the network energy consumption and increasing the network lifetime are the two main objectives for MANETs. Hence, this paper proposes an energy-aware routing protocol that simultaneously meets above two objectives. It first presents Route Energy Comprehensive Index (RECI) as the new routing metric, then chooses the path with both minimum hops and maximum RECI value as the route in route discovery phase, and finally takes some measures to protect the source nodes and the sink nodes from being overused when their energies are low so as to prolong the life of the corresponding data flow. Simulation results show that the proposed protocol can significantly reduce the energy consumption and extend the network lifetime while improve the average end-to-end delay compared with other protocols.  相似文献   

多无人机协同任务规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决多无人机协同规划军事目标打击的问题,基于多旅行商(TSP)数字规划理论进行路径和时间的优化。文中建立了多旅行商(TSP)数字规划模型,并根据任务性能和区域划分理论,利用退火算法求解出该模型的最优解。使用A*路径规划算法,通过编程仿真规划出了无人机的时间最优路径。结果表明,该方法较好地解决了当前无人机协同作战的目标分配问题,大幅提高了无人机协同作战的能力。  相似文献   

Hubbing has been shown to be an economical solution to the problems of providing both analog and digital special services. Digital cross-connect systems (DCS's) are an ideal vehicle for providing the hubbing function in a flexible and economic manner. However, planning hubbed networks with DCS's requires considerable analysis on a networkwide basis, a requirement difficult to carry out in a manual environment. This paper describes two strategic network planning tools that can aid network planners in determining the optimal hubbing configuration for their networks. HUBCAP (Hubbing Configuration Analysis Program) is a program that analyzes analog special services networks. SUBCAP (Subrate Configuration Analysis Program) examines networks designed for digital data services. The capabilities and application of each of the tools are discussed. Because the transmission equipment has the capabilities to support both types of services, and since shared applications are becoming increasingly popular, it is important to optimize the total network.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - Polarization diversity enables frequency reuse in a telecommunication network. The most widely considered solution is to use two orthogonal polarizations on the...  相似文献   

Energy-Efficient Route Selection Strategies for Wireless Sensor Networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) facilitate monitoring and controlling of physical environments from remote locations with the best possible accuracy. Sensor networks are wireless networks consisting of groups of small, inexpensive nodes, which collect and disseminate critical data. Also, sensor nodes have various energy and computational constraints due to their inexpensive nature and ad hoc method of deployment. Considerable research has been focused on overcoming these deficiencies through low-energy consumption schemes. Among other factors, the route selection strategy may have an impact on the sensors lifetime, and following on the network lifetime. In this paper, we study various route selection strategies that aim at prolonging the lifetime of WSNs. Also, a new route selection scheme is proposed, that increases further the network lifetime. The performance of these schemes is analyzed through simulation.  相似文献   

ATM technology placesstrict performance requirements on ATM systems, especially consideringthe scalability of the SDH/SONET physical layerto high speeds. Throughput preservation of the link speed throughprotocols to a higher layer application is a known problem inhigh-speed communication systems. The problem is being addressedwith design methodologies that offer high speed data paths, usingspecialized hardware, and increased processing power, commonlyin the form of embedded processors. In this paper, we presenta case study for a high-speed Queue Manager for ATM systems.The manager enables high-speed data transfer to/fromsystem memory and management of logical data structures (queues).Furthermore, it provides high-speed and importantly, scalabilityand re-usability, so that it can be used in a wide range of ATMsystems, such as workstation adapters, switches, routers, etc.In this work, we provide contributions in two directions. Wedescribe an approach to develop a high-speed, scalable and re-usablememory manager for ATM systems, and then we provide an architectureand implementations in harware as well as in software for embeddedsystems. The results indicate the cost/performancetrade-off's and system scalability and thus, enable designersto choose the implementation that meets their target system requirementswell.  相似文献   

王俊生  甘强 《电子学报》1997,25(2):107-109
本文提出了分形细胞神经网络,并成功地应用于联想记忆,从模拟结果看,分形细胞神经网络的联想记忆能力好于Baram提出的分形神经网络。  相似文献   

In order to plan operations where knowledge of significant elements is imprecise and uncertain, a means of characterizing the situation in terms of the various factors that may influence those operations must be provided. In this paper we discuss an approach to that characterization that uses evidential reasoning to handle the uncertainty, imprecision, and incompleteness typical of sources of real-world information and knowledge, to support planning routes for military helicopters. Evidential reasoning is a maturing collection of inference techniques for reasoning with uncertain information. Based on the Shafer-Dempster theory of evidence, evidential reasoning uses a non-Bayesian updating scheme to combine evidence provided by multiple diverse knowledge sources. Knowledge sources in an evidential reasoning system are not required to attribute their belief to a universe of discourse comprised solely of mutually exclusive, exhaustive, singleton events, as required by a classical probability approach. Rather, they may express levels of ignorance explicitly by allocating belief to disjunctions of propositions, thereby leading directly to an interval measure of belief; ignorance is expressed by the width of this interval. Evidential reasoning evolved from consideration of appropriate models for reasoning about information acquired from sensors, and therefore seems natural for drawing conclusions from sensor data and prestored maps regarding the degree to which a selected geographic area will support certain activities. Here, we discuss evidential reasoning and illustrate the utility of the technology for classifying geographic areas by describing our current map-and-sensor-based research in which we estimate the utility of land areas for concealing helicopter operations.  相似文献   

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