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MCM-D多层金属布线互连退化模式和机理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了MCM-D多层金属互连结构的工艺及材料特点,并就Cu薄膜布线导体的结构特点和元素扩散特性。说明了多层布线互连退化的模式和机理,以及防止互连退化的技术措施,实验分析表明,Au/Ni/Cu薄膜布线结构的互连退化原因是,Cu元素沿导带缺陷向表层扩散后,被氧化腐蚀,导致互连电阻增大,而Cu元素在温度应力作用下向PI扩散,导致PI绝缘电阻下降。 相似文献
多物理场耦合作用下产生的电迁移现象成为影响键合结构可靠性的关键问题。建立了菊花链键合封装结构的三维有限元模型,研究了电-热-力交互作用下键合结构的温度分布、电流密度分布及应力分布。发现在连接线与凸点相连的位置容易发生电流聚集效应,从而导致此处出现温度升高及热应力增大的现象。此外,仿真分析了2~12 mV输入电压和20~100μm凸点间距对键合结构的电迁移失效的影响。发现对于20μm间距的凸点,输入电压超过8 mV时会发生电迁移失效。对于间距超过40μm的凸点,输入电压超过4 mV时会发生电迁移失效。结果表明,20μm间距的凸点电迁移可靠性高,为凸点结构设计及电迁移的实验研究提供了参考。 相似文献
集成电路中金属连线的逆流电迁移(EM)的双峰失效现象在45 nm双大马士革低k材料铜布线工艺中变得尤为突出,介绍了由于空洞存在于连接电路导致电迁移的早期失效,总结出两个早期失效的主要原理:分别是空洞形成在通孔以及浅槽与通孔的斜面,这是由于淀积扩散阻挡层和铜工艺在上述两个地方存在弱点,越薄的扩散阻挡层厚度对EM越不利。因为偏薄的扩散阻挡层不利于阻挡铜扩散,尤其在通孔的侧壁和边角斜面,这样在测试电迁移的高温大电流下,铜在通孔侧壁和边角斜面处易扩散而形成空洞,最终导致芯片失效。实验表明可以通过优化双大马士革结构通孔以及浅槽与通孔的斜面的长宽比(AR)减少消除这些弱点。介质层(ILD)的厚度,浅槽的深度以及通孔的关键尺寸可以作为调节AR的主要方法。 相似文献
栅极一直是SiC MOSFET可靠性研究的重点,栅极老化过程中电参数之间的耦合关系对栅极可靠性研究有至关重要的作用。为此,搭建了能够同时监测阈值电压和栅极漏电流的高温栅偏(HTGB)试验平台。研究了HTGB下阈值电压和漏电流的退化趋势和影响,基于氧化层注入电荷量深入分析了两者之间的耦合关系。结果表明,热应力对载流子隧穿影响较为明显,对陷阱捕获的载流子影响相对较小,而场强则对两者均具有显著的影响。此外,提出了减小阈值电压漂移对SiC MOSFET均流特性影响的方法,指出了栅极漏电流下降现象的本质是栅极陷阱充电,并给出了栅极老化过程中漏电流失效基准值选取的方法。该研究结果为深入理解SiC MOSFET的栅极失效机理提供了理论指导。 相似文献
蓝色荧光粉的退化机理 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
PDP中的蓝色荧光粉是BAM单相和Ba-β氧化铝的混合体。蓝色荧光粉的退化主要是位移氧附近的深能态电子陷阱。这种电子陷阱增加了非辐射发射,退化了发光强度维持系数。用大上离子像Sr^2+、Eu^2+来代替Ba^2+离子,可以使发光亮度维持系数显著改进。 相似文献
CoSiN薄膜可以作为超大规模集成电路Cu布线互连材料使用。利用磁控溅射技术制备了CoSiN/Cu/CoSiN/SiO2/Si薄膜,利用四探针测试仪、薄膜测厚仪、原子力显微镜、X射线光电子能谱仪等来检测多层膜电阻率、薄膜厚度、表面形貌、元素含量及价态等。考察亚45 nm级工艺条件下CoSiN薄膜对Cu的扩散阻挡性能。实验结果表明,在氩气气氛条件下经500℃,30 min热退火处理后多层膜的电阻率和成分没有发生明显变化,CoSiN薄膜能够保持良好的铜扩散阻挡性能;经600℃,30 min热退火处理后,Cu大量出现在表面,CoSiN薄膜对Cu失去扩散阻挡性能。 相似文献
Ming-Hui Chu S.W. Liang Chih Chen Annie T. Huang 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2012,41(9):2502-2507
Organic solderable preservative (OSP) has been adopted as the Cu substrate surface finish in flip-chip solder joints for many years. In this study, the electromigration behavior of lead-free Sn-Cu solder alloys with thin-film under bump metallization and OSP surface finish was investigated. The results showed that severe damage occurred on the substrate side (cathode side), whereas the damage on the chip side (cathode side) was not severe. The damage on the substrate side included void formation, copper dissolution, and formation of intermetallic compounds (IMCs). The OSP Cu interface on the substrate side became the weakest point in the solder joint even when thin-film metallization was used on the chip side. Three-dimensional simulations were employed to investigate the current density distribution in the area between the OSP Cu surface finish and the solder. The results indicated that the current density was higher along the periphery of the bonding area between the solder and the Cu pad, consistent with the area of IMC and void formation in our experimental results. 相似文献
The electromigration properties of electroless plated copper films have been evaluated under DC stress conditions. The formation of microvoids and the diffusion of copper through the seed layer caused an increase of the line resistance in the initial stage of the stressing. The current density dependence and the activation energy of the lifetime were determined 相似文献
The Cu alloying effect in the Sn(Cu) solder line has been studied. The Sn0.7Cu solder line has the most serious electromigration
(EM) damage compared to pure Sn and Sn3.0Cu solder lines. The dominant factor for the fast EM rate in Sn0.7Cu could be attributed
to the relatively small grain size and the low critical stress, i.e., the yielding stress of the Sn0.7Cu solder line. Also,
we found that the shortest Sn0.7Cu solder line, 250 μm, has the most serious EM damage among three solder lines of different
lengths. The back stress induced by EM might not play a significant role on the EM test of long solder lines. A new failure
mode of EM test was observed; EM under an external tensile stress. The external stress is superimposed on the stress profile
induced by EM. As a result, the hillock formation was retarded at the anode side, and void formation was enhanced at the cathode. 相似文献
用反应磁控溅射方法在SiO2/Si(100)衬底和Cu薄膜间溅射一层TaN阻挡层,测试不同N气分压及热处理温度下Cu/TaN/SiO2/Si薄膜的显微结构和电阻特性.同时利用微细加工技术加工了镂空的Cu互连叉指测试结构,研究了TaN薄膜在镂空的铜互连结构中的扩散阻挡性能.结果发现,在退火温度不超过400 ℃时,薄膜电阻率均低于80μΩ·cm,而当溅射N分压超过10%,退火温度超过400℃时,薄膜电阻率很快上升.低N气分压下(≤10%)溅射时,即使退火温度达到600 ℃,薄膜电阻基本不变. 相似文献
Electromigration of Cu/low dielectric constant interconnects 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Electromigration in damascene Cu/low dielectric constant interconnects with overlayers of CoWP, Ta/TaN, SiNx or SiCxNyHz and Cu(Ti) interconnects capped with SiNx was studied. The results showed that the migration fast path in the bamboo-like lines primarily occurred at the interface. Cu lines fabricated with various forms of TaN/Ta liner including PVD TaN, ALD TaN, and PVD body centered cubic α- or tetragonal β-Ta liners were also investigated. Both thin surface layers of CoWP or Ta/TaN and the addition of Ti in the Cu lines significantly reduced the Cu/cap interface diffusivity and remarkably improved the electromigration lifetime when compared with Cu lines capped with SiNx or SiCxNyHz. Activation energies for electromigration were found to be 1.9–2.4 eV, 1.4 eV, 0.85–1.1 eV, and 1.3 eV for the bamboo-like Cu lines capped with CoWP, Ta/TaN, and SiNx or SiCxNyHz, and Cu(Ti) bamboo lines capped with SiNx, respectively. The structural phase of the Ta was found to have an insignificant effect on the Cu mass flow rate. A large via size, thicker liner and/or stable connected exposed liner can provide a longer lifetime and tighter lifetime distribution, at the expense of chip density or effective Cu line conductivity. 相似文献
基于弹性分组环的多环互联研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
现有的弹性分组环协议无法实现多环互联。提出了一种基于弹性分组环多环互联的数据转发和自动拓扑发现的实现方案,该方案充分利用弹性分组环协议草案中的扩展帧格式,采用类似多协议标签交换(MPLS)的一次路由、多次交换的思想,实现了跨环数据在多环互联弹性分组环中的高速传输,并且与现有的RPR协议之间有着良好的兼容性。 相似文献
Discussion on the Mechanism of Electromigration
from the Perspective of Electromagnetism 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The mechanism of electromigration is discussed from the perspective of electromagnetism, rather than from the traditional
view of momentum exchange owing to collisions between electrons and diffusing ions. It is suggested that, from the perspective
of conservation of momentum, the momentum transferred to the diffusing ions is related to the Maxwell stress, and the effective
charge is proportional to the density of the net charge within the volume element. It is also suggested that, from Poynting’s
theorem, the energy associated with electromigration is related to the work done by the electric field, and the conversion
of the nonelectrostatic energy from the electric power source into the chemical energy of the diffusion system. From both
perspectives, the effective driving force can be shown to have a square dependence on the current density. Therefore, it is
suggested that the effective charge number is linearly related to the current density. 相似文献