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研究了双向载荷作用下对焊接头表面裂纹的疲劳扩展规律。采用经精确标定应力强度因子幅值的双向十字形试样,在电液伺服双轴向疲劳试验机上对母材分别为16MnR 和 Q235-B 这两种钢的对焊试板进行了疲劳裂纹扩展试验。同时,将其结果分别与单向应力下对焊接头及母材的疲劳扩展速率进行了比较,为制定我国在役压力容器缺陷评定规范提供了参考数据。 相似文献
疲劳是工程中最常见的现象之一,焊件的疲劳裂纹扩展速率的研究为进行疲劳寿命预测提供了基础。本文通过对一定存活率下的疲劳裂纹扩展速率的预测回归分析,得到一个既准确又简便的方法求解 Paris 公式。 相似文献
用国产12CrMoV管材制作成紧凑拉伸试件,在MTS疲劳系统上进行530℃高温下的疲劳裂纹扩展速率试验,以得出Paris公式中的c、n材料参数。在da/dN及△k双对数坐标图中给出了530℃及20℃两种温度条件下的直线,以供对比。 相似文献
通过对Paris模型的分析,得到m和logC的线性关系。试验结果的数据分析表明了m和C分别符合正态分布及对数正态分布,并运用统计结果对疲劳寿命进行了概率预测。 相似文献
参照金属材料疲劳裂纹扩展速率试验方法,采用材料疲劳试验机对无规共聚聚丙烯(PP–R)材料进行了Ⅰ型疲劳裂纹的扩展速度及裂纹扩展机理的研究,测试得到了疲劳裂纹扩展每0.5 mm长度下所对应的循环次数,进而拟合出da/d N(疲劳裂纹扩展长度与循环次数之比)与ΔK(应力强度因子)的疲劳裂纹扩展速率曲线图,发现PP–R疲劳裂纹扩展可分为裂纹扩展源阶段,裂纹扩展稳定阶段和裂纹快速扩展阶段3个阶段,其中扩展源阶段出现明显的增韧现象,稳定扩展阶段呈现出明显的线性特点;同时选取了4个典型的断面区域进行了扫描电子显微镜拍照,得到了4种差异很大的断面显微组织并进行了分析。 相似文献
Double cantilever beam fracture specimens were used to investigate rate dependent failures of model epoxy/steel adhesively bonded systems. Quasi-static tests exhibited time dependent crack growth and the maximum fracture energies consistently decreased with debond length for constant crosshead rate loading. It was also possible to cause debonding to switch between interfacial and cohesive failure modes by simply altering the loading rate. These rate dependent observations were characterized using the concepts of fracture mechanics. The time rate of change of the strain energy release rate, dG/dt, is introduced to model and predict failure properties of different adhesive systems over a range of testing rates. An emphasis is placed on the interfacial failure process and how rate dependent interfacial properties can lead to cohesive failures in the same adhesive system. Specific applications of the resulting model are presented and found to be in good agreement when compared with the experimental data. Finally, a failure envelope is identified which may be useful in predicting whether failures will be interfacial or cohesive depending on the rate of testing for the model adhesive systems. 相似文献
We present atomic force microscopy (AFM) observations of crack tips in glass during subcritical propagation. These have been obtained by means of an AFM sample holder which has been specially designed to propagate indentation cracks in glass plates. Crack tips in soda–lime–silica glass are always preceded by a few nanometers deep deformation. In vitreous silica, no other surface deformation than the crack itself could be detected. For both materials, the crack opening is found to largely exceed the elastic solution. 相似文献
基于ABAQUS有限元分析软件得到橡胶材料单轴拉伸试件的二维模型、圆柱试件的轴对称模型以及哑铃形试件的三维模型的应力-应变结果,将3种试件的应力-应变数据导入二次开发的橡胶疲劳寿命分析程序中,得到各个模型每一节点的对数疲劳寿命和裂纹扩展平面的法向角度。利用Python语言编写程序,运行并生成ABAQUS对应的输出数据库文件。结果表明,二维、轴对称、三维模型的应力分布具有一致性,即试件中部受力大,两端受力小。对于二维及三维的哑铃形试件,疲劳寿命最小值出现在试件中部;对于轴对称的圆柱试件,除试件中部较易破坏外,变形较大的上下端面的边缘位置亦容易发生破坏。3种模型的试件中部产生微裂纹后,裂纹扩展平面的法向角度均为90°,即裂纹沿试件中部且垂直于拉伸方向不断扩展,与试验结果相一致。本研究解决了二维、轴对称、三维模型的二次开发计算结果可视化的问题。 相似文献
Interfacial crack growth behavior along a urethane acrylate/glass interface is characterized by the development of finger-like perturbations along the advancing crack front. The finger-like perturbations grow from a slightly irregular crack front until they reach a steady-state where the velocity of the finger tips equals the velocity of the finger valleys. Once the fingers reached steady-state, the crack velocity was dependent on the applied strain energy release rate via a power law relationship where the exponent was independent of test humidity; however, the multiplicative constant A decreased by an order of magnitude from 80 to 15% RH. The spacing of the fingers was found to be independent of the crack's velocity and the relative humidity of the environment. 相似文献
Interfacial crack growth behavior along a urethane acrylate/glass interface is characterized by the development of finger-like perturbations along the advancing crack front. The finger-like perturbations grow from a slightly irregular crack front until they reach a steady-state where the velocity of the finger tips equals the velocity of the finger valleys. Once the fingers reached steady-state, the crack velocity was dependent on the applied strain energy release rate via a power law relationship where the exponent was independent of test humidity; however, the multiplicative constant A decreased by an order of magnitude from 80 to 15% RH. The spacing of the fingers was found to be independent of the crack′s velocity and the relative humidity of the environment. 相似文献