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为实现对钢坯内部缺陷形态的准确检测,提出一种基于先验知识的超声层析成像方法。首先,阐述了融合先验知识的超声层析成像原理,利用最短路径射线追踪方法实现超声层析成像改进;然后,通过有限元仿真分析验证了该方法的可行性,讨论分析了采集方案,确定了相关检测参数;最后,搭建了实验检测系统,开展相关验证实验。通过对含缺陷分布的成像结果图进行处理分析,结果表明:对于单孔洞缺陷试块的孔洞轮廓面积相对误差为2.84%,位置误差较小;对于双孔洞缺陷试块的相对误差为5.45%,其中远离发射探头的孔洞存在较大的位置误差。该方法为超声层析成像技术的应用提供了一种思路和方法。 相似文献
液层负载薄板结构的损伤检测是结构无损检测和健康监测中的一个重要问题。为寻求合适的液层负载薄板结构损伤检测信号及分析损伤缺陷对检测信号的响应,求解了双侧液层负载薄板的频散方程,计算得到4 mm双侧水域负载铝板的频散曲线,并利用有限元模拟方法研究了缺陷位置、角度及大小对铝板中检测信号的影响。研究结果表明:中心频率小于100 kHz的S0模式漏Lamb波衰减因子趋近于0,适合长距离损伤检测。此外,当缺陷的存在造成板结构的不对称性时,声信号在缺陷处发生明显的模式转换,且转换出的A0模式信号的透射系数随缺陷位置到板厚中心距离的增加而减小,随缺陷与铝板中间面的角度和缺陷长度的增加先增大后减小,并随缺陷宽度的增加而增大。 相似文献
兰姆波探伤中一些问题的探讨 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
对金属薄板兰姆波探伤中的一些问题进行了探讨,提出了能量沿板厚分布的计算公式。指出不能将质点位移振幅沿板厚的分布当作能量分布,不能将能量分布是否均匀作为选择最佳探伤参数的主要依据。还对薄板中兰姆波的产生、兰姆波与分层作用的机理及如何选择最佳探伤参数等问题提出了初步的看法。 相似文献
固-液-固3层结构板中超声兰姆波的频散特性 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
文章采用传统矩阵方法研究固-液-固3层结构板中兰姆波的传播,数值计算结果证明了用该方法分析层状材料中的兰姆波的有效性与实用性,文章计算出的多种频散曲线对超声兰姆波的应用是有益的。 相似文献
Jos M. Galn Ramn Abascal 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2002,53(5):1145-1173
A finite element formulation is applied to study Lamb wave scattering in homogeneous and sandwich isotropic plates. Dispersion curves are calculated in a simple and automatic way by solving a quadratic eigenproblem. A meshing criterion to obtain accurate results with linear and quadratic elements is provided. An absorbing boundary condition for semi‐infinite plates is derived from this formulation by means of a truncated normal mode expansion technique, where the finite element eigenvectors are used instead of the analytical expressions for the normal modes. This non‐reflecting boundary condition is directly applicable to study Lamb wave reflection by simple obstacles such as a flat edge. In order to tackle Lamb wave diffraction problems by defects with more complex geometries, a hybrid boundary element‐finite element formulation is developed. The validity and accuracy of both formulations are checked thoroughly with a series of test problems studied by other researchers. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
利用研制的磁致伸缩超声导波无损检测装置对长直无缝钢管、舰用锅炉U型管和弯管进行了大量试验研究.研究发现,通过对该装置中磁致伸缩传感器的放置位置及方向进行适当调整,此装置即可在管道中激发纵向导波;该技术对管道壁厚减薄、磨损或腐蚀、裂纹、焊缝等缺陷同样具有检测能力;选择低频(20~40kHz)激励脉冲信号有利于减少波的发散特性和提高缺陷的检测能力;导波在管道中传播衰减缓慢,适用于长距离、大范围、快速、非接触管道检测. 相似文献
This work assesses the suitability of the two zero-order Lamb wave modes to detect multiple barely-visible impact damage in composite material. Three specimens were subjected to damage at three different low-energy levels and one was left as an undamaged reference sample. Ultrasonic Lamb wave modes were selectively generated by surface-bonded piezoceramic wafer transducers in two tuned configurations. By using an algorithm based on the Akaike Information Criterion the time-of-flight of the Lamb modes was determined, allowing their threshold detection capabilities for the studied application to be successfully benchmarked. The results were consistently validated by digital shearography, ultrasonic C-scan and optical microscopy. A study of the effects on structural integrity was completed with an assessment of the damping ratio and residual bending strength proving to be sensitive parameters to the induced damage. 相似文献
Shear lag solution for tuning ultrasonic piezoelectric wafer active sensors with applications to Lamb wave array imaging 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Lingyu Yu Giola Bottai-Santoni Victor Giurgiutiu 《International Journal of Engineering Science》2010,48(10):848-861
An analytical investigation of the interaction between piezoelectric wafer active sensor (PWAS), guided Lamb waves, and host structure is presented in this paper, supported with application examples. The analytical investigation assumes a PWAS transducer bonded to the upper surface of an isotropic flat plate. Shear lag transfer of tractions and strains is assumed, and an analytical solution using the space-wise Fourier transform is reviewed, closed-form solutions are presented for the case of both ideal bonding (i.e., load transfer mechanism localized at the PWAS boundary) and not ideal bonding (i.e., load transfer mechanism localized close the PWAS boundary). The analytical solutions are used to derive Lamb wave mode tuning curves which indicate that frequencies exist at which the A0 mode or the S0 mode can be either suppressed or enhanced. The paper further shows that the capability to excite only one desired Lamb wave mode is critical for practical structural health monitoring applications such as PWAS phased array technique (e.g., the embedded ultrasonics structural radar, EUSR) and the sparse array imaging. Extensive experimental tests that verify the tuning mechanism and prediction curves are reported. Examples of correctly tuned EUSR images vs. detuned cases illustrate the paramount importance of Lamb wave mode tuning for the success of PWAS based damage detection. 相似文献