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《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2021,46(77):38519-38534
Aimed at improving the energy output performance of the Microthermal Photovoltaic (MTPV) system, it is necessary to optimize the structure of the micro combustor. In this paper, micro combustor with in-line pin fins arrays (MCIPF) and micro combustor with both end-line pin fins arrays (MCEPF) were presented to realize the efficient combustion and heat transfer enhancement, and the influence of inlet velocity, equivalent ratio, and materials on thermal performance was investigated. The results showed that pin fins embedding is beneficial to improving combustion, and the combustion efficiency of MCIPF and MCEPF reaches 98.5% and 98.7%, which is significantly higher than that of the conventional cylindrical combustor (MCC). However, with the increase of inlet velocity from 8 m/s to 14 m/s, MCIPF exhibits the highest external wall temperature with a range of (1302–1386 K), while MCEPF maintains the best temperature uniformity. As the inlet velocity increases to 10 m/s, the external wall temperature and temperature uniformity reach the optimum. Besides, under the conditions of different equivalence ratios, both external wall temperature and heat flux increases first and then decreases, meanwhile the temperature uniformity of MCEPF is significantly improved compared with that of MCIPF, they all exhibit the highest external wall temperature with an equivalence ratio of 1.1, and the thermal performance is greatly enhanced. By comparing the heat transfer performance of combustors with different materials based on MCEPF, it is interesting to find that the application of high thermal conductivity materials can not only increase the external wall temperature, but also improve the temperature uniformity. Therefore, materials with high thermal conductivity such as Aluminum, Red Copper and Silicon Carbide should be selected for application in micro combustors and their components. The current work provides a new design method for the enhanced heat transfer of the micro combustor. 相似文献
An experimental investigation was conducted to study the effect of pin fins on heat transfer in circulating fluidized beds. Experiments were conducted in a 100 mm i.d., 5.15 m tall CFB unit, initially with no fins and then with 16-pin and 32-pin fins. Each pin was 6.35 mm in diameter and 15 mm long. It was observed that, although the heat transfer coefficient decreases with the use of fins, the total heat transfer increases owing to the increase in surface area which the fins provide. The results of heat transfer for unfinned surface were compared with those of other workers and found to be in good agreement. 相似文献
Forced convective heat transfer across a pin fin micro heat sink 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Yoav Peles Ali Ko?ar Chandan Mishra Chih-Jung Kuo Brandon Schneider 《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》2005,48(17):3615-3627
This paper investigates heat transfer and pressure drop phenomena over a bank of micro pin fins. A simplified expression for the total thermal resistance has been derived, discussed and experimentally validated. Geometrical and thermo-hydraulic parameters affecting the total thermal resistance have been discussed. It has been found that very low thermal resistances are achievable using a pin fin heat sink. The thermal resistance values are comparable with the data obtained in microchannel convective flows. In many cases, the increase in the flow temperature results in a convection thermal resistance, which is considerably smaller than the total thermal resistance. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2020,45(7):5014-5027
Targeted at improving the combustion stability and enhancing heat transfer in micro combustor, the combustion characteristics and thermal performance of micro combustor with pin fin arrays are numerically investigated by employing detail H2/O2 reaction mechanism. It is shown that the micro combustor with staggered pin fin arrays exhibits the highest average temperature and heat flux of external wall, while the micro combustor with in-line pin fin arrays displays the most uniform temperature distribution of external wall. When the equivalence ratio is 1.1, all micro combustors exhibit the highest mean temperature and heat flux of external wall. The micro combustor materials with high thermal conductivity can not only improve the average temperature and heat flux of external wall, but also enhance heat transfer to the upstream which can preheat the mixed gas. Therefore, the materials with high thermal conductivity, such as red copper and aluminum, can make up for the nonuniform temperature distribution of micro combustor with staggered pin fin arrays, so as to realize uniform high heat flux output of external wall. 相似文献
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of heat and fluid flow in noncircular microchannel heat sinks
Yongping Chen Chengbin Zhang Mingheng Shi Jiafeng Wu 《International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer》2009,36(9):917-920
A three-dimensional model of heat transfer and fluid flow in noncircular microchannel heat sinks is developed and analyzed numerically. It is found that Nusselt number has a much higher value at the inlet region, but quickly approaches the constant fully developed value. The temperature in both solid and fluid increases along the flow direction. In addition, the comparison of thermal efficiencies is conducted among triangular, rectangular and trapezoidal microchannels. The result indicates that the triangular microchannel has the highest thermal efficiency. 相似文献
Experiments were performed on natural convection heat transfer from circular pin fin heat sinks subject to the influence of its geometry, heat flux and orientation. The geometric dependence of heat dissipation from heat sinks of widely spaced solid and hollow/perforated circular pin fins with staggered combination, fitted into a heated base of fixed area is discussed. Over the tested range of Rayleigh number, 3.8 × 106 ≤ Ra ≤ 1.65 × 107, it was found that the solid pin fin heat sink performance for upward and sideward orientations shows a competitive nature, depending on Rayleigh number and generally shows higher heat transfer coefficients than those of the perforated/hollow pin fin ones in both arrangement. For all tested hollow/perforated pin fin heat sinks, however, the performance for sideward facing orientation was better than that for upward facing orientation. This argument is supported by observing that the augmentation factor was around 1.05–1.11, depending on the hollow pin diameter ratio, Di/Do. Meanwhile, the heat sink of larger hollow pin diameter ratio, Di/Do offered higher heat transfer coefficient than that of smaller Di/Do for upward orientation, and the situation was reversed for sideward orientation. The heat transfer performance for heat sinks with hollow/perforated pin fins was better than that of solid pins. The temperature difference between the base plate and surrounding air of these heat sinks was less than that of solid pin one and improved with increasing Di/Do. 相似文献
A lumped parameter model has been developed to predict the dynamic behaviour of heat pumps with nonazeotropic refrigerant mixtures. The mathematical formulation of this model is based on mass, momentum, and energy balances. Several constitutive relationships are adopted in this model to describe the different phenomena encountered in heat pump operation. In addition, the proposed model includes the consequent effect of different refrigerant flow regimes and slip between two phases. Numerical results indicate that the present model predicts fairly the heat pump dynamic response and that it compares well with experimental data. 相似文献
Microcombustion research has flourished over the past decade. Yet, most of the commercial potential of microcombustion is still to come. Aside from portable electronics, emerging drivers stem from the energy problem of declining fossil fuel reserves and their large environmental footprint upon combustion. The need to capitalize on underutilized energy sources and renewables further stimulate energy research in microsystems. In this review paper, technological drivers, applications, devices, and fabrication protocols of microburners are presented. Then, a review of homogeneous, catalytic, homogeneous-heterogeneous and heat recirculating microburners is given. Results are presented that interpret literature findings. An outlook of microcombustion research is finally outlined. 相似文献
为了进一步优化微燃烧室的设计,以最大化提高微燃烧室的能量转换效率及微热光电系统的整体工作效率,在前期工作的基础上设计了不同多孔介质材料及喷嘴/燃烧室内径比的多孔介质微燃烧室.通过实验验证,针对多孔介质微燃烧室内的氢氧预混燃烧进行了数值模拟计算,研究结果表明,多孔介质材料,喷嘴/燃烧室内径比对微燃烧室内的微尺度燃烧有重要影响,微燃烧室在多孔介质材料为SiC, 喷嘴/燃烧室内径比为0.27时燃烧效率最高,有利于提高微热光电系统的整体效率. 相似文献
本文利用在非交错网格上求解非正交曲线上标系下的N-S方程的方法,对低散热发动机对流散热场进行了数值模拟,得到了不同瑞利(Rayleigh)数下的散热通道内流场和温度场的数值解。计算结果表明,通过冷却通道中空气自然对流换热方式所散失的热量很小。 相似文献
Qinguo Zhang Liangfei Xu Jianqiu Li Minggao Ouyang 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2017,42(38):24504-24516
The objective of this paper is to analyze the heat transfer characteristics of plate-fin radiator for the cold air heating system of a PEMFC engine and to find the optimal parameter combination in order to reduce the power consumption. The effect of the coolant mass flow and temperature on the heat exchange performance of the radiator was investigated based on 3D porous medium model. The results, including the amount of heat transferred and temperature change and heat exchanger effectivity with the increasing of the air flow rate at different coolant flow rate were obtained using CFD method. Good agreement is found by comparing the simulation values with the test data and the deviation is less than 7% which indicate simulation model validation and research method feasibility used in this study. The simulation results indicate that bigger coolant flow rate and temperature result in higher outlet air temperature and the amount of heat transferred. The variation of the heat exchanger effectivity is predicted for different working conditions. Based on the Taguchi method, the influence of structural parameters of the corrugated fins on the heat transfer and pressure drop of the radiator is analyzed qualitatively. It is shown that fin length has the greatest impact on the comprehensive heat transfer performance of the radiator. This research provides a guide for optimizing the air preheating system and improving the amount of heat transferred. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2023,48(41):15722-15735
Heterogeneous reaction characteristics of premixed H2/Air mixture are numerically investigated in micro combustor with coating platinum (Pt) catalyst on the inner wall. The well-designed combustor with the inserted baffle is committed to improving the transport of bulk species on the catalytic surface, therefore enhancing the fuel conversion ratio. A two-dimensional numerical model with detailed heterogeneous reaction mechanism is developed and verified. In this work, the numerical results reveal that the heterogeneous reaction rate and fuel conversion ratio are significantly improved in the combustor with inserted baffle. The velocity of gaseous mixture swiftly increases between the baffle and catalytic surface, resulting in the increasing adsorption-desorption of bulk species on the catalytic surface. The main influencing factors of inserted baffle body comprise of slit width between two ribs in the same row (W), rib length (L), distance between adjacent baffles row (D), number of baffle row (n) which are studied to obtain a set of optimized parameters of baffle in the well-designed combustor. The optimized parameters of the baffle are W = 0 mm, L = 0.4 mm, D = 4 mm and n = 4, which are employed in the combustor to obtain a high hydrogen conversion ratio. Moreover, the effect of different inlet velocities and equivalent ratios of the mixture on the heterogeneous reaction characteristics are carried out in the designed combustor. As the designed combustor performs well, and the improvement effect of the optimized baffle gradually increases together with the inlet velocity, particularly for high inlet velocity (7 m/s). The promotion effects of baffle in the designed combustor are presented when the rich and lean fuel are adopted at inlet velocity of 7 m/s. Finally, the relative parameters of this work can serve as a reference and guidance for the design of micro scale combustor. 相似文献
Modeling heat and moisture transfer through fibrous insulation with phase change and mobile condensates 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper reports on a transient model of coupled heat and moisture transfer through fibrous insulation, which for the first time takes into account of evaporation and mobile condensates. The model successfully explained the experimental observations of Farnworth [Tex. Res. J. 56 (1986) 653], and the numerical results of the model were found to be in good agreement with the experimental results of a drying test. Based on this model, numerical simulation was carried out to better understand the effect of various material and environmental parameters on the heat and moisture transfer. It was found that the initial water content and thickness of the fibrous insulation together with the environmental temperature are the three most important factors influencing the heat flux. 相似文献
Linjie Zhu Kwabena A. Narh Kun S. Hyun 《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》2005,48(16):3411-3422
The polymerization of ε-caprolactone in fully-filled conveying elements of co-rotating twin-screw extruders was analyzed with three-dimensional numerical simulation method. The effects of screw rotational speed, geometry of screw element, and initial conversion at the channel inlet on polymerization progression were studied. The simulation results show that polymerization is accelerated with increasing screw pitch, due to the increase in mixing intensity. With increasing screw rotational speed, the reaction could either slow down or speed up, depending on the viscosity of the reaction system. It is found that the advancement of polymerization depends on the competition among heat from reaction, viscous dissipation and heat loss through the wall surfaces. 相似文献
Chien-Nan LinJiin-Yuh Jang 《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》2002,45(18):3839-3847
This paper presents a two-dimensional analysis for the efficiency of an elliptic fin under the dry, partially wet and fully wet conditions of a range of value for axis ratios, Biot numbers, and air humidifies. It is shown that the fin efficiencies increase as the axis ratio Ar is increased. For a given axis ratio Ar, the fin efficiency decreases as the fin height l∗ or Biot number is increased. The conventional 1-D sector method overestimates the fin efficiency resulting in increasing error as the axis ratio Ar is increased. In addition, using experimentally determined heat transfer coefficients, it is found that both the fully dry and wet elliptic fin efficiencies are up to 4-8% greater than the corresponding circular fin efficiencies having the same perimeter. 相似文献
The aim of this work is to study heat transfer in a laboratory scale crater bed, which was set up from a cylindrical acrylic/quartz tube, using sand as the bed particle. The bed employs a downward gas jet from a nozzle which causes the particles to ascend fountain-like into the freebroad, leaving a crater on the bed surface. After reaching a certain height, these particles will descend again to the bed surface and move into the crater, where the cycle or circulation pattern starts again. The study had been separated into three parts. Firstly, the void fraction of the bed fountain zone was studied by direct measurement of the ascending sand weight within the specific volume. Secondly, the convection heat transfer coefficients between the fountain zone and the external surface of the gas inlet tube were determined by measuring the quantity of heat loss from an electrical heater that was wrapped on the outside surface at desired positions of the gas inlet tube. Thirdly, the radiation heat transfer coefficients were evaluated by heat balance of LPG combustion in the crater bed. From experimental results, the void fraction of the fountain zone could be approximated as a dilute bed (>0.98). For convective heat transfer coefficients, the value found experimentally varied from 80–260 W/m2 K depending on the experimental conditions, showing an increase when the gas velocity increases, and a decrease along the height of the gas inlet tube. Radiation heat transfer coefficients, the values of which are (within the experimental temperature range), the same order as the convective mode, increase when the bed temperature is increased and when the bed particle diameter is decreased. Empirical correlations for both bed voidage and heat transfer coefficients are proposed. The combined model, gas and particle convection and the published data on radiation heat transfer, showed good prediction when compared with experimental data. 相似文献
We report numerical simulations of forced convection heat transfer rates of a steady laminar flow in a two-dimensional model of porous media to elucidate the differences observed between the numerical predictions of Kuwahara et al. (2001) [Int. J Heat Mass Trans. 44, 1153–1159] and Gamrat et al. (2008) [Int. J Heat Mass Trans. 51, 853–864]. A modification in the correlation given by Kuwahara et al. (2001) is proposed to make the results of the three numerical studies comparable and in agreement with the experimental data. 相似文献
Jianfeng Pan Xiaojie Wang Qingbo Lu Linlin Chen Yu Wang Evans K. Quaye 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2021,46(18):10973-10983
The combustion characteristics of the micro combustor with a convex platform were simulated and the effects of the height of the convex platform and the inlet velocity on the combustion process were analyzed. The results show that the setting of convex platform can significantly increase the maximum velocity and reduce the outlet velocity. When the height of the boss continues to increase, the maximum velocity is more significant, but has little effect on the outlet velocity. At the same time, the increasing height of the convex platform increases, the turbulent kinetic energy and reduces the intensity of combustion on the axis. However further increase in the height does not reduce the effect significantly. The fuel conversion rate increases significantly, but the velocity decreases. In the micro combustor with a convex platform, increasing the inlet velocity increases the axial temperature, the fuel conversion rate decreases. 相似文献