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Porous carbon materials are the most widely used electrode materials in Electric Double Layer Supercapacitor (EDLS). Optimize specific surface area, improving hierarchical pores structure, and doping heteroatoms are all important methods to improve the capacitance performance of electrodes. Herein, we synthesize walnut shell-derived hierarchical porous carbon (WSPC) with cost-effective and well-developed pore for electrochemical energy storage via simple phosphoric acid-assisted activation method. The final porous carbon products have perfect microporous structure, abundant heteroatom functional groups (the atomic content ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur reaches 10.3%), and high specific surface area and pore volume (up to 2583 m2 g?1 and 1.236 cm3 g?1, respectively). In the three-system, the electrode shows an optimal specific capacitance of up to 332 F g?1 and excellent rate performance. In the symmetric system, the symmetric device WSPC//WSPC shows a maximum gravimetric specific energy of ~14.08 Wh kg?1. And the device still has a specific energy of 9.75 Wh kg?1 even under the high gravimetric specific power of 7 kW kg?1. In addition, the device has excellent cycle stability and retains an initial specific capacitance of 90.2% after 8000 galvanostatic charge-discharge (GCD) cycle. In summary, these outstanding results suggest the biomass derived porous carbon possessing the potential and will show great commercial value for the fabrication of high performance supercapacitors.  相似文献   

The mechanism for safe and reversible storage of hydrogen in porous carbonaceous materials by electrochemical decomposition of water in alkaline electrolyte is proposed. Atomic H was found to be inserted into the microdomains of defective graphene layers. Hydrogen storage capacity increases with increasing interlayer distance between carbon sheets. Hydrogen insertion in carbonaceous materials occurs at ambient conditions. Static potential acts as an electrochemical valve which can retain the hydrogen in the carbon structure, thus preventing leakage during storage.  相似文献   

Typical porous carbons were obtained from waster biomass, melaleuca bark activated by potassium hydroxide (KOH), and characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM, FTIR, XPS and N2-sorption. The different samples with tunable morphologies and texture were prepared by controlling synthesis reaction parameters. The resulting samples demonstrate both high surface area (up to 3170 m2 g−1) and large hydrogen storage capacity (4.08 wt% at 77 K and 10 bar), implying their great potential as hydrogen storage materials.  相似文献   

Porous carbon has been constructed in various strategies for hydrogen storage. In this work, a simple-effective strategy was proposed to transform sustainable biomass into porous carbon by degrade partial lignin and hemicellulose with Na2SO3 and NaOH aqueous mixture. This method collapses the biomass structure to provide more active sites, and also avoid the generation and accumulation of non-porous carbon nanosheets. As a result, the as-prepared sample possesses high specific surface area (2849 m2 g?1) and large pore volume (1.08 cm3 g?1) concentrating almost completely on micropore. Benefit to these characteristics, the as-prepared sample exhibits appealing hydrogen storage capacity of 3.01 wt% at 77 K, 1 bar and 0.85 wt% at 298 K, 50 bar. The isosteric heat of hydrogen adsorption is as high as 8.0 kJ mol?1, which is superior to the most biochars. This strategy is of great significance to the conversion of biomass and the preparation of high-performance hydrogen storage materials.  相似文献   

Figures commonly quoted on the soon shortage of generating energy from fossil sources which may give the impression that it will be possible to switch to renewable energies conversion as foundations for the future of industrial instances in the Mediterranean basin. In this study, CO2 energy potential and perspectives in the Mediterranean basin have been investigated in terms of efficiency, feasibility, geographical patterns and savings. Two conjoint mathematical protocols have been carried out in order to yield a simplified extracted scheme for prototype CO2 trapping/storage plants.  相似文献   

阐述了发展生物质能源的必然性,在不同的国家生物质能源的利用情况下,主要介绍了中国发展利用生物质能源的现状和生物质能源在中国的重要战略意义。  相似文献   

In this work, three-dimensional (3D) interconnected S-doped porous carbon materials are fabricated using bio-waste sodium lignosulfonate as carbon and sulfur precursor by in situ carbonization and subsequent KOH activation process. The as-obtained S-PC-50 has high specific surface area of 1592 m2 g?1, high S weight percentage up to 5.2 wt% and interconnected porous framework consisting of micro-, meso- and macropores. As a result, the S-PC-50 exhibits a high specific capacitance of 320 F g?1 at 0.2 A g?1, excellent rate performance with 76.5% capacitance retention after a current density increasing from 2 A g?1 (200 F g?1) to 100 A g?1 (153 F g?1) and 99% capacitance retention after 10,000 cycles at 5 A g?1. Besides, the symmetric supercapacitor can deliver a high energy density up to 8.2 Wh kg?1 at 50 W kg?1.  相似文献   

Porous carbon spheres materials display huge potential for energy storage, but their general synthesis need chemical activation agent with highly corrosive to create pores. In this work, a simple, environment-friendly and less time-demanding method is used to prepared porous carbon spheres using K2FeO4 as activation agent and waste solution as the precursor. The K2FeO4 employ in this work acts both as an activating agent and a catalyst. In addition, replacing KOH with K2FeO4 does not only reduce the corrosion of equipment but also increases the content of oxygen. The optimized porous carbon spheres with high specific surface area, hierarchical pore structure and surface heteroatom can deliver a high specific capacitance of 260 F g−1 at 0.1 A g−1 and good cycling stability (90% retention after 15000 cycles at 5 A g−1). Furthermore, the all-solid-state symmetric supercapacitors fabricated based on as-prepared samples exhibit good electrochemical performance in the PVA/KOH electrolyte. This work offers a green route to convert waste solution into porous carbon spheres, which are promising candidate material for supercapacitors to energy storage.  相似文献   

Microporous carbons with large oxygen content have been successful synthesized from biomass by the sodium alginate assisted strategy. During the activation process, the Na2O formed by the decomposition of sodium alginate combines with the activator KOH to undergo a redox reaction in situ with precursor, thereby forming a rich porosity in the samples. The obtained samples possess not only high SSA (2310~3001 m2 g?1) and large pore volume (0.89~1.19 cm3 g?1) arising almost completely (>90%) from micropores, but also retains a high content of oxygen (21.86~32.47 wt %). As supercapacitor electrodes, the oxygen-doped microporous carbons display a high specific capacitance of 385 F g?1 at 0.5 A g?1 with capacity stability of 91.5% after 20 000 cycles at 5 A g?1. As hydrogen storage materials, the oxygen-doped microporous carbons exhibit enhanced hydrogen storage capacity of 2.84 wt% (77 K, 1 bar) and 0.91 wt% (303 K, 50 bar). Experimental data indicate that this work provides a simple-efficient and universal strategy for preparing oxygen-doped microporous carbon for high-performance energy and hydrogen storage.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the preparation of three-dimensional functionalized carbon felts (CFs), which were coated with nickel (Ni) nanostructures and used as an electrocatalyst for glycerol electrooxidation in alkaline medium. The commercial CFs (3D-carbon fibers) were first functionalized with O- and S- like functionalities via electrochemical pretreatment in NaOH and H2SO4, then the impacts of this pretreatment on the electrodeposited Ni nanoparticles (NiNPs) morphology, distribution, structure and performance for glycerol electrooxidation was investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD) together with cyclic voltammetry (CV) techniques were used to detect the changes of the electrodeposited Ni oxide phases. Contact angle was used to determine impact of pretreatment on the wettability of CF. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was used to get information about the added functional groups while scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to observe the changes of NiNPs morphology, distribution, and particle size. As-synthesized NiNPs modified functionalized CFs exhibited an excellent activity concurrent with good stability for glycerol electrooxidation. The pretreatment of CF in either NaOH or H2SO4 resulted in a significant increase in the Ni surface active sites and improved their electrocatalytic activity for glycerol electrooxidation.  相似文献   

能源和环境是人类生存和发展的重要基础。加快节能环保产业的发展,有助于推动经济平稳较快和可持续发展。  相似文献   

A novel and facile modified method using non-thermal plasma is proposed to insert N active sites into biomass-derived porous carbon as high-performance electrode materials for supercapacitor. Large surface areas up to 3040.3 and 2662.5 m2/g with mesopore-dominant hierarchical porous carbons are produced from biomass of lilac and lotus seedpods via KOH activation, respectively. The lilac and lotus seedpods derived porous carbon electrodes present good specific capacitances of 214.5 and 201.1 F/g, respectively. N2 non-thermal plasma modification successfully increases N-containing groups on lilac and lotus seedpods derived porous carbons, where the corresponding N atomic contents are increased by 10.2 and 3.6 times, respectively. As supercapacitor electrodes, their specific capacitances are improved greatly after plasma modification and up to 342.5 F/g (increased by 59.7%) and to 332.1 F/g (increased by 65.2%) at 0.5 A/g in 6 M KOH electrolyte with excellent cycling stability of 85.2% and 95.4% at 10 A/g after 5000 cycles, respectively.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic performance of an energy conversion device may be improved potentially by using a non-azeotropic mixture in a vapor cycle. A non-azeotropic mixture has a temperature distribution parallel to that of the surrounding fluid with which heat transfer takes place during the evaporation and condensation processes. The non-azeotropic mixture vapor cycle is investigated theoretically in this paper, and energy savings of such an energy conversion cycle are predicted.  相似文献   

Cities are the most important energy consumers of any country in all energy vector components. Nowadays, Belgrade as a cultural, educational, scientific, administrative, political, and business center of the region with its own structure of production, transportation, services, and urban system, represents significant consumer of different energy forms. Only useful and final energy is delivered to energy consuming sectors of a city. Simulation model MAED was used in this paper to estimate energy demand in city for a long time period. On the basis of energy demand forecast for three major ‘energy consumers’ (sectors of household/service, industry, and transportation) until 2020, the sustainable development ‘scenarios’ of Belgrade energy system are developed (2005–2010, 2010–2015, 2015–2020). For each ‘scenario’, the energy systems of primary resources are determined so to satisfy the predicted differences in energy consumption for the mentioned time intervals until 2020. In this case different ‘scenarios’ are evaluated. The evaluation of ‘scenarios’ sustainability is obtained by method of multi-criteria analysis. Using energy indices for sustainable development, the following indices are taken into consideration for the assessment of scenario sustainability: economical, social, and environmental. The obtained results can be used by experts in decision-making process.  相似文献   

Extensive research and development activities have been conducted in the area of biomass conversion over the past several years. Task VII of the International Energy Agency's Bioenergy Agreement provided a means to coordinate the ongoing national programs of fourteen participating countries during the period from 1989 through 1991. This paper provides an overview of the state of the technology development for biomass conversion and summarizes the progress of the IEA program.  相似文献   

Malaysia and Indonesia are the largest producers of palm oil product. The palm oil industry has contributed the biggest income to the countries for many years. Moreover, palm oils has emerged as one of the most important oils in the world’s oils and the market of fats. About 90% of palm oil is used as food related products worldwide, and the other 10% is used for basic raw material for soap. There are more than a hundred palm oil processing mills in the two countries. As such, a lot of savings can be done by using the fiber and shell from the processing wastes as an alternative fuel for electricity generation for this industry. This paper deals with energy conversion from the fiber and shell of the industry wastes as an alternative energy source for the palm oil mill industry in the two countries mentioned. The study concentrates on using the fiber and shell obtained from the processing of palm oil as fuels for the boiler instead of fossil fuel. In addition, the possibility of excess air and fuel air ratio for the fiber and shell combustion process is also discussed. Furthermore, it has been found that the shell and fiber alone can supply more steam and electricity than is required. Some palm oil mills in Malaysia and Indonesia have applied this strategy successfully. The FELDA palm oil mill, with the capacity 30–60 tons FFB/h, in Sungai Tengi, Selangor, Malaysia has been selected for this research.  相似文献   

Biomass gasification technology under microwave irradiation is a new and novel method, and the energy conversion performances during the process play a guiding role in improving the energy conversion efficiencies and developing the gasification simulation models. In order to improve the energy utilization efficiency of microwave biomass gasification system, this study investigated and presented the energy conversion performances during biomass gasification process under microwave irradiation, and these were materialized through detailing (a) the energy conversion performance in the microwave heating stage, and (b) the energy conversion performance in the microwave assisted biomass gasification stage. Different forms of energies in the biomass microwave gasification process were calculated by the method given in this study based on the experimental data. The results showed that the useful energy (energy in silicon carbide (SiC), 18.73 kJ) accounted for 31.22% of the total energy input (electrical energy, 60.00 kJ) in the heating stage, and the useful energy (energy in the products, 758.55 kJ) accounted for 63.41% of the total energy input (electrical and biomass energy, 1196.28 kJ) in the gasification stage. During the whole biomass gasification process under microwave irradiation, the useful energy output (energy in the products, 758.55 kJ) accounted for 60.38% of the total energy input (electrical and biomass energy, 1256.28 kJ), and the energy in the gas (523.40 kJ) product played a dominate role in product energy (758.55 kJ). The energy loss mainly included the heat loss in the gas flow (89.20 kJ), magnetron loss (191.80 kJ) and microwave dissipation loss (198.00 kJ), which accounted for 7.10%, 15.27% and 15.76% of the total energy, respectively. The contents detailed in this study not only presented the energy conversion performances during microwave assisted gasification process but also supplied important data for developing gasification simulation models.  相似文献   

Fabrication of high-power electric double-layer capacitors   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The electrochemical behavior of activated carbon/carbon (AC/C) composite electrodes was investigated for high-power electric doublelayer capacitors (EDLCs). It was found that high-rate charge/discharge characteristics are affected by the resistance of the electrolyte phase in the pores of the electrode. The charge/discharge characteristics were improved by optimizing the pore-size distribution of the electrodes. The size and total volume of the macro-pores in the electrodes were controlled by mixing and burning out polymer spheres. A high-power EDLC (15V, 470 F), which can discharge as much as 500 A, was fabricated by using improved AC/C composite electrodes.  相似文献   

The sustainable development paradigm demands that we leave to future generations at least the same or better possibilities for development as they exist today. This requires a balanced development of economy, society and environment, and the absence of wars and terrorism. Wars and terror attacks are causing grave damage to the development, including loss of human lives, destruction of property, decrease in economic activity, threatened individual freedoms, and destruction of natural environment. It is therefore very important for sustainability to establish a secure global environment. This requires both protection against violence and elimination of its root causes, as well as active work of individuals, national states, non-governmental and international organisations toward peace.  相似文献   

要保持新能源的开发始终在技术创新下不断有所发现有所进步,必须坚持制度创新,与时俱进创新新能源发展的体制和机制。《可再生能源法》中的某些制度设计既不完善也不清晰、明确,应适时地把其从单纯促进开发的法律,改变为有序、规范开发和有效利用的一部法律。与新能源开发有直接关系的《电力法》和《节约能源法》,在规划、结构、布局、网络建设及价格和财税等方面,需要建立新的调整关系和法律的规范制度。  相似文献   

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