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目的:研究目前常用的密度为20Kg/m3的EPE的静态缓冲特性及跌落高度为760MM的不同厚度的该密度EPE的动态缓冲特性。方法:密度为20Kg/m~3的EPE缓冲材料,依据GB/T8167-2008对EPE的缓冲性能进行测试,然后导出原始力-位移数据,经过数据处理得到相应的曲线。结果:得到密度为20Kg/m3的EPE的应力-应变、最大加速度一静应力曲线和及跌落高度为760MM的不同厚度的EPE动态缓冲特性曲线。结论:通过以某品牌机架式服务器为实例进行缓冲包装设计,利用两种不同的设计方法对比,验证数据的可靠性,为后续以EPE作为缓冲包装材料设计提供依据。 相似文献
目的研究可发性聚乙烯水果缓冲包装结构性能。方法以中小尺寸水果包装的圆型结构和方型结构为基础,进行静载实验和跌落冲击实验,分析可发性聚乙烯结构在相关尺寸变化时的缓冲性能。结果随着厚度和宽度的增加,单元结构的载荷逐渐增大,加速度峰值逐渐降低,当宽高比在0.15~0.2变化时,结构的载荷净增值趋于平稳,载荷增长稳定,且圆型结构的承载能力和抗冲击能力均优于方型结构。结论在水果的缓冲包装中,合理设计结构的几何尺寸,更好的发挥材料的缓冲性能,提高结构的缓冲能力和材料利用率,实现缓冲结构的保护功能。 相似文献
缓冲包装性能的模态分析董秀丽,谷黎明黑龙江商学院商业机械系1引言包装系统在流通过程中会受到来自外界的各种干扰,而冲击和振动是造成产品机械损伤的主要因素。为了提高包装质量,减少经济损失,必须掌握产品在流通过程中的性能参数,选择合适的缓冲衬垫,才能进行合... 相似文献
目的设计一种花型结构的鸡蛋缓冲包装。方法在Ansys中,将可发性聚乙烯(expandable polyethylene,EPE)圆型结构多次内切为花型结构。通过静态仿真分析,研究花型结构的静态缓冲性能。结果花型结构的容纳尺寸为18~26 mm,高于圆型结构的18~21 mm,其极限载荷为189.4~975.6 N,略低于圆型结构的191.2~1002.1 N。结论花型结构具有较大的容纳尺寸,有较好的承载能力,既能实现对鸡蛋的保护,又能降低缓冲包装成本。 相似文献
目的设计榫卯结构的红酒缓冲包装结构。方法以榫卯结构为基础,建立A型瓦楞纸板缓冲结构,通过包装件的跌落实验分析结构在纸板厚度、跌落高度和垫层高度变化时的缓冲性能。结果瓦楞纸板厚度为3.5 mm,垫层高度为20 mm时,榫卯缓冲结构能在1400 mm跌落高度内实现对红酒的保护。结论榫卯结构的红酒缓冲包装具有较好的缓冲性能,可满足红酒缓冲包装需要。 相似文献
Tsiliyannis CA 《Environmental science & technology》2005,39(24):9770-9777
Annual environmental performance of packaging products which are reused at least once per year is analyzed with respect to three specific criteria: (1) waste quantities, (2) virgin material demand and resource depletion, and (3) environmental impacts from manufacturing. Packaging flow performance is assessed via a combined reuse/ recycle rate index expressed solely in terms of two dimensionless parameters: the conventional recycling rate and the mean number of reuse trips. Quantitative expressions describe the effect of the following physical quantities: annual reuse frequency, lifetime, maximum number of reuse trips, amount of packaging present in the market, annual production plus net trade imports, recycle rate of consumer discard, reuse rate and consumer discard. The results may serve for packaging monitoring and assessment of alternative packaging systems and for setting more efficient environmental policy targets in terms of the reuse/recycle rate. 相似文献
目的 设计蜂蜜玻璃包装的缓冲结构。方法 依据蜂蜜玻璃瓶尺寸,以A型瓦楞纸板建立缓冲结构,通过试样的抗压实验和跌落实验分析结构在瓶盖缓冲高度、瓶底缓冲高度、瓶身卡扣折叠宽度变化时的缓冲性能,并依据包装减量原则对结构进行优化设计。结果 随着瓶盖高度、瓶底高度、卡扣折叠宽度的增加,结构的抗压能力逐渐增强,瓶身的最大加速度值逐渐降低。当瓶盖高度增加到8 mm,瓶底高度增加到15 mm,瓶身卡扣折叠宽度增加到15 mm时,结构的最大载荷为289.35 N,最大加速度为255.37 m/s2。之后再增加结构参数时,最大载荷的增幅和最大加速度降幅均不明显。结论 在蜂蜜玻璃包装中,通过合理的结构设计,既能发挥瓦楞纸板的缓冲性能,实现结构的保护功能,又能节约材料,降低生产成本和流通成本。 相似文献
利用较成熟的热压工艺,设定11%的施胶量和0.76g/cm3的板密度,研究黎蒴栲纤维、辐射松纤维、尾巨桉单板、PVC之间以夹层结构或混杂结构复合而成板材力学性能,发现在夹层复合结构中辐射松纤维层数多的时候,板材的静曲强度和弹性模量相对比较大;黎蒴栲纤维容易与尾巨桉单板复合;在三层结构和五层结构的对比中,黎蒴栲纤维夹层多时,板的内结合强度分别较差和较好,可以认为黎蒴栲纤维的胶合性能较好.同时,为了更好的探讨黎蒴栲纤维与无机物复合的工艺,采用单因素和对比比较方法,设定0.76g/cm3的板密度,采用不同的施胶量及不同的复合比(珍珠岩粉量比纤维量),评价珍珠岩粉复合黎蒴栲纤维成板的力学性能,发现胶量和复合比是影响珍珠岩粉复合黎蒴栲纤维成板力学性能较重要的两个因素. 相似文献
Physical performance of biodegradable films intended for antimicrobial food packaging 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Antimicrobial films were prepared by including enterocins to alginate, polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH), and zein films. The physical performance of the films was assessed by measuring color, microstructure (SEM), water vapor permeability (WVP), and tensile properties. All studied biopolymers showed poor WVP and limited tensile properties. PVOH showed the best performance exhibiting the lowest WVP values, higher tensile properties, and flexibility among studied biopolymers. SEM of antimicrobial films showed increased presence of voids and pores as a consequence of enterocin addition. However, changes in microstructure did not disturb WVP of films. Moreover, enterocin-containing films showed slight improvement compared to control films. Addition of enterocins to PVOH films had a plasticizing effect, by reducing its tensile strength and increasing the strain at break. The presence of enterocins had an important effect on tensile properties of zein films by significantly reducing its brittleness. Addition of enterocins, thus, proved not to disturb the physical performance of studied biopolymers. Development of new antimicrobial biodegradable packaging materials may contribute to improving food safety while reducing environmental impact derived from packaging waste. Practical Application: Development of new antimicrobial biodegradable packaging materials may contribute to improving food safety while reducing environmental impact derived from packaging waste. 相似文献
《Food research international (Ottawa, Ont.)》2006,39(1):12-21
Lysozyme, partially purified from hen egg white by precipitation of non-enzyme protein with ethanol and lyophilized after dialysis, was incorporated into zein films. The recovery and specific activity of the enzyme after partial purification varied between 45% and 72% and 2173 and 3448 U/mg, whereas the activity of the lyophilized enzyme varied between 2900 and 3351 U/mg. The partially purified enzyme was very stable and lost almost no activity in lyophilized form or in zein films stored at −18 and 4 °C for up to 8 and 4 months, respectively. During partial purification and in zein film preparation, ethanol treatment caused 123–137% and 132–315% activation of the enzyme, respectively. In zein films incorporated with 187–1318 U/cm2 (63–455 μg/cm2) lysozyme, the release rates at 4 °C, changed between 7 and 29 U/cm2/min, increased at high lysozyme concentrations. Zein films incorporated with partially purified lysozyme showed antimicrobial effect on Bacillus subtilis and Lactobacillus plantarum. By the addition of disodium EDTA, the films also became effective on Escherichia coli. The results of this study showed that the partially purified lysozyme may be used in antimicrobial packaging to increase food safety. 相似文献