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An improved analytical method for the determination of acrylamide in coffee is described using liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometric detection (LC-MS). A variety of instant, ground and laboratory roasted coffee samples were analysed using this method. The sample preparation entails extraction of acrylamide with methanol, purification with Carrez I and II solutions, evaporation and solvent change to water, and clean-up with an Oasis HLB solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridge. The chromatographic conditions allowed separation of acrylamide and the remaining matrix co-extractives with accurate and precise quantification of acrylamide during MS detection in SIM mode. Recoveries for the spiking levels of 50, 100, 250 and 500 µg/kg ranged between 99 and 100% with relative standard deviations of less than 2%. The effects of roasting on the formation of acrylamide and colour development were also investigated at 150, 200 and 225°C. Change in the CIE (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage) a* colour value was found to show a good correlation with the change in acrylamide. CIE a* and acrylamide data was fitted to a non-linear logarithmic function for the estimation of acrylamide level in coffee. Measured acrylamide levels in commercial roasted coffees compared well with the predicted acrylamide levels from the CIE a* values.  相似文献   

This research aimed at evaluating the safety, and the type, level and prevalence of mycotoxins in grain sorghum of four sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries (Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Mali and Sudan). A multi-analyte LC-MS/MS method for quantification of 23 mycotoxins (nivalenol, deoxynivalenol, fusarenon X, neosolaniol, 3-acetyl deoxynivalenol, 15-acetyl deoxynivalenol, diacetoxyscirpenol, roquefortine C, HT-2 toxin, alternariol, T-2 toxin, FB1, FB2, FB3, zearalenone, aflatoxin G1, aflatoxin G2, aflatoxin B1, aflatoxin B2, sterigmatocystin, OTA, altenuene, alternariol monomethylether) was applied to different sorghum matrices. Of the 1533 analysed samples, 33% were contaminated with at least one of the following mycotoxins: aflatoxins, fumonisins, sterigmatocystin, Alternaria toxins, OTA and zearalenone. Country of origin, colour, source and collection period of sorghum samples significantly influenced the type, level and prevalence of mycotoxins. Sterigmatocystin (15%), fumonisins (17%) and aflatoxins (13%) were the most prevalent. FB1 (274 ± 585 µg/kg) had the highest mean concentration followed by FB2 (214 ± 308 µg/kg) while diacetoxyscirpenol (8.12 ± 19.2 µg/kg) and HT-2 (11.9 ± 0.00 µg/kg) had the lowest concentrations. Neosolaniol, fusarenon-X, 3-acetyl deoxynivalenol, 15-acetyl deoxynivalenol, T-2 toxin, nivalenol and roquefortine C were not detected in any of the samples. Sudan had the lowest prevalence and mean concentration of all mycotoxins. Pink sorghum had the highest concentrations of fumonisins and aflatoxins. Mycotoxins from Aspergillus spp. and Alternaria spp. are the mycotoxins of concern in SSA grain sorghum with regard to prevalence, concentration and possible health risk from exposure. Based on the performed risk characterisation, daily consumption of sorghum containing aflatoxins, alternariol, alternariol monomethyl ether, sterigmatocystin and OTA could result in exceeding the established health-based guidance values for these toxins.  相似文献   

目的 建立微波消解-电感耦合等离子体质谱法(inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, ICP-MS)测定五味子中16种金属元素含量的分析方法,对检出的有害元素进行膳食风险评估。方法 采用微波消解法处理样品, 120℃赶酸至1 mL左右后, ICP-MS法测定五味子样品中16种元素含量。测定结果采用Minitab 15软件进行元素相关性分析,并结合可耐受最高摄入量(tolerable upper intake level,UL)和目标危害系数/总目标危害系数(target hazard quotient/total target hazard quotient, THQ/TTHQ)法对五味子中有害元素进行膳食风险评估。结果 五味子中含有多种金属元素, Mn、Zn元素含量较高。Mn、Cu、Zn、Se、Mo元素摄入量与UL比值小于1, Cu、As、Cd、Cr的THQ小于1,表明食用五味子无健康风险。结论 五味子中重金属污染水平整体较低,只有Cr元素膳食风险计算值相对Cu、As、Cd膳食风险计算值较高,但不足以对人体健康造成影响。  相似文献   

丙烯酰胺是一类重要的化工原料,同时也是食品热加工过程中典型的美拉德反应副产物。丙烯酰胺具有神经毒性、生殖毒性、遗传毒性、免疫毒性及潜在致癌性,其中神经毒性有流行病学的调查研究,因此,丙烯酰胺神经毒性研究受到了广泛关注。已有的研究显示,丙烯酰胺诱导的神经毒性是受多条信号通路调控的复杂过程。同时,针对神经毒性干预作用的研究发现大量具有抗氧化性的多酚、黄酮类植物化合物对其具有一定的干预作用,但是对于开发成丙烯酰胺神经毒性的膳食干预物还需要深入探究。为了更好地阐明丙烯酰胺毒性作用机制并明确其干预物,本文综述了丙烯酰胺对人群的暴露情况,重点总结了其诱导神经毒性的分子机制与常见天然活性产物干预其神经毒性的作用机制,这将为筛选新的干预物提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Acrylamide (AA) is known as a neurotoxin in humans and it is classified as a probable human carcinogen by the International Agency of Research on Cancer. AA is produced as by‐product of the Maillard reaction in starchy foods processed at high temperatures (>120 °C). This review includes the investigation of AA precursors, mechanisms of AA formation and AA mitigation technologies in potato, cereal and coffee products. Additionally, most relevant issues of AA risk assessment are discussed. New technologies tested from laboratory to industrial scale face, as a major challenge, the reduction of AA content of browned food, while still maintaining its attractive organoleptic properties. Reducing sugars such as glucose and fructose are the major contributors to AA in potato‐based products. On the other hand, the limiting substrate of AA formation in cereals and coffee is the free amino acid asparagine. For some products the addition of glycine or asparaginase reduces AA formation during baking. Since, for potatoes, the limiting substrate is reducing sugars, increases in sugar content in potatoes during storage then introduce some difficulties and potentially quite large variations in the AA content of the final product. Sugars in potatoes may be reduced by blanching. Levels of AA in different foods show large variations and no general upper limit is easily applicable, since some formation will always occur. Current policy is that practical measures should be taken voluntarily to reduce AA formation in vulnerable foods since AA is considered a health risk at the concentrations found in foods. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

A food and drink intake survey was carried out among university students and staff members. Consumption data were collected on days when the participants took hot lunch in a university canteen. The dietary acrylamide exposure was calculated through a probabilistic approach and revealed a median intake of 0.40 microg/kg bw/day [90% confidence interval: 0.36-0.44], which is in accordance with previous exposure calculations. Biscuits (35.4%), French fries (29.9%), bread (23.5%), and chocolate (11.2%) were identified to be the main sources of dietary acrylamide. Foodstuffs consumed in between the three main meals of the day (so called snack type foods) contributed the most to the intake (42.2%). The exposure was lower in an intervention group which received free portions of fruit and vegetables, indicating that a nutritionally balanced diet may contribute to a decreased acrylamide intake. French fries had a significant impact on the acrylamide intake, due to the frequent consumption in the canteen. This demonstrates the important responsibility of caterers and canteen kitchens in the mitigation of acrylamide exposure through reduction of acrylamide in their prepared products, in particular in French fries.  相似文献   

This survey examined 60 samples of sorghum and 30 samples of sorghum products from three states (Khartoum, Kordofan and Gadarif) of Sudan for aflatoxin B1, B2, G1 and G2 (AFB1, AFB2, AFG1, AFG2), ochratoxin A and B (OTA, OTB) and zearalenone (ZEN), using high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. The limits of detection and limits of quantification were in the range 0.01–0.6 µg kg–1 and 0.03–2.0 µg kg?1, respectively. The frequency of contaminated samples with AFB1 from Khartoum, Gadarif and Kordofan state was 38.1%, 22.2% and 23.8%, respectively. Only two samples of sorghum from Khartoum state were contaminated with OTA (3.3%). Concentrations of OTA and OTB were low and may not cause problems. No sample of sorghum or sorghum products was contaminated with ZEN. Some sorghum samples contained AFB1 concentrations above the European Union regulatory limits. The highest contaminated samples were found in Khartoum state.  相似文献   

Acrylamide is a probable human carcinogen and known human neurotoxin. This study estimated hypothetical long-term dietary exposure to acrylamide of the Japanese people using probabilistic and deterministic approaches by combining the concentration of acrylamide in foods with the amount and frequency of food consumption in the population. Data included acrylamide concentrations in more than 2400 individual food samples from a national survey and the literature from 2004 to 2013. Food consumption amounts were derived from the data of 24,293 Japanese citizens aged 1 year and older in the 2012 National Health and Nutrition Survey. Median lifetime average dietary exposure to acrylamide was estimated as 147–154 ng/kg body weight (bw)/day (95th percentile, 226–261 ng/kg bw/day). The deterministic estimate of lifetime exposure was 158 ng/kg bw/day and ranged from 119 ng/kg bw/day for the period of life after 60 years old to 409 ng/kg bw/day for the period between 1 and 6 years old. This study found that vegetables cooked at a high temperature, coffee and cooked potato were the major food groups contributing to long-term dietary acrylamide exposure of the Japanese people.  相似文献   

通过对甜高粱的基础分析,了解甜高粱秆糖分的垂直变化和径向变化以及甜高粱糖品的成分与甘蔗的差异;通过榨汁和水洗试验,比较了不同品种间的出汁率、采收时带叶与不带叶对出汁率的影响以及水洗次数与糖分被浸出的规律.  相似文献   


Acrylamide is regarded as a food chemical contaminant. The aims of this work included: (i) to develop sample cleanup procedures applicable for determination of AA in soft bread samples; (ii) to determine AA levels in soft bread available in retail trade in Poland and to compare them with currently standing benchmark levels; (iii) to determine dietary risk related to AA in soft bread. The procedure based on ion-exchange solid phase extraction was more suitable to obtain LOQs corresponding to AA concentrations in soft bread samples. AA levels found in bread samples were in 3.6–163 µg kg?1 range. AA levels varied greatly from sample to sample, which suggests that both food composition and manufacturing processes play a crucial role in AA generation. When considering reference point for neoplastic effects, Margin of Exposure calculated for AA taken with soft bread ranged between 543 and 3,035.  相似文献   

目的 解析粳高粱和糯高粱酿造的川法小曲白酒风味物质差异。方法 对发酵过程酒醅理化指标和出酒率进行了检测分析,利用顶空固相微萃取气相色谱质谱联用法(headspacesolidphasemicroextraction coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, HS-SPME-GC-MS)、氢火焰气相色谱法(gas chromatography flame ionization detector, GC-FID)、偏最小二乘判别分析(partial least squares discriminant analysis, PLS-DA)结合感官评定分析了基酒挥发性风味物质。结果糯高粱原料出酒率极显著高于粳高粱(P<0.01);HS-SPME-GC-MS共检测出39种物质,主要为酯类和醇类物质;粳高粱发酵基酒中异丁醇、异戊醇和乙醛含量显著高于糯高粱发酵基酒(P<0.05,P<0.01),糯高粱发酵基酒中乙酸乙酯和乙酸含量显著高于粳高粱发酵基酒(P<0.05, P<0.01)。结论 出酒率和主要风味物质的...  相似文献   

From a food engineering point of view, a viable approach in evaluating the risk related to acrylamide formation in heated foods is still lacking. In this study, thermal process calculation procedure used to evaluate safe levels of microbial inactivation by means of time-temperature history of the product during processing was adapted to evaluate the risk associated with acrylamide formation in cookies during baking. The rate constants were determined in model cookies during baking at different temperatures. For a risk threshold value of 200 ppb of acrylamide, thermal formation times were calculated as 6.29, 0.20 and 0.03 min for 150, 200 and 250 °C, respectively. The F and z values were determined as 0.20 min and 30 °C, respectively, for acrylamide formation in cookies during baking. Calculated total risk values compared well with experimentally measured acrylamide concentrations of cookies baked under different conditions confirming the success of risk evaluation procedure.  相似文献   

The formation of acrylamide in papads processed by flame roasting, frying and microwave roasting as a function of the alkaline salt, papad khar and its substitute, 2:1 sodium carbonate:sodium bicarbonate (w/w) at various concentrations was examined. Addition of papad khar and 2:1 sodium carbonate:sodium bicarbonate makes the product alkaline, which is known to be conducive for the formation of acrylamide. While a correlation was found between acrylamide content and pH with respect to fried and flame roasted papads, microwave roasting did not show any acrylamide formation at all the levels of alkaline salts tested in this study. Flame roasting generated higher levels of acrylamide as compared to frying. Use of microwave roasting is therefore recommended as a consumer-friendly, healthy and safe technology for processing papads.  相似文献   

食品中丙烯酰胺的形成与风险分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
煎、炸、烤等高温处理是最普遍的食品加工方法,自瑞典的Trnqvist教授等首次在一些油炸和烧烤的淀粉类食品中发现具有毒性的丙烯酰胺以来,引发各国研究者高度关注,目前对丙烯酰胺在食品中的形成和分布仍没有一个统一的结论.对食品中丙烯酰胺的分布、形成及风险分析进行了综述.  相似文献   

目的 掌握浙江温州地区海产品中石油烃的污染状况及其对人群膳食暴露影响。方法 采集2022年浙江温州地区30个品种217批次海产品, 取各样品可食部分, 经组织匀质后, 经6 mol/L氢氧化钠溶液40℃恒温振荡皂化6 h、二氯甲烷萃取、旋转蒸发浓缩至干、脱芳石油醚复溶, 取上清液采用分子荧光仪测定其石油烃含量。采用单因子指数法和商值法分别评价其污染程度和膳食暴露健康风险。结果 所有海产品均存在不同程度的石油烃检出(范围1.06~26.6 mg/kg, 均值9.70 mg/kg), 其中13.4%的样品中石油烃含量超出NY 5073—2006《无公害食品水产品中有毒有害物质限量》中规定的限值, 分别为缢蛏、泥蚶、馒头蟹。总体上检出浓度依次排序, 养殖贝类>海捕头足类>海捕蟹>海捕虾>海捕鱼>养殖藻类。所测海产品石油烃危害商在0.01226~0.3076之间, 均小于1, 致癌风险指数范围为4.9×10-7~7.6×10-5, 小于1×10-4, 其中养殖贝类中缢蛏、泥蚶、贻贝的危害商和致癌风险指数相对较高。结论 浙江温州地区海产品中石油烃的健康风险较低, 但应密切关注长期或大量食用缢蛏、泥蚶、贻贝带来的不利影响。  相似文献   

The effect of microwave treatment on phenolics, flavonoids, antioxidant capacity, and phenolic in vitro bioaccessibility of white and red sorghum was evaluated. After microwave treatment for 40 s, the contents of free, bound, and total phenolics in white and red sorghum increased by 15.6–42.6, 4.0–23.4, and 19.7–66.0 mg gallic acid equivalents 100 g−1 dry weight (DW), respectively, and the contents of free, bound, and total flavonoids increased by 9.4–11.2, 4.8–5.4, and 14.2–16.6 mg rutin equivalents 100 g−1 DW, respectively. With increasing microwave treatment time, the contents of phenolic acids and flavonoids in white and red sorghum first increased and then decreased. Additionally, the changes in antioxidant capacity indicated a similar trend with phenolic contents for white and red sorghum. In vitro gastrointestinal digestion indicated that microwave treatment had no effect on the phenolic bioaccessibility of white and red sorghum but increased the release amount of phenolic acid and antioxidant capacity.  相似文献   

Reducing sugars (glucose and fructose) and asparagine levels in three varieties of Irish ware potatoes (Rooster, Record and Oilean) on sale in a local supermarket were monitored over an 11-month period. Samples were processed into French fries using conditions similar to those used for home preparation of fries and acrylamide levels in a selection of samples were measured. A wide range of total reducing sugar levels (fructose+glucose) were observed over the course of the study with values ranging from 152-12,286, 301-8812 and 279-7881 μg/g FW for the Rooster, Record and Oilean varieties, respectively. This resulted in high levels of acrylamide in some samples (up to 2970 μg/kg). In comparison to reducing sugars, asparagine contents were relatively constant for the three varieties and no particular trend in asparagine levels was noted. Both fructose and glucose contents of the tubers were positively correlated with acrylamide content (r=0.809, 0.776, respectively, P<0.001). A negative relationship between Hunter L values and acrylamide content of the French fries was observed (r=−0.712, P<0.001) indicating that L values could serve as a convenient and reliable indicator of acrylamide levels in French fries.  相似文献   

为充分利用不同品种高粱淀粉,对龙米粮1号、龙杂13号、红糯1号和红糯5号高粱淀粉的理化性质进行比较分析。结果表明,4种高粱淀粉颗粒均为不规则多角形,其中龙米粮1号的淀粉颗粒比表面积(Sw)最高为0.192 m2/g;经X衍射测得,4种淀粉均属于A型晶体,其中红糯5号相对结晶度较高为28.64%;傅里叶红外光谱结果表明,龙米粮1号有序程度较高为1.221;龙米粮1号的持水力和溶解度均最高为220.56%和39.07%,红糯1号的支链淀粉、透明度和析水率较高,分别为86.72%、39.23%和0.89%,龙杂13号的直链淀粉含量和凝沉性较好,而红糯5号的膨胀度较其他3个品种高;经糊化和热特性测定表明,龙米粮1号具有较高的成糊温度和峰值黏度,龙杂13号的热稳定性较好,红糯5号谷值黏度较高,红糯1号回生值较低,且2种红高粱淀粉较另2种白高粱的热焓值、起始、峰值、谷值、最终温度均较低。龙米粮1号可用于食品中的保水剂的应用,龙杂13号适用于食品中增稠剂的生产,红糯1号宜用来冷冻类食品的加工,红糯5号则适用于焙烤类食品的加工生产。  相似文献   

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