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本文重点讨论了黄陵背斜在印支期和燕山早期的构造发展。印支运动前,黄陵背斜位于变质基底开县——黄陵东西隆起带上,一直是续承性古隆起。印支运动使黄陵背斜隆起激化,一改古生代的东西向古隆起面貌,变为近南北向隆起,成了秭归向斜沉积上三迭系的主要物源区之一。燕山运动早期的即侏罗纪时期,黄陵背斜并没有大幅度隆起,只是在湖盆中为时现时伏的低凸起。侏罗纪以后,黄陵背斜在燕山二期运动的影响下,进入了一个新的大规模的隆起激化期。伴随黄陵背斜的激化隆起,秭归及当阳地区侏罗系及其前的地层全部褶皱,形成了轴线方向和黄陵背斜一致的两个复式向斜。  相似文献   
The Sangzhi-Shimen synclinorium, which is in the western margin region of the Hunan-Hubei Province and as the southeast part of the middle Yangtze platform, is a second-level tectonics unit in the south of this region.Along the profile, it can be divided into 5 third-level structure belts. By the comprehensive interpretation of seismic data and magnetotelluric (MT) sounding data, it is found that the surface structure is not in accordance with that of the underground, and this un-coordination can be conducted by many decollement surfaces between the layers.There are three periods of deformation in its geo-history in this region: before the early Yanshan stage, during the early Yanshan stage and after the early Yanshan stage, while the main deformation period is during the early Yanshan stage. And the mechanism of deformation is the thrust faults in basement, which are controlled by many decollements, in addition to the decollement of the cal-rock.  相似文献   
本文根据塔里木盆地西南缘的区域地质特征,运用近几年来在国外进展很快的逆冲断层和推覆构造理论及作者在本区十几条路线的观察,提出了前人称的“铁克里克断隆”实质上是昆仑山的山前逆冲断层带,构造样式为薄皮构造,逆冲断层带的就位机制为重力扩展的论断。在此基础上,将本区分为4个构造带,并提出了本区的找油新领域,即:边缘挤压褶皱带主要找以中、新生界为目的层的油气藏;中、新生界复式夹块带主要找和田逆冲断层面以下的以中,新生界为主要目的层的油气藏;晚古生界复式夹块带在逆冲断层面之下,主要找包括晚古生界在内的多储盖、多圈闭类型的油气藏。而元古界复式夹块带逆冲断层面之下也有可能找到油气藏。  相似文献   
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