The fusion zone and heat affected zone (HAZ) microstructures of electron beam welded superalloy 718PLUS™ (718 Plus) that has been newly developed by ATI ALLVAC were examined. The microsegregation pattern during solidification of the fusion zone indicated that while Fe, Co, W, and Cr segregated to the core of the gamma dendrites, Nb, Ti, and Al were extensively rejected into the interdendritic liquid. Electron diffraction and X-ray microanalysis using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of the fusion zone showed that the major secondary phases that formed from the interdendritic liquid were gamma/MC type carbide eutectic and gamma/Laves eutectic constituents. HAZ microstructure showed partially melted zone immediately adjacent to the fusion zone and intergranular microfissuring associated with resolidified products which suggested that HAZ cracking in this alloy occurred by liquation cracking. Microstructural examination of the HAZ using analytical scanning electron microscope showed resolidified gamma/Laves eutectic on the cracked and backfilled grain boundaries. Fine resolidified MC type carbide particles were also observed in the HAZ. Causes of grain boundary liquation were identified and the solidification of intergranular liquid in the HAZ was discussed. 相似文献
The microstructure of laser beam weld-metal of an yttrium doped directionally solidified alloy IC 6A, with chemical composition Ni–16Al–8.5Mo–0.12B–0.05C–0.03Y (at.%) was studied. The dendritic microsegregation observed within the fusion zone indicated that dendrite cores were slightly depleted in molybdenum and aluminum and the interdendritic regions were also considerably enriched in yttrium. Severe cracking in the weld-metal was observed and was found to be closely associated with interdendritic eutectic-type microconstituents identified as consisting of γ, γ′ and Ni–Mo phases. An yttrium-rich phase (Ni3Y) was observed in some interdendritic regions containing the eutectic γ, γ′ and Ni–Mo products. Their formation was discussed in relation to plausible microsegregation induced alteration of primary solidification path during cooling from welding temperatures. 相似文献
A small single-cylinder diesel engine is used to thermally age model (Pt + Rh/Ba/γ-Al2O3) lean NOx traps (LNTs) under lean/rich cycling at target temperatures of 600 °C, 700 °C, and 800 °C. During an aging cycle, fuel is injected into the exhaust to achieve reproducible exotherms under lean and rich conditions with the average temperature approximating the target temperature. Aging is performed until the cycle-average NOx conversion measured at 400 °C is approximately constant. Engine-based NOx conversion decreased by 42% after 60 cycles at 600 °C, 36% after 76 cycles at 700 °C and 57% after 46 cycles at 800 °C. The catalyst samples were removed and characterized by XRD and using a microreactor that allowed controlled measurements of surface area, precious metal size, NOx storage, and reaction rates. Three aging mechanisms responsible for the deactivation of LNTs have been identified: (i) loss of dispersion of the precious metals, (ii) phase transitions in the washcoat materials, and (iii) loss of surface area of the storage component and support. These three mechanisms are accelerated when the aging temperature exceeds 850 °C—the γ to δ transition temperature of Al2O3. Normalization of rates of NO reacted at 400 °C to total surface area demonstrates the biggest impact on performance stems from surface area losses rather than from precious metal sintering. 相似文献
This paper presents a feedback scheme that simultaneously corrects, in real time, for the imaging artifacts caused by cantilever and photosensor misalignments as well as misinterpretations in relative lateral position of the tip with respect to the sample due to the tip-sample stick in atomic force microscopy (AFM). The optical beam bounce method, typically used in AFM for imaging, is sensitive to inaccuracies of cantilever geometry and the relative misalignment of the laser source, cantilever, and the laser sensitive diode from the intended design. These inaccuracies, which contribute to the geometrical cross-talk between the normal and the lateral signals, become prominent at the atomic and subnanometer scales, and thereby impede high resolution imaging studies. The feedback scheme accounts for these artifacts and makes imaging insensitive to, in fact, practically independent of these inaccuracies. This scheme counteracts the lateral twisting dynamics of the cantilever, and as a result, it avoids the misinterpretation problem of the relative lateral position of the cantilever tip from the sample and thereby avoids the corresponding imaging artifacts that are typically prominent in contact mode friction force microscopy (FFM). The feedback scheme consists of simultaneously regulating the normal as well as the lateral cantilever deflection signal at their respective set points. This not only removes the imaging artifacts due to geometrical misalignments, mechanical cross-talk, and irregular sliding but also the corresponding compensatory control signal gives a more accurate real time measure of the lateral interaction force between the sample and the cantilever as compared to the lateral deflection signal used in FFM. Experimental results show significant improvement, and in some cases, practical elimination of the artifacts. The design and implementation of a split piezoassembly needed for the lateral actuation for the feedback scheme are also presented. 相似文献
Emotion is considered a physiological state that appears whenever a transformation is observed by an individual in their environment or body. While studying the literature, it has been observed that combining the electrical activity of the brain, along with other physiological signals for the accurate analysis of human emotions is yet to be explored in greater depth. On the basis of physiological signals, this work has proposed a model using machine learning approaches for the calibration of music mood and human emotion. The proposed model consists of three phases (a) prediction of the mood of the song based on audio signals, (b) prediction of the emotion of the human-based on physiological signals using EEG, GSR, ECG, Pulse Detector, and finally, (c) the mapping has been done between the music mood and the human emotion and classifies them in real-time. Extensive experimentations have been conducted on the different music mood datasets and human emotion for influential feature extraction, training, testing and performance evaluation. An effort has been made to observe and measure the human emotions up to a certain degree of accuracy and efficiency by recording a person’s bio- signals in response to music. Further, to test the applicability of the proposed work, playlists are generated based on the user’s real-time emotion determined using features generated from different physiological sensors and mood depicted by musical excerpts. This work could prove to be helpful for improving mental and physical health by scientifically analyzing the physiological signals.
The polarographic behaviour of diisopropylaminoethanethiol HCl (RSH) has been studied in presence of 0·1 M LiCl at the dme. The effects of pH, supporting electrolyte, concentration, drop time and temperature on the characteristics of the wave have been investigated. The curves consist of two waves—a small pre-wave followed by a normal anodic wave over the entire pH range (2·60–12·60). The maximum number of moles absorbed on unit area is 3·98 × 10?10 mole/cm2, ie 2·4 × 1014 molecules/cm2, which corresponds to an area 41·6 Å2 per adsorbed molecule. The adsorption coefficient and molar adsorption energy are 6·34 × 102 and 26·34 kcal/mole respectively. The electrode reaction is reversible, diffusion-controlled and involves a one-electron tranfer process. The pK of the ?SH group is 10·6. Controlled-potential electrolysis, interaction with mercuric chloride and mathematical analysis reveal the depolarization of mercury with the formation of a Hg(I) complex, mercurous mercaptide RSHg, which rapidly changes to more stable mercuric complex (RS)2Hg. 相似文献
The press tooling industry, characterised by many small-scale job-shops, is facing an increasingly competitive global market.
This comes at a time when there is a shortage of experienced process planners and unavailability of affordable CAD/CAM systems
that could provide an integrated solution for manufacturing sheet metal tooling. Many commercially available CAD/CAM systems
are either too expensive or too narrow in scope, in the sense that they provide only point solutions. The design of press
tools and its manufacturing functions are highly specialised and knowledge-intensive in nature. This paper presents a framework
and the implementation details of an integrated system that has been developed for a local sheet metal tooling company specialising
in precision punches and dies. A PC-based system has been implemented on an AutoCAD platform using the Autolisp programming
language. 相似文献
Gephyrin has long been thought of as a master regulator for inhibitory synapses, acting as a scaffold to organize γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABAARs) at the post-synaptic density. Accordingly, gephyrin immunostaining has been used as an indicator of inhibitory synapses; despite this, the pan-synaptic localization of gephyrin to specific classes of inhibitory synapses has not been demonstrated. Genetically encoded fibronectin intrabodies generated with mRNA display (FingRs) against gephyrin (Gephyrin.FingR) reliably label endogenous gephyrin, and can be tagged with fluorophores for comprehensive synaptic quantitation and monitoring. Here we investigated input- and target-specific localization of gephyrin at a defined class of inhibitory synapse, using Gephyrin.FingR proteins tagged with EGFP in brain tissue from transgenic mice. Parvalbumin-expressing (PV) neuron presynaptic boutons labeled using Cre- dependent synaptophysin-tdTomato were aligned with postsynaptic Gephyrin.FingR puncta. We discovered that more than one-third of PV boutons adjacent to neocortical pyramidal (Pyr) cell somas lack postsynaptic gephyrin labeling. This finding was confirmed using correlative fluorescence and electron microscopy. Our findings suggest some inhibitory synapses may lack gephyrin. Gephyrin-lacking synapses may play an important role in dynamically regulating cell activity under different physiological conditions. 相似文献
The effect of the addition of 1 and 3 w/o Ti to a quaternary (Ni-Cr-Fe-Al) alloy on the phase transformations that might occur in the material on sintering were simulated using a thermodynamic modelling tool. These predictions were subsequently compared with experimental results obtained by X-ray diffraction and metallography. As well, the onset of melting and the transformation temperature of the Ti modified alloys were corroborated by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). From SEM and point count analyses, the microstructure, including the % porosity and volume fraction of gamma prime precipitates, remained relatively unchanged from the quaternary without Ti. This may have been due to the presence of sub-micron precipitates not detected in the Ti-containing samples. However, an increase in lattice parameters on adding both 1 and 3 w/o Ti to the quaternary was determined from X-ray diffraction measurements. Finally, the software modelling provided a reasonable prediction for both microstructure and thermal processing thereby offering a means to simulate both design and characterisation of the experimental material, both during sintering and on cooling. 相似文献