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The ring-opening polymerization of hexamethylcyclodisilazane (D2NMe), initiated by methyl triflate in 1,2-dichloroethane, forms in the first, fast kinetic step both linear polymer and cyclic dimer (D4NMe). Subsequently a slow depolymerization process occurs leading to exclusively cyclotrisilazane (D3NMe). On the basis of kinetic measurements carried out using an adiabatic calorimetric technique and complementary experiments, mechanisms of both propagation, cyclization and back-biting reactions are proposed. The influence of the reaction temperature was also studied; it is demonstrated that, at low temperature, polymerization does not lead to cyclic oligomer formation. In such conditions, the polymerization presents a ‘living’ character.  相似文献   
The modification of the interface in immiscible polymer blends is critical in order to optimize physical properties. Despite the great commercial importance of polymer blends, many aspects of the emulsification process remain unclear In this paper, it will be shown that an emulsification curve can be used to estimate the influence of the architecture molar mass of styrene/hydrogenated butadiene block copolymer interfacial modifiers on the emulsifion of polystyrene/ethylene-propylene rubber blends under melt processing conditions. An expression for eing the critical amount of copolymer to saturate the interface, as well as aspects concerning the localisation of the modifier in the blend system will also be addressed.  相似文献   
The main goal of the present study is to optimise the precharge conditions such as the precharge location and dimensions that give significant effects on the mechanical performance of composite structures manufactured by the compression moulding process. As preliminary step of optimisation, we developed a manufacturing simulation program to predict the fibre volume fraction and fibre orientation. And coupled with this simulation program and a structural analysis program, a genetic algorithm (GA) is implemented to optimise the precharge conditions. The penalty function method and the repair algorithm are modified for handling constraints. The repair algorithm is applied to a symmetric structure and an arbitrary shape structure to find optimal precharge conditions.  相似文献   
In this article, two topologies of L-C parallel active resonators are presented. These circuits are realized in MMIC technology, using three transistors which could be MESFET, hemt or HBT. The survey of these resonators shows the possibility, by controling the values of a resistor and/or a capacitor, on the one hand, to tune the resonance frequency of these circuits, and on the other hand, to cancel out their losses so as to obtain negative conductance. Compact, lossless and narrow-band filters are then implemented using previous active resonators. To date, the use of mesfet technology has reduced the synthesis of such active filters in S-band and at X-band low frequencies. Now, however, hemt and HBT technologies allow the extension of their implementation to the whole X-band. This survey is illustrated by the simulated response of a 10 GHz filter with a 500 MHz 3 dB bandwidth. The mmic technology is a 0.2 μm hemt one. The simulated performances of this filter achieve a mean transmission gain of 0. 5 dB, with a reflection loss higher than 10 dB at 10 GHz,  相似文献   
In this paper, we consider large loss networks with fixed routing and multirate traffic. We use singlelink formulae and standard results on multidimensional Gaussian distributions to obtain upper bounds for blocking probabilities of new calls under light up to critical loading conditions. This is the loading regime of interest for many practical applications such as admission control in ATM networks. The main advantage of our approach is that the complexity does not scale with the size of the system, making it numerically attractive. Comparison with simulation results show that we get good upper bounds. We conclude by discussing the correlation between links in a network.  相似文献   
In a previous paper, a surface impedance formalism was given. Its application to interfaces modelling between homogeneous and frequency dependent media, was of great interest in the finite difference timedomain (fdtd) codes. In this paper, an extension of the method to dispersive media is presented. Applying this formalism to lossless Debye medium, the analytical expressions of the time- domain surface impedances are given. The implementation in a fdtd code permits then a numerical verification of the results in relation to the Fresnel method.  相似文献   
Adhesion studies of CVD copper metallization   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The adhesion of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) Cu thin films to various barriers was observed to improve with a post-deposition anneal or a physical vapor deposition (PVD) Cu flash layer on the barrier before depositing CVD Cu. The ambient exposure of the barrier before the deposition of CVD Cu has been observed to lead to degradation of adhesion in both CVD Cu seed and CVD/PVD Cu high vacuum integrated metallization schemes. The integrated CVD and PVD Cu deposition scheme exhibits better adhesion due to the inherent annealing provided during the PVD deposition which is carried out at temperatures between 300 and 400°C. We have evaluated both qualitative and quantitative tests — tape test, Stud pull test and 4-point bend test — in understanding adhesion and observed that each of these tests give different details of interface breakdown.  相似文献   
Imaging intramyocardial vascular flows in real-time could strongly help to achieve better diagnostic of cardiovascular diseases. To date, no standard imaging modality allows describing accurately myocardial blood flow dynamics with good spatial and temporal resolution. We recently introduced a novel ultrasonic Doppler imaging technique based on compounded plane waves transmissions at ultrafast frame rate. The high sensitivity of this ultrafast Doppler technique permits to image the intramyocardial blood flow and its dynamics. A dedicated demodulation-filtering process is implemented to compensate for the large tissue velocity of the myocardium during the cardiac cycle. A signed power Doppler processing provides the discrimination between arterial and venous flows. Experiments were performed in vivo in a large animal open chest model ( N = 5 sheep) using a conventional ultrasonic probe placed at the surface of the heart. Results show the capability of the technique to image intramyocardial vascular flows in normal physiological conditions with good spatial (200 μm) and temporal resolution (10 ms). Flow dynamics over the cardiac cycle were investigated and the imaging method demonstrated a phase opposition of flow waveforms between arterial and venous flows. Finally, ultrafast Doppler combined with tissue motion compensation was found able to reveal vascular flow disruption in ischemic regions during occlusion of the main diagonal coronary artery.  相似文献   
The thermal deposition of hydroxyapatite (HA) on titanium alloy substrate (Ti-6A1-4V) leads to a structure that has very good osseointegration properties. However, clinical failures have been occasionally reported at the interface between substrate and coating. Lifetime is the main parameter in such prostheses; therefore, in order to improve their quality, it is necessary to evaluate the level of stresses near the interface. The high-energy synchrotron radiation combines the advantages of a bulk analysis and reduced volume of the gauge. The objective of our study was to calculate the residual stress using a nonlinear finite-element model and to measure residual stress level near the interface, in the hydroxyapatite coating and in titanium alloy substrate with a nondestructive and high-resolution experiment. The high-energy synchrotron radiation of the BM16 beam-line at ESRF (Grenoble-France) was used with a resolution of down to 10 micrometers. The experimental measurements validate the results found by means of nonlinear finite-element analysis of the plasma spraying induced stress.  相似文献   
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