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An exact algorithm for the multi-period facility location problem is proposed that efficiently integrates mixed-integer and dynamic programming methods. Two simplification procedures are introduced to reduce the size of the general multi-period facility location problem substantially. Because the proposed algorithm utilizes dynamic programming to obtain the optimal sequence over the entire planning horizon, many near-optimal solutions also become available that are extremely useful for postoptimality analysis. The solution method is tested and compared with a well-known procedure on several problems with varying conditions. The comparisons appear very promising, and the required CPU times by the proposed method are substantially reduced.  相似文献   
In this study,we initially performed interfacial tension(IFT)tests to investigate the potential of using the Persian Gulf sea-water(PGSW)as smart water with dif...  相似文献   
In recent years, growing demand for greater mechanical properties of PM steel components with competitive fabrication cost has led to significant innovations in different fields of powder metallurgy. Recent research has been focused on reaching higher performance with lower cost. To this end, the possibility of combining the conventional sintering and post-sintering processes for a particular powder composition has been introduced. Sinter-hardening is a result of the research conducted along this line. Elimination of any secondary operation such as quench-hardening by incorporating it in the sintering process (i.e. sinter-hardening) is of great interest, as it will lead to lower processing costs and equal, if not higher mechanical performance. However, to ensure the desired mechanical properties of the final component and robustness of the performance, critical aspects of the sinter-hardening process should be rigorously studied.Hence with specific attention to a Cr–Mo steel powder (FL-5305), this study deals with the influence of density on cooling rate, the effect of different sintering temperatures (e.g. 1120 °C and 1250 °C) on austenite grain size and consequently, hardenability. The microstructure development in sinter-hardened FL-5305 material has been analyzed and predicted by means of the available literature for solid steel and also using the commercial software (JMatPro 5.0) for materials assessment based on thermodynamic and kinetics modeling. Finally, inaccurate carbon control and its adverse impact on excessive formation of cementite have been addressed.  相似文献   
Progress in hydrate thermodynamic study necessitates robust and fast models to be incorporated in reservoir simulation softwares. However, numerous models presented in the literature makes selection of the best,proper predictive model a cumbersome task. It is of industrial interest to make use of cubic equations of state(EOS) for modeling hydrate equilibria. In this regard, this study focuses on evaluation of three common EOSs including Peng–Robinson, Soave–Redlich–Kwong and Valderrama–Patel–Teja coupled with van der Waals and Platteeuw theory to predict hydrate P–T equilibrium of a real natural gas sample. Each EOS was accompanied with three mixing rules, including van der Waals(vd W),Avlonitis non-density dependent(ANDD) and general nonquadratic(GNQ). The prediction of cubic EOSs was in sufficient agreement with experimental data and with overall AARD% of less than unity. In addition, PR plus ANDD proved to be the most accurate model in this study for prediction of hydrate equilibria with AARD% of 0.166.It was observed that the accuracy of cubic EOSs studied in this paper depends on mixing rule coupled with them,especially at high-pressure conditions. Lastly, the present study does not include any adjustable parameter to be correlated with hydrate phase equilibrium data.  相似文献   
A third-order intermodulation cancelation technique using a non-linear feedback is proposed to design a low-power low-distortion mixer in a 65 nm standard CMOS technology. The IM3 cancelation is achieved by estimating distorting error at a non-linear feedback element and subtracting it from the input. The linearization technique is utilized in the input trans-conductance of the mixer. The circuit functionality is analyzed using Volterra series. The covering frequency range of the mixer is 800 MHz to 5 GHz. The technique increases the input-referred third-order intercept point (IIP3) and input 1 dB compression point to +16.4 dBm and −1.87 dBm, respectively. It obtains a gain of 9 dB and an input-referred noise of 1.84 nV/?{}/\sqrt{}Hz while consumes 8.75 mA from 1.2 V supply. The layout of the mixer occupies 0.315 mm × 0.296 mm of silicon area.  相似文献   
Because failures in lead-free solder joints occur at locations other than the most highly shear-strained regions, reliability prediction is challenging. To gain physical understanding of this phenomenon, physically based understanding of how elastic and plastic deformation anisotropy affect microstructural evolution during thermomechanical cycling is necessary. Upon solidification, SAC305 (Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu) solder joints are usually single or tricrystals. The evolution of microstructures and properties is characterized statistically using optical and orientation imaging microscopy. In situ synchrotron x-ray measurements during thermal cycling are used to examine how crystal orientation and thermal cycling history change strain history. Extensive characterization of a low-stress plastic ball grid array (PBGA) package design at different stages of cycling history is compared with preliminary experiments using higher-stress package designs. With time and thermal history, microstructural evolution occurs mostly from continuous recrystallization and particle coarsening that is unique to each joint, because of the specific interaction between local thermal and displacement boundary conditions and the strong anisotropic elastic, plastic, expansion, and diffusional properties of Sn crystals. The rate of development of recrystallized microstructures is a strong function of strain and aging. Cracks form at recrystallized (random) boundaries, and then percolate through recrystallized regions. Complications arising from electromigration and corrosion are also considered.  相似文献   
Wireless Personal Communications - Cloud Computing Systems (CCSs) provides a computing capability through the Internet. It enables organizations or individuals to have a computing power without...  相似文献   
This paper describes two novel algorithms based on the time-modulo reconstruction method intended for detection of the parametric faults in analogue-to-digital converters (ADC). In both algorithms, a pulse signal, in its slightly adapted form to allow sufficient time for converter settling, is taken as the test stimulus relieving the burden placed on the accuracy requirement of the excitation source. Instead of calculating the accurate conventional dynamic and static parameters, a signature result is obtained through the analysis of the output data in the time domain. The basic concept of the algorithms is the evaluation on the performance of ADCs by the comparison of the similarity of the output waveforms. The multi-site test is expensive for traditional specification-based tests of ADCs, as high quality analogue data generators are required. Based on these two algorithms, this paper proposes a solution for this problem. The objective of the test scheme is not to completely replace traditional specification-based tests, but to provide a reliable method for early identification of excessive parameter variations in production test that allows quickly discarding of most of the faulty circuits before performing a conventional test. The efficiency of the methods is validated on an industrial 12-bit pipelined ADC both in simulations and in measurements.  相似文献   
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