Wireless Personal Communications - Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)-based neural session key exchange protocol is presented in this paper for secured transmission of information. An intruder... 相似文献
In this work, we have developed a polyacrylate-coated graphene-oxide and then chemically reduced them into graphene. We found that polyacrylate coating can improve the colloidal stability of both graphene-oxide/graphene. They show good colloidal stability in different aqueous buffer solution with pH ranging from 5 to 10, and these solutions are stable for more than a month. The polyacrylate-coated grapheme oxide/graphene has been characterized by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) and micro-Raman spectroscopy. Based on good colloidal stability, this graphene-oxide/graphene is most suitable for the biological application. 相似文献
Avrami and Ozawa's combined analysis was employed to study the nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of Polypropylene (PP): CaSO4 (of 12 and 22 nm) composites using a Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC). The parameters, such as Avrami's exponent (n) and growth rate constant (Zt), that characterized the system of different nanosize composites and virgin PP, were determined. The relative degree of crystallinity as a function of temperature for PP/nano CaSO4 composites at the same cooling rate and the Sigmoidal shape of curves indicate a strong interaction between PP molecules and the nanolayer, which leads to greater nucleation with a reduction in nanosizes. The theoretical combination of kinetic equations was found to be suitable to describe the physical phenomena of real system. The values of parameters n, Zt and predicted time t for crystallization at a single cooling rate were obtained from the mathematical model. 相似文献
The reliable estimate of the sediment load and streamflow is essential for water resources and flood management. In this study, the entropy-based technique and HEC-RAS are used for flow routing followed by sediment routing in HEC-RAS. The paper’s novelty is its application to data-deficit river networks, where observed sediment load and flow on tributaries are absent. The proposed method accommodates the flow and sediment contribution from the tributaries to the downstream station on a reach, despite unavailable observed data on it. The adopted flow routing techniques are applied to predict downstream flow on three different reaches (on the Mahanadi and the Godavari River). The prediction accuracy is evaluated using three statistical indices ? Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), relative error (RE), and Coefficient of determination (R2). Both flow routing techniques showed good performance for all three reaches (with or without tributaries), having NSE, R2?>?0.8, and RE?<?13%. Despite the comparable performance, the entropy-based routing is suggested for natural rivers with or without tributary as it avoids the iterative calibration process to determine the roughness coefficient. Further, the sediment routing is performed on the data-deficit reach of the Mahanadi River to obtain the best-suited sediment transport function. The simulated sediment load using the Yang transport function matched satisfactorily with the observed data with NSE, R2?>?0.85, and RE?<?–27%. Subsequently, the Yang transport function and entropy-based flow routing are utilized for the sediment and flow estimation at an ungauged station on the Mahanadi river.
We employ a fluctuation-based technique to investigate the athermal component associated with martensite phase transition, which is a prototype of temperature-driven structural transformation. Statistically, when the phase transition is purely athermal, we find that the temporal sequence of avalanches under constant drive is insensitive to the drive rate. We have used fluctuations in electrical resistivity or “noise” in nickel titanium shape memory alloys in three different forms: a thin film exhibiting well-defined transition temperatures, a highly disordered film, and a bulk wire of rectangular cross-section. Noise is studied in the realm of dynamic transition, viz., while the temperature is being ramped, which probes into the kinetics of the transformation at real time scales, and could probably stand out as a promising tool for material testing in various other systems, including nanoscale devices. 相似文献
The effect of initial conditions on the growth rate of turbulent Rayleigh–Taylor (RT) mixing has been studied using carefully formulated numerical simulations. An implicit large-eddy simulation (ILES) that uses a finite-volume technique was employed to solve the three-dimensional incompressible Euler equations with numerical dissipation. The initial conditions were chosen to test the dependence of the RT growth parameters (αb, αs) on variations in (a) the spectral bandwidth, (b) the spectral shape, and (c) discrete banded spectra. Our findings support the notion that the overall growth of the RT mixing is strongly dependent on initial conditions. Variation in spectral shapes and bandwidths are found to have a complex effect of the late time development of the RT mixing layer, and raise the question of whether we can design RT transition and turbulence based on our choice of initial conditions. In addition, our results provide a useful database for the initialization and development of closures describing RT transition and turbulence. 相似文献
Exploring new materials with high efficiency and durability is the major requirement in the field of sustainable energy conversion and storage systems. Numerous techniques have been developed in last three decades to enhance the efficiency of the catalyst systems, control over the composition, structure, surface area, pore size, and moreover morphology of the particles. In this respect, metal organic framework (MOF) derived catalysts are emerged as the finest materials with tunable properties and activities for the energy conversion and storage. Recently, several nano‐ or microstructures of metal oxides, chalcogenides, phosphides, nitrides, carbides, alloys, carbon materials, or their hybrids are explored for the electrochemical energy conversion like oxygen evolution, hydrogen evolution, oxygen reduction, or battery materials. Interest on the efficient energy storage system is also growing looking at the practical applications. Though, several reviews are available on the synthesis and application of MOF and MOF derived materials, their applications for the electrochemical energy conversion and storage is totally a new field of research and developed recently. This review focuses on the systematic design of the materials from MOF and control over their inherent properties to enhance the electrochemical performances. 相似文献